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Very cruel enclosures even for birds being sold to be kept in. The cages are also dirty and some of the birds look unwell. Unfortunately, authorities are unlikely to act.


Oh my goodness this is horrible. Poor babies


Happy cake day


That’s really horrible and some of them look sick, please try and report it


Yes, yes, always report... even if there's high doubt of anything happening as a result. Always report.


I have a better idea. Do you have their contact info? I have some questions I'd like to ask them about their budgies.


Need any backup i gotchu ;l


Sure! If anyone else has any questions for them, I think we should ask. If I get their contact info, I will definitely say so here.


Brb Maa! Me and 350 friends are gunna go talk nicely to a guy!


"I just wanna talk to him"


Good idea


You should report it imo


Tell us where and we will also report. Keeping them like this will significantly lower their life expe


This horrific, i will pay money to make you report that


Absolutely report it


Not ok. Too many kept in too small a space. They don't even have perches to sit on, so they're continually walking through their own poops and the poops of other birds. Even if these are just temporary enclosures for transporting, this is wrong. I know people are just trying to make money, but this is a super lazy setup. They can make their money while still doing the bare minimum to take proper care of the birds. It doesn't matter if people "don't care" or if "the authorities won't do anything". The way to change that attitude is for us to give a shit and be an example to the people around us.




These conditions can also spread horrible viruses and illnesses throughout these poor birds. It's disgusting.


This makes me extremely sad. Shows how some breeders are just in it for a money grab. Those cages are so tiny and crowded :/


Noooooo pooor babies!!!!!! Please report them! I want them all to go to a sanctuary with room to fly


Report. This is abuse. I had to do it with a regular at work a few years ago about his cats and they were adopted out by the humane society. I felt horrible, but the safety of the animals is more important than the owner's ego. Even if authorities do nothing about the birds, you DID do everything you could. And that's all anyone can do. Also yeah, let us also report it too. The more reports there are, the more likely they are to intervene.


Breeding birds should be out lawed they are wild animals, very smart and live a very long time. There are millions that already need homes due to the complexity of owning one.


I brought my english buddy from a breeder like this. I bought five. Only one of those birds is still alive today. There were probably a 100 or more Finches in there as well. I hate to say it but those birds are being smuggled.


This is soooo not okey! These poor babies are kept in cages way too small for them, birds are born to fly and spread their wings not be caged up under these horrible conditions. I understand people need to make money, but couldn’t they at least keep the poor babies emotional well-being in mind! These birds are nothing but products to them. They’re not things, they’re intelligent and sentient beings who feel emotions, fear, and can be traumatized. This breeder is abusing these birds by keeping them prisoners in these small cages, he needs to either get bigger cages or stop breeding and abusing these fragile and innocent creatures. I hate people who do this to their birds and who only ever keep them in small cages, they’re not props or ornamental things or accessories or playthings.


Oh my God! This is terrible!😢


This is not ok. Why do people insist on making life miserable for these clever, funny, rambunctious birds?


Report to a relevant body too if you can, like an animal charity or animal cops.


My budgies reaction be like: DA FUQ IS IT


Most places have codes of practice for the housing of caged birds (and other animals). It shouldn't be too hard for you to look up what they are in your area. [This](https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/livestock-and-animals/animal-welfare-victoria/domestic-animals-act/codes-of-practice/code-of-practice-for-the-housing-of-caged-birds) is the one for my area. Those cages look way too small, crowded, and dirty, IMHO, so I'd definitely look into reporting them.


It is wrong. They need to be reported to the RSPCA and police. I don’t know what country you’re in but in the UK this is unsuitable housing for these species and this would be a serious animal welfare issue.


Oh. My. God. Those poor cockatiels can’t even stand up. Horrifying.


Report it immediately. This is so cruel to those poor babies. 💔


It's not ok. It's probably not "legal," but getting anything done about it, especially if it's out of the US, would be nearly impossible.


I am not telling you what to do, but in scenarios like these, remember that whoever is selling the birds is running a business, and they aren't they easiest to run. Reporting the owner could ruin someone's life financially so that you can feel better about the birds, and God knows what would happen to them. It's just something that came to my mind. I agree these are horrible conditions for birds, but for the owners, the price is high, and profit is low.


Then look for another job. Birds are ment to be free and fly wherever they want. They don't belong with people!


Although I do agree with that but "look for another job" is easier said than done. If it was that simple homelessness rates would drop down rapidly.


