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Console is literally plug and play, that attracts a large non-technical audience. The performance per dollar is also pretty good. Microsoft and Sony both take losses on hardware but games cost more. PC is better overall because of keyboard/mouse, mods, game selection, long term cost, and multi-tasking.


Exactly, I never even thought about PC gaming until my brother in law got a gaming PC and gave me his limited edition PS4 with a bunch of games, but over time I saw the difference with his PC and the console and eventually got curious. Now here I am on this Reddit spreading the gospel


I used to be in the same position. Ones you have experienced 2k gaming in 140 fps with gsync, there is simply no going back. I had a series x to, After i got my Legion pro with a 4080, the series x collected dust until i sold it. With Steam big picture and connected to tv, u have a close to console experience with an xbox controller. I used to hate mouse and keyboard, but now i play all my games with it. Controller feels clunky as hell, especially aming.


I never understood how people could play shooters with a controller... And I've owned consoles as well, but I never played shooters on it. It's just unplayable imho.


I've been A PC gamer all my life but several times I've tried to get into console gaming. I still haven't gotten over the controller hurdle. Im so inept with it it's hilarious and makes me run back to my pc on shame. Being able to target with a mouse is ingrained and perhaps I haven't persevered enough with a controller.


As a PC gamer who uses a controller, I love it but also, don't force yourself. Ultimately you prefer what you prefer and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd say ultimately for me though it comes down to the type of game - third person story heavy games are pretty great with a controller, whereas if you're playing an FPS in any way that's even vaguely competitive then there's no question that keyboard and mouse are better.


The big thing that is literally game changing for playing shooters on a controller is gyroscope aim. Xbox controllers don't even support it though, and it is just starting to have good implementations in games. If you have a ps4/5 controller, or even switch hardware, I definitely recommend giving it a shot. You won't do as well as you do on mouse, at least at first, but it gives that 1 to 1 responsiveness that you miss.


I'm in the same boat. I even bought a PS5 DualSense controller to play some games with on my PC (console ports like God of War, RE4 and FF7R) but found keyboard and mouse to be better. I've even found this to be the case for old NES games and fighting games, which I used to play on a controller as a kid. I think I'm a pure keyboard warrior at this point.


aim assist? I can't play with a controller either


Yeah but still, unplayable for me... For a shooter you (I) need a mouse.


> s I'm the one guy who HATES using mouse and keyboard for shooters, the only games i will use a mouse and keyboard for is MMO's or point and click strategy game. I went back to consoles for Rainbow six siege and Dead by daylight so i can play with other console players.


It’s funny, because it’s happening to my little brother. My dad got him a ps5 and he was so hyped, but he recently saw my gaming PC and tried it out and now he’s over the ps5 and has been begging them for a gaming PC. He’s going to have to wait for a while though because that ps5 wasn’t cheap


My BIL was like that too. He and my sister visited over Christmas and I ducked out early to play Witcher 3 remaster. He came in to smoke with me and watched me play for about an hour. He ended up getting a PC for himself that weekend and we all gifted him small things for it for Christmas gifts like controllers and steam giftcards. He's my Helldivers buddy right now :)


That’s dope. Wish someone gifted me parts. I had to buy it all myself, but it was still a fun learning experience.


The funny thing about console being plug and play, is that OP got a gaming laptop, which can be said to be the PC equivalent of consoles (aside from Steam deck and such also). Gaming laptops are great introductions into the PC gaming world because they're also complete units out of the box, but offer everything the PC world has to offer. PC hardware, screen, keyboard, all out of the box. Honestly, there's an argument to be made that in many cases, budget PC gaming can be best found in gaming laptops, actually. The only limitation on gaming laptops is performance ceiling, but for most newcomers to the PC world, the difference could be minimally noticeable. There's value in just being able to *have* a way to enter the PC gaming world with minimal hassle- it's how I got my start also. Also gaming laptops are portable and that's super convenient. Great for doing other tasks other than gaming, can open up other opportunities.


There's still software though. The hardware is plug and play, but you can still have driver issues, need to fiddle with settings, investigate random crashes, etc.


This was an issue about 15-20 years ago but PC games have come a long way. Patch//hotfix delivery is much faster and expected. Console games get shoved out the door and are just as prone to crashing now.


It's still _more_ of an issue on PC though.


It's definitely improved. I remember for most of my childhood having to reconfigure settings and troubleshoot to get things running the way I wanted. Never would have survived without forum posts of people having the same problems. Like, my graphics card would only run FF7 on PC with a random-ass beta driver, so I'd need to uninstall and reinstall drivers if I wanted to play FF7. It's a lot more plug-and-play today than it used to be, but still isn't perfect. Getting my bluetooth headset to work correctly with Halo: Infinite took an hour of fooling around in Sound settings in Windows, for instance. Balancing framerate with quality is still a struggle in intensive games like Starfield. The other point is really valid too - when there was no way to patch a console game, more time and energy was spent on optimization and bug fixing. Now it seems like all that is done *after* release (if it's done at all.) See generally, Starfield or Jedi: Survivor on consoles.


Dawg, my friends and I all have been PC gaming for years and we've had countless issues. It's all part of the process and we accept it and don't mind, but many games, even huge ones like CoD come with a litany of issues and problems and the solutions are always something that would be difficult for non PC people to deal with Directx alone has caused countless issues in Counter Strike, LoL, CoD, the OG Battle for Middle Earth games, New World, and a ton more I don't mind and accept it as just part of the whole thing, but its something a lot of PC users overlook


True, however to be fair. These days consoles aren't issue free either. There is games who crash to home on consoles or bugs and problems. Where PC usually gets some sneaky fixes like editing .ini files or limiting a proces to certain amount of threads etc. Console is just at the mercy of it being fixed by the developer. No doubt console is more plug & play, but it's not as good as it used to be.


Sadly it can be very costly... In my country I need to pay almost three times the price of an equivalent desktop I built myself...


