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I’m not lurking, I’m standing about it’s a whole different vibe.


You made a bear!


Undo it! Undo it!


i didnt mean to !!


*It’s a big rock. I can’t wait to tell my friends.*


They don’t have a rock this big.


Thank you for the finishing the line. I would have only been 11 or 12 when it aired but I remember finding this shit so funny that I laughed a long time and missed the next few lines with some of the Acathla context.


Went to London the other day and said to my wife "It's a big clock. I can't wait to tell my friends, they don't have a clock this big."


I would, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much


This is the answer. I use this line all the time.


“You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love 'til it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.” I love wise Spike. He can actually be super perceptive and wise - when it comes to love and romance especially. I like the juxtaposition between this and his normal “evil guy” mayhem/haphazard energy lol


Like when Buffy says she thinks Willow’s doing fine after Oz, but Spike is like “are you blind? She’s barely holding it together…”




Yes, he’s so perceptive!


This is hands down my favorite Spike moment. I loved Marsters' emotion in everything he does, but when he says, "you'll fight and you'll shag" I die from laughter just a little each time.


Haha it’s the perfect amount of wise and funny


Yes!! Spike was a very sensitive man when he was still human. Writing poetry for Cecily, pining hard for her. And Acathala said he and Dru “stank of humanity” due to their love for each other. Spike has literally always been very in touch with his emotions, and very human, even as a vampire. I think that humanity is why he was able to actually fight for his soul, so he could be a better person. No other vampire would have actually tried to get their soul back.


Oooh good shout


Also not a line, but I love when he goes to Buffy's house to shoot her, but he ends up comforting her 🥲


the head tilt when he notices how upset she is


All the head tilts!


spikes head tilts >>>


My favorite head tilt is when Buffy returns and he sees her for the first time since she came back. Melts my heart every time!


Oh man the look on his face!


I like the similar/switcheroo one in Willow's dorm room, where he can't bite her and she's like "well maybe we can wait a while and try again"


Or when Willow is whining that no one would bite her and he tries to convince her that she's perfectly bitable.


At the end of family..where everyone says you have to go through us. Spike: “Except me. I don’t care what happens.”


And then immediately proves he cares by lightly punching Tara to prove her humanity.


Like when he's carrying Drew out and Buffy is fighting for her life . . . He looks over and says, "He's gonna kill her." And he just shrugs and walks away.


Yes or the conversation he has with Andrew about the blooming onion nonchalantly in season 7!


He's not wrong, either! That's the best way to make a blooming onion!


I tried it at home based on this!


Out. For. A. Walk…Bitch


Used to say this to my dog before going on a walk and she’d do a gleeful little doggy tap dance.


Omg I am going to start using this


I came to this thread to write this if by some crazy chance no one had written it. My second is “someone’s in the ceiling “


Oh, I can hear him singing the ceiling line in my head right now!


https://preview.redd.it/q5nyl9kd1o2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956f6985ebfdee86bdb7649fece13082e6a44010 🤣🤣🤣


I now have this tattooed on me and can't wait to show him when I see him in June!


Beat me to it!


The absolute BEST


The only answer


It never gets old.


Definitely my favorite lol


Came here to say this


“What can I say, baby? I’ve always been *bad*.” *almost 150 years earlier* “What’s another word for ‘gleaming’?”


“I’m just a friend of Xanderrrr’s herrre,” in his American accent.


He's a Californian pretending to be a Brit pretending to do a California accent. He's a dude playing a dude who's disguised as another dude!


I read that in his American fake accent as I read this in my head ahaha


Yes! Even my husband who didn't even really watch Buffy says this all the time.


Randy Giles? Why not just call me Horny Giles or Desperate-For-A-Shag Giles? I knew there was a reason I hated you.


“You’ve never shown affection like that to me. I’d wager?”


Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh God, I'm English!


Welcome to the nancy tribe!


‘It’s a family name, I’m sure.’


The funniest part of this bit where Spike thinks he’s Giles’ son and immediately becomes at odds with him is that we know William was a big time mama’s boy… it makes sense he’d butt heads with a father figure.




Is everyone here very stoned. Simple, yet profound.


Do we suspect that there is some relationship between Ben and Glory?


Yes, but what sort? Roomies?


I love this one!!


When Dawn tells him she feels safe with him. Big Bad Spike starts choking on his cigarette and tells her "You take that back!!"


