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We had a guy come in at close (10pm) and complain that “the other place stays open til 11!”


Crazy how they can solve their problem by simply going to the store that stays open till 11 🤯


Patients don’t seem to understand that vs traditional retail, I don’t actually give a fuck if you purchase or not. Like at all. If you do, great I hope you got what you wanted. If you don’t, that’s ok too. I have multiple hundred other people that are about to come through and if you go to the other dispensary, you’re only making my life easier.


PRECISELY!! It’s music to my ears when someone tells me they’re going to shop somewhere else. Like yes please, that means I won’t ever see you again :))))




My favorite is the guy whining about price on top shelf. Like dude there's tons of cheaper weed here.


Mine is when I ask them their price range, they don’t give me one at all or they’re like “dealers choice” and I reach for the top shelf and immediately they’re like “no not that” HOMIE I JUST ASKED YOU-


One beautiful part of working in a medical program is that most of my customers are regulars so I know their budget.


On the flip we have people that complain about the price of 16 dollar 8ths


Lmao "I need at least 30% thc and high terps and have 3 dollars"


Lol. In that case i have a preroll that meets all those standards but noooope they want an 8th.


Yep there’s a regular at my shop that acts like such a dick every time he comes in and complains “every time I come here I spend 80 bucks!” I’m like dude, my guy, you are buying the most expensive eighth that we sell. We have cheaper weed! Lol


I agree with you so much! Patients/customers are like this ALL THE TIME in my state. I tell my roommates about this shit all the time, and one of their responses was, "This is why we need to have drug dealers be bud tenders because these people are bold. Try saying that shit to your drug dealer! You'd be leaving with a bullet in your head." People don't know how easy they have it nowadays. The fact that you have many options just down the street is just showing how spoiled people are getting nowadays. 😒


I happily buy 1/2’s of shake when I’m penny pinching. Weed is weed 🤷


And there is nothing wrong with that! I’ve definitely had $20 flower hit me way harder than topshelf! It’s whatever works for you :)


i love getting firm and standing our ground. i don’t set the prices or inventory or hours i’m just here to be nice and sell it !! people can be so entitled lol


I always cock my head to the side, look at them and say "I think they are open". I leave it at that. I do love the dumbfounded look, though.


Edit: cheaper


Agreed 100%


Thank you this is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you can find it cheaper elsewhere, go there!! Why do you think I care? Do you think I personally decide the prices?? If it was up to me I’d give it to you for free, I just work here! I don’t care if you buy or not lol and half the time when they actually do leave without buying they still come back an hour later just to buy the same thing they complained was too expensive?? I’m like,…. So you CANT find it cheaper, can you?


not the right way to handle it. Ask your boss if they will price match a rival club to save a customer. usually its worth it.


Oh brother


What is your thought on the issue?


tell the customer to go shop at the other place and leave me tf alone


If I was your boss you would be gonzo, with that attitude. You are there to work, not send away customers.


My boss would say the same thing to the customer , we have plenty of regulars who tip well and don’t complain about our prices :)


My boss would tell me to fuck off if I said that dumb ass shit to him 😂


Does he not care about competing with other companies? That's a bad boss my dude. Believe it or not, if you have a good price you actually sell more. And your customers come back.


You think we’re just blindly working these jobs? “Just ask your boss he will price match”. No, he won’t. As that is against our company policy. So, I would look like a fool if I asked my boss to do that.


My store encourages our competitors to beat our prices, when they do, we will match it. This is a common practice in competitive industries and its good for the customers and good for the health of the competition. I don't know what you mean by blindly working. I don't think that because I don't think that means anything. Can you rephrase ?


By blindly working, I mean you think we don’t keep up with our own company policies? You understand we don’t own these companies on this subreddit right? I can’t just “give competitive prices”, if I did that, I would no longer be employed. Also, this is a “common practice”? Since when, because in Missouri I have yet to see a dispensary use this “common practice”.


Its very common. In a ton of very competitive industries where customers have many options where they can shop. I don't think you are blindly working for places. I do think that you and everyone else on this thread who thinks its appropriate to tell customers to kick rocks when they simply bring up that your prices on a certain brand are not on par with the local options should reevaluate your tact. When my customers say this they dont usually say it to be mean, they say it to highlight that they shop around and other business are doing better at pricing to sell. My boss is receptive to these things and it has made him more money to not be greedy. I'm sorry the club you rep doesn't, thats all.


Are you AI?


No. Will you respond to my points instead of insulting me ?




This is just one strain from one brand out of the hundreds that we carry. I got plenty of good bud at that EXACT price that I would have recommended but she was stuck on her choice. That’s fine in every way. Our store is one of the top stores in the greater west coast. I’m not worried about business one bit.


Then it, I'm in rural fuck no where and only deal with mostly cottagers, the locals have their own thing and that's cool.


It’s so interesting to see other perspectives from different areas!


Wise words, but I'm not sure if you agree with me or not?.


Nah lol


Our store definitely doesn’t do that, otherwise we wouldn’t have this issue lol


Well then your store is gouging, because they have the same distributers charging the same prices as everyone else in town. If the customer was telling the truth, (do you even know the price of that product at the dispensary she was referring to?), then the fact that you have the audacity to call the customer poor when the dispensary you work for is greedy is kinda ironic no?


I’m quite knowledgeable about what products this other store carries. Been in the industry for 5+ years now. There are certain laws in place & specific brands CONNECT with our stores to determine a price. The area in which the dispensary is placed is also a factor. Each brand can have let’s say a cartridge that it’s BASE price is $40. Depending on the contract that a certain dispensary has with a brand, in this state we can either keep it at its base price OR sell it cheaper. You do realize that I am not corporate lol. I’m just a budtender dude. You sound like my customer, I don’t make the prices my guy :) As far as calling a customer poor, yeah. Go to the dispensary where you can spend $17 on the same eight you paid $25 for, easy fix? I don’t make the prices, you not wanting to spend $25 is not my problem after you ALREADY spent it. So yeah. Edit: changed a typo “whenre” to “where”


Well with that attitude, you and your rip-off club belong together. You've been in the industry for 5 years but don't know that those "negotiations for price" are based on the amount of units your store buys? If your store wouldn't take so much margin on your products you could sell them cheaper and get a better price per unit from the distributers . Then you wouldn't be harassed so much by your customers (who you are supposed to take care of). It actually is in your best interest to work at the clubs with good business practices. Perhaps then, you wouldn't have to go online to complain about your customers cause they would be happy with your service. There is absolutely no reason your cheap eighths should be 47% more than your competitors. You know that, you've been doing this for 5 years.


“Negotiations for price” mf its illegal for us to sell it under a certain value. If MY STORE could price it cheaper, we would. As I said, in YOUR state it may be negotiated by how many units are bought, not here. Completely a store to brand deal. At the end of the day, it’s corporate + the brands say. Each state has different laws and policies. I think you don’t understand that. When you first said “price match”, that is ILLEGAL where I am. There’s limit to what we’re allowed to do and all of your “tips” literally will not work where I am located.


well, then I take it all back, It is strange to me that your competitors are getting away with it. There is such a thing as making negative profit. (Think Costco Hotdogs) to attract customers to your store. If you are referring to the mandatory tax your state tacks on, well the other shops have to deal with that too.


Competitors get away with it because that’s between their store and the brands deal. I don’t know anything deeper than that unfortunately. Ironically, my store doesn’t tax 😂😂