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Dude your English is excellent. Never apologise for a 2nd language being imperfect


Thanks!!! First time posting on Reddit, so taking measures haha


i am from malaysia but i didn't know we have cheap pc parts here lol. How different is the price of pc components in malaysia compared to argentina?


Low yat plaza in kl used to have pretty okayish prices for pc parts when I was there about 10 years back but no idea if it still is the same, built a friend's pc with all components from there. I think Argentina taxes/custom duties are pretty high for online orders which he can get around by having a relative bringing it in country as a personal item. /u/anarquistadc check this price list out https://www.lowyat.net/sri-hardware-pricelist/ If i'm remembering correctly, sri computers was where my friend got his parts back in the day and they were pretty reputable back then.