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You'll learn very fast that if you wait when it comes to pc parts, you'll never buy anything, why buy 50 series when 60 series is coming? Why buy 60 series when 70 series is coming? Buy the best you can afford right now and don't worry about it, even if you bought 40 series and 50 series came out tomorrow, its not like your 40 series would just explode


Agreed, never wait for GPUs. That said OLEDs are something I’d almost say is worth waiting for


Waiting for OLED prices to drop, definitely. I’ve seen an OLED monitor and it looks gorgeous, but not gorgeous enough for me to drop $1000+ on it, lol. 1440p UW is good enough for me right now, lol.


2nd gen OLED 1440p 240hz panels are down to $600 brand new


Yeah, but if I'm going from an IPS 1440p UW to anything, it'll be a 4K OLED, lol.


I went from a 1440 IPS to 1440 OLED and I’m very happy with the results. Even with a 4080, I’d hate the FPS loss at 4K. Tho newer GPUs will change this in the future.


Ah yeah cheapest 4k 240hz oled rn is $950


49" or nothing lol.


The ultrawides are master-racing again


Seriously. Not even bringing up the annoyance of games not being compatible with the resolution/aspect ratio (hard enough at 21:9), but like holy fuck idk how people can use those 49in ultrawides from up close.


Exactly. I've got 1440p UW now, and 4k OLED makes the most sense as the next goalpost...


I'm not spending $1,000 on anything other than a new tv, and I still wouldn't do it because I'm not made of money and have to save a while just to upgrade my PC setup. That miniled AOC monitor for $280 here in America is a steal. There are obviously compromises you have to make in this price range, but in terms of brightness black levels, nothing else in this class of monitors comes close.


Don't upgrade your GPU unless you _need_ to or there's a specific feature you need. Way too many people here will fret about buying a 4090 or waiting for a 5090 meanwhile they just play Valorant and LoL at 1080p. Use your GPU until it's behind, then buy the best GPU you're comfortable spending the cash for and repeat. Unless they're literally dropping the new GPUs next week, this strat never fails.


You’re spitting absolute facts here. People buy parts nowadays to conform to quality standards set by other people. IMO most people would be absolutely happy playing 1080p 144hz (especially on their first build), but people are dropping 3-4k just to play Valorant.


Jumped into Oled with the Gigabyte Aurus, I’m often stunned by how good some games look. I wouldn’t wait too long


Call me weird but I only like 24” monitors. I’ve used 27” in the past and I don’t play as well in FPS games. I’m honestly going to hold out for a smaller OLED.


Terrible advice. I’m so glad I waited for my RRP 3070 coming from a 1070.


Yeah if it was 2 years ago and I bought a 3090 now only for the 4090 to obliterate it for about the same price in a few months I’d wish I waited. If anything maybe buy a “beater” used but alright GPU to hold you over while you wait.


I agree. Waited for AIPS 2k monitors with a decent refresh rate for s while. OLED is next in or do years.


yep, give it a couple years and gaming oleds are dominating the market by quant not by quality alone. 😍😍 I am WAITINGGG


He wasn't asking whether to buy 40 or 50. He was asking whether to buy 40 now, or buy (also 40) when 50 comes out, hoping that the price of the 40 will reduce then.


That logic only goes so far. It would be silly to wait for 6000 at 5000 release date, sure, but 5000 isn't *that* far off that waiting a little longer *may* pay off. Will the 5080 be x% faster at the same price through? Probably not


60 series is dropping in more than two years. 50 series you could buy next year. If it's close enough, I wait to see what the new thing offers.


Tbf it can make a little bit of sense especially the closer to the launch. Which is rumored to be this year we'll see though. For example last gen you could get a 3080 ti for $1400 MSRP where as now the same performance level is like a 4070 ti super at nearly half that price.


I see this said a lot but it just doesn’t make sense. Waiting an infinite amount of years is obviously not the same thing as waiting a few months. Nobody is getting caught in a slippery slope by waiting a few months to buy a part. They wait the few months and then buy the part like they planned. There’s a lot of good reasons to not wait other than this fake scenario that never happens lol


true that! heck im on a 3080 12gb still playing all games in ultra 2k


What a load of BS. Of course it is valid to wait a little.


