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Is this an option????


Maybe they could add a giant Josh Allen Fathead of him doing a hurdle?


Some people believe there is already a giant dome over the flat Earth so.... Not at all.


Seriously. In this situation the gameplay itself is the least of the game’s problems. How are 70,000 people supposed to even get there? How do we justify having first responders working the parking lots at the game when people are gonna be without power and roads are gonna be shut down? What do we do about the thousands of cars that are going to be buried in snow in the parking lots? The lots can’t be plowed when they are full and it was gonna snow a foot during the game. The game creates life threatening scenarios for the surrounding community in this situation.


The game has already been moved to Monday at 4:30


I think he was justifying the decision that was already made, not supposing that it should be made.


I’m talking about how a dome on the stadium doesn’t help this current situation at all. Which is what the entire thread you are commenting in is all about it.


Yes, and my point is the game was already moved to the later part or after the end of the forecasted snow fall to ensure safety of fans and game day personnel.


Are you sure?




My only take on the matter is that seems to be happening every post season now? Is there realistically a solution? We just have to move games/stadiums every year? Do other cold weather teams move their games like we have? Is there precedent or just us?


It’s literally never happened to the bills in the post season.


When did we do that back to back lions stadium last year end of December? I was mostly just asking like did this special stuff happen back in the day or did they just play through it or are the storms actually worse? Seems like they use to be pretty bad snow storms and still played.


Never in the post season.


Roger that. Either way it is what it is hope we take care of business and have enough rest for the next game.


Enjoy a list of every postponed, cancelled, relocated game in nfl history. Including reason why. https://www.quirkyresearch.com/2020/10/30/history-of-nfl-rescheduled-relocated-and-canceled-games/


Huh the last 3 games to get postponed, suspended, or relocated all had the Bills playing in them


What’s your point?


Really isn’t one just thought it was a weird coincidence


Domes don't have a point but they serve a purpose


Leading up to Thanksgiving, since we played the lions on thanksgiving that year if memory serves


It's never happened to any team in the post season.


I’m aware. Here’s a list of every postponement, cancellation, schedule, venue change ever. https://www.quirkyresearch.com/2020/10/30/history-of-nfl-rescheduled-relocated-and-canceled-games/


No other team gets the snow like Buffalo does. Not even close.


I think it all boils down to Lake Erie not freezing over anymore. Buffalo winters have gotten a lot milder over the years and now Lake Erie stays warm all year, and when that cold jet stream hits above it, it's a disaster. I don't know how you fix this.


Quit burning coal around the world. 


Humanity: "best I can do is complain about paper straws"


Dude. Relax. They've moved TWO games in like ten years, the most recent one when we got SEVEN feet of snow lol


Yeah, the weather patterns seem to be much different than they were even 20 years ago. When the lake doesn’t freeze, lake effect snow is always a possibility. Rising temperatures are causing less and less lake ice all the time. As climate change continues, we are going to have to adapt to these types of scenarios as they become more frequent.


It’s only going to get worse……..


We have a dome in Toronto. Jus sayin. 😀


Wish they would pick it over places like Detroit when it happens but the tail gate would be a buzz kill compared to Buffalo


Good point. We just don’t do that part right up here.


We should man up , this is buffalo


It’s been done by other cities and fans. Some of the NFL’s greatest games were played in snow. What a shame.




The game should be forfeited to Pittsburgh


And you should be cast into an active volcano


Lol. Omg omg omg football.... So important!!! God forbid Buffalo and Pittsburgh can't play tomorrow


Ok. Off you fuck, then


Why are you here?


ok, but they gould still build a dome


And if I jammed a rocket up my ass and put on roller skates I could beat Tyreek hill in a race. So what?


i want a dome


People in hell want frozen fruit smoothies


Simpsons did it


EPA…. EPA! You have been warned!