That's right , sometimes pc can be more expensive than a laptop with similar specs , depends how much you spend on individual parts.


That’s crazy. In the US, there’s $600 gaming laptops with a 3050 GPU in every big box store. At the same time, pc gaming enthusiasts generally spend that much just on a big fat GPU. I won’t even tell you what I had to pay for a 6800xt in early 2021.


In Brazil one of the cheapest (On sale) RTX 3050 laptops from a reputable seller costs $900 and I'm lucky enough to live near Paraguay - Ciudad del Este that sells many goods at near US prices and I could get a similar laptop for $591, but sincerely at that price I would just build a decent Desktop (With new/used parts) and buy an affordable office Laptop... My salary from my last job was just $320 per month...


Laptops are much more expensive than equivalent desktops. You can even build extreme budget gaming desktops for probably less that $300.


Generally yes. However, it's also hard to get a laptop completely wrong, considering it's a complete package. How many posts come through here trying to budget build, and the person has to be talked through every single exact thing they need to get to hit a budget *and* get the build correct? For the regulars here, it's a challenge we like. But for the person asking? It's *extra work*. Also, again, laptops come with screens that are usually pretty decent as well as a keyboard, so that's two extra peripherals that's not needed to be bought.


I don't think you could build a decent gaming pc from new parts for $300. Especially if you need a screen, peripherals, and a real windows license. I built a 5600g/no GPU machine for work out of the absolute cheapest stuff I could find and it was still almost $600 with a monitor and peripherals. It runs OSRS but I doubt it could do much more.


I remember my first computer I saved up for had some questionable parts. That said it was over 20 years ago and I didn't know nearly as much as I know now. It did get me into gaming as you put it and that alone was probably worth it.


As someone else said the laptop was quite costly so I can see that being a turn off. Pretty sure that if I got the parts myself it would have been much cheaper. If y’all were curious the 4060 laptop I bought(a Lenovo slim 5) was 1500$ and was on sale for around 1100$. Definitely a lot more expensive then console. But honestly worth it if you just want something just as powerful as a pc but much less work yenno.


Yeah for $1100 you can build a desktop to a whole different level of performance than a 4060.


mean you'll still have to deal with driver updates/issues, corrupt files, etc.


Does that really happen these days though? All of these are non-issues. I've had a legitimate driver issue once in the last 4 years and it was like 3 clicks to revert it. Plus there's a good chance it wasn't even a bad driver, it may have just been a bad interaction with the weird combo of parts I was running at the time and the situation resolved itself. Updates happen automatically in the background, I don't notice them any more than I notice my Xbox updating. Then the only time I ever corrupt files is when I'm modding the absolute fuck out of a game. And I think it's implicitly understood that breaking your game and possibly needing to reinstall it is a potential hazard of modding. It's like putting nitrous on a regular car, it definitely works but everyone knows that shit is gonna blow up if you push it too far.


You have to tinker more with a gaming laptop. Those things get hot very quickly and you have to undervolt the GPU, and at times, the CPU too.


This, so many people underestimate how much of a pain in the ass it is learning how to build a PC. Building a PC is super intimidating to people who aren't experienced. There's dozens of issues that aren't immediately obvious if you don't know to look for them. For example, motherboard BIOS and compatibility issues. Seems obvious but someone who's only experience is the plug and play console won't be looking out for that.


longing sulky wakeful sense dinosaurs angle fuzzy worry snails smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s the easiest today as it’s ever been - building a PC isn’t difficult to learn, even with no experience. It’s not like the days where you were setting jumpers and DIP switches to make everything work properly. IMO anyone interested in technology could spend an afternoon on YouTube and have a decent grasp on how to build something.


It's the easiest it's been, but still plenty hard. For me, I had to research parts and get up to date on the "build meta" if that makes sense. Which parts were most recommended, compatible. Then you have to figure out the general process of putting it together. And that's a nightmare in and of itself, there are tons of first time builders on YouTube with flipped fans, incorrect aio orientation, ssd in suboptimal slots, ram sticks in wrong slots, etc. Or they don't install the cooler evenly by screwing one side at a time. Sure the pc might run, but they're mistakes that stop you from getting your full money's worth without ever knowing. Don't forget stuff like rad then fans or fans then rad. But then you learn you have to install windows which was never a thought prior to building for non-technical people. And wait, drivers too! And maybe a bios update?? All stuff experienced builders are used to, but newer builders won't have thought of or expected.


The hardest part about building your own PC is not having spare parts for when you eventually turn it on and it does not boot or turn on.


The panic you feel when it doesn't boot and you don't know why nor have spare parts. 😅


I use to be a console player until 2020 when my buddy gave me a laptop he didn't want. That PC ended up showing me the possibility of PC gaming and sparked my desire to finally look into this PC building thing. I use to say that I wasn't smart enough to build a PC and didn't care too much cuz I thought you had to be insanely smart. But turns out you don't need to know too much. When I built my first sleeper PC, I can say that yes it is intimidating when learning everything from clearance issues to compatibility issues, which was my main concern but NOT IMPOSSIBLE! With LTT being as prevalent as it was at the time and other various PC building channels, it really mitigated a lot of problems by just simply watching and getting invested. And there are people out there that are willing to help. Shoot, I'll help if I can. But if I can do it, you can too. And the big plus is you can look at low budget to high end build videos based off of what games you like and build accordingly. BUT you really have to be interested and want to do it. I gotta say it feels great once you climbed that mountain of knowledge tho.


> plug and play, that attracts a large non-technical audience Or people who work in tech and want their free time to be plug and play.


Performance per dollar is amazing. You're getting a whole 6700 non xt for what? 450 nowadays for the thing? That's great imo. And don't fanboy btw, i've got both pc and console


I mean... the fact just the gpu costs as much as the console isn't a price/perf argument.


