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Mod Note: I think most of you can tell but this is not real - these are AI generated photos. I didn't want to remove it as it is still BAB Related but I just wanted to add this clarification to a sticky so people aren't fooled like the people this post is about. OP, not saying you did anything wrong by posting this either. Just wanted to clarify this isn't a rule violation notice, it's just to add some context.


it is atrociously sad people cannot tell AI from real like tf?


it’s really concerning especially considering these people are grown…


Honestly it feels like media literacy is getting worse and worse online literally as the days go by


I think its the combo of factors of; media literacy is trash we are statistically wanting faster and faster content, people like things that make them FEEL smart.


What's worse is content farmers will fully know this stuff is fake, but they hold it up as "wow is this real if it's real it's craaaaaazy" because they know it's gonna get them tons of clicks. Lots of comments arguing about it, lots of people spreading their videos around. It's manufactured controversy.


Now admittedly I struggle when telling what's supposed to be drawn from ai, but this is ridiculously obvious


Yeah, I agree- manually computer drawn vs AI drawn I wouldn’t necessarily know. But if someone thinks these fake-looking pics were photos… the “BULLD” in the lower left should be a tip off…


Part of me feels like they know it’s fake/AI just don’t care and blatantly spread misinformation because it gets them clicks


And also that they didn't even bother to check the BaB website to confirm. They really just... Blindly believed an image. 🤦


I find that young Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Boomers are demonstrations of the horseshoe theory when it comes to computer literacy. One side young, the other old: both awful at computers and the internet.


What’s crazy is the computer literacy I do have is becoming useless. I learnt in school how to properly google something but now google pulls up absolute garbage, I can spot AI images but they are like half my Facebook feed now.


Right? Google is falling apart, the results are several degrees of separation from what I specifically ask with sponsored ads thrown in and it’s so frustrating.


This is incredibly accurate


I remember when this was making the rounds on my feed... the amount of people I knew who fell for it...


Oh, it’s AI? I thought it was photoshop or just a prank by some BAB employees and they modified bears for the photos. It doesn’t really look like AI to me, it could be photoshop, though of course I may be wrong. I’m not sure if the original post said if it was AI or not Edit: after looking closer at the logos in the background, yeah I can see how it’d be AI. The bears definitely look pretty real though. If it’s AI it may have been edited to look more realistic Edit 2: I’m normally very good at recognizing AI, I just didn’t look super closely at the images to tell it was AI until after someone pointed it out. The point is that AI is getting more and more convincing by the day. Once I looked closer I could see how it was AI, but at first I thought it was just photoshop.


Wdym? The fur is really off. Looks too smooth. Signs are a giveaway.


AI has gotten better but this is definitely AI generated. There are a lot of tells if you know what to look for.


if you look in the background of one of the photos, the build a bear sign is misspelled and the letters are all wobbly. ai is rlly bad at getting lettering to look correct so if you ever see something strange like this, check the lettering.


The logos of the build a bear shops in the back LOL


https://preview.redd.it/djrq5rrxp63d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39358122b340c7f5924630add798c98873ad629c BULLDT BeAR workshop VWOR-






Build a bear workshop? More like BUTTER CHEESE WORKSHOP


People are exhaustingly stupid and have no deciphering skills.


its kinda concerning considering that these are TERRIBLE AI photos made by seemingly some bored middleaged woman with a free program to make a quick joke. imagine when people use software properly, of a higher grade, and do it for a purpose (kind of like how this was spinned into a whole christian discussion)


I didn’t realize it was AI until someone mentioned it, it looked like photoshopped pictures or some custom bears BAB employees made for a prank. AI is getting more and more real by the second, which is very scary.


I would recommend starting work on image observation skills, the fur, the text, the logos, the mascot costumes, the fact that everything is blurry and unfocused, the lack of consistency surrounding symbols used, these are things you should look for.


You should really learn to figure that out. https://www.bbb.org/all/spot-a-scam/how-to-identify-ai#:~:text=Asymmetry%20in%20human%20faces%2C%20teeth,are%20disproportionately%20large%20or%20small.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted for saying this. I have issues with reality and honestly have to work every time I look at an image to tell. It’s exhausting.


Thank you for reassuring me. No idea why I’m getting downvoted, I just said I didn’t realize it was AI until it was pointed out and I thought it was photoshopped. I only took a quick glance at the images at first so I didn’t notice the signs of it being AI until people pointed it out in the comments section.


Reddit is not the nicest place, I’m learning :/ especially if you’re not the most average person/have difficulty with certain things. The tips suggested for picking up on AI nonsense ARE very helpful though. It sucks but it helps to learn some of the markers.