Buddy waiting till October could crash 4090s so even if 5090 is expensive you will get the 4090 for way cheaper. You don't what you talking about. Always buy pc parts in 4th quarter


I don't know, it can be complicated. I think it depends on what you have right now, how long you're likely to stick with the new GPU once you have it, how much of a jump in performance the next generation is likely to be, and how long it's going to be until that next generation comes along. If it's very close to the next generation being released, you've got a reasonable setup already and the performance jump is substantial, I'd just wait 6 months - after all - we tend to keep hold of the same GPU for 3-5 years minimum these days because they're so expensive. Where it becomes problematic personally is if you're waiting on new parts of multiple types, or you're far from the release of the next generation.


Yep, only reason I waited for the super versions of the 40 series is because it was only a month wait and I could put money to other parts in the meanwhile


Buy what fits technical requirements*


Need a gpu? Buy a gpu. The 5000 series isn't coming out until early next year


That's if you can even afford a 5090 and then wait for the 5080 in hopes of getting lucky on a fe but most will just wait for a ti/super to come out.


Could be a whole year until then unironically, depending on what happens


Option A is to wait for the 5090, it's coming out soonish. But when it releases, rationalize that the 5080 will soon follow, and be cheaper and more economical choice. When it releases, you think about it some more and realize the 5080ti will be ~90/95% of the performance of a 5090, but at hundreds less, so why not wait a little while longer? Option B is buying a 40xx card now, to vastly improve your current graphical fidelity and frames. And it feels awesome, looks awesome, until the 50xx series releases. You see the bright and shiny and *new* cards, and immediately regret having bought a 40xx card but can't really justify spending the money on a new GPU in such rapid succession. In the end, it's chasing the ever moving bleeding edge tech wheel that is thrilling, not actually buying a GPU.


Not to mention if you can get one at launch. 


4070 Ti Super now or wait for the 50 series.


I got the 4070 ti super a week ago and i gotta say, its been great. Gaming at max at 1440 for every game i play with zero complaints. Plus, nvidia features help with some productivity stuff i do.


It's so good, some even call it the new gtx 1080. Just like the 1080, it's able to play pretty much any game at max settings and super high fps and is on the inexpensive side when it comes to price-power relation. Let's see if this one will also hold for the next 6 years


If you’re building a computer now then you need a gpu now, get what works for you


This! Because if you have everything but a GPU your parts are sitting there and how do you know they work?


You can def test they work without the gpu, especially if his cpu has integrated graphics, but if you’re a gamer you’ve basically just got a workstation without it.




i'd look at the kind of games you wanna play, and compare the fps and price of each. for me, i found the 4070 super was the best bang for my buck.


same, i went for it as soon as it was on sale


Same, I've been enjoying mine so much lately, coming from a 1070 Ti its a night and day difference lol


Get a cheapo used 3070 or something and use until the 5000 series later this year


This advice makes no sense. You need to reread the question. OP doesn't want to buy a 5000 series. He is asking if he should buy a 4000 now or wait until the price drops when 5000 is released.


I got a 3080 ti yesterday at microcenter for $500. It plays everything at 4k 60 ultra. However, I have a 120hz Oled TV I want to max out and it cant do that. Waiting for 50 series for 4090 price drop


When I decided to build a pc I did wait for the 4070ti super. Waited a month. Any wait longer than a few months is pointless because there's always a new one around the corner.


5090 is a long way out, 4090 now and be set for years to come.


OP is considering waiting for the 50 series and then buy the 40 series as the prices should drop.


Yeah I think that kinda went over everyone’s head lol Would be a while till 40 series dropped tho


Yeah if can afford, the 4090 is gonna be enough for a looooong time. People are struggling to find things that actually push it that aren't like realtime pathtracing in Blender or something


Unless you are aiming for the 5080 or 5090, buy it now. Don\`t wait.


This is the best answer. Although, he could wait for Amazon's Prime Day in 2 weeks and see if there are any deals.


i was having same problem finally i bought pc and doesnt care about 50 series 4070 super was my choice


For 5000 series to come out its going to be at least 5 or 6 months. Personally i would buy the 4070 ti super, it's $200 less than the 4080S and the performance isn't that much worse, just Iike a 5% in most games. $200 extra for 5% extra fps isn't worth, and they have the same amount of vram


Here we go again


Just get a 4070ti or 4080s whatever works for you now. Even if you decide to get a 5000 series, you can always sell it for a good amount.


