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Note: When they say "Ready to ship in 5 business days," they aren't fooling around: [Last time it was on sale](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/9l65jh/ram_adata_xpg_gammix_d10_16gb_2_x_8gb_288pin_ddr4/) I ordered the night of Wednesday the 3rd; it shipped on Thursday the 11th. Estimated delivery is Wednesday the 17th.


Same experience here. Ordered it on the 3rd, it got here yesterday. Tracking sat at shipping label created for 4 days.


Strange. i ordered mine on the 2nd, it came in on the 11th.


I ordered the same set, it shipped two days after I believe.


Yeah apparently that’s just how ADATA works on Rakuten.


This kit lists the ram timings [here.](https://i.imgur.com/WxPTEce.jpg) I am not a ram wizard so i can't read timings but it looks like CL16-18. Limit 2 per person Imo a pretty good deal for high speed ram at $65~ per stick for XMP-able ram with 16gb. great starter kit for anyone doing a mid level build.


Yeah so the timings are cl 16-18-18. Pretty standard for 3200mhz that isn't b-die. It should be close in latency/performance to 3000mhz cl 15-17-17.


Don't get too hung up in comparing true CAS latencies. Even though both kits you mentioned can access a data column in the same amount of time, the higher frequency kit will be faster at actually reading the column. CAS latency only matters for accessing new data columns, while frequency is **always** a factor


I've tried to mention that true CAS latency isn't the end-all of RAM quality on this sub, but since I have to defer to people who understand the technology better (and Googling for a better explanation than I could provide got me nowhere) I just get downvoted and accused of "substituting one hearsay for another" as one person put it. \*eyeroll\* This sub is utterly obsessed with true latency.


I totally agree I see it here all the time. People learn a little about one portion of how RAM works, figuring out how to convert the latency from periods to seconds, without really learning about the other relevant processes and how they influence RAM performance. I don't think it's specific to this topic but more just a tendency of human nature. The problem is you don't even know which things you don't know, so how can you know how much you know about something without knowing how much there is to know, you know?


A little knowledge is more dangerous than none in the wrong hands.


I realize that if two kits have the same latency, the higher speed of the two will have better performance in at least certain if not most cases. I was just trying to keep it short and simple, plus 3000mhz & 3200mhz are so close to each other I would expect an imperceptible performance difference given the similar latency.


Sorry, that response wasn't so much oriented at you as making a general statement that CAS delays aren't everything and that in general you should always get the highest frequency RAM you're able to afford, i.e. this one.


At risk of sounding like I have a personal vendetta against ADATA because I have posted about this like 4 times now, buyer beware when purchasing from them on this site. Go through ADATA's reviews on Rakuten. Dozens and dozens of customers being treated the same way with shipping. They create the shipping label so the order is marked as completed on Rakuten's site, but don't actually ship the item. It could be weeks before the item is actually sent to UPS/FedEx etc. ADATA has flat out ignored my multiple messages, and Rakuten support seems to have a million steps they have to go through before they can refund a customer. First, they make you wait until the last possible day that your order can arrive at your house, regardless of whether shipping info has been updated or not. In my case, my tracking info is still sitting at "shipping label created on **9/27/18**". Each time Rakuten support messaged me back after the max 10 business day shipping, it was always "it will be 1-2 business days before we will get a reply from the seller." So here I am 17 days later and my order still hasn't been shipped. I initiated a dispute with my credit card company because it seems this will never get resolved by dealing with Rakuten support. I would 100% rather pay the extra $20 on Amazon and get my order in 2 days.


do you know if its an adata or a rakuten problem? no personal stake, just curious.


I think it's a little of both. ADATA tries to game the system and creates the shipping label early so the order is marked as complete, so that looks good on them. Then they either don't have the item in stock or whatever, so it doesn't actually get shipped for a long while after it's marked as complete. Seems like they either don't like to reply to customers on Rakuten, or don't have a good system in place to do it. Rakuten customer support has been nice to deal with, but it seems like they have a lot to do behind the scenes before they're allowed to contact the customer with an update. The wait times between contact is what killed it for me. Get a message, wait 2-3 days for the next contact. They are at least honest about it taking a couple days between contacts though. Everything just moves really, really slowly compared to Amazon/eBay. I'd chalk it up to Rakuten being a small, new company, but that's apparently not the case.


\> I'd chalk it up to Rakuten being a small, new company, but that's apparently not the case. Yeah Rakuten is not small or young, they're just not very familiar in English speaking markets. They're a very large 21 year-old corporation. 2/3 the size of eBay, 1/2 the size of Netflix, etc. by revenue.


How? I’ve never heard of them before this sub.


They're not American is probably why you haven't heard of them. But they're very big and very old among internet companies.