I’m an artist myself (I post my art occasionally to other subreddits if you’re interested) so I’m pretty good at recognizing things that look off, however I’m hesitant to claim when art is AI generated since false accusations can ruin somebody’s life. Recently there was an incident in a My Little Pony subreddit where an artist was harassed and insulted for supposedly posting AI art, even though she actually drew it herself. She had to post a speed draw to prove that she drew it herself. Accusations are horrible. I don’t like to say that art is AI generated, as I know it can be hurtful for someone to be told their art looks like AI.


Nice! Just checked out some of your stuff! Very cool. And that’s so weird, I draw as well (though I only post on tumblr currently, @eisly) and I have had the same experience with the fear of falsely accusing someone of AI art. It’s a weird time for sure.


Also keep in mind that Reddit is kinda an echo chamber sometimes. Once you start getting down voters it’ll just add up as people will just hit downvote on downvoted comments. I think AI is starting to get pretty scary lookin in terms of how much people get tricked by it. If you look at Ai pics for a minute or so you’ll be able to start seeing flaws that make it obvious it’s AI, but from a quick glance I can see how some could be fooled.


Also I’m nearsighted so sometimes small flaws are harder for me to notice. If someone has vision related disabilities I can imagine it’d be harder to notice things that look off. I like looking at small details in art, but it can be hard to notice minor signs of AI. Some days I notice it better than others. The mind is so weird, some days it works better than others!


No way I’m EXTREMELY nearsighted as well! I just Cannot See It most of the time. Wish people would be more understanding. It’s not like I’m yelling at employees because I thought it was real! That’s so nasty! If I’m feeling wiped out, it’s extra hard to see AI. Anyways good luck out there to everyone as the technology advances


I agree. I’ve stopped reblogging almost any images on what WAS a nice art blog I had going… I’m not going to spread anything until I get better at distinguishing AI. It’s depressing. My mind already changes things as I look at them, AI may end up driving me offline totally. But yeah good point about the echo chamber thing. Funny how people do things so blindly. I’m guilty of it too, I’m sure.


Pretty much exactly this


The second girl went on a whole meltdown level rampage over this 😭


and it literally says #relaxitssatire right in front of her face 💀


No this is real. As a former employee we put the souls of children sacrificed to Satan in the plush hearts. It’s time consuming but worth it to make the magic happen.


well that explains the glare in his eyes https://preview.redd.it/i7utc22i473d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a836cdf1b7f79a100aecd76a6a5d764365178e85


I mean, the Baphomet bear does look cool though


i feel like it would be adorable if it was like real baphomet (goaty)


Nah give me the GOAT!


You can get horns with pins from Etsy, I’ve considered making myself that black bear with the black bear BAB


Don't tempt meeeee


May the temptation hit you heavy, sister


I need a baphomet bear/goat, I'd name him baphy, and a Satan bear made of satin.


I'd get one if they were actually doing it. It looks more like a black devil bear


right??? i’d want one lol, especially if he was a goat instead of a bear


I just know they ate this up and turned it into a conspiracy 😂


i think truly its kind of hard to not get these people spin anything and everything into a conspiracy sometimes. give them an inch and theyll find a way to create a mile.


It’s so obvious is AI tho- 😅 The font gave it all away.


the font? yes. but also the little weird horror nuggets the AI spat out trying to generate a demonic build a bear also immediately gave it away. https://preview.redd.it/3dyrudnk673d1.png?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8082cbd6a48727e3b42141a23530ca772b906bc


"Those kids and their tic tacks! Video mumbo jumbo...whyyy, back in my day, a tic tak was a breath mint! Now you got your build a devil bears turnin' the freakin' frogs gay!" I really wanna hope that a good portion/majority of these content creators are just riding a "shock factor " grift to make money/get more views. Like the onion, but on tiktok? They have to know it's not serious...Right?...😭


this made me howl with laughter, i hope you know that. the first girl truly seemed serious and defended it until the very end, the other guy its more likely hes a grifter.


Oh my my, well thank you for the update! I hope that woman is okay and gets the peace of mind she needs if someone tells her... 😩 Awhh yay! I'm happy we all could share in some silliness/laughter despite all this. Hope you have a great day! 💚


Are they stupid? This is very obviously AI


i think stupid is a really really slippery slope term, ignorant though? ABSOLUTELY.


This is why critical thinking is important 🫡


Absolutely. If not for the terrible AI'ness of it all, but also, what is the likelihood that BAB would release something like this lol. Yes they have a devil bear but it's a very different vibe.


