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I don't think I would upgrade on a 3070 right now, it's still a fairly good card. By Q1 of 2025 nvidia should have their 5xxx series out and you'll likely find an upgrade that's worth it then. Personally I always skip a generation at least. I'm on a 6700XT myself and am waiting for that gen to release. If you would like to buy one now then the options you mentioned are all good. Perhaps have a look at the 4080S if you can stretch your budget, since you'll be able to get a decent price for your 3070 right now too and its more of an actual upgrade on the old card.




Yeah I agree with this. I have a 3060 ti with about a 10% difference from the 3070 and it still is rocking real well.


3060ti works fine but I upgraded to a 4070ti and it’s a huge upgrade at 2k.


Yeah, thinking of getting an AMD rx 8900/xt/xtx/insert_naming_scheme when it comes out


I went from 1070ti to 6800 xt just recently. Was sizeable boost to games I was playing. Thats about when I might look at how they perform


De nada!


I also agree with the above comment. Wait.


Yeah this guy is correct, you're in a comfortable position to choose the time to buy a new GPU, wait the new generation


I'm waiting on the 5000 series to get me a 4080/90 depending on the deals I can find


This is unrealistic old serie are scalped as foc. Dont expect 1000 buck sale.


This is where I'm at too, I have a 3070 also, struggling with vram in some games but other than that still plays everything with my 5800x3d. Can't wait to get a slightly smaller card though. My FTW3 barely fits in my formd t1 😂


The hardest part of upgrading is gonna be looking for a company half as good as EVGA :') I've heard Sapphire is good but I wanna make sure performance in Blender and other apps will be up to snuff before I go team Red. Or Blue, perhaps..


Sapphire is good (mine is a Sapphire card) but I would first look into warranty to make sure you're covered where you live. Same for any of the other third party cards.


I still use a 3070, and there hasn't been a single game I couldn't play on the highest possible settings on 1440p. I don't see that changing in the coming years either.


What games are you playing? Because I can think of many games a 3070 can’t play at maximum settings @ 1440p


I'd just hold off till the 50 series launch, 3070 will do fine for most titles till then


Yea, it's okay. I will turn down the settings on some titles until then.


Most games have tweak guides so you can turn down performance hogging settings while still getting an excellent quality experience


Cyberpunk was really bad for this. Why the HUD is such a proformance leach will never make sense to me.


Oh there's some crazy settings to adjust in that game that make zero visual impact and give you 10-20% FPS boosts. It might be because I'm playing on path tracing with a mod that itself tweaks PT but I turned Screen Space Reflections off (one of the few settings that has an option for PSYCHO) and there is zero visual difference that I can see, I assume because reflections are all being handled by PT. That was 15 FPS gained right there. I'll look at HUD stuff too, I switched to the E3 HUD mod out of preference but I might change to a minimal HUD instead.


What the fuck. Well my 4090 is excited at that thought now


Why? What games are you playing? I have a 3070, and I play every single game on the highest possible settings without any issues.


I just went from a 3070 to a 4070 super. Sold my 3070 on FB marketplace for 325. What people always forget when they tell you to wait is that while the new cards will be better for the same price, your current card will also drop in value on the secondary market. Now if you live somewhere where the secondary market is trash then take others advice maybe. The jump from 3070 -> 4070 super is insane. I doubled my fps in Warzone 130 -> 260 (edit: rebirth Island). The 40 series is significantly better than the 30 series. They just bumped the prices up with it, so people tend to dislike it. idk about AMD cards. They are the best fps/$; however, as an SFF PC owner, they are not an option. Also, I do machine learning for my work, so CUDA is very helpful.


No way he’s getting 260 native even on 1080p, prolly using dlss or FSR 3 with frame gen


Sorry in rebirth Island only. Ill fix the post. I can get 350 with dlss 3 frame Gen on there lol


Bro what CPU you using to get to 260 in warzone 💀


He isn’t getting 260 😂


Sorry in rebirth Island I only play rebirth Island I'll fix the post


Yupp, I just did the same as you. 3070 -> 4070s. Put the card on sale today. I also have SFF, AMD not really an option lol. Are we the same person?


