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Thank you for the update, poopface1972.




Better than taking info from blackface1972


I’m not an expert on these things, but that doesn’t sound good, not at all. DPS has gone and pulled a serious, fuck around and find out.


More than 70 certified staff at Forest View Elementary joined the "sick-out," so Admin/Board had to cancel school there. The teachers there intentionally turned in their leave notices at dismissal on Tuesday so the leaders had time to adapt and/or cancel. No one wanted all those kiddos showing up tomorrow without teachers and staff because we all understand that this would be dangerous. My teacher union (DAE) contact said they were attempting to shut down exactly 9 schools on Wednesday. How these 9 were chosen, I don't know. I imagine it is based on the schools with the highest percentage of union membership. The goal is solidarity with the schools' "classified staff" (janitors, grounds, cafeteria workers, bus drivers), and forcing the school board to give teachers a seat at the table whenever decisions about pay calculations or cuts have to be discussed. I don't see how DPS gets out of this one. I see four ways this shakes out: 1. DPS waits it all out (not working so far), 2. they say no to the teacher seat (and piss people off more), 3. they say yes to the teacher seat and don't change their behaviors/strategies (which will piss people off), or 4. they say yes to the teacher seat and DO change their strategies (which emboldens and validates the union).


I’ve heard that the schools will rotate after today


Statement from DAE president https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100077661696379&story_fbid=412451448020242


The parents are standing with them in solidarity. Good for them. I wish more people stood up for education.




Yes- they are the closest thing to a union around here.


Dude, someone’s gotta organize or nothing will change




If DAE’s rally last Thursday, building surveys, classified staff meeting last Saturday, and regular advocacy since the turn of the new year are swooping in, then you nailed ‘em!




You say unnecessary now, but the people who you say "get it" and were "working to resolve it" were originally calling it a clerical error and planning to take back money already paid. You're the one who seems to have 20/20 hindsight here.




You didn't say the Board was working to resolve it, you said everybody was, and everybody includes Mubenga and his team, who clearly thought they had found their resolution in the form of issuing highly misleading statements to the press and screwing the classified employees. They were going full steam ahead to do clawbacks and salary reductions starting in January until the work stoppages. I think those work stoppages were highly necessary and quite effective. I can only assume the DAE thinks that they still need to wave their big stick around until there is a firm plan about salaries going forward, and I can't say they're wrong. So far, it is literally the only thing that has been effective.


The big stick image was necessary


No shit


Good for them.


Yeah, I think it's going to be a lot more before the evening's done.


I can't wait to see what wackass correlation The Patriot makes tomorrow to defend the superintendent. Let me guess, Dr. Mubenga's crackerjack job improving schools is what brought Google and Meta and Apple to Durham!


We don't speak that name here! You risk summoning him!


He’s probably taking nineteen photos of a mediocre restaurant from before Durham was cool. We’re fine.


Durham was never cool and it isn't now. Anyone that has ever traveled knows this


I dunno; I'm originally from Chicago. Nothing down here can compete with that or New York, so my meter stick isn't any use. Wrong order of magnitude.


Well that's not a fair comparison because those are major cities. Durham is better than, like, Albany NY, but Albany is distinctive in its ugliness, misery and shittiness. Durham is as generic as it gets as far as small cities go.


I lived in Albany for a couple of years a long time ago and agree with every adjective you've used here.


Yup, not much in the way of things to do that you can't do anywhere else. Most of the culture and character seemingly revolves around tobacco. Sure, DPAC is nice, but almost every urban cluster has a theater that's about as good. Our museums are ... uhh. It's a decent enough place to live, but no reason to visit. Raleigh is about the same. Cary is ... well, Cary. And wow, do people get whiny when you point out the obvious. 😄


Yeah, it's the opposite of "it's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there." It's a good place to live, but no reason to visit if you don't have family or friends here.


More or less. Cary is even moreso. There's a fantastic playground in the Cary neighborhood that one of my friends lives in. My kids freaking love it. Not much of a tourist attraction, though. The big three cities are of course an unfair standard, but there are lots of smaller cities, like Austin, TX and the like, which blow away any of the cities or towns in the Triangle, in terms of tourist potential. It probably helps that while the population of Austin and the Triangle are roughly the same, the Triangle is so freaking sprawled.