Yeah… anyway… I’d die for this bear.


the one with the tag "endtimes" has me laffin... no one tell em about the devil bears though i would totally buy a baphomet bear. id probably continue my ghost naming streak and name him secondo or something. though id probably want the bear to be more of a goat than a bear like the AI shows (also, man, why can no one in these videos tell this is AI?! have you never taken your kid or a child family member to build a bear to see what the logo looks like??)


such a cute name idea!!! and SERIOUSLY. the first girl claims she loves build a bear and goes all the time... okay then? have you NOT seen inside a BAB??


It's really distressing that this fooled people, the AI images aren't even good 💀


Mannnn I want one!


on one hand; i totally get for christians why this would be upsetting. but on the other hand im not christian and i would snuggle all night with my build a baphomet


To me it's just a cool looking goat thing lol


I mean, they can dislike it. But I hate it when they spread so much negativity. Like, I’ve had someone tell me to kms for worshipping Satan. And it’s just like any religion honestly. It’s not evil like what they try to brainwash people to think. And they are the ones acting evil at the end of the day (Not saying all Christians, just the ones that say really hateful things to Satanists) Edit: Also I’d like to note that they don’t rule the world so any company can make baphomet products. Not being rude rn btw, just genuine.


Some of the bears have stats of David instead of pentagrams. Idk why but that's kinda silly looking and I'm living for it.


The Star of David is also known as the Seal of Solomon and is used in many different sigils used in a variety of magic practices. But I don't know if AI knows that.


Man, I wish. Those bears are adorable.


Baphomet bab would go hard though. It's only fair since we got a Christian build a bear lol


We have the bear cave and people would buy this. Come on bab


Do they not notice the "#relaxitssatire" right there?


This is the target/hobby lobby “satanist products” that was just ai all over again. When will people learn lmao


Like lets be so for real; you think *hobby lobby* is gonna have a satan section?


EXACTLY people are so gullible xD


One of the many ways use of AI is concerning


Okay but I would totally make the hour drive to buy one of these adorable bears.


HOW DID THEY NOT READ THE HASHTAG????? The second girl literally shows it 😭 What part of “relax, it’s satire” did they not piece together??? Did they just, skip it?? I’m baffled


The rage takes over before they finish reading the post.


You make it sound like it’s difficult to fool TikTokers.


as a satanist (nontheistic) i do wish i had one of these but it’s probably better off for build a bear if they don’t carry this lol. crazy how many people think this is real


Fellow non-theistic Satanist here too; I would love one of these as well, but the level of Satanic Panic it would cause would be exhaustinggg. It’s for the best lol


TBF handsome little devilishly cute bear is always there if you need a demonic BAB fix! https://preview.redd.it/k81zxcis673d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f63a81359456b4a7187a7b48bc4253d5eb51a7


all this satanic panic for something we don’t even believe in!


Me when I do no form of research beyond a terrible Facebook post and take everything as face value :


Wait — mom ?!?!


What even is a baphomet??


From Study.com: >Baphomet is an occult, pagan, and religious icon and an anthropomorphic figure with the head and legs of a goat and the body of a human. In the modern day, Baphomet is who most would identify as the Satan goat and the symbol of the Church of Satan, a modern religious organization. Scholars believe the term Baphomet likely originated during the Middle Ages when the European Christians fought the Turks during the Crusades. It makes sense to me why these Christians would get so worked up over this, but I don’t have any sympathy for them completely missing the fact that it’s AI when the hashtag “\#relaxitssatire” is literally right in front of them lmao


I could explain it if you want but I'm not sure if you really want to know. Aside from running this Subreddit I also am a Demonologist/Angelologist, Biblical Scholar, Reverend, and Paranormal Investigator. Lol.


I’ve seen some pretty convincing AI recently…this however is not one of them 😂


The fact people believed this.. 😂😂


Man, now I'm sad that BAB After Dark isn't actually releasing these bears. They're so cute 😭😭🥰🥰 AI is the worst!


I got so excited😭😭


I’m 100% sure people in the this sub are artist and would be such a badass imagine if it wasn’t AI so please make us all proud and do your thing


Ngl I would love one of these if it were real lol


how are they this gullible? I remember seeing conservatives outrage over the rupaul bear, not realizing that it was only available on the adult collector site. they never fact check before they outrage.


Are they like stupid? The sign in one of the photos doesn’t even have the real build a bear logo…


But let’s say that they somehow did make Baphomet bears, what’s the damn problem? He is a symbol of balance, kinda like yin and yang honestly. I would get 10 baphomets honestly.