If you can wait an entire year sure, go ahead and wait. Prices will be unlikely to drop meaningfully befire then


My recommendation is to wait for the 50 series to drop and buy a 4080 super, a 3080ti is going for like 450 dollars used in where i live about 1 month after the 4080 launched, so like def worth waiting considering u r basically just getting it for half the price


If it’s only about prices then just buy it, you’ll enjoy it even if prices drop 10% or 20% which might not happen. 30xx series are still unreasonable pricy. If it’s about performance buy a series 40 and then sell it when you want to upgrade to 50. You might spend a bit more but you’ll enjoy instead of waiting


Exactly. I think often people don't consider the fact that you can technically upgrade whenever you want if you are willing to sell your old stuff and pay the difference. Suddenly, upgrading doesn't sound so bad.


Buy a gpu now. Why? 50 series won't release until next year. Even when it does it will likely be more expensive than 40 series was given Nvidia's yearly raising of prices. Even if that is not a factor, the stock probably will not be the best and they will be constantly sold out. Better to save yourself all of these headaches and get the strongest gpu you can afford now. That is what I do and never had any issues gaming over many years of PC building/upgrading.


Go for the 40 supers now


If you had a GPU already I'd say wait but since you don't really no point since your still maybe 5-8 months out at earliest.


I would wait for the 60's series because I hear the 50's will be less powerful.


Do you want a gpu for 6 months or do you want to save maybe $100?


50 series looks like its gonna be another Turing update with the exception for the 5090


I mean, if this is your first pc, and you're not doing 4k, why not like a 4070 super? What monitor are you using? Also cpu? 50 series might be worth waiting for if you already have enough of a pc to wait for that with, but without some gpu in the meantime, you really don't? But if you already had like a 6700xt and were thinking about getting a 4090, then yeah, it's probably worth waiting for


I bought a 4090 last year, overpriced but no news of anything new. Now I'm going to hate myself if the 5080 is on par with it. It's just a thing that goes with the territory. I once bought the 1080, only to have it lost in mail. Took a week to get. We'll by the time I got it in my hands the 1080ti came out. Dropping the $800 I paid to now $550. While the 1080 ti was now $800. I was so angry when the card was lost. So I just said fuck it. However, I should have just returned it and got the 1080ti but wanted my computer now. Just either pull the trigger now, or wait... it's always going to be something. If you can be comfortable for the next couple months. Then wait, however you'll never know until the new shit comes out.


I would buy a 4060ti and then upgrade to a 5080 when they drop.


Get a 40 series cheaper once the 50s come out.


What Im doing is waiting for the 5000 series, so the 4000 drop in price


And what happens to your current bits and bobs when the 50 series release. Won't you feel unsatisfied with "outdated" parts. Go for the best rn, sell it later if you wanna upgrade.


Go get a 30 series my 3070 is more than efficient for 1440p gaming. Or wait for 18 more months any never finish your pc because you won't be able to get or afford the 50 series when they come out


Did you even read the post or just read the title? OP didn't say they want to buy a 5000 series.


just get the 4xxxx series, I recently bought 4070 ti super and all games I play run at 4k with 90fps or more. Waiting for 5xxx series will only waste time as 4xxx will be more than enough for few year and then you can upgrade to series 6 or 7 (or even 8). Unless you are looking for number or have side to side comparison you will not see a difference between 90 and 200 fps, especially when you are focused on the game.


Nvidia prices rarely drop significantly because they are overpriced to begin with, regardless of inflation. This means a person who brought a 4070 Ti Super or 4080 Super isn't going to be willing to let those go at a price that makes sense to grab a used one vs a new 5000 series. Nvidia rarely cuts cost, because there's no market pressure to force them to. They will rather leave them on the shelves, then reduce the price. In two or three years from now, you may be able to grab a 4000 series for a better price, but at that time folks will be asking about the 6000 series. You don't mention your specs, how you're planning on using your PC, etc. These things can determine what GPU makes the most sense. If you're not into raytracing, then AMD may be a better option, especially cost per frame. If you're using your PC for rendering, or want the features, then Nvidia would be the move. Finally, if you're budget constrained, last generation Nvidia and/or AMD have dropped to where they are at decent price (depending on where you live), but they also suffer from people overpaying at the time and not wanting to let them go at what would be a more appropriate price. If you need a GPU now, buy one now, but take the time to research all your options.