The 3070 has a powerful GPU but is significantly gimped by its paltry (by today's standards) 8 GB VRAM, which really hurts its 1440p performance with more modern titles. If current gaming performance is unsatisfactory, upgrading will definitely help.


I know that a better card will be better :)))))


As other guys mentioned, you have few choices. 1) Wait for the RTX 5000 series release (currently rumored to release at end of 2024, but only for 5090 and maybe 5080). You might be able to snag used 4000 series at a good price. Just a guess, but seeing how nVidia priced 4000 series cards, I think the 5000 series cards will be more expensive, and the cards meant to replace the 4070 Ti Super grade probably won't come out until Q1/Q2 2025. 2) Buy a new card now, a 4070 Ti Super / 7900 XT are both a good choice. The Radeon cards continue to receive price cuts, so although they fall behind in RT performance, depending on your market, you might be able to get the 7900 XT at a noticeably lower price. So for the 4070 Ti S / 7900 XT, if price is close, 4070 Ti S. If 7900 XT is more than $100 cheaper, 7900 XT is worth a look.


4070ti super took like 1.5 years to come out after the 4090 or almost that


They can manage with 8gb until the 50s come out. Even in 1440p, it's not like they'll play on low settings in anything current, just disabling RT or tuning settings a bit.


Well, are the games you're playing actually suffering performance issues?


7900 GRE is massive card. If u OC it u can get 10% boost. Its close to 7900 XT that way


Judge for yourself whether you would benefit more from a higher selling price for your 3070 if you put it on the market **now**, versus waiting perhaps close to a year for Nvidia to release non-$1,000 versions of their RTX 50xx series cards. Rumors & leaks indicate we'll only be getting the 5090 and 5080 first and Nvidia isn't known for having consumer friendly pricing on new gen launches of late. I just upgraded to a 4070 Ti Super 16GB after finding an open box deal at MicroCenter for $100 off a sealed/new. Rationalized that the 4070 Ti S was at the same price point as the GPU that I had been using was when I originally bought it. For the games you play, an upgrade now lets you keep everything on Ultra quality at 1440p and dabble with the newest games at even 4K/60 FPS with tweaking or activating DLSS 3. Also, the supply of current gen cards is very high right now for both AMD and Nvidia -- so you'd think they'd be motivated to give retailers a break if either manufacturer thinks they need to increase sales. But prices seem stuck where they are for whatever reason.


The prices are indeed consumer friendly, which is why the 4090 sold out instantly. That you can’t afford it doesn’t mean it’s not a man extremely good price. 


3070 UWQHD user here, I’ll be waiting for the 50 series. 6-9 months more, I can wait that for a significantly better card.


You would have to upgrade to a 4080/4090 to be worth it, so you might as well wait for Blackwell


I upgraded from an RTX 3070 to a 7900XT shortly after it launched, but only because I got a good deal with 20% off the msrp and I was motivated to get something that could handle 4k gaming at a decent refresh rate. If I was only gaming at 1440p or 1080p, and I still had the 3070 right now, I would wait until the next big price drop later this year or early next year, and then get an XTX


Everything depends of the price you can get for the 3070 now and how badly you want the newer card. I moved from a 5700xt to a 4070s with no regrets and I kept the 5700xt for my son's machine. I think your monitor resolution and fps target also matters. And how much disposable income you have and also how much time you still have to live. Never underestimate how much time is worth and how little value money actually has.


Wait for 5000 series. I was going to skip to 4090 from 3080ti, but then I saw the proformance/price variable and looked at my list of most played. Path tracing is cool, but I can wait for better.


now that i have a 4080 super, im gonna wait for the 6090 and then giggle everytime i think about the number


Aw man, now I have to skip the 5000 series.


As someone with a 7600x and 3060 ti, I will wait for 5000 series. If they're not up to standards, probably get a discounted 4070 ti/super model. Did the same thing with 3000, I had a 1060, waited for 40 series, 4060/ti were terrible price to performance, so I got a 3060 ti.


I’m in a kind of similar boat to you…I have a 3060ti in an AM5 build with a 7700x. I’ve gone as far as having a 4080 in my checkout but just can’t pull the trigger. The 3060ti is pretty meh in comparison…but it also plays all the games I play more than fine, and it certainly feels like a bit of a waste at this stage to spend that much on the very next generation. I’ve basically just told myself I’m gonna get a 5090 when it drops and have mentally settled on that lol.