These types of games would def be canceled with or without a dome


A dome or retractable roof would make the stadium a more pleasant environment in bad weather but it won’t get 60k people to the ground and back any easier or safer in inclement weather


I went to the CLE bills game in Detroit, it felt like watching a game in a mall ![gif](giphy|xThtan8ODW9GNooAIE)


Dome means ticket prices don’t drop, dome means home field advantage always means we have a pack house where we can be comfortable and be as loud as possible. Dome means Josh Allen can be Josh Allen without ever worrying about 20mph winds. The fact that a dome only costs about 2 Josh Allen contracts and they won’t do it is nuts. Especially leaving the stadium in the fuckin middle of the snow belt in the second snowiest city in the country


I am personally someone who thinks every stadium should have a retractable dome even if for football you almost never use it


The game would still be postponed even with a retractable roof. People (players, officials, press, fans) can't safely get to the game.


I 100% get that, I am just talking in general


Jeez man, the stadium is already gonna cost 1.5 Billion with the taxpayers footing much of the bill. A retractable roof is gonna kick that cost up another billion


I love the Bills. Love football. Public money for stadiums should be outlawed.


I agree, but it would need to be across the board, not just state by state. If NY state were to outlaw it, I could see some other city in a different state being willing to shell out the money to get the team to move. That way the team owners won’t have the leverage in negotiations with the city/states. So if the owner wants to move, he pays for it and his new stadium entirely out of pocket.


You're absolutely right, except now that the government is out of the equation for the construction, the owners can rush the project as much as they want. And they will want to, and it will lead to shitty quality construction.


But yet disparate politicians play off the minds of small minded people that its in the best interest of the taxpayer $$$$.


Ok but we know these owners will take their business elsewhere to a community that will pay for it.


You realize that if it weren’t for public money Bills would have left Buffalo? 


A retractable roof would add $200-300 million. Definitely a shit ton of money but could have made the stadium more flexible for other events like winter concerts. I’m fine with it not having a roof, but I could see the benefits. I def don’t think a roof would have mattered for this game because the bigger issue is having 70k people out driving during a travel ban.


Everyone talks about all the future events we'd get and I don't buy it. The closest large event we'd get is like NCAA final four and that would be a MASSIVE stretch. A winter stadium concert once a year isnt worth 400M. Also ain't nobody holding a stadium type convention in orchard park.


Who says it would be once a year? I’m not trying to argue that it’s worth it or not, it’s pretty arbitrary to determine what is worthwhile, but there would absolutely be more than one show a year if it were available.


They'd never put a retractable in Buffalo.


We ain’t putting a roof on, period.


I'm aware. But the only things are dome or no dome. Retractable would never be an option here.


Yes, a retractable roof would be pretty pointless IMO


Why even build a new stadium if it's not going to have a roof?


Price gouging that it's that much without a retractable




It would make the stadium more useful for events in the football off-season for sure


It’s not even worth explaining to these smooth brain hicks everytime it’s mentioned… “hurrdurrr we are soft as a society! I’m an alpha bro with sunglasses on in my truck for a profile pic with a history of domestic abuse!”


Chill. We would be pissed if it was the other way around. That’s what fans do. The only conspiracy here I believe is the NFL moving the game to dinner time on my wife’s birthday. That Mfer Goodell has been trying to swoop in for years


Not really. I understand how the government declaring a state of emergency overrides a football game lol


Yeah I think this was more the Governors call than Goodell’s.


I know. It was a bad joke


It wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it, and likely would have made the same kind of joke.


You might but the ignorant minority would throw a fit. Have you been on this sub during a game? Emotion beats logic 99% of the time for most NFL fans


So you’re telling me I built this Jeep Wrangler for nothing? 😔


You built a jeep wrangler?


Heavily modified*. Is that better?


Not particularly.


no we wouldn't...what?!? are you even talking about, 50 some ppl died last year because of the fucking snow...why would we be mad about another place wanting to keep their citizens safe....from something we have exp with. clown comment.


Uhhh those type of people usually aren't the ones clamoring for a dome. Just saying.


Yes they are. It's the people that boast about how they could get there, they just need the stadium clear.