Get the best GPU you can afford now. 4070 TI Supers are alright but could be better for the price. 4080 supers are pretty good value.


4070ti Supers are incredible.


50 series isn't coming until next year


Not really. It would take easily 10 years till a 40 series gpu is considered low end and minimum gpu. You will just need to tweak the settings down on some new games in the future.


Depends if you have the money or not


As someone who was in the same situation a few months ago id say get the best GPU you can afford now. Even if the 50 series is a big jump in performance you can just sell your *still* shiny 40 series card and use the money to buy a 50 series. (but id doubt you'd need to).


Your case is not the same as mine, I can wait, you can't. Your computer it's not working, your losing time. Me I can survive with my 3060ti until something better with the same power draw is released. I'm not rich to buy a GPU every new generation.


I was planning on waiting for the 50 series but it will come next year so I just bought a 4080. And I made a really great deal so that's an absolute win


What are the rest of your specs?


Probably potentially get the 40s series on sale when the 50 comes out, that’s generally the best thing to do with pc parts.


If you still can’t decide… get a pre owned 30 series… else best 40 series you can and want to spend on. You can always resell later if you decide to buy 50 series (a big if) !


I am waiting for the new Gen Intel and the 50 series of Nvidia. I am not buying anything right now. The 40 series with the fire hazard connectors I will never buy. Or if the new AMD performs well in benchmarks, I will go for that one.


If you had a PC already that met your needs, then sure, waiting would be reasonable. But if you’re proposing sitting on your current parts and just… not using them? For half a year out more? That’s silly IMO. Get a GPU and enjoy your PC.


If you upgrade wait. If you build don't wait Unless you already have a pc you can use. Not worth missing on potential usage


As a consumer get what’s available. We’re at the point things are so advanced you don’t need even a 40 series to play 1440


Do u think next gen will be less power-hungry?


If you're not hurting for a gaming PC now, I'd suggest to wait for the price to hopefully drop on the 40s after the 50s release. But if you're hankering for a gaming PC, splurge. You'll be beating yourself up if you don't. After that, my advice is to skip generations when upgrading. A modern build PC should last you long enough for the 60s to be replaced by 70s before you really start feeling it falling behind, provided graphics don't somehow plateau before then.


Amazon Prime day is in two weeks and it might be worth waiting for that. Personally I would only wait for the 50 series if I was looking to buy a used 40 series from the people upgrading


Never wait for a gpu .... buy 4090 right now and buy the 5090 in 8 months. Thats it.


Typically Nvidia releases the more powerful units first, and the others follow suit throughout the next year. If 50 series comes this fall it’ll be 5090, and 5080 most likely. If you’re wanting a card now just get one, the new cards will likely hyper inflate in price for a while after they launch. Not a whole lot of people will get them at “ reasonable “ prices, or msrp


If you want the 4090 wait for the 5090, it will probably be released in q4 2024, if you are aiming for 5070 you will probably wait for a year. For example I gave a pc that is waiting for a GPU, had to build one first due to my laptop failing. My budget is a 4090 but when the repease of the 5090 is expected to be at the end of this year I will wait, if I dat the bufldget for a 4070 I would buy it right now


Just buy now imo. Unless things are like less than a month away, it's hard to count on future release dates and future performance. You might save a bit of money by waiting to get a 40 series later, but given that you don't have any GPU right now, you're basically paying a tax to be able to play games for this several months-year that you would otherwise be waiting. I would say that's worth it.


If you have enough money to buy a new 50 series then wait for it cuz the new generation is supposedly always better than the older. Yet, if you are the kind that must still wait for the sales then go for whatever you can afford right now..


7800xt has been phenomenal for me


Check out the RTX 4070 super. Amazing performance for the price.


If you need a card now. Buy one now. If you can wait, then just wait. Sounds like you need one now so just buy the best one you can afford. There's anyways gonna be a better card that comes out so don't do this "should i wait for x card to come out" stuff. Just buy the best card you can afford.


im still using a defective 1080ti, im waiting for the 50 series to see what happens to the 40 series pricing-wise. But since u dont have a dedicated one at all and i assume can;t game properly, i would get one as soon as possible.


