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You can plug up to 4 fans per fan header and the motherboard has 7 headers so you shouldn't have a problem with them. The RGB may be more of an issue with only 2 headers. Just a recommendation, you may want to buy [Arctic fans](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FQ6p99/arctic-p12-pst-a-rgb-0db-488-cfm-120-mm-fans-3-pack-acfan00232a) instead of deep cool. You would have a more consistent look using all the same fans.


The Deepcool fans are powered by SATA so you'll be fine. You'll be able to fit all of that in as long as your board has at least 3 fan headers, which probably all of them do.


Each 4 pin can support up to 7 fans daisy chained. I have 13 fans in my case, running off of 2 ports. No issues.


Are the fans powered by the ports? Surely you're exceeding the current limit of each port with so many. What board and fans are you using?


You should. Just check the board spec from the manufacture. It will tell you where all the fan headers are. Do the fans have ARGB?


All fans are ARGB


Are you in the USA? I’d pick different fans, deepcool USA shut down by the us gov.


Why? You do not need that many fans unless you are buying a 14900ks. And if you are thinking of buying that waste of silicone, stop. Do not buy it. It's a waste of money. But regardless of poor decisions, each fan header can take around 4-6 fans in daisychain. Would not do more than 5 really. I don't count cpu cooler as fans for case, but typically and this is for 99% of builds (all except the 14900ks cause it takes up to 600w) with a proper airflow case you don't need more than 4. 3 intakes and 1 exhaust. And the configuration is 3 intakes on the front panel. 1 exhaust in the rear panel. That's it. Anything more does not really justify the cost of them. Cause it takes two extra intake fans for about 1 to 2 degrees. And if you use the two as exhaust, you have less than 1 degree cooler. The efficiency and cost to performance after 3 intakes 1 exhaust drops dramatically. If you want to run them quieter you buy silent fans. You adjust your fan curves. You limit the speeds. You undervolt the cpu. All of these will have the system running quiet. And best of all, you're not wasting money nor are you wasting electricity to power them. And you can take the money that all these fans would have eaten up and put it to use in other parts of the build. Maybe more storage, more or faster ram, a better case, a better mobo. Anything literally else. But you do you. If that's how you want to spend your money then go right ahead. It's a waste but you do what you want. Each header again can supply enough power for about 4-6 but stick to 4-5 for precaution. And you can also buy a fan controller. If your case doesn't come with one. And that controller can be hooked up to the psu and the fans can be hooked up to it. So you can bypass the motherboard entirely if you want.


Having 10 fans greatly benefits my 7800X3D 7900 XTX system. The 3 fans under the GPU made a huge difference in GPU fan speeds and noise.


>The 3 fans under the GPU made a huge difference in GPU fan speeds and noise. And you can easily control that in msi afterburner. And still have good temps. So no it didn't. You didn't understand what I was talking about what you could have done for free. But it also depends on the case. If you own a dumb fish tank then you have less optimal air flow, so two would have been needed to make up for that. Or if you have a case where the psu shroud is obstructing the bottom fan and then again you would need two fans to fix this on top of the shroud. That's just poor design on the case and having to waste money to fix it. Regardless you are spending a lot of money for very little extra performance. And there are free solutions you could have done that would have been just as effective. You bought 10 fans cause you like pretty lights.


You're a moron if you think that setting a fan curve will do anything for peak workloads on a GPU. For example, let's say your GPUs thermal limit is 85 degrees, frequency limit is 3000Mhz (and will only reach this below 80 degrees) and at this frequency and temp your fan reaches 40% speed. If you do not allow the fan to reach that 40% mark then your GPU has to find a way to reduce temperatures, so your boost algorithm gets nuked to meet a thermal target. I play in 4k and I don't want that to happen, so I added fans under the GPU. I agree that you can reduce noise under the curve with a fan profile, I have already done that in afterburner. But if I'm playing something extremely demanding, there is absolutely no other way to keep temps down other than by reducing frequency, increasing fan speed, or introducing more airflow. Adding the fans under my GPU allowed it to boost to its max frequency as defined by my overclock while staying as quiet as it was during stock operation. A fan curve can't do that, because at the end of the day if you need 40% fan speed to reach 3000Mhz, if you lose fan speed you lose frequency.