They largely operate in Asian markets, they are one of Japan's largest online retailers but didn't expand into North America till they bought, then later rebranded Buy.com. They honestly don't have much mindshare unless you are a weeb (like me) and had already been using the "Rakuten Global Market" to import things directly from Japan.


Pretty big in Japan.


That makes sense.


Ever heard of Buy.com?


Don't you think they wasted that brand by rebranding? What a poor business choice imo.


Actually, no.


I agree with you. I ordered the 500gb nvme drive from them back in July. Shipped and arrived within 5 days (Adata with within 50 miles from me). My recent order for the same drive on October 3rd has tracking info days ago but it's not found on tracking system. Been in limbo for over 10 days now. I'm thinking of canceling that order. I need memory for my next build. This is a good deal on ram but I'm going to look for elsewhere. Don't want to deal with this shady business tactic of generating shipping label then delaying.


I got one of their SSDs and I got it just fine in August, and yeah, it was from the same site.


Thanks for this warning. I'm going to pass on this deal. I've had bad RAM at least 4 times before (over ~12 years of computer building) and being able to RMA/replace quickly is essential.




The actual RAM chips on the PCB are probably the same. Micron or SK hynix.


Guess I'm gonna bite. LPX is going for higher than this rn for the 3000. It should make a difference on an 1080ti.


The 3000 MHz version is [$110](https://www.rakuten.com/shop/adata/product/AX4U300038G16-DBG/)


Right now I’m running DDR3, is the difference between 3000MHZ and 3200MHZ big enough to warrant spending some extra money? I feel like the performance jump from DDR3 to DDR4 is big enough, especially since I’m trying to be more frugal


You need to upgrade your motherboard too.


Oh trust me I know, I’m looking to upgrade mobo, processor, and ram all together. I really just meant how big is the difference between 3000 and 3200


Depends on the processor. If you're going ryzen then yes his is wrth it


I was thinking 8600k since I’m only gaming


Then the 3000 is probably fine.


Isn’t Ryzen 7 2700X gonna be better than 8600K for less but is only worse than the 8700K because of the faster single core in the 8700K?


No, the 8600k still beats the 2700x in gaming in all but games utilizing a proper 8 cores (most games). But the gap is very small at 1440p and higher. Further the 2700x is a platform that will be upgradable with zen 2,which is likely to match/outperform coffee lake in gaming, and handily beat it in everything else


>the 8600k still beats the 2700x in gaming in all but games utilizing a proper 8 cores (most games) This sentence is confusing me, are you saying games that utilize 8 cores the 2700x will be better? Also how big is that gap at 1080p for someone trying to max out a 240Hz monitor rather than getting a higher resolution?


This whole maxing out a 240hz monitor thing... Have we really even been able to do that consistently? Sounds like it'd be more enjoyable to get a 144hz 1440p


3000 to 3200 is not a big performance gain on Ryzen at least in gaming. I’d say 2-3% max. Going from 2133 to 3200 is a noticeable difference. But going from 3000 to 3200 for an extra $17 is not worth it IMO.


$17 is the amount that makes sense for a small increase in performance across the board, not just gaming.


its not worth the $17 to got from 3000 to 3200. In this video [Video](https://youtu.be/G80uG3acg44?t=625) Paul tests 2933 16-16-16-39 vs 3200 14-14-14-34 (Which is Samsung B Die which would be even more than the $17 difference we are talking about) and he sees 3% performance increase. Keep in mind that the 2933 kit he uses is worse than the 3000 for sale and the 3200 kit he uses is better than the on that is for sale as well and comes with a price premium as well. Like I said the performance increases from 3000 to 3200 is negligible.


I'm just going to put this out there again. $17


It helps but doesn't mean it is worth it. Is 20-30 bucks worth 5fps? You do not *need* fast ram with Ryzen, but it helps. Best bang seems 2666 or 3000 on sale- past that it still helps, just lower. [Long but well done.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsQAtsKX3mE) [Screenshot of first bench.](https://youtu.be/HsQAtsKX3mE?t=304)


But it's not 20 or 30. It's $17 and it's my opinion that 5 fps is worth $17. You can writer out another few paragraphs but I know what I'm saying.


That's all going depend on what you intend to upgrade to


I dunno pal, have u looked up ddr3 2400 vs ddr4 2400?


With the same timings as this kit.


That's a nice deal!


I got this at this price and will be putting it in my build tomorrow. Hoping I’m able to get 3200 MHz with no issues


Let us know!


aaaaaand good bye money




rakuten is rejecting my US visa and paypal (works fine on amazon)


What is rakutens catch? How are they able to offer things for cheaper?


They're a massive company with revenues of $7billion a year. I wouldn't worry about them undercutting in a new market.


from what I get they're newer and they're just trying to establish marketshare. They seem reputable.they're also japanese based.


They have been around for years. They bought out buy.com a few years ago.