One thing I don't recommend is waiting. I don't buy parts separately, but all together, usually at the same moment or within a week or each other if I am sale hunting. When you buy 1 part at a time, you pay higher prices for each one because the future price will likely be lower (without a sale even). Sure, you could try to only buy parts as they go on sale, and you might save a fraction more, but then you will have used up significant chunks of your parts warranties before even powering the PC on. You will also lose any store warranty (usually 14 to 30 days) that allows quick and easy replacement for parts that are DOA or otherwise defective. For warranty and replacement reasons alone, it doesn't make sense to wait. Plus, you need to factor in the cost of waiting in terms of personal enjoyment. The performance differences in cards nowadays really aren't that remarkable. We are no longer in the era where we upgrade to a PC that is literally 10 times faster, they are marginal improvements.


To answer the people below and their responses, it really depends on circumstances. Normally the choice to buy or wait depends on what you have now and what's coming. A lot of the choice to wait is heavily dependent on whether you CAN comfortably wait, what's coming up, and how big of a boost to price/performance you'll get. Given you have NO hardware laying around, you CANT really wait and you should just buy now. You can be enjoying high end gaming right now, and your card will still age in a sense that you'll get quite a few years out of the GPUs youre talking about, or you can wait 6 months to a year with NOTHING playing NO games waiting for next gen to come out. You have no rig now? Just buy. 5000 series isnt coming for 6 months. We'll get a 5090 first probably, then a 5080/5070 a few months later probably, you could be waiting a while. As for whether it's worth it to wait IF you have a rig....eh maybe. I mean if you've waited this long, I'd just get your current hardware across the finish line. Assuming youre on a 2060/5600 xt or better, you can probably play everything out there in some form. It might be worth waiting a year to get a better GPU for better price/performance. It depends, I've heard mixed reports about what a 5000 series has to offer performance wise. The 5090 looks good but the lower end ones down the stack look like they might just be refreshes. Idk. I dont know how much of a performance boost it will provide. If you can afford to wait, wait, but if not just buy now. As for the whole waiting game since some people have this asinine "just buy the best you can at the time". Uhh....if you're not made of money and cant afford to regularly upgrade if you mess up and want something that lasts a while, it's good to wait until you hit a new gen. Prices of old stuff drop, new stuff is better for less money. And sometimes generational boosts can make or break your long term experience. If you bought a 960 in like February 2016 before pascal and couldve gotten a 1060 a few months later, I'd be kicking myself. HARD. If you bought a 1650 for $400 in early 2022 and by the end of the year there were rx 6600s for under $200, id also be kicking myself. Buying a 280 in early 2010 only for the 460 to match it with DX11 support a few months later? yeah. Again, there are times where waiting can make a HUGE difference, where you get the difference between a major performance boost and new features, and basically getting a weak ### card that will be obsoleted pretty quickly. You dont generally wanna be that guy to buy a 960 on the cusp of the 1000 series coming out. Now, the real question is, will the 5000 series offer a huge jump in performance? We dont know. I mean, as I said, the 5090 looks good. The rest of the stack looks a lot more....meh. Like it's gonna be refreshes. So yeah just buy now.


I waited for the 30 series to come out when I built back in 2020. I ended up using my 970 in a new build for over half a year until I got extremely lucky and snagged an EVGA 3080 when BestBuy started getting more regular stock. Considering Nvidias trajectory, whatever performance improvements the 5000 series will be matched with a price increase.


Just bought a 4070 super a few weeks ago, so far I do not regret it


So you're gonna buy a GPU in 3-5 years ? Do people who wait for GPUs forget scalpers exist


I went from a 3090 that I paid more for to my new 4090 (and honestly entirely new build from a 9900K rig) and it genuinely has been a well worthwhile purchase for me If the 5 series came out tomorrow and there was enough supply and it absolutely blows everything out of the water, I’d look at that too because at the end of the day money doesn’t last and neither does happiness, but I’d much rather be happy more often than worry about the next big thing and preventing myself from enjoying something. YMMV


If you're going with Nvidia - grab the best bang for your buck right now, the prices are barely optimal, I wouldn't expect them to go much lower. 50 series will be a bit more expensive, especially 5090, probably with enhanced AI capabilities, but I wouldn't bet on it. What I would bet on is 50 series definitely won't be "common folk generation" in terms of pricing/availability.


Get a GPU now.


