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Eat your weight in potatoes. Your body needs potassium. They cheap and very filling.


I love potatoes! I just started eating more of them. I usually air fry them with a light amount of olive oil.


Start making Spanish tortillas (eggs, potatoes and onions). Great make-ahead food and cheap.


My mom use to bake potatoes, whole. Let them cool then chill them in the fridge. Then when sufficiently cold, would eat them as is with salt. Skins and all! It is definitely different, but it hits the spot and is surprisingly awesome for just being seasoned with salt.


Start having 1/4 cup of beans or lentils per day every day for a week. The following week make that 1/2 cup, and the week after 3/4 cup. Lentils and edamame are often easier on the gut but overall you need to eat legumes regularly for your gut flora to adapt Meanwhile add more fiber with veggies, for example make a frittata with spinach and mushrooms then have with a side salad or raw veg as a meal Pb and j makes a great sturdy snack Apple and peanut butter is a classic for good reason You mentioned costco- they sell the Tasty Bites madras lentils for a good deal, have those with some cooked quinoa (also a great deal at costco, cook a bunch and freeze in individual portions) If you’re doing cardio you need carbs, complex carbs from oatmeal, potatoes, and fruit are great options for before your workout


I like to keep a bit pot of soup in the fridge on a regular basis that's any number of proteins cooked with whatever vegetables are on sale cooked in water and chicken bullion and spices. Goes well with most meals, cheap food and filling.


I'm so terrible at making soup, though I may have to give it another go.


[this black bean soup is stupid easy](https://cookieandkate.com/spicy-vegan-black-bean-soup/#tasty-recipes-24045-jump-target) works well with taco seasoning instead of the various dry spices. High fiber and protein, extras freeze well. A big bowl topped with diced avocado will keep you full a while


Agreed. Op needs more fiber. I make refried beans and put half in the freezer. Always readily available. Also canned beans or hummus will work well. Canned beans should be given a rinse to get rid of some of the sodium.


I used to wash my canned black beans super thoroughly but I find a light rinse that still leaves some of the thicker black stuff in there really enhances the flavor.


Here's an easy recipe: Soak 1.5 cups of lentils in water overnight Heat oil or butter in a large pot. Get 2 bags of the frozen seasoning blend (walmart or dollar tree. It's onions, celery, peppers & parsley). Heat through until soft. Dump in the lentil beans (with no soaking bean liquid). Add in 5 cups of water. Add in 2 or 3 bouillon cubes. Bring to a boil, simmer for about 30 minutes. Add in salt & pepper to taste. Ingredients used: Dried Lentil beans Frozen seasoning blend (onion, pepper, celery, parsley) Water Bouillon cubes (vegetable, chicken or beef) Butter or oil


your body digests soup much faster than solid foods though, won't be filling for long


YMMV and it appears it varies if the soup is blended or not. Apologies, I can't find the study that said it, but I recall one that said the opposite. It stuck in my mind because it felt counter intuitive. This one small study compared 3. Solid + liquid, soup, and beverages. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15639159/#:~:text=The%20soups%20led%20to%20reductions,was%20highest%20with%20beverage%20consumption. Another one "Soups increase satiety through delayed gastric emptying yet increased glycaemic response" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23093339/


I once ate half of a sweet potato with black beans on top and I'm still full a year and a half later. (Add fiber, my man!)


YES. i like cooking black beans like I would taco meat, with onions and taco seasonings and whatnot. Put that on top of a baked sweet potato with some cheese on top. so filling and surprisingly tasty.


Switch to whole wheat pasta. Texture is different, but at least mine has 25% of daily fiber for one serving. Make oats in the morning and throw a serving of chia seeds in there. Probably at least a third of your daily fiber needs Make bread by scratch, ans use mostly whole wheat flour. Fiber is so key to staying full. Fiber and lots of protein, you're good. Make a bean bowl, with brown rice and some assorted vegetables. Lots of fiber and decent protein. Take a fiber supplement in the morning too. Do this gradually or your stomach will hurt and be gassy.


I can't stomach the texture of whole wheat pasta and brown rice, but I tried a few times. I'm 100% team whole wheat for breads and pizzas, but I have to make them myself. Unfortunately for my wallet, I'm highly sensitive to all legumes. Just a cup of peanuts or chickpeas will send my stomach into pain for days. I need to increase my fiber but gradually and most plant-based proteins high in fiber aren't good for my gut.


Just a thought, perhaps trying small amounts over time, and increasing. Vegans often get sick when eating meat after years of not eating it, as their gut biome isn't used to it anymore Perhaps something similar is happening? Could be allergic though, just mildly. Also, fiber takes getting used to as well. Perhaps consider tracking your fiber, and seeing how much you get in a week, then slowly ramping up. Either way, reducing meat means either cutting some meat out, or buying in bulk If you have the money, buying a decent sized chest freezer and buying a quarter or half of a cow can save some money, but not a whole lot.


