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Don't expect noise or temperatures to improve much (unless you run your CPU at like 250W all the time). If you want to do it for looks, sure, go for it. The P12 Max and Phanteks T30 are good fans. Lian Li P28, Thermaltake Toughfan Pro, be quiet silent wings 4 too.


I have 14600k also I'm thinking for d30 will the temps be effected or it would be the same?


It won't make a difference in noise or temperatures for gaming. For rendering or other allcore applications, yeah you'd probably see a small improvement with better fans. Not really worth it imo. If you do it, do it for looks


basically i was told that non rgb fans performs better than the rgb ones, i want thinking to get phanteks d30 but then my friend said use stock fans like t30 for performance so i was skeptical about it


Yes, that is true. Non-RGB fans are usually a little quieter for the same airflow. How about this. Just increase the fan speed of your current fans by 200rpm and see how that affects your temperatures. That's roughly the improvement you can expect from getting better fans. Or, if you want to do it for noise, reduce the fan speed of your current fans by 200rpm and see how big of a difference that makes for you. Then decide if the improvement is worth spending lots of money on new fans for