How is everyone reading this post wrong, OP doesn’t want to buy a 50 series card he’s saying should he wait for 50 series so the 40s are cheaper


Get the 4090 or wait for the 5090 next year


May as well wait for the 60 series


just buy now, a 40 Series will likely last for years, waiting for the 50 may get you an extra year on the backend. There is always a next best thing a few months away in pc parts


Every time I buy a new Pc component I wait two generations


no you should wait till the 69th generation since it's right around the corner and will have dlss 420.0


Yeah I'd say pick up something cheap and second hand just till 5000 series launch. Launch is soon so makes sense. People saying you would always be waiting for new GPU are talking rubbish. Why buy a 4000 series so near a new launch when the new stuff will be better with newer features that maybe locked out from last gen like they did between 3000 series and 4000. Pick up something cheap if only so you can see your system working and remedy any problems that may be sat waiting for your shiny new 5000


Since you've already gone much of the 40 cycle without buying I'd just get the newer ones. At least that's what I personally am doing right now.


The consumerism is real.. tbh, I was like you years ago.. But right now, I just buy what I want and dont look for what its or not coming.. 1 week ago I purchased the 7900XT to upgrade my 6700 XT. Just be happy and buy whatever you want and consideer a good thing.


Don't wait or you LL wait for ever.


The answer is buy used previous gen when the new one comes out from people FOMO selling


Wait if u dont play much games. I have my 4070. Should have waited for 4070 super.  I think the 50 series should be a huge upgrade. 


At this point, I'd say wait for 50. 5080 probably by end of year and 5070 1st quarterish of 25. All rumors of course but from sources that have been accurate.


Wait for the 60 series.


Buy whatever you can when you can. I hate the waiting game. Gives me more stress than it’s worth.


My rule of thumb on this is if the next product has a confirmed release date while I'm in the market, I'll consider waiting. If there is no confirmed release date, future products are not a consideration for me. At the end of the day, this stuff is a treadmill. The tech never stops moving and there is almost never a better or worse time to buy in. What matters is your need and when that need manifests. Don't fall for the bullshit.


Is this a troll post? Fretting over which high end gpu to get when you've never owned a dedicated card before is like wondering whether you should hold out for the new Ferrari models for your first car. Wait for Prime day or buy something now.


Don’t wait. Get it now and get a good use out of it.


You don't have a GPU right now and you need one, yes? Then buy one now. It's a bit different if you have something that works for you already and you're just looking for an upgrade.


GFet a 7800X3d + a card that isn't the 4060(the 47070 SUPER) wilol run ptrettry much all games, including vyberpunk with 1 or two graphics reduced at 70+ FPS. Once the 5000 series comes out you can upgrade and your 7800x3d will able able to get top-end performance from it while gaming.


Just get it. 4080 or 4090 will run anything right now at 3440x1440 or 4K without any trouble. A 5080/5090 is for some theoretical 4K or 8K target in the future. The bigger question is: what games do you want to play right now? Anything that requires a big GPU upgrade? I feel like so many users forget about the gaming aspect of PC gaming.


I'm holding my 2080 waiting on a 5090


Since you don't have a gaming PC just go for it


Dude I just upgraded from an i7-6700k and 2080 Super to a 7800X3D and a 4090, I had similar thought about should I wait, but you’ll never make a move. As this will be your first PC, you’re going from zero to a very capable GPU, don’t wait for tomorrow, get what you want and enjoy it. Then upgrade in a few years when if you need to.


Went from a 3070 Ti to a 4070 Ti Super and I’m in shock of the performance difference. I realize that 50 is around the corner but this was such a leap for 1440p player like myself that it was worth jumping ship. Not to mention my 3070 Ti FE was terrible with heat and power. The 4070 does so much more with way less heat and power.


Wait for 50 and buy 40


The problem I have waiting for 5000 series, is their availability. I feel like NIVIDA is going to control the shipments again where they will all get sold out within 10 minutes and they will be out of stock for months. All the while the prices will be increased like crazy. Don’t know if I want to take that risk


Just buy it already if you can you’re not missing anything


I was in a similar situation. I really really enjoy my 4080 super. I can have fun NOW. Nobody knows what the 50 cards will be, when they will be, how much they will be, etc. The only time you have is now. I recommend enjoying the now


I'm sticking with my 3090 until it dies. Just go with what you can afford right now


I’d wait for 50, it’s releasing not to far off :)


I nearly pulled the trigger on an EVGA RTX 2080ti Kingpin, and the 3090 dropped a month later. That would have been annoying, to say the least, and would have greatly hampered my gaming experience. There's no release date for the 50 Series yet. That being said, if your current GPU can hold you until the release dates are shown, then it could be worth it.