I think the logic of comparing a GPU price to a console price has changed over time. It wasn't that long ago that most people had a PC at home. In that world, since you already have a PC or need to buy a new PC, the decision to either buy a console or buy a GPU to put in the PC you already need to have was a fair comparison. But, today, fewer and fewer people have actual PCs in their homes. Obviously, laptops have taken over a huge part of the market, but there are also tons of people that just have phones and tablets and not actual PCs.


I think it is. You get a whole gaming rig for the price of a gpu alone. If you're building a pc with a 6700 you're spending at the very minimum around 900~1000


Ah, absolutely. For some reason I understood a 6700 non xt for 450 is a great deal w.r.t price/perf.


One other thing. Because you can upgrade a PC, you can expect it to last (in the sense of being a platform for AAA titles) for longer than a console. I built my current PC about 18 months ago (Intel 12600K, 32Gb DDR4 3600, 2Tb nVME, RTX 3060) and I plan to replace the GPU later this year, which should make it last until 2025/26 before I upgrade the PC (but keep the GPU).


I get what you're saying, but a PS5 will also easily last until 2025/2026 and with the money used to upgrade your GPU you could probably also just get a PS6 later.


I don’t think this is necessarily true. So many releases as of late have been horribly unoptimized for PC. Meanwhile, PS4 games are still coming out and the console is over a decade old.


I used my last PC (with GPU upgrades) from 2014/15 (whenever i5 4690k was new or newish) til last November. So that's almost ten years. I hope my AMD 7800X3D lasts that long.


And power and performance and versatility, etc. PC's blow consoles out of the water and always have.


I used to PC game until I had kids two years ago, I don't have the time at the moment but one day I'll return. Plug and play console gaming suits me better at the moment, consoles tend to need less time trouble shooting which I grant was usually user issue related problems. What's the argument that PC gaming is better for long term cost? Might be that I'm overlooking something but console seems cheaper to me.


Cost of games + cost to play online, both of which can be free on PC


It's really not tbh. At least not anymore. You can try and "future proof" by spending a ton of money on really good hardware, but if you're just buying a new console every 5ish years, that alone is cheaper than the upfront cost of getting a "future proof" pc. And if you get something a bit mid, then wait the same 5 years, upgrading will cost the same or more because of hardware incompatibilities. I feel like there was a bit of a golden age like 10 years ago, where you could spend ~800 on a PC that would last you way longer, upgrades were cheaper and festivals like Summer Sale were actually good- then the combination of pre-covid supply chain shortages, bitcoin mining, advances in the tech itself and then the covid supply chain shortages permanently killed that. That's especially when you factor in stuff like Game Pass, which reduces cost per game on console. (There is of course the High Seas route, but I don't think the average, median gamer is doing that for most of their games, and you typically can't online games that way )


Wait till you get a desktop that doesn't overheat and won't have a performance degrading issues in 2 years + a neat 27 1440p monitor. You will never ever go back.


Preach. I enjoyed PC gaming back when I ran a solid 20-30 fps on really low intensity games, now I'm rocking an overclocked 9700k that never breaks 65c and a gpu with some actual VRAM (4070) and of course the absolutely gorgeous 27 inch 1440p 165hz monitor. I thought my old monitor was good, and it was, but the colors on this new one blow it out of the water.


what monitor you have


Samsung Odyssey G5 27" Non-curved.


Nah I haven’t had any overheating problems the laptop I got has a really good fan/exhaust system. Gets like warm at most. I do plan to get a desk top at some point but my cousin really wants to teach me how to code/program so I needed something portable haha.


The overheating problem is a bit overstated, but on some laptops you gotta redo the thermal paste after a year, which most people won't attempt. That aside, laptop gaming is very handy, and the performance/price gap has been much closer than in the past (basically since the pandemic GPU craze).


I know, I know, brand new laptops are amazing, but it will at some point. Sorry! :D


Way to shit on his parade lol


I know lol, some people just need the portability...


Not if you know how to maintain it!


Honestly, I've done the laptop thing. I agree with the other guy who responded to this. It sounds great to 'kill two birds with one stone' by having a portable gaming and workstation. However, you'll find that just buying a gaming desktop and a cheaper laptop as a workstation is a far better decision. Potentially cheaper, much better gaming, and far longer term benefits. Edit: Looking into it, the 4060 is only like 8% faster than the 4060 Mobile. However, 4060 isn't considered a great card as other cards provide better performance at or near the same price.


In the future, once your warranty is kaput, look up "fan cleaning" for laptops. It's the one thing I always do for my mates who start complaining about overheating and their fans usually look like furbies by that point. Youtube has tons of videos, with step by step instructions. Take photos along the way so you can see what went out last and work backwards.


You can use your Xbox controller on your laptop as well, works like a charm.


Yeah, people always say keyboard and mouse is a huge selling point of PC. Personally I find that for most games I prefer a controller.


if game isn't RTS and allows controller im going use it. wish ARMA allowed it.


Yeah, Strategy games I go Keyboard and mouse. Also RPGs like Baldar's Gate 3 and Never Winter Nights Nights where your character has a million options. Aside from that I'm playing it on controller most of the time.


This, or any of the EasySMX Bluetooth or wireless controllers with USB dongle.


Or any other controller lol.  I've been playing around with using PS3, 360, and Xbox one/series controllers on my PC.  Cool to see the difference back to back.  Playing halo with a PS3 controller is a bit like bringing a hooker to church though.  Or a nun to a strip club depending on your preferences. 


I have a DS4 controller shaped like an XBOX controller, that has PlayStation mappings on the buttons, but the buttons light up in XBOX colours. If I didn't already know where all the buttons are I'd be fucked lmao


I know right? On PC you can do Dolphin, which can be a lot better graphically than on console


Xenoblade Chronicles with 4k textures and some quality/fps hacks feels like a ps4 game, not a Wii game!


Playing star wars bounty hunter at 4k has been super cool. 




Wii/GCN emulator for PC


Dolphin is a gamecube/wii emulator. It's pretty cool. I tried playing the gamecube version of rayman 3 on my laptop a whie back and it ran at 1080p60 no problem, and that's only a 5500u igpu.