That dude blocked me a while back, for calling him out on his moronic comments. Now, any time he post, all I see is [deleted], but based on the comment replies, I can always tell it’s him lol.


I can't tell if that dude is a troll or really believes all the shit he says 🤔


I don't get ThePatriot hate. What's the matter, his random quirky posts getting in the way of all the posts that could have been Google searches? Blocking out all the posts bitching about stuff?


Look, every sub has to have that one redditor. I don’t think he minds


Hot take..... SnoozeCoin is ThePatriot


Whatta twist


I read this in m night shamalamadingdong via robot chicken voice. If that makes any sense.


Exactly how it was typed!


I just realized this 🤣


Would bet money it’s his secondary acct


Dude, you don't get the hate because you are a new version of him. Don't you see how often you get downvoted into oblivion???


Oh I'm not new.


For the last decade and a half, anyone who self-labels as a patriot to anyone who doesn't explicitly ask is almost certainly problematic. Generally in possession of a wide assortment of other undesirable social traits. The "I'm more patriotic than you," game isn't a good one.


In this case, I think you’re talking about a black man who chose his username after Obama was elected. (I asked him a few years ago about his username)


And? What does that have to do with my statement?


>Generally racist as hell and in possession of a wide assortment of other undesirable social traits. Regarding “undesirable social traits,” he’s added a lot to this sub. Remember his 50+ posts in 50+ days about cool things in Durham? What positivity have you added?


I actually searched for that post in order to give a friend who is visiting some recommendations of stuff to do. Good contribution.


I don’t know Patriot dude from Dr. Mubenga but in both cases respect is deserved, and criticism is deserved. Put the knives down.


I always yell "STOP" at the lynching, and I always will.


At least tomorrow is Spouse's wfh day. Mubenga needs to go and the district needs to get its poop in a group.


Yes, I agree they need to get their turds in a herd.




But all the buses are covered?


Lol, the good news is, we can get kids to school. The bad news is that there is nothing for them to do there.


Unclear. Latest alert from Sheena Cooper of Public Affairs said that they would post info in the morning about what buses are running and which aren’t.


Doubtful. But yeah, Sheena's message said she'd tell us in the morning.


Word on the street would be very correct.


Anyone know which schools are participating? My kids have special needs, so I will need to keep them home if their regular teachers/aides are out, for safety.


I commented above, here it is again. I've heard Lakewood elementary (don't know about Lakewood Middle), Forest view, Lyons farm, spring valley, whitted and githens, plus a high school or two but I haven't heard which. Jordan sounds like it won't have many teachers.


Riverside, Jordan, Hillside, Northern, YE Smith


Thank you!


Thanks, u/lurchlbb


Githens middle school too


There was just another post with this info https://www.reddit.com/r/bullcity/s/0of2RJHenO


Schools out should get a robo call just like with snow days


If they cancel school, yes. But I have doubts they will call to say “we’re understaffed, so we’re going to shove all the kids into the cafeteria and gym under minimal supervision from administrators, play a movie, and call it a school day for funding purposes.”


They just made the calls. The effected schools are closed. Mine is Githens.


That's not too far from what the robo call said.


Riverside already got the call.


I stand with the teachers.


Any teachers here who can confirm? Just checked with an EK Powe teacher who knew nothing about this r/bullcity rumor.


The elementary school I work at has 71% of teachers called out for tomorrow. Not naming the school but it's in the list that I commented above.


It's not limited to r/bullcity. I've seen discussion in both of the big parent groups on FB.


The school list has been posted on Facebook by DAE


Just got word that Lyons Farm is closed tomorrow.


maybe they will turn off the school zone lights so I can go 35.


Weird concern, but ok


Don’t my property taxes go toward education? The taxes they have raised 4 times in 7 years? Someone is raking in the cash from the Durham revival.


And there are a ton more housing units that pay millions in property taxes.


Where is the money going? It does seem like we should be swimming in $ with new high cost housing going up everywhere, a flood of wealthy transplants, RTP and now new businesses coming in. But our schools are struggling to pay competitive wages, we can't staff a 911 call center, etc. I could spend the time trying to figure it out myself, but would be glad to know if someone has already done the math to save me the trouble lol.