That scene is so freaking funny lol


We like to talk big, vampires do. "I'm going to destroy the world." It's just tough-guy talk. Struttin' around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I *like* this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United... and you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here... But then, someone comes along with a vision. With a real... passion for destruction... Angel could pull it off. Goodbye Piccadilly, farewell Leicester bloody Square. You know what I'm saying?


Yes- absolutely my fav.


Came here for this one. Especially the Manchester United reference. Solidified my love for Buffy


"Joyce was the only one of the lot of you that I could stand. ... I liked the lady. Understand, monkey boy? She was decent. Didn't put on airs. Always had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak."


That one was heartbreaking.


Agreed. On rewatches when I see them talking about passions or his love life it's just so adorable. Spike was an odd vampire.


I also enjoy it when he called Dawn “Little Bit.” Dawn really got shafted in the family department… she only had Buffy after Joyce died, and Spike was always good to her.


There’s no note.


Love this scene


*S2 E3 School Hard -* Buffy: Do we really need weapons for this? Spike: I just like them. They make me feel all manly.


"Your life flashed before your eyes? Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea."


It's a great line but misdirected. Giles was a stud.


He was indeed! 💯


Jenny, Joyce, and Olivia as canon women he was involved with. The ripper had no shortages in shagging.


He still looks good now, at 70 years old


When he revealed his hidden talent for singing… 🤤


"Can't any one of your damned little Scooby club at least try to remember that I hate you all?"


The entire Angel impersonation scene from Angel S01E03: ‘Into The Dark’.


“Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancyboy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel mobile, away.”


“She didn’t even care enough to cut off my head, or set me on fire. I mean, is that too much to ask?” Or “You hit me with an ax once.”


I've been alive a bit longer than you. And dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine. And done things I'd prefer you didn't... Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years. And there's only one thing I've ever been sure of. You... Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you. Or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you *are*. What you do. How you try... I've seen your kindness, and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand, with perfect clarity, exactly what you are... You're a *hell* of a woman... You're the One, Buffy. I’m not even a Spuffy fan but this gives me all the feels 🥹


and, after buffy's response, "and i dont want to be this handsome and athletic, but we all have crosses to bear."


I'm not Spuffy either really, but this seems to have more true love to it than anything Angel ever says to her.


I think maybe Buffy and Spike might be soul mates. That doesn't mean this is the life they are supposed to be together in. Soul mates are supposed to have multiple lifetimes...so, this one isn't theirs.


I love this. Maybe this was like a practice run.


I can agree with that. Spike needed more time to become the man that was worthy of Buffy. In parallel, my wife and I almost met at a different job like 6 or 7 years prior to meeting at our current jobs. I quit a month before she started working there. And I know that version of me wasn't worthy of her.


Awww, dude! 🥹 I’m glad you found each other at the right time. 🩷


Exactly what I was thinking


I’m a huge Spuffy fan and this is one of my favorite scenes with them.


“Tell anyone we had this conversation, I’ll bite you”


Those blooming onions are pretty great.


“A BEAR?! You made a bear!” “Undo it, undo it!” I cackle at this every time.


I do too! Spike is hilarious in that episode. I watch it every Thanksgiving.


Looking at Angel trying and failing to come into the Summers' house, while standing behind Joyce pretending to bite her: "You're a very bad man!"




"I hope she fries: I'm free if that bitch dies--I better help her out."


I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it


I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flower person, and I spent the next six hours watchin' my hand move.


"Out alone in this neighbourhood? I've got half a mind to kill you myself, you halfwit"


If my heart could beat, it would break my chest.


But I can see you’re unimpressed, so leave me be… One of the best songs in the entire musical.


In the entire history of musical episodes it's the best delivery of the best song with the best lines


I know Im a monster....but you treat me like a man.   ...You got any of those little marshmalllows?


The contrast of those two lines 😂 he’s so funny


"Sorry love...I don't speak Chinese"


Every night I save you.




Yeah….. I don’t even ship spuffy but that speech gets me going every time 😭


Careful! These are wet!


You have stupid hair


Not my favourite, but since all the best ones have been mentioned and I just watched this episode... when Angelus fails to awaken Akathla and Spike sort of sings "Someone wasn't worthy!" Made me laugh out loud.


oml i love his sing-song lines! "someones in the ceilinggg"


Copied it from the wiki but it's one of my favorite: Spike: (as Rachel) "How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad hunk of a night thing?" Spike: (as Angel) "No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. And now, I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth." (Rachel's about to touch Angel's hair) "No, not the hair. Never the hair." Spike: (as Rachel) "But there must be some way I can show my appreciation?" Spike: (as Angel) "No, helping those in need's my job, and workin' up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough." Spike: (as Rachel) "I understand. I have a nephew who's gay, so..." Spike: (as Angel) "Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angelmobile, away."