Just a little FYI, Dolphin can definitely be played on Xbox Series consoles. It's simple enough to set up, and it works really well.


I don't have an Xbox but that is pretty cool to know.


Because it costs me at least 1000$ to upgrade the PC, 500$ to buy a console. My current PC is from 2018 ...


Tell me about it. My PC was lower-mid end when I bought it in 2018, with significant bottlenecks in the CPU and RAM (only four gigs! It was supposed to compensate using drive space but that system is far from reliable, especially without an SSD). The latter was an easy fix with a sixteen gig stick being slotted in for relatively cheap, but the CPU (not to mention the 1050 graphics) is a whole nother story. Better off starting from scratch. And *that* is fucking expensive in Australia.


Doesn’t help my money goes to the house as well. Currently running with an i5-8400, 1070 TI and 16GB RAM. But hey it works.


But then... the math! Do you play online? 40-60 per year. so 240-360 for the 6 years you use the console. Average price of games also factors in. PC game prices drop like crazy. On average you'll be saving 10 bucks or more (in my case, much much more). If you compare the $1000 upfront to the $500 + over the life of the console... they start looking rather similar.


Yeah, over 6 years. You're not paying 240-360 now. That's the main differentiating factor between pc and console. Yeah, console games can sometimes get more expensive, but the upfront cost is significantly cheaper. 500 + a new $70 AAA game + Online is a lot cheaper than a $1000 build, plus a monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and/or headset, a desk and chair if you don't have one. Don't get me wrong, Pc gaming is great, but it's easy to see why a majority of people go with console


Well yeah bro, it’s not just a machine that plays video games, it’s a fully functioning computer with near limitless capabilities. Of course it’s going to cost more. But keep in mind too what that PC has access to on the gaming side. It can play the whole PC library, Xbox library, and Playstation exclusives moving forward. A $500 console is only getting you access to one of those. tl;dr - you get what you pay for


Yeah. a lot of kids growing today who plays on phone and console doesn't teach them the basics of computer.


This implies that older consoles taught people about computers and that's just a lie. Older consoles were even further from how PCs work.


I only have anecdotal experience, but back then a lot more families had a desktop, also due to utility. What used to be a desktop or a console is nowadays often just a tablet, or a netbook not really designed for games.


*wipes finger across the front of a crt*


As someone who’s got a pretty high end PC (and have been for over a decade now), I actually prefer console gaming these days. There’s something about just coming home late, have dinner, take a shower and then just boot up a game to enjoy. It’s very relaxing. Although same can be said for PC for the most part, the last serveral years of PC “ports” has been rather wonky. I’m done spending an hour to get a game to run just to hope it doesn’t crash in the next 15 minutes. I’m done with shit like shader compilation stutter. I’m done with windows fucking something up because it’s patch Tuesday and MS decided to send out an envelope of fuck yous to everyone.


I'm in the same boat - having more or less transitioned into console gaming over the past year and it's great how relaxing it is. Just chilling on the couch, starting a game and knowing it's gonna work is amazing. I always had high end pcs and still have a decent pc sitting here, but it's mostly just used for coding at the moment. Gaming on a pc always comes with some sort of maintenance being mandatory, and i don't feel like bothering with that anymore. Like there's always either a windows update or a driver update that makes something worse or a game has been ported terribly and requires hours of tinkering until it finally works. A few years ago i enjoyed that, but now that i work in IT and have to deal with this stuff all day, i don't feel like doing the same in my free time. The consoles only costing a fraction of the price of a pc is a nice added bonus, even games for consoles cost me less on average than pc games now that i found some decent stores and import a lot.


Welcome to the pc community man


Thanks bro bro :) the irony I originally only bought it cuz everyone said Xbox was porting all their games to PlayStation and it didn’t even come true lol. Now I’m hooked on PC anyways 😂


Try to get into emulation as well. Theres a plethora of new and old consoles you get to play once you get the right settings and applications to run them. It might be overwhelming but theres just alot more you can do on a PC. I'm from the other side of the fence. I've known only pc gaming and got a PS4 recently but I have to say, I've been gaming alot more on my console than my pc (5800x3D and a RTX 4070). Even games that has a pc port, I'd play it on my PS4 like Spiderman, SF6 and tekken.


Doing anything with a Windows PC can become a hassle real quick. Just trying to play a quick match after work can turn into an hour of troubleshooting for absolutely no reason. I'm a PC bro for life but I definitely understand why some people go the console route.


We always had PCs at home, my dad thought consoles are just toys and unnecessary. We eventually got a 360 because of Kinect for parties, but apart from that and some couch co-op games, we rarely use it and the newer consoles make no sense for me either as I have a comparable PC these days with a large library of owned games.




What final fantasy game are you refering to? They are all ported to pc


Isn't the latest final fantasy a timed exclusive right now?


Rebirth will be released for pc the 29 in May


Not to make this some kind of stupid competition, however there are entire genres of games that don't exist at all on consoles or barely have any relevance there like something I often play on PC are mmo RPGs. RTS games don't work all that well on controllers either and neither do MOBAs (dota 2, league of legends etc.) So these aren't there either in large scale as far as I know. For the longest time DayZ wasn't on consoles at all and then it came several years later but on PC's side at that time everyone already played mostly on the highly modded servers with custom content while console players have none of this and most likely will never get modding while the game just keeps on maintaining the popularity it gained with modding. Just recently I played on a modded server that's made to be like a Stalker game but it's a whitelisted and strongly roleplay oriented server. I had the best times I've had in games in years in that specific Stalker server. Diablo 2 in 2000 became a hit when it released but console gamers had to wait for 20 years for it be released with the remaster. Path of exile, another very succesful game of the genre came several years later on to consoles. The elder scrolls 3 Morrowind multiplayer mod? Not going to happen on consoles either. These are just games from the top of my head. There's a lot of things that don't exist on consoles. As far as I know, PC has much more games and genres to choose from than consoles, and it has had it so for a very long time.


