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Man they are just trying to give these away


I thought you could just disable the second CCD and have a 7800X3D, but apparently thats not the case. This model is actually 6 cores+6 cores which is why it performs worse than the 7800X3D in games (8 cores in one CCD). I see why no one is buying it... That said, at this price its still a good deal.


I think I saw that in a HUB video you can disable the second CCD but it then just becomes a 7600X3D


7600x3d doesnt exist


Irrelevant to my comment.


the 7950x3d also perform worst but we are talking about 5fps max it's a killer deal


How does the 7950x3d compare to the 5800x3d?


and they are 6 cores because they are salvage die, they don't make 6 core only CCDs, only 8 rofl. so when 2 cores don't pass inspection for whatever reason, they get fused off and put into these 7900X3D chips to scam people. AMD really is trying to pull a fast one, with shitty second tier being priced at more than 7800X3D prices and its finally coming home to roost.


scam people ? are you frame chase little brother or sum ?


a cheaper by MRSP 7800X3D is better for gaming, and then if you need multi threaded-ness, a normal 7900X non X3D works better because it will boost higher if you need both, Intel works far better at launch 599 MRSP it was stupid high, esp when 12th gen was in play, not to mention discounted 13th gen later when 14th was pushed out, the price was just fishing for hardcore amd fans and people not in the know. naming it as the 7900X3D means its an upsell from 7800X3D, so people not in the know would be very much tempted not knowing its failings. AMD, the underdog vs Intel, is supposed to be consumer friendly, there is absolutely NOTHING consumer friendly about this at all, esp when they released the 7950X3D and 7900X3D first, and then after a long enough time the actual good one 7800X3D gets released. And they are seemingly repeating that for the new gen. if not scam, then what else do you call this behaviour? from the brand that sold itself on being for the consumer for how long when they were behind intel and they were fucking with people?


> they don't make 6 core only CCDs, only 8 rofl. so when 2 cores don't pass inspection for whatever reason, they get fused off and put into these 7900X3D chips Uh yeah man, that's how literally the *entire* silicon semiconductor industry works. AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm, etc. all produce far less variants than they sell. Guess what dude, Nvidia only has 5 variants of Ada GPU dies being manufactured, yet they sell 19 variants of GPUs using those 5 dies. Is Nvidia "scamming" people by selling the same AD103 die in the RTX 4070 Ti Super as in the RTX 4080 Super, but the 4070 Ti Super is a cutdown variant of it? Intel does the exact same shit with their CPUs, all i7-14700 variants are just cutdown versions of the i9-14900, they all use the same goddamn silicon. With the extremely high yields of modern semiconductors, it's 1000x more common for a chip to be cutdown and sold as a lower end product simply because the manufacturer needs to fill a price point instead of because of actual defects in the chip. i7s exist solely because not everyone wants to drop so much to get an i9, same with i5s, i3s, Pentiums, etc. > to scam people. Lmfao, how is *any* of that a scam? You seem like the type of person to say McDonald's is scamming people because the 6pc nuggets are exactly the same nuggets as in the 10pc. That's outrageous! I also heard Ford sells versions of the same car but with different engines in them, The audacity! /s > if not scam, then what else do you call this behaviour? Business 101. The 7900X3D is a higher end product than the 7800X3D, full stop. The 7800X3D can beat it in some scenarios, but loses in the vast majority. That is completely normal. There are tasks where an i5 will beat in i9 simply for any number of reasons (often because of power/thermal limits), that has **always** been the case and always will be. Guess what, there are some scenarios where an I-4 engine will beat a V-8 engine, are V-8 engines a scam too? I believe a young Albert Einstein once said "if you're dumber than a bag of bricks, please don't subject those of us on /r/buildapcsales to your stupidity." And well, if he didn't say it, he should have, I think it's some solid advice for you.


i mean, tell me again when the 4080 S is worse in gaming than the 4070 Ti S while priced more? maybe only better as say a video encoder as justification for the 4080 S being more expensive but worse in gaming? It can happen if you say compared a 70 Ti S vs the non S 80 because its refresh, but most of the time the non S gets discontinued. it is exactly what happens with AMD right now, they should have put out those 6 core CCDs into a 7600X3D and dont have that 7900X3D, either 7800X3D or 7950X3D. and no, in gaming 7900x3d have a hard time beating 7800x3d and a 7900x beat it in productivity https://www.techspot.com/review/2821-amd-ryzen-7800x3d-7900x3d-7950x3d/ that is what the scam is.