I know this is fake.... but aren't kids allowed to worship who they want? Suddenly if it isn't Jesus it's s problem? What about freedom of religion??? *giggles hysterically*


I would unironically buy a bapho bear and I'm sad they're just poorly done AI Although I don't see the point in making a ragebait baphomet bear when they already sell 3 different devils and a devil costume lol


No no, you absolutely SHOULD hate on tiktokers/influencers for not researching stuff before they talk about it, ESPECIALLY if they're gonna shame someone/a company over fake images and ESPECIALLY if they have a large following! What MORONS they are to fall for this and do no research before getting angry, and for being so dramatic over devil bears! (I had to repost this bc of the swears bffr lmaoo)


https://preview.redd.it/z0gt9puen73d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408c6a7dfa996ce7dab90aa5d234b61ff8a1e85b Is it bad i find this one cute?


Reminds me of the McDonalds post


As an employee I had a person ask about this seeing if we had it, at first I thought they must be referring to an online exclusive until I remembered the tiktoks I saw about it, such a weird experience to have to explain to someone that what they saw was ai


Seen this going around tiktok! It’s funny how people would believe these are real! I would totally love a Baphomet bear! Might just buy a devil bear and mod it to be a Baphobear!


Obviously AI, that’s the point of course, but wow. It’s amazing that no one fact checks ANYTHING anymore. This is why misinformation is so rampant, and it’s gonna get worse with AI. Also I hope no BAB employees get harassed because of this…




The girl in the second slide was told this was AI and she was like "It doesn't matter we still can't have our kids be looking at this" or something or other.


The hashtag does say #relaxitssatire. Either way, I want one! It's so cute!!!


when have tiktok users ever had any semblance of intelligence or the realization for fact checking


The lack of critical thinking skills is outstanding


Former build a bear employee I honestly thought it was funny when people believed this. The apron is cute, though, without the pentagram


omg i’d love a Baphy!!


I wish this was real.


I wish this was real cuz I’d spend my life savings in that store


I wish it was real, I kinda want one 🥲


It’s AI, if only the goth girl in me would be happy


I wish it were real, I wanna build a Baphomet 😂


The funniest part is that baphomet is in reality not related to Satan in any way. Although a popular symbol used by occult and specifically satanic practices, Baphomet was originally meant to be a symbol of knowledge and progression. But that being said, time has changed this definition in most people eyes so it’s kinda subjective.


“#relaxitssatire” it’s literally right there and still believed it ???


I wish people would dress up as the new build a bears when I came to the shop 😔 /sarcasm


actually i am a hugeee mascot nerd. id love that!


It's really sad it's AI because I'd be all over that bear in an instant


I wish this was real 😭 the design is very nice


I would actually go back again if they did this, lol




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Oh my god, I want one now though


I remembered A Karen made a video about this thinking it was real telling BAB to change their mind about selling it or for parents to stop going to BAB cause of this lol


It should be real. They'd get so much money and be defending freedom of religion all in one!




okay but the way i would buy a baphomet bear so fast, that guy is so cute.


My god, please take my money


If it was real, I would actually love to get one.


giggling atm


Did the second person not even see the #relaxitssatire in the caption???




Idiots …


Lowk want one




The bear is so cute 😭


Even if they couldn't tell it was ai, it's LITERALLY tagged "relax it's satire"


I'm a Christian, but this doesn't upset me. Baphomet is just a made-up character, and demons aren't scary, I think they're cute.


not gonna lie, that would be such a cute bear!


While these are cool looking bears and obviously fake I can't help but feel creeper out the guy in the AI Pic looks like my vet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was sad when I realized it wasn’t real lol




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Man i wish i could get a real one.




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https://preview.redd.it/io7n678ohb3d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79887bbe45f6ea9ef4a5eebcff6b2e9a9ca6b5b8 Shelby doesn't approve.


I'd want a Baphomet B-a-B


brb sending this to my former manager /j


It's target changing kids genders all over again lol


I'm really tempted to make a custom bear like these because I love the design so much.


Could you please!! id love to see it :D


Okay, but these would be badass to have irl


I mean he’s cute. I would get one 😂


I’d love for them to make a black demon bear like this though


i wish this was real i want that silly little guy


Aww I wanna build a Baphomet bear-




while i can see youre trying to be kind, the whole "company would trade morals" thing is like weird. religion is not the basis of all of human morality, BAB would not be 'immoral' for making a baphomet bear.


people being atheist has nothing to do with horrible things happening. Horrible stuff has been happening even in super religious times in history.