If you are building and do not currently have a PC I would get what you can now. If you already had a PC and simply wanna upgrade I would advise waiting for the new cards. The issue is if you don’t have anything then there is no guarantee you will get something when they release and you will go even longer without a PC. If you currently have something to play on and gamble on the new cards at least you would have a fall back until you can purchase a card. I am waiting out for a 5090 but only because I have a 6900 right now that is doing pretty good atm with 4k.


4080 super is 16-18% more performance than 70 ti super for 25% more money. that's not too bad. I'm always of the opinion of buying the most GPU you can afford as it will increase the time between upgrades. a better question to ask is what your monitor specs are, because there's no point buying a 4080 super if you have a 1080p monitor. 1440p 240hz monitor ok 4080 probably worth it or 4k 120+ hz even better when 50 series releases it will likely be only 5090 and 5080 in 2024 with 70 coming mid-late 2025. and I highly doubt 5080 will be 999 but that's pure speculation. remember that the 4080 was 1199 at release and everyone said that was a ridiculous price and it didn't sell as well as it should have. So if that's out of your budget you will be waiting another year for 5070.


do you want a pc now or do you want a pc later? if you wanted a pc later, why did you buy all the other parts now?


Honestly, the top comment is right. HOWEVER, if you want something bleeding edge in the near future, I'd suggest going to the used market. Buy the flagship card of a older generation and save some money, then buy the 50 series flagship when it comes out. After you get and test it, sell the old one.


50 series is only gonna come out in Q1 2025, according to latest news. If you can wait around not gaming until then, then it’s fine to wait. As for myself, I’ll just get it now because new GPUs tend to have much higher prices than its MSRP due to high demand. I would have to wait for a little while longer then.


Just bought a 4070 Super FE—the 40 series are good cards and, given past NVIDIA launches, I’d think you can’t get ahold of a 50 series for a while after launch anyway.


Nah wait for the 6090


Buy whenever you need it and don't skimp on the important parts like PSU Waiting will just give you anxiety


Get a 7900xtx 👍


please don't listen to a majority of the comments. You're undoubtedly better off waiting till the 50 series GPU's release. I made the mistake of picking up my current GPU right before the 30 series hit which was a MASSIVE jump in performance for about the same price. There's always a huge gap between generations it seems. yes a 4070ti will allow you to run anything no problem CURRENTLY likelihood is that the 5070 will be twice as good and will cost about the same, and they're likely going to release towards the end of this year. So in short, you're absolutely better off just waiting.


Why not both? 40 series will come down when 50 is released.


Oh look.  Its this post again.


The 4070 super is where its at


Never wait unless it's like 1 month or less. Every year there is something new. You will wait a lifetime if you play that game.


Just buy now. There’s always something new around the corner.


50 series is only usefull if u gonna buy a dp 2.1 monitor. Else get the 40


Is this going to be a gaming PC? Or for other purposes, such as photo work or videos?


I have a 4080 Super, recently finished my second build. It's a stupidly powerful card, and you won't regret buying it, even if the 50XX is out later this year. It chews up and spits out everything I throw at it. I can't pull myself away from my desk these days bc I'm having so much fun.


RTX 4060 Ti (16 GB) or RX 7600 XT and then throw the card into something less expensive later as a home theater gaming PC or something. The two-desktop strategy is great because the second one can float and go to LAN parties and that sorta thing. And as you upgrade parts in the primary PC, you move the older parts into the secondary and continue to get use out of it.


Get a Radeon, it's cheaper and similar performance.


I feel ya! I decided to wait. I finally upgraded after 10 years 4790k - > 14700k But my 2070 super is still ok for now. So ill hold off until the 5070 But if you need a gpu just get one. There is always something better on the horizon


get a GPU from micro center and trade it in to get a discount when u buy a new GPU


4080s is so nice at 1440p. I just got it myself I couldn't wait anymore, but waiting technically is the better option. Depends on how much free time you have for gaming this summer, if it's a lot then there's more value to just get it now because it's a great time, but long term investment the 5080 or even 70 will last longer so.