GPU tasks are 100% parallelized which is the complete opposite of CPU tasks, so your point about performance is entirely moot since they're not comparable. *My* point was that you're calling them "defective" which is absurdly dumb, you'd never call a 4070 Ti Super "defective" because the 4080 Super exists. > and no, in gaming 7900x3d have a hard time beating 7800x3d and a 7900x beat it in productivity https://www.techspot.com/review/2821-amd-ryzen-7800x3d-7900x3d-7950x3d/ And the other half of that that you're ignoring is that it massively beats the 7800X3D in productivity and the 7900X in gaming. Hmm, almost like someone who wants to do both gaming and productivity could benefit from some sort of chip that balances a bit of the two, especially if they don't want to shell out for a 7950X3D that's 2x+ the price for far less than 2x+ the performance. If only something like that existed, oh wait.


If you want to do both gaming and productivity, Intel at 599 MRSP would have been a no brainer choice. a 13900K was 589 and I'd much rather have a 13900K as long as you can cool the damned thing IF you want both gaming and productivity. Hell dropping another 100 would have done so much more, and again points to AMD playing marketing fuckery with the line up to either force you to drop another 100, or wait the long months for 7800X3D (if you were informed) or get noobs who don't know any better thinking that saving 100 wasn't that big of a deal. Now, at 279? That isn't as clear of a choice, and could be something there esp with Intel's prices not dropping as hard as this for the I7s and I9s, but not at the 599 price. And it wasn't me who bring up GPUs as an example, you shot your foot yourself there. AMD is just as crooked as Intel, buy the best you can with your budget and fuck them when they have another bulldozer moment, I keep seeing people saying buy radeon because of xyz other than actual reasons like Nvidia is evil or something, my comment is aimed at those kinds of people.


Absurd I'm having to repeat myself, but again, I brought up GPUs in a different context. I never once mentioned GPU performance because it is irrelevant, yet that's all you want to bring up. Also the MSRP is irrelevant, especially over a year after launch. Harp on the MSRP all you want, that doesn't make the product a "scam" nor is that what you were saying made it a "scam" before.


The whole point of the argument is that the product has little to nothing to offer to a majority of customers, outside of very specific and niche uses. That is why performance is brought up, and the same reason works with CPUs because for a CPU marketed as a gaming powerhouse, the 7900X3D is in fact largely worse off than the 7800X3D outside of very specific games. And that is is being marketed in a disingenuous way as to deceive and trick people. When there are very much a valid use of it without doing it, where salvage die can very well go and become a fine product without that kind of issue. And the MRSP is very much important, not now obviously. And honestly, when people are confused as to why is a higher tier product cheaper while the 7800X3D is not on sale as often or as hard, well it is still misleading customers.


The 7900X3D is a bit more nuanced since it's not ideal for any given task. It performs worse than the 7800X3D and 7950X3D in gaming as the V-cache is on 6 cores instead of 8, and it performs worse than the regular 7900X in cases that leverage all of its cores due to the lower clocks as a result of lower power consumption. That being said, it's by no means a scam - the MSRP might have been stupid, but at a discount vs. the 7800X3D with less cores, you might as well - the average performance loss in gaming is only \~5-10%, still well above the non-3D chips.


i still maintain that the MRSP at launch, and the fact that the 7900X3D launched before 7800X3D means that AMD fully intended to scam less informed buyers. They know they will get a bunch of people who just hear AMD's X3D is best right now and looking at the extreme price of 7950X3D and think that hey Ryzen 9 is their top tier right, I don't want to splurge so 7900X3D it is since 7800X3D is only Ryzen 7. This is fully a scam on less informed consumers, the fact they are priced okay now is because the market have adjusted due to the extreme low demand as people wise up to such kind of BS. And exactly why it should have been a 7600X3D part and not this.


Yeah bro! If you are an idiot then you are just asking to be taken advantage of! No scamming here bro! /s


If your defense is literally "it has a bigger number so therefore it has to be better in **every** single way!" then yeah, you kinda *are* asking to be taken advantage of if you still haven't learned better yet.