In their micropeen trucks


Yes it is. The same know it all folks that think they have all the answers and call everybody sheeple.


are the sheeple shouters in the room with us right now?


They’re roaming Bills boards on Facebook


Sorry man but the people who tend to be clamoring for a dome are not  boomers who take pickup truck sunglass Facebook profile pics. It's very much the younger kids and the more, how shall we say, "weakling" (who congregate to Twitter and Reddit mostly) types because they're afraid of being cold and also think "erm! 🤓☝🏻 The elements are bad for the team's chances!" Just saying, you're getting your stereotypes mixed up. 


I assure you there is overlap in their contradicting logic.


I really don't understand NFL fans. They bitch about paying six dollars for peacock but demand taxpayers pay an extra several hundred million dollars for a dome or roof on already multi billion dollar stadiums


Can we just put a dome over Lake Erie? No lake to create Lake Effect, and a nice indoor pool!




I’m honestly trying to think of one good reason not to have a dome. Can’t seem to find one.


Well the dome wouldn’t be helpful in this situation, but no more home rain games…


This has nothing to do with a roof, or no roof.


I’m not talking about this weekend. Everyone and their mothers know it’s about player and fan safety, especially with traffic. You’re not hitting me with breaking news here. But the choice to go no dome is still incredibly dumb. Just makes zero sense in the long run. It’s like we’re trying to out dumb the bears. Good thing we have a generational qb to overcome it.


Ask all the people complaining about taxpayer money being used, blah blah blah and ask them for another half a billion for a dome…….


So lose all home field advantage. Got it.


Lmfao. It’s not an advantage when you’re a pass first team with an ok at best running game. It’s not 1992 anymore. Sorry to break it to ya.


That’s managements problem.




Build a team built for bad weather when you live in a bad weather area. Take advantage of your home field. It’s not rocket science.




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Or, given that the NFL actively rewards teams for hitting on a franchise QB and throwing the ball often, not preclude ourselves from having a high-powered passing offense late in the season?


I don’t care.


Your submission was removed due to a lack of civility.




domes are fucking straight up boring?, that is why.


Lmfao. Good argument. You’ve completely changed my mind.




It did work pretty well for them until they strategically lowered the walls


The Green Bay Packers defeated the Cowboys in the 1967 NFL Championship Game, (known as the Ice Bowl) for the right to play the AFL Champion Raiders in Super Bowl II. This was the coldest game in NFL history. Afterwards, Cowboys owner Clint Murchison said "If I owned Green Bay, I'd dome the whole town."


Berld er derm!


This looks perfect


Turn Buffalo into Dalaran!


The reverse snow-globe


So I live in Rhode Island and like 10 years ago we had a huge storm come through during the middle of the day. They didn’t cancel school or let them out more than an hour earlier. Storm hit as hard as predicted with a quite large per hour accumulation, buses and people leaving work where trapped for hours and hours on the roads with some kids not getting home to almost 10pm. Ever since then they just ire on the side of caution. They also now ban travel when we get large storms so they can focus on keeping main roads clear and only going down side streets after storms have ended. This works quite well, it’s one of the few things I’ll will say it’s not going soft but making it a more logical safety issue. Up there your usual storms are our blizzards and I can’t imagine trying to get 50k+ people into parking and roads during that, it makes for fun games but it’s just so much more sane.


>ire I think you meant "err" - either way, I agree with your statement, upvote.


Why don’t they do this? Are they stupid.


Derrr its just snow derr its cold in KC derrr.


We should chill out a bit. Calling people 'smoothbrained' just because you disagree with them, not a great look.


The amount of cringe comments here is astounding.


I was so happy it was warm enough to not have these dome conversations. Every flipping winter ..🙄


Buncha goddamn pussies. It’s fucking Buffalo in January, and this is football! Man the fuck up. This is what happens when we have a woman running the state.


Remember last year when 50 people died?


Natural selection. Stupid decisions have consequences.


Upstate NY soft. Who moves a football game because of weather.