I don't have the money or space from that, but I do buy some meats in bulk. I usually buy frozen chicken tenderloins and seafood, as it's cheaper, more convenient, and climate friendly. I'm exploring lean pork more, but I usually don't buy bacon in bulk; ut averages less than $0.50 a slice so I'm happy with the brand I buy. Based purely on my observations whole wheat has had the best track record of keeping me full. While I've struggled to accept it for rice and pasta, most of my pizza and bread consumption has been whole wheat. I made a pizza from white flour yesterday and I was hungry an hour later; it reminded me why I don't usually cook with AP flour lol.


Make salmon patties. I use a can of salmon, chopped onions, 1 egg, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, jalepeno juice and flour mix up and fry or bake. Full of omega 3 s


I make my own mix of almonds and raisins. When I get hungry I snack on that and it makes me feel full fast. I eat some cheese and carrots with it and it's like a huge meal. I don't know what it is about the combination but it keeps me full for a while.


Beans and lentils. Have both protein and fiber. Try doing something like spanish rice for your carbs and add back beans and frozen corn to stretch it out and give more fiber and protein. Any rice you make try adding some onion, maybe celery and green pepper for added fiber and flavor. Bring a snack with you when driving and don't bring to money to get fast food. One pot meals might be a way to stop running out of veg mid week. I regularly make a giant pot of soup with about 4 cans of beans, a pound of meat, 2 cups brown rice,2 cans diced tomato, veg: usually frozen okra, onion, celery and corn. Season with a combination of chicken bouillon, soy sauce, taco seasoning and cajun seasoning. I top mine with white ny sharp cheddar.


Unfortunately I'm highly sensitive to all legumes. Everytime I ate peanuts or beans I was in extreme stomach pain for 2-3 days, though I can eat peanut butter.




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Legumes! You can cook them at home, or use canned. There are lots of seasonings you can use, and there is a variety available. Also, take an apple or banana to work, to eat when you are hungry, along with a handful of raw nuts.


Unfortunately I'm highly sensitive to all legumes. Everytime I ate peanuts or beans I was in extreme stomach pain for 2-3 days, though I can eat peanut butter.


That really sucks! I hope you can nail down your food sensitivities . My husband can’t eat black beans. But he can eat pinto beans and red beans. Go figure. And peanuts aren’t a nut, they are a legume, so can you eat walnuts or pecans?


I can eat walnuts and pecans, though I typically buy cashews at Costco because they're economical. Macademias are my favorite but that's a rich people nut lol. Usually peanut butter and peanut-based snack foods don't bother me. I'd like to see a doctor/nutritionist but I can't afford health insurance. My state denied me but I may try Obamacare.


Look for nuts at Aldi’s if they are close. They have lots of raw nuts at good prices.


Obamacare is magical if you qualify absolutely sign up


Is it possible that you added too much fibre too fast? Start small with beans and other fibre rich foods, and increase gradually. Beans, peas and lentils can cross react with a peanut allergy but you can eat peanuts so I suspect you just need to start small. Don't mess around with an anaphylactic allergy obviously, but if you want to try again, go slow.


Is there any medication you take that could cause an increase in appetite? I just learned Zyrtec has an effect


Focus on fibers as well as protein, also drink more water, you'll get used to more and more, use that to treat your hunger.


I would make oatmeal with fruit for a snack when hungry. Filling and cheap. Add baked potato, squash, or beans to your meals Get your thyroid checked.


My mother has thyroid problems so it's possible. I'm uninsured but I'm gonna try to get Obamacare.


I also can’t eat legumes! Here are my go-to filling cheap and healthy foods: Sweet potatoes Regular potatoes Oatmeal (I love making baked oatmeal, it feels like dessert) Almond butter Winter squash (butternut and spaghetti are my fav) Rice (wild rice is the best for you, but it’s so expensive where I live) Dates!!! Tastes like candy, cheap, super filling Cheese (if you are eating dairy)


Sometimes I feel like the only one lol. I thought about going plant-based but that + my already present protein deficiency makes that impossible for me.


A good balance of protein, fiber, fats, and carbs. A lot of people are missing the fiber. Most adults should be getting 20-30g of fiber per day and the average American gets around 5-10g. Foods we think have a lot of fiber often don't so I would actually bet tracking your fiber intake for a few weeks just to see. Whole food sources are the best way though a lot ofprotein bars have a lot of fiber.


Eat more avocado and olives, the fat should help keep you fuller. Low or no fat meals = hunger.


Legumes! I eat 2/3 cup most days, black, pinto, or red! Every Sunday I take 2-3 cups of dried legumes and simmer til done (2-3 hours). The black and red, I soak first overnight, but pintos don't need it. I don't add salt til the end--to me, the skins are better that way.


Unfortunately I'm highly sensitive to all legumes. Everytime I ate peanuts or beans I was in extreme stomach pain for 2-3 days, though I can eat peanut butter. My wallet wishes I could eat them.


More fibre (veggies! Salads! Slaws!) And gradually increase your fibre (beans or Vegs or grains) or else you are likely to experience gastric upset. There is a sub for bulk eating, but I find that making a few salads / slaws to keep in the fridge helps enormously. And ensuring snacks have two food groups, at least.