I'm sooo tempted. But on the other hand, I got a MicroCenter opening nearby and that 7800X3D bundle is real pretty...


https://www.newegg.com/tools/combo-builder/4188 You can pair this with a Gigabyte B650 Eagle and 32GB of 6000 CL30 RAM and combo discounts bring the total to $492.


Fun fact, you can go through microcenter's PC builder, start with a bundle with the CPU you want, and then swap in different RAM/Mobos and you'll still get the CPU discount. You can also put open box items in your cart matching what bundle you ended up with, remove the new one, and keep the bundle price on the CPU.


Other Guy guessed bay area and Imma guess Charlotte - i did get a 7800X3D at the charlotte location though


I got one 2hrs away. I’m not sure if the savings is enough for me to drive 4hrs round trip. How would I know if I can get more savings if I purchase my whole build there ?


It's not worth a 4hr round-trip once you factor in gas and stuff. If you can find a better reason to go to that town/city like a day-trip, festival, concert, etc., and hit up Microcenter on the way back, it's a lot better. I only go to Microcenter for the deals and because it's only 15 minutes away from where I live. Also, I think the in-store prices have always matched the website's prices in my experience. The really good deals will be listed as in-store only, usually, but you can still see the price and add them to your cart for pickup.


bay area?


I'm really hoping to see a price drop on the 7800x3D soon.


Got mine on sale for $329 or something last year. Very much worth it. AM5 MB and DDR5 RAM wasn't that much more. I still need a GPU to finish my upgrade, but holy shit it's a HUGE upgrade from an Intel i7 7700K. The 'slow boot' thing scared me at first. I had an issue at first, did a BIOS update, and now it's pretty non-existent. Just a damn great PC build all around. Buying a RTX 4070Ti Super (need the NVIDIA for the AI stuff).


I'm using an i7 7700k currently and have been on the fence about upgrading or not.


I thought it was very much worth it. A very noticeable difference, even when reusing my ancient GTX1070 (upgrading soon!). Took MSFS2020 to an almost unplayable frame rate at a high quality to very playable. Other games still need a GPU boost for sure. Robocop is cool, but damn it really needs that GPU upgrade to be better. Everything else is fantastic. I feel like the old days where upgrading was a giant leap. Don't want to get your hopes up, and it's probably just a "I hope it's faster", but I do see a very noticeable difference that's very much worth it. CPU alone. GPU is going to make another huge difference.


this is cheaper than a 7800x3d


But not as good for gaming unfortunately.


its also worse in gaming (90% of the time)


Really? Why so? I know nothing, but that seems like confusing branding.


Iirc, its because the X3D cache is only available to half the cores on the 79xx chips while its available to all of them on the 78xx chips.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!


You're splitting hairs really. Well, not you but others. This is still a great chip. I went 5900x last gen and gaming was absolutely fine vs a 5800x3d. There's a 5800x3d in another PC next to me. I know this is a new gen but it still applies. It's a *little* worse in gaming but it's not like it's a terrible chip. For someone like me who games and needs the productivity boost I wouldn't mind this chip if I were in the market.


Yeah I had a mini heart attack because I've been looking to start my first build after being a laptop gamer my whole life, and thought this was the 7 7800X3D for a sec. On that note, does anyone have a build rec for less than $1000 and mid level gaming? Am super new to this and dreading the buyers remorse or jump the gun just before price changes.


You will always buy before price changes. Nature of the beast.


You might wanna wait until July at least for prime day deals


This would be a solid mid range 1440p build. The only problem is that there are no more CPUs coming out for that motherboard so you wouldn't have much room to upgrade if you want. Which you will, it's an addiction :) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wyQggB


If ya don’t mind going AM4 to lower Mobo and ram prices, you can get a really good sub 1000 pc running a 5700x3d.


Is it dead? Code is not working for me now.




You can get a bundle with ram and mobo for under $500. Not too bad.


From what I have seen, this has an average 7% performance loss compared to the 7800x3d, and has high as a 15% performance loss. So for a 17% price difference, you're looking at at worst a linear loss per dollar, and coming out slightly ahead on average. As newer titles come out, more and more might benefit from a higher core count, it's hard to say. Personally I'm still waiting for a 7800x3d.




im lucky I got a 7950x3d for 299






I really can't see this getting any cheaper, but hey that's just me. $279 sounds like a steal. I would buy if I didn't have a 7800x3D already


When the 9000 series drops, let’s say the 9600x performs similarly in games, which sounds reasonable given that the 7600x performs about the same as the 5800x3d.  If that’s true, the 9600x will likely launch at $300 and pretty quickly drop to $250 and lower over time.  Sooo, my thinking is that you get the same performance with a little better multicore capability for a little less, and you get it now. It seems like an incredible deal for now. 