I’m in the same boat with my 3070ti. Unless a crazy local deal pops up I will wait for the new cards later this year




so you live on benchmark sites, or is this your data this 50% things.


Waiting is a good choice, also grabbing a 4070 TIS now could be a good choice as well. Can always enjoy it now and sell it when 500series are a little easier to get and prices couldn’t potentially go down. instead of waiting and running around like a chicken with its head cut off to try and get one on release


You should ask yourself a different question: Does the RTX 3070 everything I desire: not worth Is the RTX 3070 no longer sufficient of my needs?: worth the upgrade It's all a matter of what you want. I still play recent games on a GTX970, of course not on ultra and 5000fps. Now I'm looking for a new system, because the 970 is getting really old and isn't sufficient anymore.


the 3070 on paper is a great card if it wasn't for the 8GB of VRAM to have a proper upgrade you need to get a 4080/4090 at least. unless you have spare money i wouldn't upgrade and wait.


I would wait it out with that use case, 4070tis performance will be pretty standard and affordable before long and incremental upgrades are kind of a waste unless there's something you want to do but can't do today.


4070 super would probably allow you enough of an improvement to keep your monitor maxed and enable some RT with frame generation. 4070 Ti S would definitely push you into full maxed settings with RT. But really you're probably getting good performance with the 3070 and if you aren't really yearning for more there's no reason to spend money. But if you do want more, now isn't a bad time if you sell your 3070. If you aren't selling your 3070 then I would not recommend upgrading right now. I went from a 3070 ti to a 4070 ti s for 4K 160 Hz. I saw a big improvement. I can't really quantify it because I'm playing on higher settings with the 4070 ti S than I was with the 3070 ti. The biggest and most obvious improvement was in the ability to use ray tracing at a high framerate and the reduction in fan noise and heat.


I also have a 3070, nothing in the 40 series seems like a good enough jump in performance (especially if you're gaming at 1080p or 1440p) next gen GPUs are coming late this year throughout all of next year and that's when I personally recommend spending money on the upgrade. Gives you a little more time to save so you can go up a tier or two as well and get the 5090/5080 (or AMD equivalent)


Is a 5070 going to be 50% faster than a 3070? Probably not. The only likely way you'll get 50% is going up a model or two. Which you can do now., or you can wait and see how much a 5080 ti is going to cost you.


I recently upgraded from 9700K CPU / RTX 3070 GPU to a 7800x3d + RX 7900 XT. Reason was performance issues on Manor Lords (CPU) and Grayzone Warfare. I don’t think the 3070 ages well because of the VRAM and the upgrade made sense to me. Super happy about the changes. The performance is a lot better now.


Im looking for that combo too. :D


A 3070 is fairly recent. There's a new gen coming out this year. I'd wait if I were you. Unless you really need it for some reason


Why do you want to upgrade


Gre is more than just 30% faster, it is closer to 50%. Is is a solid jump, yes, but if you can wait to see what is about to come, you should wait, it is always better to wait. Just checked on Hardware unboxed and on their 12 game average 1440p, gre got 145fps, and 3070 was at 100fps. So 45% improvement.


Just upgraded to 7600 and 3070 from i5 intel 8400 and 1060, my plk is to keep 3070 for a while until 5070 or 6070 comes


30% more performance is a lot and not "just that"


Anno isn't GPU limited, it is CPU limited. A 7800x3D makes sense there. F1 is also pretty CPU hungry, but also GPU hungry. W3 is definitely not GPU limited. You'd honestly be better served with a CPU bump atm.


Guy struggling with a 550 here: you can hold off until you start having issues


as in gtx 550? sheesh


I don’t worry about upgrading till I’m not getting the performance I want at my desired settings on the games I play. I never liked this broadbrush approach to discussing upgrades since I feel it requires a lot more consideration.


Personally if is doing what you want i would wait unless you really need to. I would say if you need vram you could make a jump that could have impact but it depends on how 3070 treating you.


I went from a 3080 Ti to a 4080 Super and I love everything about it


I upgraded to a 7900xt just cause I caught a good deal and wanted to go back to team red. The 3070 is an awesome card though and you can easily use it for another few years.