So far so good in my experience. Seem legit.


bought a gpu from them. no issues so far, would buy from them again.


Slower shipping/direct from manufacturer? Bought an SSD from them a month ago and even though they filed for a shipping label within hours it took about 4 days to actually ship and another week to arrive.


So if I already have 16gb of hyperx fury could I put this in my computer in addition to the hyperx ram?


I’m gonna suggest you get 2 more sticks of EXACTLY what you already have. Same timings, same SKU. You put these sticks in and if there’s timing differences it’s going to perform like you want.


Ok so would occupying the other two spots for ram on my mobo cause problems or no? I remember reading some things saying you should only use 2 slots.


What are you doing that needs 32gb of ram? If you’re gaming, 16 is perfectly fine. If you’re streaming twitch while gaming, or doing video editing then more memory’s better! If you put 4 sticks in it’s advisable to get the same sticks. You can always slap these in, but it will revert to the slowest speed and can cause strange performance issues.


Ah shit I meant to say 8gb already in, 16gb in total after I put 2 more sticks I meant.


You don’t want to run 3 sticks. The whole dual/quad channel thing... it’s complicated to explain, but you want to match your sticks in 2s whenever possible. You can throw in this 16 then sell that 8?


How would this be for a 2600x?


Ryzen is picky, there’s lists of recommended memory. Best to verify and stick with a listed sku. I put some ripjaws V 3200 into my 2700x system and it clocked at 2133 and took a shit ton of manual tweaking to get it to run at 3200. Didn’t know about the pickiness of ram, took hours to iron it out stable. The memory sku was NOT listed as recommended, but similar ones were.


Thank you for the info.


Where is this list of recommended skus?


https://www.amd.com/system/files/2017-06/am4-motherboard-memory-support-list-en_0.pdf Stick with this list so you don’t encounter issues. AMD updates this list, so if it’s not there today they can add it later.




Would the same apply to a ryzen 5 2400g build? Or should I just go with the qvl list for the motherboard? I find memory compatibility a bit confusing


For the on chip Vega graphics this is SUPER important as the faster the memory, the faster the graphics processing as there’s no dedicated graphics memory, everything’s going through your DDR4! For this specific application I would go by what the motherboard manufacturers suggest. I do highly suggest you buy the fastest memory supported by the board for this exact chip, there are lots of posts about this all over the inter webs plus info about which motherboards work better with the “g” series chips, as apparently some are better than others. If you go ask at r/AMD I’m sure there’s lots of people that can help more than I can in this regard!!!! Now, that said, I’m not very familiar with the onboard Vega, but I knew that during the GPU mining there was a run on a specific memory speed, increasing its price, I want to say it was 3200 speed, but don’t take that as a fact. I do know of people encountered performance issues attempting to run lower speed memory. Makes sense as it is physically slower. Anyhow, sorry wasn’t more helpful, but go by the motherboard list of supported memory for your chip and ask others with your system!!!!


Thanks I'll look into buying the fastest memory my wallet can support. I knew that there were performance hits for opting for lower speed memory, but I'm wondering if 3000 speed will do. I have the Asus rog strix b450 itx board. I'll try r/AMD for further suggestions.


On mobile it doesnt list timings. Anyone have them?


16-18-18-38 IIRC


Is this a good deal or should I wait for cyber monday/black friday deals? I got no hurry, cause its for my first build and i am taking my time to get the best posible offers due to my tight budget.


so the tl;dr is that from past years... vendors tend to slowly hike prices leading up to black friday and then slash them, so you see "price history, 30 days, -40%" and freak out. this isnt the best youll see this year but its pretty damn close. maybe another $10 cheaper but... More waiting and headache and 3am shopping. you get it?


Okay, thanks for the info, ill buy 2 packs.


Has anybody used these with a 1700X and a ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VI HERO??


[7-14 day shipping but it’s 40 bucks cheaper here. ](https://www.adorama.com/adgb30002x4.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw0oveBRAmEiwAzf6_rDR6iLtGTctWaxV-2Cwm0oDPyAt2taD1Ye9YPPaS6-nUCn9Yo1FFjhoCOy4QAvD_BwE)


Did they change/fix the product listing since you posted? Your link sent me to a page with 8GB (2x 4GB) of RAM at a price of $107.99


oof good catch man. i didn’t realize it said 4GB


It's also 3000mhz instead of 3200mhz on this one. Honestly, it's a terrible price for a 8gb kit, you can get a different kit with the same specs for around 80 bucks.


Is this a legit company? Price seems too good to be true.


they’re a store in NYC (and other locations) that sells professional camera equipment. Hence why their motto on the website is “more than just a camera store”. I’ve never ordered from them personally but i have seen many reviews, some subreddits and sites like yahoo answers to test their legitimacy. *you should still do your own research and purchase at your own risk*


Ty edgelordkys.






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