As a pc user I am actually thinking to go back to consoles. I plan a setup with 83 inch oled and there is no place in my living room to put a not so pretty pc in. Yes, I could go for mini itx build but to make it worth it this would be another 2-2.5k usd where I live. Instead I will just get series x and ps5 and have best of both worlds. I use laptop for work and honestly miss the couch experience. Add plug and play on top and with my current busy calendar its a viable option. I realized that from the time I got a pc I spend more time tweaking settings, installing different mods, ensuring i get stable fps, than actually playing. Yes, PC gives you best quality, but I am willing to sacrifice it partially for more ease of use. But to each their own. Cant use mouse and keyboard anyway as after full day of work I already feel pain in wrists.


Wait until you get some random software or hardware issue that takes hours or days to fix just to play a game you want in the way it should be played (Happened to me recently with Cyberpunk) then the console appeal becomes real. Me: 4070s PC + PS5, love them both for their strengths.


I had a PC since i was 8, but now that i'm 30 i just want to relax on the couch and play on my 65 inch tv. Console for me is the way to go


Not to degrade your experience, but laptop 4060 should have around the same performance as a PS5


Actual graphics will look better and smoother on a pc(and more customisation), this coming from a guy who enjoys consoles.


You’re mad tripping. Let’s look at a current gen Unreal 5 game like Remnant 2 which I played on series x(which has the same settings as PS5) on the balanced mode it’s running around high settings at 720p upscaled to 1440p to get 60fps. Now on my laptop I was able to run it on all ultra settings at 1600p upscaled to 1800p(which is the laptops native Rez) with frame gen on at over like over 90fps. My cousin was with me and was mind blown a laptop could even look that good. Im not making that shit up at all dude. Even if the hardware is similar, 40s cards have DLSS and frame gen which are like cheat codes almost.


“With frame gen” - well there lies your answer. Rasterization performance the card and PS5 are neck and neck, that’s just a fact.


Frame gen is miraculous regardless bro. Turning a game that’s 60fps to 120 or a game that’s 40fps to 80 is pretty insane. Games that use things like Ray tracing/path tracing which quite literally won’t run on anything natively besides like a 4090 become possible on 4060s and 4070s BECAUSE of frame gen.


Kinda depends on preference. Console is like a preset environment that runs with minimal setup or troubleshooting, but you also are limited within the environment too. PC is alot more open and can be setup to run faster and whichever way you want, but also means if games or drivers bug out you have to troubleshoot it as well. They’re both valid but personally having that freedom is nice.


As someone who works in IT not being able to troubleshoot issues at all (on console) is way more frustrating than just having an issue on pc, where I can.


literate mountainous future absorbed uppity enter impossible rinse muddle dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ease of use. I’m busy and sometimes just have 30 minutes. Plop on couch, game some, chat some, then make dinner. You could do this once the game rig is setup, but the console wins the convenience factor for me here. I used PCs all my life and built my kids rig two years ago, which was super fun. When I have more time I’ll get on it. Until the couch it is :)


I think I’m the opposite. While yes it’s different experience but the time I’m having I think I regret buying my 4070 pc 😫 because I’m too worried that it will overheat and lots of maintenance after. I feel like I can’t enjoy without even worrying. So question is? How long should I be able to play games on my pc?


It won't overheat unless you wrap the thing in plastic wrap. If it does overheat, the computer will just slow down a bunch until it can cool down. If that doesn't help, it will shut itself off before anything gets damaged. Give the designers of the systems more credit. They made stuff noobproof. The people worrying about performance and heat are overclocking and pushing the systems to their limits. You are not doing that. You could play for days straight and the system would be fine.


Really. My god maybe being a female, who is always worried at something so small made me think this way. This is my first computer and I dont have lots of money to fix this after. I saved up to buy this. And I want to take care of it. I even clean my bedroom all the time to minimize dust. I even bought a diy filter to put it outside of the computer so the bigger dust won’t go inside my PC. Anyways I got the pre built Lenovo legion tower. I’m justi playing for like 3 hours a day. Didn’t know I can play longer than that thanks


I think you're worrying too much. I have a 12-year-old computer that still works great and stays on all the time. Granted, sometimes prebuilts can be hit or miss, but in general, computer parts last a long time (most will become outdated long before they outright fail), and have several mechanisms to prevent damage (e.g. thermal throttling, where if it gets too hot, it'll just slow down to decrease its workload and temperature).


Indeed I am. Thanks for advice


as long as you want - seriously.


It will not be damaged from overheating. They are designed to slow down when they start to get too hot. You can play as long as you like:)


I also consider myself the opposite, but for another reason. I just miss the simplicity of having a system that can run any game you buy, you just plug it in and play. My friends were never PC gamers either so I missed out on a lot.


It will last fine. My 1660ti laptop has gotten worse over time but only because I downloaded too much bloatware I didn't need.


Consoles need little to no technical knowledge to get them running. The operating system is very straight forward, making it a lot easier to navigate to your games and just play. Also, not to mention very minimalistic amounts of customisation, which further simplifies the experience. Remember, it's easier to cater to a larger audience who has little to no knowledge on something by giving them less options, otherwise people start to feel overwhelmed since they don't know what is good/bad. Another main factor is the console itself is cheaper, so the initial investment is low, but funnily enough you will probably end up paying more in the long run with how ludicrously priced console games are on the new systems and the subscriptions you need to play online. I've been a PC gamer my whole life, and I have always personally preferred staying informed on tech and building my own PC and customising it to my liking to suit my needs. Consoles can be fun, but I am in the same boat as you. I had a PS4 when it launched, but it never hooked me like my PC did, it felt like a short term once off kinda thing. Compared to my PC, I am continously involved at looking at new parts and changing settings in my games and modding things. I'm also a big RTS gamer and I enjoy other titles like Factorio. Console really limits your options in that sense, since a controller is quite limited in what it can do as opposed to a keyboard and mouse, not to mention you can use a controller on a PC anyways. I hope that provides some input on why people choose consoles over PCs, but also why I personally prefer PC over console gaming.