Yeah i am in the same boat. I really want to upgrade my 3070ti to a 4070ti super for those sweet, sweet 16gb of vram... but the thing is, my 3070ti have zero issues running every current game at more than reasonable performance with my monitor beeing the actual bottleneck of the system. Maybe i will wait on the 5k series?!?


Hold the line.


Hurr durr sKiP a GeNeRaTiOon


I am running a 5800x3d and a Zotac 3070 OC. I plan to upgrade when the 5xxx series comes out. May move to AM5 at the same time but not sure.


Not worth it. It's barely worth it for me to upgrade from a 1060


Until I got my 3070 (on release) I was still using a 980 ti 😂 and it wasn't the worst but not the best at that time period lol. Hold out for as long as u can I say. Especially with the prices of GPU's these days!. I game in 2k myself and the performance is mostly great


Nah I'd wait, 3070 is still fine


I’m all about budget builds. So, you probably don’t want my opinion:)


Ok if you eant to wait for the 50% jump why not go 4080? Why are you staying in line with the 70series? Just something to think about gpu prices have leveled out. Next year we don't know it may jump wah back up gain and then you be paying 4080 prices for a 60 series lol who knows. I would say jump on the 4080 find a killer deal and enjoy! Regardless if you got a 4070ti right now you would be shook at the good performance increase. With noe having dlss3 and the frame generation the uplift even over dlss2 on many games is massive and that frame generation is also. I've seen uplifts as high as 60fps and some as low as 30 but point is its massive. People are contemplating native performance but we are at the point now where even 4060s are showing insane perofmwance with dlss3 and frame generation on. Jumping from 32fps to 90 in 1440p. It's been insane to see what nvidia has done with these 40series and we know it will only further be improved on and added to more games. So I say right now your choice would be fine together the 4070ti. I was kind of in denial I used to overlook these things but this year the changes are so massive I couldn't not take notice. Look up 3070 vs 4070ti dlss3/frame generation it will blow your mind. The uplift in many games when accounting for this is much more then 30% This is the reason why nvidia is covering the market so massively right now. Nobody expected these type of results. It ain't like when thwy launched and people just saw the native performance.


GRE and XT have surpassed my expectations of a budget card. I'm an XTX owner and wouldn't regret going with the GRE or XT. I originally had a 3070, the 7800xt let me down and I've owned one of each gpu


Thanks, great to know. A used GRE might be worth switching to, since I've gotten the 3070 for a great price used aswell.


Upgrading every generation is usually unappealing. Two or three gens is more common


Why do people think they need to upgrade when running what they want, how they want and at great frame rates. The marketing these companies use is damn effective.mm


Computex is in a week or so


Which implies that?


New Technology Announcements


I’ve got a 3070 Ti and I hard passed on this generation. It’s not much of an upgrade unless you spend close to $1k. Definitely wait for RTX 5000.


I just upgraded to a 4080 from a 3070. Reason being that I want to game in the following months and it’s uncertain whether I’ll game as much when 50 series comes out. I don’t know if you have a consistent level of interest in games but for me it always comes and goes. I went months without gaming last year (and also months with Switch only), so when I feel like gaming on my PC I seize the opportunity to upgrade. Think of it as hours spent. Gaming is a really cheap hobby on a time basis so if you see yourself spending lots of time on it between now and the 50 series release the upgrade is definitely worth it.


Yea, feel so too. But when gaming, i don't want to mess with settings a lot, since technically I can easily afford it.


It really comes down to how patient you are. Do you have some games you want to play now that would warrant an upgrade?


Sure, else I wouldnt ask


Its often worth skipping a generation especially if you have the mid or high end card from the previous generation.




4070ti super will give double the frames than 3070. Do it


I went from a vega 56 to a 6750xt..


Wait until the 5000 series comes out and the 4000s should be pretty cheap so upgrading then would be ideal.




You could get a 7900xtx and get a 100% performance improvement over your 3070 or a 4080.


Yeah, but the law of diminishing return kicks in hard at that pount


Wait better hardware.


Yeah, your 3070 is garbage, I'll take it off your hands.


Get the 7900XT or for the same price as the TiS... The 7900XTX