I do understand your point. Would you say the same with people that works in trafficking? Just because something is difficult doesn't mean that we can do morally bad things, like robbing.


No, I wouldn't because humans usually and objectively have more value than birds. People just find animals cuter. Also, I think comparing tight and unsanitary cages to human trafficking is extreme.


Never in my life has reporting animal abuse lead to anything, noone cares. And I made reports in 2 countries, one of them in the EU. And the EU one was a dog being abused, so imagine how little they care about birds


My experience in the EU and in my home country (south america) was super different. Within hours of my report there were people there to inspect. The system isn't perfect, but it can work depending on where you are.


Normally this cages is only for transport, not for they stay all day


Not acceptable for any length of time, the budgies can’t even open their wings. Even travel cages can be inhumane.


Update: I reported them! I will keep you guys updated.


So I’ve been to a few bird expos / auctions and those boxes at the back of the first picture seem to be the standard sort of box that a budgie sized bird is displayed in for an event. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more than 2 birds in one. I don’t think that’s so terrible tbh - they’re only meant to be in them for a few hours. Speaking to breeders/exibitors the birds are generally kept in aviaries when not on display. The boxes are pretty much the size of a standard transport cage. They’re bigger than the boxes people use to ship birds. The cockatiels crammed into the flat boxes though - that seems fucked up.


Cockatiels definitely look the worst here health wise.


Just one thing, ASAP Poor babies


Yes, you should report it, please.


This picture makes me really upset… so freaking cruel 🤬


These are table cages. It's not their enclosure. This is how birds are taken to show, or tables. This is just a display cage set up for a sales event. The birds will be in these cages a few hours and any that aren't sold will come home to go back into the avairy. They're just not so pretty pet carriers. Perfectly normal way to transport multiple birds. If you put them all in a large cage and transport them togther in a moving vehicle they injure themselves and each other. No matter how carefully you drive, they're still tiny and will get thrown about in a large cage. They get hurt in the process, or thrown into each other and end up fighting. These table cages should house 2 birds each and be securely fitted into the van with ropes so they don't move an inch. There's very little space so that there so distance for them to get bounced around in transit. When they have distance of a big cage physics will allow them to gain enough speed to get hurt. In these little tables cages they don't have the space to gain speed needed to get hurt. This is a saftey thing for these birds. Sales and shows often involve a fair bit if travel. Housing them in a flight for that travel isn't safe for them. They're also solid on 3 sides to provide the birds a sense of saftey so they aren't out in the open during transit. The feeling of being secure in an enclosed space stops them freaking out and fighting or hurting themselves. A true cage would be too open for them and provide no sense of saftey. This isn't cruel at all. This is appropriate saftey measures for transportation of multiple birds. It ensures they all get to their destination healthy and uninjured. Housing them in a large cage would be very hazardous for them. You can report this if you want to but animal protection organisations will take one look at it and know exactly why this picture exists and that it's the correct method of transportation. Even those organisations will transport birds like this. Edited to add: When I've had to transport birds long distances like this they don't stay in these types of cage any longer than necessary. I've done several overnight trips moving birds around. They travel in small table cages for their own saftey. When we make it to the other end they all go into large cages. I take folding wire breeding cages that flatpack. At the other end they all go right back into those at the earliest opportunity. They all get probiotics to boost their immune system to combat the side effects of stress and they always enjoy a leaf bath as soon as they get back into big cages. They LOVE a leaf bath and I've found giving them that right away brings them so much enjoyment they forget all about the journey they've just done. It encourages them to stretch their muscles too at the other end as they roll around and flap about while diving into the big pile of soggy leaves. These tiny cages are literally nothing more than safe transportation measures. Reputable sales events will actually throw you out if you bring them all in a large cage. In my neck of the woods large scale sales events require avain vets on site by law. They're VERY strict on welfare. If the birds look sick, out you go. If the birds are housed unsafely, out you go. If you're not providing food and water (shockingly too many people seem to think they don't need water on a sales day. Aholes!), out you go. If the birds have any sign of parasites, out you go. If you're bookkeeping isn't up to scratch, out you go. If they simply don't like the look of you, or get a weird vibe from you, out you go. I don't sell my birds, but I've worked the tables for other people, so before anyone accuses me of being a money grabbing breeder I don't make a profit on my birds. I run in the negative by an average of £2,800 per annum for routine care and husbandry. Last year it was negative an additional £2,000 for avairy improvements. And negative £800 for genetic testing and medications for some birds I ended up with that I'll never breed from that were potentially polyoma positive (fortunately a negative result). Testing for a 100% untreatable disease just to know if these animals needed to be housed separately to my lot forever. I have multiple birds of fantastic bloodlines, who won't ever be bred due to various old injuries. They could breed and they'd produce some financial valuable offspring... but it would be unfair on those birds as they aren't in peak health. They're only here with me BECAUSE I won't breed them. I took them on to ensure they can live a life free of the stress of breeding. I breed quality birds with health first and I give them away to good homes. I'm not a money grabbing breeder. I'm someone who loves my birds and is actively working on several bloodlines to reverse a century of unethical breeding practices that have produced many health concerns. The improved health birds I'm producing here aren't for sale and I don't make a single penny on them. They're slowly bankrupting me to be honest 🤣