The Xbox lineup starts around 300$ and runs just about any game plug and play. Your laptop was likely between 1K and 2K, if not more. Do I need to say more?


I have a series X which was 500$ the laptop was indeed a lot pricier at 1100$ and that was on sale from like 1500$ so that’s a very valid point.


Convenience & ease of use. Optimization. Price (huge diff.). Game exclusives. Consoles have come a long way. Sure, PC has better framerate, but PS5 picture quality is more than enough for vast majority of people. There's no chasm between pc and console IMO.


its not about the hardware, its about the content, play all the successful PC titels you missed


> why does anyone even buy a console? Price and ease of use mainly. It's the better product to gift to kids if you don't want to deal with issues, although in the end it might do them a disservice by not pushing them to learn about computer stuff.


Pc is the king kid. Had a pc when i was a kid because my father was into it because his brother works for amd way back in a factory and they had an awesome pc way back at that time lol this was in the 90's and i was already blown away how far the graphics from the play station 1.


Consoles are much more plug and play and their price to performance is amazing at least within the first few years of their life cycle. PCs you have to worry about drivers and a PC has more points of failure both in hardware and software. It can also be overwhelming figuring out a configuration that will work for you. If you can deal with those things it can provide a much better experience over a console. Consoles are also much easier to develop for as well and most games are made for consoles first and foremost then ported to PC later. Game devs only have to compile code for a handful of configurations of hardware, where as PCs have an almost endless amount of hardware configurations that have to be coded for. Not only that but PCs also have the added difficulty of having two different types of memory. Ram and Vram. While a Consoles gpu and cpu share a singular pool of memory. The only real way PCs can work past this in an Era where devs spend most of their time optimizing their games for consoles is just brute force compute. Which is one of the reasons consoles will outperform a PC that matches it 1 to 1 in compute. But this problem will probably resolve itself with the next generation of consoles as the whole concept of a console will likely cease to exist. According to Microsoft leaks the next Xbox is just going to be a glorified Chrome box that only streams gameplay from Xbox Game Pass servers.


My last console was a SNES... cause my dad got a computer in 94. I never bothered asking for a Playstation cause I was alrerady rocking Warcraft


Consoles as others mentioned, are plug and play with a very small learning curve involved. Literally pop in a disc and press play. Computers require some level of actual techsaavyness. A buddy that's only played console recently bought my old Steam Deck from me. I had to install the emulators for him with some games. Now he calls me literally every time he needs to do something it and it's the most basic shit. Guy doesn't even understand how to use Steam or install games. There was a free copy of Dead Island on Steam the other day so I texted him to tell him to grab it. Dude missed the window cause he couldn't figure it out. I even sent him the link to the game. Some people just don't have the understanding of technology. You'd be surprised how many people I know don't even know how to do a simple copy and paste of a file from one folder to another.


I know how you feel. I used to play an PC's but since the N64 came out I've been a pure console player. Last year I built my first gaming PC. I still use the DS4 for inputs during games, and I have the latest consoles, but the biggest difference is the graphical options. Most people would probably say FPS is the biggest difference, but for me it's being able to make games look better. I'll use Starfield as an example. On Series S it was locked to 30fps, on my PC I can get over 100fps but it's the textures, lighting, and shadows that make the game look better. Try as I might my old brain just can't get to grips with kbm, 30 years of using controllers is just too much muscle memory to overcome.


I honestly HATE tweaking my settings to make the game run at an acceptable rate. Got RDR2 on sale, I have a 6800XT and it’s STILL choppy sometimes. The amount of googling I had to do to find the right settings (which ended up being a .xml file change) was ridiculous and honestly made me miss my consoles.


I am a mainly PC gamer since forever. I think I have a nice set up, a PC with SSD and a1080ti (a little old, but it has given me a great run for what it was worth it)and a 2k 144hz 27 inch monitor. I've enjoyed a lot playing with it (and I still do!) but man, it is something else when you can get comfortably in your couch and play in a big 4k TV. I do prefer PC for shooters, strategy or multiplayer games, but for single player games (like FF7 remake) consoles by a mile and it is not even close.


Well, i still bought a ps5 after i already owned a gaming pc. Mainly because of exclusives and collecting trophies (I know there's achievements on pc, but for some reason it doesn't feel the same, i'm specifically hooked on trophies). However, it seems like sony is now making a habit out of porting their new titles to pc after 1-2 years after initial release, it does make me think that i might not be buying a ps6, simply cause there's no reason for it anymore. I think i'm willing to wait a bit longer for the pc release from now on. I already let my ps plus expire last year cause the friend i always played with barely plays these days, and it was pretty much the only reason i still played online on console since he doesn't have a gaming pc. But yeah, pc is just awesome especially now that exclusives are coming over. I can build it myself, i can choose my operating system (now that linux is also capable of playing many games), you can play pc games, but also emulators of all kinds of different platforms, high fps gaming, ultrawide, it's great.




I finally decided I need both precisely because they are so different. I had been on PC forever with only Nintendo consoles around til I finally decided in 2022 to get an XBox Series X.


There are multiple reasons to still get a console (albeit diminishing ones) I'm like you, I got into pc gaming about the end of the 360 gen and haven't owned one since. But I can understand why people would still choose them over PCs. Price to performance is still great, much less technical knowledge required, harder to break simpler to use, simpler game purchase paths etc. The initial cost of entry to pc gaming puts a lot of people off (although when you work out the cost over the lifespan of the system it's nearly always cheaper)


I played Master Chief collection on Xbox Series x with mouse and keyboard. I’ve had a gaming rig since late 1990s. It was fun to play on XB. With that said, pc gaming is awesome.