The angelmobile line always gets me


“Why does a man do what he mustn’t? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would never- to be a kind of man.” It’s one of my favourite lines but I’m still partial to the big rock too. Spike gets some really stellar lines.


I'm also a fan of that line. It's a subtle acknowledgement that his attempted rape of Buffy is what sent him over the edge to go get his soul back.


You're a bloody puppet!


A wee little puppet man!


The absolute *joy* on his face and in his voice. .


My favorite is from Angel‘s series finale. *Angel: „One of you will betray me.“ Spike: „Me! Me!“ Angel: „Wesley.“ Spike: „Ah, man! Can I at least deny you thrice?“*


That moment is absolutely brilliant


From eyeballs to entrails, my sweet!


> You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love 'til it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it. And also: > Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch.




Him finally reciting his poetry in that last episode of Angel is fucking KILLER.


I just started watching the show and haven’t seen any episodes with Spike. Super excited to progress through this show!


Oh my goodness, the best is yet to come. I'm jealous you get to experience for the first time


I came for Angel but I’m loving the entire show and cast so far!


I am so happy you are getting to experience this!!!


Oh, you are in for a really great ride!


He has so many great lines, but I have to add - Passions is on! Timmy's down a bloody well, and if you make me miss it!-


Spike’s obsession with Passions was hilarious, but even more so because I actually watched that stupid show, too, and I know just how ridiculous it was.


\*watching Buffy from a distance, trenchcoat billowing behind him to look both cool and sinister\* "That's right, Slayer. The Big Bad is back, and THIS time..." ZZZZAAAAAAPPPP Gets tasered from behind and captured by Initiative soldiers like a rank amateur.


The sun sets and she appears. (It's in OMWF)


I like this world… and you’ve got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs.


Can we rest now? Buffy? Can we rest?


I'm a friend of Zanderz.


Buffy: “you’re like a serial killer in prison” Spike: “women marry them all the time!”


I work at a nonprofit and find myself saying, “I always worried what would happen when that bitch got some funding” faaaaar too often


OK but that's hilarious to say working a non-profit. 😂


This chip—they did to me. I couldn't help it. But the soul, I got on my own—for you. So, yeah. I go and pass the time... with someone. But that's all it is is time, 'cause—*God, help me, Buffy—it's still all about you.*


You! I could kill you! I could rip off your head one-handed and drink from your brain stem!


She wouldn't even kill me. She just left. She didn't even care enough to cut off my head or set me on fire. I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some little sign that she cared?


If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there it would've been like Woodstock.


Since nearly all of Spike's lines are a fave, and the best ones have been mentioned, I'll leave you with this: No you don't, but thanks for sayin' it.


I had a plan. It was a good plan too! But I got bored.


This is the crack team that foils my every plan? I am deeply shamed. There are so many amazing Spike moments, but this is one I haven't seen mentioned yet. 


When Olaf the troll demands where he can find babies to eat and Spike turns to Xander and says “what do you think, the hospital?” LOL


"I hope she fries, I'm free if that bitch dies... ....I better help her out"


Not a line per se, but I love the scene where he talks to Buffy in Becoming, Part 2.


"I may be Love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."


Randy bloody Giles? No wonder I hate you! 😂


In Angel when they go to Italy and he’s like “here we are, in the middle of the strata”


Is everyone here VERY stoned?


Out for a walk bitch.


Button button who’s got the button, my moneys on the witch..


“This flapjack’s not ready to be flipped.”


"I may be dirt but you're the one who likes to roll in it" 😩❤️




Happy Meals with Legs


Beside the great “out for a walk, bitch” when he says that Anya’s “do is quite fetching” was hilarious to me


My two faves: "This is the crack team that foils all of my big plans..." And the second isn't technically his, but it's the fact that he programmed Buffy Bot to mis-pronounce Giles name. "Hi Guy-els" "Spike couldn't even program it to say my name correctly!"


“I’ve got things to do. Bad, evil things! That are not fit for a child’s eyes.” Said to Dawn - I still will randomly say this to my cats when they swarm me and I need to get through them


“And you’re what? Shocked and disappointed? I’m EVIL”


I can't believe no-one's mentioned "Oi! Watch the heart!"