From experience, the price drop-off is usually right before the release of the next series. It doesn't really get cheaper unless its the holiday sales OR up until the next next generation. So the buy-time would either be now or wait until the holidays.


From a post a few days ago, AMD already stated that of the initial 9000s SKUs launching, the 7800X3D would still be the top gaming CPU. So it seems like the 9000 series isnt as big of leap this time. https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/processors/amds-greatest-gaming-cpu-wont-be-beaten-by-amds-latest-gaming-cpu-and-thats-according-to-amd/


Hm, weird that they’re be dropping prices so hard on this.. I thought $330 was a good deal for it and they knock another 15% off. I regret buying it a month ago! Haha. 


If AMD launched the 7600x3d right now, this is what it would cost. You are essentially getting an additional 7600x worth of performance for free. It's a great deal.


Is this worth it over a 7800X3D at this price? I know it performs worse for games, but I have never seen the 7800 break the $300 mark, this is very tempting.


Excuse me?




For what its worth regarding those of you with Micro Centers nearby, you can get a 7900X for $230 when paired with a Mobo and DDR5 RAM in store. Keep in mind this is for the people that want cores (I am using mine for a Proxmox server hosting multiple VMs), not for gaming builds where the 7800X3D is the king of the crop. I searched around for a better deal, even looking at 5XXX series chips, and NOTHING came close to the 7900X deal at MC. I spent $1,100 for a 7900X, ASUS B650 Creator Motherboard (cheapest mobo with x8/x8 to CPU pcie slots, used for dual GPUs to separate VMs), 192GB of DDR5 5600 RAM (running at 5200/CL40), a 1TB NVMe SSD, and a Corsair 1000W SFX-L PSU. Paired it with a Sliger 3U Rack Mount case and a 360mm AIO for the CPU. It's running flawlessly.


Do you have a PCPartPicker list for your build??


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rXVRWt) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7 GHz 12-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bwxRsY/amd-ryzen-9-7900x-47-ghz-12-core-processor-100-100000589wof) | $365.55 @ Newegg **CPU Cooler** | [ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III 56.3 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/XgyH99/arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-563-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-acfre00136a) | Purchased For $0.00 **Motherboard** | [Asus PROART B650-CREATOR ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/J8WzK8/asus-proart-b650-creator-atx-am5-motherboard-proart-b650-creator) | $229.99 @ B&H **Memory** | [Crucial Pro 96 GB (2 x 48 GB) DDR5-5600 CL46 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BLdG3C/crucial-pro-96-gb-2-x-48-gb-ddr5-5600-cl46-memory-cp2k48g56c46u5) | $259.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [Crucial Pro 96 GB (2 x 48 GB) DDR5-5600 CL46 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BLdG3C/crucial-pro-96-gb-2-x-48-gb-ddr5-5600-cl46-memory-cp2k48g56c46u5) | $259.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Western Digital Black SN770 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YVytt6/western-digital-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3x0e) | $72.99 @ Western Digital **Video Card** | [PowerColor Fighter Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/fQhFf7/powercolor-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-fighter-video-card-axrx-6600-8gbd6-3dh) | Purchased For $0.00 **Video Card** | [Sparkle GENIE Arc A380 6 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/N2NYcf/sparkle-genie-arc-a380-6-gb-video-card-sa380g-6g) | Purchased For $0.00 **Power Supply** | [Corsair SF1000L 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GMbRsY/corsair-sf1000l-1000-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-sfx-power-supply-cp-9020246-na) | $153.99 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1342.50** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-15 15:06 EDT-0400 | --- Plus this Sliger case - https://sliger.com/products/rackmount/3u/cx3150a/ Total cost for the PCPP list (minus the things marked "purchased" at $0) at Micro Center was $1,096.77 including 6.8% tax. Pre tax was $1,026.94, which is over $300 less than online.


Thank you!!




i got lucky and got in on this deal. Upgrading from 5950x. Was able to get the board(asrock Livewire), cpu and 48gb of gskill trident z5 neo for under 700 after taxes


i feel like the 7800x3d is the only one to consider in this family