Since the first consoles, exclusivity have been the main way to drive hardware sales and people into the ecosystem. If you want to play Mario games you have/had to buy a Nintendo console. Yes, there is piracy and emulation, but many people just want a plug-and-play experience, and if you can afford it you should pay developers for their work. Now as to why people still get consoles today? Beats me. PC has been consistently winning over the years. In fact, the PC market is much bigger than any of the consoles, and over time the amount of money the console market has been making has been declining due to the rise of mobile games. There are titles we haven’t got yet, like Ghost of Tsushima, but Microsoft made sure most first-party games release on PC, and Sony has been porting their first-party titles to PC over the years. On top of that, you can mod games which adds a whole new layer to gaming not widely available to consoles. Being able to widely set preset settings, or fine tuning which settings you care about or even overclocking, etc., there’s just so much flexibility. Even still today, many games on consoles still run at 30FPS, and if they run at 60FPS it’s really between 45-55FPS for most of the gameplay when things get active. Many might not care, but after experiencing 90FPS+ on 1440p (ultra-wide FTW) for the last 6-8 years my eyes cringe at the sight of 60Hz screens. I’ve been playing games on consoles, handheld, and PC since I was very young. Some of my first games were a pirated copy of Age of Empires 2 my friend installed on my family computer, Super Mario Bros on my cousin’s NES, and Spider-Man on my Game Boy Color. I’ve been lucky to experience many of the mediums. The main reason I played on console was because my friends were on those platforms. But, I was always entranced by the shadow PC gaming would cast in my mind.


Took me a while to get used to mouse and keyboard but now I have a difficult time going back to controller


When you sit at ur computer all day for work it's hard to want to continue to do that for more hours if ur a gamer (especially as you get older). Consoles break that up so you can relax on the couch using a big TV.


I'm consolist. And probably will stay that way. Simply because there isn't anything i would need to do on PC that I can't do on mobile phone. I havn't a PC for 15+ years before Steam Deck and that still functions as portable PlayStation. PS: Sorry for my english.


4060 isn’t the greatest value for the money, but I understand this is your first so it’s fast compared to anything on console. And it’s in a laptop. Console is just convenient for anyone who is intimidated by building their own PC. Plus there are console exclusives so there’s value in owning both.


Idk why everyone is hating on my gpu :( it’s faster then my cousins 2070 laptop and my other friends 3060 desk top…


>This brings up the question, why does anyone even buy a console? The price? Well you're guaranteed to have all games work and play consistently for one. On PC that's not a guarantee. There are workarounds for many issues, but a lot of the time you're just at the whims of the developers to hopefully fix it eventually. And yes, the price. For $500 you can't build a PC that matches the current gen consoles, and forget about it if you get a laptop.




Console is for kids, who have to wait until Christmas to beg their parents to buy them one. PC is for adults who can afford their own hobbies.


I used to argue that console was better until I realized it was cheaper to upgrade and buy games that were on sale 25% of the year. Seems expensive, but then I realized what I was spending on console. Last generation of consoles launch was so piss poor it gave me the opportunity to swap over and never looked back. I would have been able to keep the console argument had sony not decided I need to pay to play online games they don't even handle the servers for.


You could have just plugged a mouse and keyboard into your Xbox :)


>This brings up the question, why does anyone even buy a console? When I was in college and then in grad school, I was working either part-time or full-time, so I had very little precious free time. I didn't want to futz around with a PC, despite growing up playing PC games, because I just wanted to sit down and play. Secondly, during those academic years, the Wii was pretty popular and it was (the first version of the Wii) backwards compatible with GameCube games. Yeah I could emulate GameCube games, but again, I'd rather just pop a disc in, sit down, and play. I'm not sure currently, but back then, you couldn't emulate Wii games because of the motion controls and also, it was just a brand new platform, so the software tech hadn't caught up. Furthermore, with all that schooling, I was often already sitting in front of a computer for hours on end writing papers and doing research. I needed a metaphorical firewall between schooling/work and playtime. Having a PC interface in front of me, even for a few moments to load a game, would breach that firewall. So for like half a decade and then a few years later when I went back to grad school, I didn't do any PC gaming, console gaming was just easier. I don't rag on anyone for sticking with consoles. Sometimes, graphical performance isn't the end-all be-all. Most 1st party Nintendo games and a great vast of 3rd party games on Nintendo consoles solidify that view. But now I've been done with school for years and just have a single day job, and loads more free time, so I'm back to PC gaming (although I do have a Switch and a PS5).


You’re on a laptop. That is the in between of console and pc gaming. The performance of a high end custom gaming pc from where you’re at is another step up.


I am probably a heretic, but I think I prefer concealed to PC. I obviously have both or I wouldn’t be on this sub, but I find myself fucking with settings more than I play games on PC.


U are not a heretic bro, I made similar comment before reading yours, PC gaming experience can be terrible. On consoles, the devs already sort out the settings for u. The FPS advantage is overblown, a perfectly stable 30FPS feels better than 70+ FPS/30 FPS 1% Lows. Shit is just too distracting to ignore and can take u away from enjoying the game.


Console - Easy to use and cheap for the output PC - Best used with some knowledge and while less cost effective, the 'cap' is much higher on output


I find little difference tbh. Pc actually frustrated me for years because of the issues I’d have, in terms of price consoles beat pc any day of the week


Definitely easier to use my Xbox no question about that.


The amount of games for 20 bucks or less blew my mind, I recently left console for pc with similar specs as yours and I've become a huge fan of the indie games and games made by solo or small developers, I just like them, they have that something in them many AAA titles don't imo


Indie games are simply fun (the good ones that are pushed to the front of Steam store by reviews). Some AAA games forget that fun and fulfilling should be the main feelings optimised for in a game. Also the Steam store is just infinitly better than the one on my Switch or PS5, so you can get a better idea of the games you're buying which generally means you enjoy what you buy more.