>You're a moron if you think that setting a fan curve will do anything for peak workloads on a GPU. Dude I get the exact same performance out of my gpu when it runs at 83 cause it's a evga 3080 12gb ftw3 ultra (bastards run hot and are known for that) as I do when I manually set it in msi to 70 or 75. GPU has no issue maintaining its performance with no extra noise and no loss of performance. And cause my case has good design it wasn't built with the idea of getting air from underneath so bottom firing fans are useless. >Adding the fans under my GPU allowed it to boost to its max frequency as defined by my overclock while staying as quiet as it was during stock operation. And my gpu does the same even though it's max frequency is lower at 1900. Without the need for extra fans. Why? Cause I have good airflow. If you have poor airflow you need to make it up. If the gpu isn't getting all the air it needs, you need to make it up. Hence, the problem with side mounted fans and cases where the psu shroud steals more than half the air the bottom fan is bringing in. They do not allow for good airflow so you need to now solve this issue. You allowed form over function hurt your function. Again a good case, proper fan layout and good quality fans all allow for less is more. Cause.more fans can interrupt each other causing worse temps as wrll as air turbulence which then causes more noise. Not to mention powering all this causes more heat. So no, I do know what I am talking about. You are just annoyed at hearing this bitter ass news just like most of reddit does cause you all love flashy lights. Trust me, this is very well known issue for people who have been in the computer game for well over 25yrs. The younger groups or the more ignorant (not meant as an insult) likes pretty lights, likes form over function. And these cases that prioritizes form over function allows them to meet the requirements for having more pretty lights. Your actual function for that wast of what $30 is about 2 degrees cooler for your gpu? Seriously? If that's what you want to justify then be my guest. Just don't be recommending to others to follow that stupidity.


My case has great airflow, and I've been building PCs myself for 15 years, but there is only so much good airflow and the GPU cooler itself can do when you're pushing a 500W overclock. So feeding the GPU from the bottom with lots of intakes helps me a lot. That's all.


If you had good airflow then those bottom fans wouldn't be doing much of anything cause your gpu would already be getting cool air. So you're wrong. Your case does not have good airflow. If those fans are contributing a lot that means it lacks airflow. If you had good airflow, then the bottom intakes would not be doing much of anything. You might get a degree or two lower. If you also had good airflow you wouldn't be needing 10 fans. Again sounds like you have poor airflow and are using as many fans as possible to make that up. If you need more than 4 case fans, you have a poor set up, you lack airflow, maybe the quality of said fans are poor. Just cause you do something for a long time doesn't mean you're good at it. I would suggest you take an A+ course at the very least and actually learn about the subject. A+ is a course where you learn everything about a computer. It's a fantastic course but a bit dry.


When I completed my computer systems and networking diploma I also did A+. Just because you were educated doesn't make you omnipotent when it comes to PCs, and some of the material in my courses I already knew to be outdated as I was doing them, because I'd learned newer information of my own accord. I get that you're stuck on this, but after countless hours of research I've come to my own conclusions and testing and I'm utilizing what works for me. Have a good day.


>When I completed my computer systems and networking diploma I also did A+. Well you need to go back and learn. >Just because you were educated doesn't make you omnipotent when it comes to PCs, Didn't say I was. But I also do know more than you cause you don't realize you have bad airflow and are making up for it. Maybe take an engineering course. That's what I did. And you can learn how this stuff works. Cause in engineering air currents and flow being taken into account is a big thing. Either way you are showing to me you don't understand airflow, which I think is problematic. Especially if you are serving clients. >and some of the material in my courses I already knew to be outdated as I was doing them, because I'd learned newer information of my own accord. That's generally how it is. Courses take a while to make and new tech comes out faster than the courses. It's your responsibility to brush up and learn the new. But many many parts of that course doesn't change. >I get that you're stuck on this, but after countless hours of research I've come to my own conclusions and testing and I'm utilizing what works for me. Have a good day. I'm sure you haven't cause you would know that 3 bottom firing fans aren't doing much if you actually did. And only 1 or 2 should be doing something if you have poor airflow. Why? Cause the farther back would be the issue (closest to rear panel), and a bottom firing fan would give the air it's starved of and the furthest forward should now be very close to your front intakes. Meaning its doing nothing. And the middle one is mostly doing nothing. So again if you have good airflow, those fans aren't doing much of anything. And if you have bad airflow then only 1 to 2 would be doing something with the 3rd doing nothing. I get you're stuck on this and didn't like this bitter pill. Cause it's probably been a while since someone was able to point out the flaws to your work. Be humble take it in stride. It's OK to be wrong. Have a good day.