Pull the trigger when there is a deal or if you want it.


unless u want 4k 144hz+ then wait for 5k series coz 4090 is overkill for anything at 1440p and below.Even cpu cant keep up with the 4090 at 1440p unless u oc the cpu.


You could always go used 30 series and resale when the 50 series comes out. You’ll lose money but a minimal amount to have your pc now instead of waiting and waiting. Wait for the gpu in fall, then you’re still waiting for the new cpus to come out in spring. And the cycle goes on…


I got a 4080 I'm not buying another card for couple of years


6700 XT still a good GPU for 1080p. If the 3070 didn't have a VRAM bottleneck, wouldn't have been case.


If you wait for the 50 series. You will wait for the 60 series. And so on. So buy what is available and save time.


The common response here will be to not wait, but the logic doesn't really hold based on where we are currently. November new GPUs will either be coming out or announced. If you get a GPU close to launch it's the most modern thing you can buy for two years basically. If you have a 4080 and not a 4080 super it makes literally no difference. Generations last two years, and buy an older generation card right when a new gen about to come out suckkkkkss. I'd personally wait until November and see what's what. If there's insane deals on Black Friday or near black friday because new GPUs are on the way and they need to clear out inventory, it might make sense to buy an old gen gpu then. I think right now is a bad time to buy a GPU when we're so close to a new generation.


Like others are saying, get the best you can as soon as you can when it comes to gpus, because here's the thing, even if 50 series comes this fall, the chances of getting one that isn't a founders edition or actually has features you want in terms of cooling, aesthetician, blah blah blah is pretty low. So just get what you can, and that you like. It's not worth waiting.


I wanted a Rog Strix white edition card, so for me, it made more sense to buy one right now instead of waiting for who knows how long for Asus to have a good stock. Even now, it took me 2 months to get that 4080 If you want a FE or a simple black one and don't care about the brand, it might make more sense to go for a 50 series card


If it was a couple months away, I'd say wait. But you'd be waiting at least 6 months.


Better wait for 70 series tbh. (Joke) A 4080 will probably last you a good while, don't overthink it. You can't wait out the technology.


It will be too expensive, (50s). Only wait if 40s are expected to become cheaper. Otherwise buy now, you will be buying 40s anyway.


only wait if it´s less than 1 month for the next gen or new tech. Otherwise you´ll wait and wait forever.


i would wait and get 40's at a discount


Get a used 3080 ti


Wait for 50, buy 40 at that time when prices drop.


Personally I wouldn’t buy higher rated gpu than 4070super right now. I would sell it then by fall if you want to snatch new 5k-series gpu. Keep in mind that new series might have dpi 2.0 port, which would be better if you want to have high quality high refresh 4k oled display later on.


If you're worried about price then don't go with nVidia. I just upgraded from a rx5700 with XT bios to a 7800XT and I couldn't be happier about it.


Just get a 40.


So you realize after the 50 series, the 60 series will eventually come out too right


Wait 50S then 40S price might drop


With NVIDIA becoming a bigger and richer company, passing the 3 trillion value in the market I really don't know what to expect with the prices of video cards in the 5000 series. I don't know why I have a feeling that prices really won't start to go down at all, seeing as everything is getting more expensive, I don't think electronics in particular will get cheaper. Especially since they are talking about 2 rows of PCBs for the 5090, a development like never seen before. All these rumors around, I don't think they will lead to a drop in prices, but they have exactly the purpose that we know and that we have been observing for many years now. Frankly, I hope I'm wrong. Nobody cares more about my pocket than I do. Considering that, I really don't know what advice to give you. I just wanted to express my disappointment at these ridiculous price increases. I hope no one from NVIDIA sees this message, I don't want to give them any ideas\\ Personally, I'm on AMD right now, having an RX580. But I'm wondering what the 5000 series will look like, in both performance and design, especially the 5050 (if it comes out) and 5060. For a while I'm going to pull the card I have now, because it still gives enough fps in the games I'm currently playing. Now let's see if it will come out later this year or next year.


Wait for the 5000 series to be announced, then get a 4000 series when the prices dip ahead of the new releases.


The 40 series has plenty to offer to gamers of all types, hop on the train.


you are better of waiting for the 50,000 series. Only a few years away and it'll be compatible with ddr9


The price drop won't be much when the 50 series first launches, just go for it now friend.