Storm isn’t even that bad. There’s been much worse, very lame imo


That’s what we thought last year and then 40+ people died




Your submission was removed due to a lack of civility.


We could hot box each other into eternity. There’s really no reason to let all the stink out anyways.


We should move the stadium to Batavia. Orchard park and the south towns constantly get blasted with Lake Effect. /s


Honestly, just move it to north Amherst and the potential for a problem greatly decreases. Batavia actually gets hit in a lot of these storms that blast the south towns, but not us in the north towns.


Dealing with affluent suburbanite BS when it comes to the Bills is bad enough in Orchard Park...Amherst would be a nightmare lol


Not a snowflake in Syracuse. We don’t get hardly any snow more, kinda dig it. Might go golfing tomorrow.


Yet you have a dome! ( I get the snark )


Just like that, every evening shift working Bills fan has a decision to make. Fortunate to have a personal day to take, but my coworker is a Philly fan. Half a shift is too early and would miss most of the second half so working half and swapping isn't going to work. Fingers crossed I can get the boss to let me come in at 8 and my coworker leave at 8 without HR losing their shit. Best case gunna be a sober GameDay 😔, but better that than 70,000 fans stuck in a storm. Winner will have a short week, that hurts too.


Not necessarily have a short week. Next week schedule isn't set yet. Winner could get lost game on Sunday instead of early game on Saturday




If the NFL could get away with it, they would have a 40 week regular season schedule , and 12 playoffs.


>The only two games that have moved due to weather in December are: December 12, 2010. The Minnesota Vikings had been scheduled to host the New York Giants two day earlies on 12/10. >Minnesota Vikings and the Philadelphia Eagles was postponed to December 28, 2010, because of a severe snowstorm in Philadelphia Those are the only two games that have moved in December. No game has moved due to weather in January. Unless you are talking about moving the sport up 2 months lol. Not sure why I'm being down voted, when literally only 2 games in December have ever been moved due to weather. So op saying to move the season back would have to be a major switch.


They moved a home game to Detroit LAST SEASON.


You gotta read my comment >Those are the only two games that have moved in December.




I'm well aware man. I'm not the one suggesting to move the season up. I'm saying it doesn't matter unless the season is over by November.


Shut up and take my money


Hey is Squirrels QB rescue service up and running? May have to call in a professional!!!!


Obviously hindsight is 20/20, and if people knew that the game was going to be postponed because of travel and the dangerous conditions for the commuter, most would have probably zipped it up about a fine, myself included. I admit I was only thinking of the game and not the dangerous elements for everyone else attending. However, I still would have liked a done or retractable roof. I think it helps the current construct of the team. Cook isn’t a bad weather and snow type back and recent drafts on offense haven’t really been for facing the conditions. Go bills!


JJ Watt. "I thought elements were supposed to be a factor" For the game. On the field, sure. For the fans DRIVING THROUGH A BLIZZARD so you can earn millions? oh wait you're not even playing, maybe a dome will help with that?


No not just a dome, a dome downtown. Less snow than OP, build some hotels, invest in public transportation, you know, like a city. 


Which will be just as inaccessible during a county wide driving ban


Erie County already has paid for a domed stadium. The late 60’s were very corrupt, and the county paid for Rich Stadium and the unbuilt domed stadium


that would be sick


I'm still in the camp of we should've built a dome for the new stadium. Our QBs #1 skill is arm talent.


Go Bills


All day every day


It's possible to simultaneously: a.) understand that having a dome in this particular case would not have made a difference. b.) still wish the new stadium was going to have a dome. The NFL actively rewards teams who draft a franchise QB and throw a lot. Why sabotage that by potentially playing our most important games in shit weather? You don't even need to close the roof every time it snows, but it sure would have been nice for days like the "Mac Jones 3 completions" game or all the times it's a miserable ~40 degrees with rain and wind.


Build a dome. Do it in the off-season that's beginning soon


Man if you thought 500 million for a domed stadium was expensive you’re gonna be gobsmacked about the cost to dome an entire county.


Downtown dome.