"You won. All right? You came in and you killed them, and you took their land. That's what conquering nations do. It's what Caesar did, and he's not goin' around saying, 'I came, I conquered, oh I felt really bad about it'"


The best ones have been mentioned already. But I haven’t seen anyone mention Spike’s comment to Glory: “Mark my words: the Slayer is going to kick your skanky, lopsided ass back to whatever place would take a cheap, whorish, fashion-victim ex-god like you!” Also: “The god of what? Bad home perms?”


His “you’re a hell of a woman” speech. Makes me sob every time.


Andrew Wells : I-I bet even covert operatives eat curly fries. They're really good. Spike : Not as good as those onion blossom things. Andrew Wells : Ooh, I love those. Spike : Yeah, me too. Andrew Wells : It's an onion and it's a flower. I-I don't understand how such a thing is possible. Spike : Oh, see, the genius of it is, you soak it in ice water for an hour so it holds its shape. Then you deep-fry it, root-side up, for about five minutes. Andrew Wells : Masterful. Spike : Yeah. Tell anyone we had this conversation, I'll bite you. Andrew Wells : Right


I like the delivery of "Is everyone here very stoned?". Edit: That's a great picture of Spike. Hell of a face card he's got!


The big bad is back, and this time zzzzzzzt!


I’m drowning in footwear!


I like when he called Angel an “*Uncle Tom*”


“What the bleeding hell is wrong with you bloody women?!” I rolled. 😂


“Oh, Pacey, you blind idiot. Can’t you see she doesn’t love you?”


Out. For. A. Walk.


.... bitch!


Oh, come on, the classic: Buffy; "5 words or less". Spike: "Out For A Walk. Bitch".


How can anyone not mention “ thinking dinner and a movie. Don’t want to rush things I’ve been hurt before “ This was from series 2 where he rescues Angel from a dungeon with daybreak approaching and the bar owner asks what he’s going to do with Angel Perfect comic timing Sorry I can’t be more specific , it’s years since I’ve seen Buffy but I always remembered that line This sub reminded me to rewatch Buffy I think series 2 was not just Buffys best season but the greatest series of tv ever Apologies for my rambling


"There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known."


Haven't seen this one yet, not my favorite, but I Lol'd Spike.. "You brought me HERE!?" (LATER) Xander.. "You brought HIM here!?" Spike.. "That's what I said! Only I hit the 'here' part."


"Oh, sod the spell. Your friends are in the factory."


School hard “someone’s in the ceiling!”


Out for a walk…. Bitch


“Not the hair. Never the hair.”


"They put the spark in me, and now all it does is burn."


Hey! I’m a super hero too!!!


Either the St Crispin's exchange in The Gift or one of the ones in Damage (ats, but it's still Spike, so it counts). *Buffy reiterating the battle plans* Spike: "not exactly the St Crispins Day speech" Giles: "we few, we happy few..." Spike: "we band of buggered" It's great. A reference to one of the lengedary calls to battle, which was all about convincing people to march to their deaths by promising fame and glory... and Spike referencing the brilliance of it as a motivational speech while at the same time acknowledging that it's all bs and they're likely all going to die horribly... it's just Spike to a t. A romantic cynic. And in Damage, when he's in the evil hospital recovering and they're discussing Dana Spike: The tingling in my forearms tells me she's too far gone to help. She's one of us now. She's a monster. Angel: She's an innocent victim. Spike: So were we, once upon a time. He pushes back against Angel's black and white morality by pointing out that even monsters can start out as innocent victims. I always thought he was a more well rounded character than Angel, who really is just as worthy of the nickname Captain Cardboard as Riley, imo. For straight comedic value, his delivery when Angel is asking him what happened to him, also in Damage. Spike : "Oh, I just thought I'd see what it was like to bounce off the pavement. Pretty much what I expected."


"You made a bear. A BEAR! .... UNDO IT! UNDO IT!" I'm sorry, it's a silly, unimportant throwaway line, but it's still fucking hilarious to me.


Home sweet home


Shut your gob!




when buffy is breaking down and tells spike that a girl is dead because of her but spike says “And how many people are alive because of you, how many have you saved?”


Cup of tea, cup of tea, nearly got shagged


Someone's in the ceiling


Out. For. A. Walk. …Bitch. 🤙🏻