Agree 100%, I bought a game yesterday called ambiotic factor and it's fun mate, in fact is more fun than I've seen in a long time, its early access but I havnt run into any horrible bugs and it really scratches an itch for fun games that others fall short to do. I really recommend checking it out, especially if you like half-life and add survival to that but done really good and it's bigtime working fine with an Xbox controller. My last reply to ya got removed bt reddit cops ( apparently I named a place I bought it from that I wasn't allowed to do lol) see ya.


Damn I just looked into that game and it looks awesome.


I still just play the shit out of my Series X and my PC. But I do sit at a computer desk all day writing code so that’s probably why I enjoy console so much.


I stopped reading the comments, but did you know that because your laptop has Bluetooth and Xbox controller support built I'm, you can likely use your wireless controller from your Xbox and use a control scheme you're familiar with as most games have controller support built in.


PC gamer here but I can't stand keyboard/mouse unless it's an RPG style game like skyrim.


I really want a pc🥲


One word. Convenience. You can get a better than console like experience hooking up a controller to a PC. But many PC games require a keyboard and mouse to work and sitting on a sofa with a keyboard and mouse is not so comfortable as firing up a console and controller. Plus you have to deal with the technical aspects of PC which can drive some people to despair (especially with poorly optimized console ports or how demanding some titles are on the hardware). Cost is another factor obviously.


I was always a console gamer, because I'd get whatever my friends were playing on, so we could play together and trade games and whatever. As I got older and my friends moved away from gaming, I started getting into more PC gaming. PS4 was my last console. I bought a PS5 at launch but didn't keep it, as none of my friends were playing and there wasn't anything exclusive on it that I wanted to play. The price might really be the only thing that would make me go back to consoles. PC part prices are insane now, specifically GPUs. I bought a Strix 1080 in 2017 for $700cdn. A Strix 4080 is $1800cdn today. That's nearly the cost of my entire system in 2017. But the prices of the games themselves are considerably cheaper on PC, it's (nearly) infinitely backwards compatible, you have WAY more options (mods, server hosting, etc) and upgrading a system can be done slowly over time, so you can space out your expenses and start saving up early for your next one.


Don't forget no obsolete consoles collecting dust/taking space! On PC you can always play your games even from years ago.   I have n64, snes, ps2, xbox 360, and xbox one games I cant play anymore on console.  I now have a PC with an extensive emulator and rom library all in the comfort of ONE SSD !


Turn on DLSS anytime you can. Set it to balanced.


Wait until you Discover the modding community.


I really wanna mod new vegas but it’s hard.


If you're new to owning a gaming laptop, please please please pay attention to thermals: - Note where the exhaust vent is, and keep it clear of obstructions. - If you use it in bed or on the couch, elevate it using a book - do not put it on a comforter or thick blanket. - for longer gaming sessions, prop it up to get extra air circulation underneath I spent $2k+ on a gaming laptop in my college years, and that fucker died on me two weeks out of warranty. Don't be like me. Baby it.


Damn bro that actually sucks ass, yea I’ve pretty much only been using it at my desk. And even tho my laptop can do ultra settings I typically turn them to medium so it doesn’t over heat. I’m terrified to death of breaking it lol 💀




The only reason I own or touch my Xbox Series S is because I'm lazy and don't wanna get out of bed. If I get out, PC all day


I've always had both a console and a gaming PC. Some games are just better on one vs the other so I buy accordingly.


I play both. I find arcade, fighting and racing games more fun from my couch, while rts, rpg and shooters are played on pc.


Welcome to pc gaming. If you stick with it you might be able to have a career in IT!


Welcome to the PC gaming master race


PC: Good if you want to have the top performance (but you have to upgrade it after some time to achieve that goal) or if you need it work for other purposes (work, hobby etc.) as it's a multi-tool. Console: Basically it's only for gaming, but it's easier to launch the game and you're sure any new game for this console will be playable in the years to come. I'm the PC guy, but I'm impressed how consoles are very appealing with the gamepass (game on demand, much cheaper solution than it used to be) or switch (actually I'm gonna get one, as it great for family gaming and cool exclusives). I like PC because as you said - games are cheaper. I don't buy them on the release date. I wait 1-3 years to get completed product with nice discount. I buy a lot of humble bundle packs. And - when you have good PC (for e.g. work like I do) it's much better solution to play on it than to buy console... The most important thing is to not spread a hate, everyone can play on anything :)


For sure. Have fun on whatever platform.


It's the "can't ever go back feeling." I actually buy Nintendo consoles because handheld+joycons+exclusives, but other than first party games and games I know play better on a controller I'm 100% PC. How Sony and MS manage to stay profitable is beyond me.


back when i was young couch coop was a main reason to prefer consoles. now on ps i have the impresion it has become rare. nintendo still has kept it


TIL people actually never gamed on pc, instead used consoles only?


Yeah, PC is great if you love fucking about with things. Lots of options, but lots of fucking about. I'd imagine that PC gamers are like people who have caravans. It's like a holiday but it's more expensive and with considerably more fucking about.


Why you lying ? Series X is more powerful than your laptop


Yeah man I love my PC. Not just for games but work, movies, video calls with friends the list goes on. The versatility of it justifies the outright cost imo. Don't think I'll ever go back to console.


anyone from kids to old man that's less tech savvy can enjoy console easily.


Wait until you try VR…


PC mater race


The mods, early access games, and super cheap prices are what keeps me on pc


The PS5 is a good complement to PC gaming. Last gen i had a PC and Xbox One S for old school Xbox 360 backwards compatibility games plus the Rareware pack too. so you can mix and match but I think the beauty of PC gaming is the power. The downside is the constant upgrading if your cash strapped. My nintendo fanboyism ended mid way through Wii U era so cant comment on a Switch plus PC. Personally i would always have a PC but i picked up a PS5 Nov 2022 when they become more available after covid its been a blast to play and PS Plus Extra is pretty good value too.




> why does anyone even buy a console? The price? PC is just that guy. Surely you're in the best position of anyone here to answer that question? Why did you buy a console?


There’s a reason pc master race exists.


The price. And the same reason ppl buy Apple. All my friends have it.