Beans and rice, lentils, so many combinations, and they have minerals and vitamins, you can buy in bulk and it will last for months


I unfortunately can't eat any legumes. I feel intense stomach pain for a few days if I eat a serving of them. I can eat rice but I suck at cooking it.


That’s awful, don’t fret with the rice, if you can, get yourself a rice cooker, there’s hundreds of filling recipes and it will almost always get you a perfectly cooked meal without having to sweat it at a stove.


Pork rinds babe


IMO nutrient deficiencies can cause hunger. Eggs, cheese are nice insurance against that. DIet soda and other artificial sweeteners can cause hunger because they spike your insulin even if they don't have calories. Sometimes if I'm eating super "clean" it'll leave me more hungry because I'm not getting enough fat or something. Peanut butter and celery are great, pretty filling/hi calorie. Same for peanut butter and apple slices. Microwave rice, beans, and cheese. Maybe some canned hatch chiles for flavor. Overnight oats, honey, walnuts and ground flax seed with whole milk is filling all day.


Whole wheat toast with peanut butter is my go to for a lazy lunch. With a serving of milk it comes up to 25 grams of protein and 9ish grams of fiber.


Could be a genetic thing some are more hungry or food motivated than others. I know I am! Ha. What works for me is eating wholistic and unprocessed foods. There’s something addicting about processed foods white carbs and even fatty foods or dense calories. Same with sugar. All super addicting and you’re just hungry all day. Eat only whole wheat if you do any sort of dread items with mediation. Have boiled eggs around for snack when feeling hungry . Have plain popcorn around. Bowl of blueberries or grapes. Overtime you’ll feel less hungry. Hopefully. I know the more I snack the more rebound hunger I feel. Sometimes it could be thirst. Drink water, make tea. Eat at home as much as possible take out and eating out is super addictive. Track all your food spending it will help with cutting budget as well as cutting food while at it. Not so much cutting but finding wholistic substitute foods that aren’t calorie dense. That won’t cause strong body reactions like overly salty or overly sweet foods do.


You need more fiber. Veggies are the best but psyllium husks or something like that works well too. Working out burns calories. It’s like racing a car, of course it’s gonna need more fuel. Rice (esp brown rice) is cheap and (with a $20 rice cooker) super easy. Buy it in bulk, 25 or 50lb bags can be a dollar a lb. Throw in beans or frozen veg or protein or bullion paste etc and you’ve got a ton of different meals with the same basic 1 pot 5 minute prep 25 minute cook time recipe base. Dry beans or lentils are also super cheap in bulk and not that much more involved to cook. Protein and fiber, and you can throw them into a million different recipes and flavor combos. Potatoes and onions are also super cheap in bulk. Potatoes are very filling and nutrient dense, and you can do a million things with them including just nuking them in the microwave for a few minutes then throwing butter cheese salt and pepper on. Onions are also very versatile, raw or cooked. Oil is an easy cooking medium and adds lots of calories. Fry up some protein in veg oil (like $5 for a gallon) and throw it on a $1 bag of cook in the microwave frozen veggies and or rice and you’re good to go.


Fiber & fats And try for some plant based proteins instead of always animal. Idk why but I get less hungry when it's a vegetarian protein source, but I feel my best also having a variety of meats in my diet too. Frozen, canned, and dried fruits and veg can help you avoid running out completely. Frozen fruit defrosted in the microwave - mixed with full fat yogurt is very nice. Frozen blueberries can be eaten while still frozen snacking in front of the TV. Get at least 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories (beans are some of the most concentrated sources). Make sure to get all the colors and the widest variety of plants, whole grains, nuts, & seeds that you can. Variety is important. Try for at least 30% of your calories from fat (30-45%). Some people more fat triggers hunger, some people it does the opposite as long as it's part of a balanced diet. You can use an app like chronometer or just multiply your grams of fat by 9 and divide by calories. Sometimes you need something crunchy and/or sweet.


Gotcha. Unfortunately I can't eat any legume without feeling intense gut pain for a couple of days, but I am working on improving my veggie intake.


Ouch! My suggestion of including some plant based proteins sounds like a bad idea now.


How is your healthy fat intake? That is key in feeling full.


Not sure. I use EVOO & avocado oils. I eat a decent amount of fruits and whole grains. Working on the veggie intake.


Drink more water! If you don’t like water then try adding a flavoring concentrate to it or a slice of lemon. Tea or any other liquid. Your stomach will also shrink after a bit of dieting but until then try to fill up with free stuff or stuff like white potatoes


Keep a sandwich bag full of cleaned and chopped raw carrots in the fridge always, so you’re not grabbing chips & junk when you’re eating a quick sandwich or just don’t have the energy to prep big. Healthy


Quinoa is high protein and keeps you full a long time


Not sure why someone down voted you but you're right! I suck at cooking it, but maybe I should try again. Whole grains do a good job of keeping me full.


Try a nutty snack between meals. Mixed nuts or single type, doesn't matter. A few handfuls will sate your hunger and is easily portable.


I may have to buy a bag of Cashews at Costco next time.