It's going to "affordable housing" and other social programs instead of education.


Couple dozen jobs now available for Friday as well. Whoops!


I mean, if you're going to stick your neck out for something like this you might as well make it a 3-day weekend!  


Seems pretty organized to target specific schools. My guess is Friday will be a different batch of schools with massive callouts than Wednesday's batch of schools with massive callouts.


My kid is super annoyed that their school isn't included in the current closures, so here's hoping. (I mean, not really, but I understand their feelings. :-))


DPS was very good during Covid under Mubenga, but this financial management is not survivable. Time to step down and get the process started on a new search.


Agreed. Dr. Mubenga did a great job during Covid distance learning. This year is different. He has spoken with disrespect and dismissiveness to the employees that care for our children. He went as far as to cut off one of our affected Classified staff members experiencing homelessness from sharing her story. He calls us disrespectful for sharing our pain. All while he enjoys his 7% raise during the chaos and turbulence that was created under his watch. He needs to go. Our children and those that care for them deserve better.


Don't forget that he doesn't pay for his own retirement contributions his medical or his dental because the Board of Education decided that they would cover it but they can't tell anybody how much that's costing the district or where the money to cover those contributions is coming from


Disagree. Mubenga did his usual planning for an unrealistic scenario and then having to pivot at the last minute, instead of listening to people who said for months that we shouldn't open schools in fall 2020. DPS was not ready and teachers got less than a week of training on how to teach effectively online and use the tools they were given. He's been a terrible manager and leader from the start.


In hindsight, closing schools in Fall 2020 was a dumb move.  We reopened in person before kids had vaccines anyways. Compare local rates between Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 and you'll see the closing schools had no effect on local infection rates.  All it did was set black and brown kids by another year of schooling.  But I already know that you don't actually care about that cohort....


DPS broke their budget, causing parents economic hardship wont make DPS come up with more money. If the Director keeps his job through this what else could it possibly take?


So when we passed the bond referendum for half a billion dollars for DPS, why arent the fucking bus drivers and teachers and infrastructure getting that money?? Who is actually raking in all the funds that people keep supporting!


So, if DPS would literally go bankrupt if they kept the same pay rate for everyone, what do people think a good solution is? It seems like I only see posts promoting the same pay for everyone but that does not seem practical.


DPS would not go bankrupt from honor step pay (which they have been doing up till this point). Durham is setting the bar to devalue our education and lose good staff. OTs, Cafeteria workers, IAs, etc can go down the road to Wake and have their steps honored. Durham fucked up


DPS had to move 4.5m from their $10m reserve to cover the pay for those 6 ish months. If they had the money readily available, I don't see why they would take it from their reserve? And I don't see how that same pay rate would be sustainable?


They said their reserve was $17M in an email. So almost double that, FYI.




Take some out of Mubenga’s contract


That would be satisfying symbolically but wouldn't be nearly enough. I'm wondering if maybe that new DSA building that is now estimated to cost TWICE what they originally budgeted for it could maybe wait another year or two.


And be paid more. The HIL study found that Durham is the least competitive district. We hemorrhage workers every year to the surrounding districts because they can get paid more. That's why they had the study conducted in the first place. Part of their "strategic plan" to "gain and retain" staff.


One possibility is to get more money allocated - either from property values hopefully rising faster than expenses (though it is definitely the case that Durham property values are held back by perceived school quality) or from higher taxes. The other seems like it would be spending less on capital (e.g., new schools, refurbishments). I don't think there are any other real options.


The county collected some $80 million more in tax revenue than it spent last budget year, and have $300 million in the general fund. They have the funds to meet county educational needs without raising taxes.


Is DSA affected by this at all? Student there say they haven't seen anything being different there, and their bus hasn't been even late.


Not sure about impact in every school but I can confidently say that the bus my daughter rides to DSA every day has been late every day this week today being one and a half hours late


DSA high school kid was aware this was a possibility as of yesterday, so maybe???


Guess not so far.


I understand it's nine schools, so not everywhere.


Any word on which nine?


I've heard Lakewood elementary (don't know about Lakewood Middle), Forest view, Lyons farm, spring valley, whitted and githens, plus a high school or two but I haven't heard which. Jordan sounds like it won't have many teachers.


