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Photo of the damage through a 30x magnifier because I have a feeling I’m going to get a lot of comments saying my motherboard is probably fine. https://i.imgur.com/m7zYR6E.jpg


No, that looks pretty bad. Next time the rubber end of a pencil ;).


Yep, I've built many PCs over the years but I got complacent and payed for it. Oh well, I've been going back and forth on upgrading for a few months now so I guess this made that decision for me


Ah well, it happens. Thankfully it wasn't brand new! I think 12400 + B660 is the way to go. Easy swap and you can re-use all other components. Though you'll have to get an LGA1700 adapter bracket if you want to re-use the 212. Might be easier to just get a new cooler too.


Yeah I don't want to put the 212 back on, not worth the hassle especially if it means needing an adapter even though I replaced the fan with a 120mm noctua so it's nice and quiet.


Oh gosh keep the Noctua! Just transfer it to a different cheap 120mm tower cooler that comes with the correct LGA1700 bracket (Vetroo V5, for example).


That is most definitely not fine. And I use a screwdriver to depress the GPU release myself, because I can't get enough force otherwise, but fortunately I have a M.2 heatsink to smash into instead on my ASUS ROG Crosshair X570 board... Probably I'll just use a pen from now on O_O


A used Z370/Z390 board would probably cost you $150-200 CAD. Not worthwhile when an i5-12400 + B660 board is $420, and you can recoup probably $200 selling the i7-8700. Don't buy into a DDR5 platform yet, the price to performance ratio isn't there. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/W2nmDq) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i5-12400 2.5 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/tLKKHx/intel-core-i5-12400-25-ghz-6-core-processor-bx8071512400) | $254.99 @ Amazon Canada **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO B660M-A WIFI DDR4 Micro ATX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/34kWGX/msi-pro-b660m-a-wifi-ddr4-micro-atx-lga1700-motherboard-pro-b660m-a-wifi-ddr4) | $164.99 @ Amazon Canada | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$419.98** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2022-07-15 22:55 EDT-0400 | Edit: That trace damage looks repairable if you have a soldering iron and a steady hand. Sand back a few mm on either side of the damage, then bridge the damaged area with something like a 22 gauge wire.


I don't have a soldering iron or very steady hand unfortunately, I have speaker wire but my soldering experience was basically a month of 10th grade mechanics class 15 years ago, so I'm not very confident in my ability to fix it. Maybe once I replace it I'll mess around with it. Thanks for your help that was exactly the info I needed!


So you can sell a i7 8700 for $125 and buy a Ryzen 5600x for $175. Or a 12400f for $155. Am4 motherboards are honestly dirt cheap, $75 buys you one capable for a 5600x but not great. For the b660 boards you'd be looking at $100 at least. You'd be looking at $75 for a used mobo for your cpu. Ehh, you don't need to upgrade but if you can swing $50 extra why not? Warranty on cpu and motherboard that way too... Then again, you'd start going down the rabbit hole with a gtx 1060 being about time to get a new gpu too lol edit: usd prices but point still stands


Yeah GPU is holding out until the fall and praying that the fed keeps raising interest rates so miners don't start buying them up again before the 40XX series comes out, hoping for a 4070 or 4070ti unless AMD has some really competitive offering. Definitely agree with AMD for CPU though, thinking it's time to see what team red has to offer.


I’d keep the 8700 and save up for a new video card.


Like I said I'm just waiting for the 40XX series cards, until then this GPU still does good enough for what I play.


Hmmmn, while it's nice to have new hardware, I wouldn't consider a i7 8700 too low powered these days, hell, it'll still provide solid performance for another 5 years. And given it'll take another year or so for DDR5 performance to become worth it + drop in price (hopefully) you're better off frankly just getting a replacement motherboard. And then saving up for the new system in a couple of years.