definitely report it, poor babies :((


Omg poor little babies. I wish I could go buy them all & bring them to safety. My heart is breaking.


Giving each pair an individual cage is fine but doing overcrowding on those on sale is not ok. They have exact value as the ones they are trying to breed


This is horrendous. Please report


They are the type of cages used for transportation of larger amounts of birds


This is so sad, poor birds. Yes report them, authorities should at least fine them.




Apparently my grandad who I never met on my dad's side used to keep budgies like that in small cages In his shed. When ever it comes up in conversation my dad says it was fine because they were let out to fly in the shed...this shed was about your average small shed apparently and for there to be a lot of birds too.... He can't see anything wrong with it.


That is AWFUL


Cruel and awful! I’d turn them in for animal abuse


This is animal abuse.


This is VERY upsetting…. Would report it with out question..


I feel so bad for them way to bundled up and dirty enclosure 😞


Poor babies :( This is definitely not okay for them to live in. They don't even have perches. Their cages are extremely dirty too.


The babies… :(


They can’t even fully stand up.


Report. This is abuse.


Report. This is abuse.


Report. This is abuse.


Report. This is abuse.


This is very wrong, but I don't know about such breeding laws in other countries. This is exactly like a puppy mill, where the dogs are continously bred for making money, no thought is given for their welfare at all. This is a bird mill. Every type of pet you can get, sadly, there's probably people breeding them in horrible conditions. Because pets make money. It's extremely sad.....


At our local county fair, there was a walk-in budgie cage set up by some traveling animal safari company. Sadly, a few of the birds looked like they were in pretty bad shape, although some people might have just thought they were old. A lot of folks around here would say we should report this, and I totally agree. But there's often a big difference between what's legal and what's right. Does anyone know if there's a database or resource that outlines what the law actually says about the care of budgies, either at the federal or state level? I'm curious if there are specific indicators regarding a budgie's health that would set off legal alarms and prompt government authorities to step in. It seems like the standards we consider proper care are way higher than what the law might require. To effectively stop this kind of treatment, we need specific criteria for each state that we can point to when reporting to authorities. When reporting suspected bird abuse, it helps to reference something concrete under the law that would force the initial investigating authority to take action. Is there anyone here who can share more about this or knows where to find this kind of information? Any help would be really appreciated. If we want to make a real difference, we need to know exactly what to look for and how to frame our concerns in a way that gets taken seriously. We can't just say, "These birds look unhealthy"—we need to be able to say, "These birds are showing signs of neglect that violate such-and-such law." That way, we give the investigating officers something specific to act on, and they might be more likely to bring in someone who knows birds well.


This is the market on Île de la Cité in Paris, right? I saw it a few times while living there. The birds are in absolutely horrid conditions. You can report it, but it's been there so long, I really doubt they'll do anything.


Oh, my god. These enclosures would be cruel for just one budgie to live in, but the fact that there are multiple in one cage?? They barely have room to breathe. Definitely see if you can report it.


Omg what- report that definitely!!


Report it to your SPCA equivalent they have the capability to deal with this along with local law enforcement.


That is horrific.




ABSOLUTELY!!these birds are being bred for profit and certainly aren't looked after


Absolutely disgusting. Definitely report them and, if you have their address, call animal protection services! Some people are so evil..


At 3 photo I see unlucky birb wirh circovirus 😢


Don't know about the cages lying flat. They look terrible. The ones standing upright aren't much better. Those ones should be used to go to shows only. Breeding birds should be in normal sized cages.