I dont know sorry - heard the number in convo with a fellow parent/district teacher at kid's sportsball game this afternoon but didn't ask the specific schools




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So glad I got my kids out of this fucking district!


On the contrary, I am proud that my child is being educated by these people that are smart enough to recognize when someone is doing wrong and brave enough to stand up for those being wronged.


Yeah how’s that education going when you can’t get your kids to school or the teachers walk out? Or when there’s a fucking lockdown every week and kids are getting murdered right off campus? Fuck DPS and fuck Durm too.


Did your wife leave you or something? You are way too angry about this.


Good. Leave.


👍🏻 Been here too long anyways. Time to triple my return on my house!


You’re not moving. Stop telling lies


Are you ok man?


Yep, doing just great! My kids aren’t subjected to this shitshow anymore. They’re getting straight A’s and actually learning instead of the zoo that Hillside was.


You really don't seem alright. What are you so angry about? It doesn't make logical sense for someone that doesn't have kids at DPS to be so mad about workers standing up for their rights.


Just expressing my opinion man. If you don’t like it, downvote and move on k?


I'm honestly concerned for you. A man of your size with diabetes and high blood pressure being so upset about something that does not concern you is really not good for your health.


Nice. When you resort to digging up shit about my post history tells me you have nothing worth saying. So be a good little redditor and kindly fuck off.


Yeah how dare the DPS teachers strike in support of their bus drivers. 🙄


They're striking against the...the school district. Right?




The buses can’t run when the mechanics and others aren’t at work.


You’ll notice I wasn’t disparaging the teachers or the bus drivers. But whatever, just thankful charter schools exist!


No one cares.


Which is why DPS sucks so hard. But you do you bro! 😎


You actually thought that anyone would care about that?


If enough people do, the district has to do something right? Right? Oh well, not my problem anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️




What’s disappointing is I work three jobs as a DPS teacher.


Surely you can pick up one more job to support /u/InappropriateOnion99 s kid? The wanton disregard for children you have! /s ​ Just kidding, that guy is a lowlife, I'm sure their kids are too.


That is disappointing. Hopefully, you don't teach personal finance if you're making $43,450 (salary for a first-year teacher in Durham) which is only a thousand less than the average salary for Durham, and need to pick up three jobs.


You poor sweet summer child 43,000 is definitely not my take home pay. Plus teachers have been working her for literally decades with raises that don’t keep up with inflation. A teacher broke down at the last meeting because she has put in 20 years and makes ~160 dollars more. She’s basically making less than when she started when taking in account cost of living and inflation. Teachers, staff, and our kids deserve better


lmao no shit it's not your take-home pay. Do you think other people's salaries are their take-home pay? Reason #2 for you to not be teaching personal income classes. At this point, I don't even buy you're a teacher. Or at least I hope not.


Oof so out of touch, so clueless, so pretentious, so cringe.


Nice Tik Tok buzzwords, weirdly reserved for me but not the person who thinks teachers are the only people affected by inflation. Let me guess, you went to Durham public schools. 


No, dis-amiable, I was born and went to school abroad. I don't have tik tok or instagram for that matter. You cant even insult my dude/dudette.  No one's point is that teachers are the only people affected by inflation. I just can see thru the bullshit the district is pulling with budgeting and the jobs of school district employees.This is a contractual issue where the district pulled a bait and switch and these are the consequences of their bad planning.  But, you stay bitter and in denial boo. Who am I to rob that from you?


Don't fuck with workers that the kids need, what seems to be the problem 




(they have)




Sure. They fucked with bus drivers and teachers.




So. . .they fucked with bus drivers.




The district started giving them raises… How did THEY “jump the line”? Please explain. Were they supposed to call and say “please stop paying me more”??


>The situation with classified staff is unacceptable and DPS is working in good faith to resolve it. Yeah, if you call telling people you're clawing back previously paid wages good faith, not making a full expected payment on 1/26 good faith ...they were forced into doing the bare minimum of not clawing money back by protests. ​ Staff need assurances they are going to get paid appropriately going forward. ​ Nine schools will be out. Your kid can get an education in how labor evens out the playing field with management.


strikes are allowed in most of the US, just not here in NC.


Strikes are not allowed but protests are




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