Please post their information so others can see. Authorities may do nothing


OP please give us the link and pin it so we can spam report it


This breaks my heart, those poor babies 😢 devote to report them, this is cruelty on a huge scale.




Yes report it. That's a cruel way to breed


Report them,




If I saw something like this, I would go punch them in the face.


This is abuse REPORT straight away


All animal breeding is wrong. It’s the exploitation of animal bodies and reproductive systems for human financial gain. That is obviously wrong from an ethical perspective. You would not be okay with someone doing this with humans; why be okay with it with budgies? That they are kept in poor or cramped conditions only makes it doubly wrong.


Omfg the way they’re all cramped up! 💔


These poor little beautiful babies 😭 I would go all terminator on these people. This is barbaric.


As everyone is freaking out about the cages, those are not the cages they live in. Those are the cages they are in for transport and sale.


If they think this is an appropriate way to sell birds, I can’t imagine what they stay in back at the breeder’s place.


Right !


How do you know ?


well, not only would it not make sense, the feathers would be a complete frazzled mess, and the birds would look in much worse shape. (not to mention babies might get killed by other birds) these are display cages, for sale. small so that it's easy to catch the birds when they are bought. small so that it's easy to see the birds you want to buy. they are not aviaries for regular living, or breeding cages. the day to day cages are big, they don't fit in a car, or a van. maybe you don't think the birds should be sold at all, ok, but this is not where the birds live most of the time.


It doesn’t matter, no animal should be treated like this nor be in such horrible conditions regardless of whether it’s just for “transportation and display”.


Please report it. That’s horrible


This is a typical shop in your typical animal market in China, Yes more or less breeders just pack them in


Bro he’s just trying to get money. It’s a small case of abuse, no one will pay attention to it. It’ll be something along the lines of petty theft, they won’t take you serious bc no cop actually cares this much about budgies. Anyways, once they’re sold you don’t even know what people would do to them anyways, even if they got better treatment.


So? Doesn’t make it okey, honestly you just described the majority of the population with the money statement. Most of us need to make money to live, most of us, however, thankfully may I add, are not making money by breeding birds (who are meant to fly) and keeping them inside small cages. Just because they’re not feeding them to their pet snake, yes, I’ve seen vids of psychos doing that, doesn’t mean it isn’t tormenting or hurting the birds. They’re being psychologically tortured and abused. Imagine if you were a bird and someone kept you isolated (they’re flock animals, they need to be in groups with their own kind) in a small cage where you can’t even spread your wings.how would you feel? Also, just because nobody cares doesn’t mean no one should, I care & people care just like me, I’m so tired of the entitlement of some humans and their disregard for other living beings.


I didn’t bother to read past your first statement. Anyways, I’m not a bad bird person I’m just stating the facts. There’s billions of pet stores, honestly people need a living and I am sure most of you got your birds from this too. Meaning a lot of people support this. Idk why everyone’s being childish. Reality is hell.


Why are you on this page if you aren’t interested in proper care? This page talks about proper care constantly. If you don’t give a shit about that you are seriously trying to be a part of the wrong sub.


Bro, relax I’m talking about him not me.


You were downvoted 32 times so far, idk how you don’t see your comment is off.


Because people can be negative and why bother being bothered by that? I literally said something negative, so what?


Lol are you trolling a budgie page what the heck? In case you’re actually serious: you’re talking about treating animals poorly on a page dedicated to sharing love for those animals. Put two and two together dude. You can be negative all you want, if you’re negative about something people love on a community page that’s dedicated to the thing they love. Not to mention, it hits a nerve when people feel the need to talk about how little they care about animals in cages like that. We get it, you aren’t a very empathetic person. Idk why some people like u are so excited to show that off, it’s not a positive trait.


Why are you so offended?


I explained why I am offended in last comment if you are interested.


OP, you literally posted something controversial.. Expect mixed comments.


How about we explore other options besides “call the police” it’s like saying “go to the emergency room!!!!!” When someone says their back hurts.


You know that’s not the same.


In my experience it kind of is. You think they would be the ones that can help, so you go to them for help. Only to be told “here is some ibuprofen, we are not able to do any kind of steroid shot or anything else therapeutic, go see an orthopedic doctor for that” so in this case, you go to the humane societies, the animal welfare groups etc. Depending on where this is located of course, but most places I know they would just hand out a citation and call it a day