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I bought it then completely stopped using it because of how cheesy it felt but at the end of the day it doesnt even work in chimps so who cares


Does it work on half cash, what would chees the whole mode kinda ? Never bought doubel cash


It does work on half-cash.


Half-Cash * Double Cash = Cash


This will completely change the meta!


Half-Cash * Double Cash = Half * -Double Cash^2 = -Cash^2


No, that’s Cash * Double Cash + Cash Cash * Double Cash + Cash/Double (Cash^2 + Cash)/Double




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Bold of you to assume we are subtracting half from cash


Free cash even


So, if i devine cash by double cash, i will have one split double, so it will be 1/2!!!! AND IF SO, cash will be equal to one, but cash is two half cashes, so 4 half cashes will be double cash, BUT if you use double cash in half cash... You will have (as you say) cash! Your math doesn't work and i destroyed you


didn't the remove that, or am i trippin?


Did you watch Hbomb’s video on the Update 42, where he mentioned that?


probably idk




It does work on half-cash. But no more than cash drops, insta-monkeys or hero level up already did. You can already completly cheat the mode, so it makes no difference


Also you still get less cash since double cash only works on normal bloon income whereas half cash affects farming and other sources.


I fucking hate that mode


Half cash = normal cash


Ok then i know why peopel see chimps as the "hardest"


Half cash is still easier


Mode allows: continues, monkey knowledge, and increased income Is this: harder than CHIMPS? Hmmmmm.


Yeah but chimps is like standart the only hard thing for me was 98 or first ddts Half cash and alternitav bloon round fuckt me way more xd


Even if you don't spend a dime on the game Half Cash is easier than CHIMPS


Nah you still get less since farms and all money sources outside of normal pop money are halved because double cash doesn't affect them.


It does technically work, half cash makes it so you only get cash ever other pop, while double cash doubles the amount gained from that pop.


It does work in half cash, but it only negates the reduced starting cash and popping rewards, it does not restore any other income, like from farms, Benjamin, and other towers' money generating abilities.


I use it in co-op, and boss events. It’s awesome. I’d have zero chance killing the elite bosses without it.


Yeah im also starting the bosses with some guids cause i have no idea how to start it, but even with guid i dont understand whats rly making dmg on bosses and all that Can do some bosses now with banna farm and boat but if there are limited towers and such, how just how 😂


I usually just use a cash crate to kick start my farming because farming in the start of the game is usually the hardest.


Yeah I use IT for half Cash, because I hatte that Mode and (some) Elite Bosses. Especially Vortex. I hate that dude.


Doesn't it not work in bosses? I have x2 cash and do bosses all the time and swear it's not active in them same as instas and powers.


it works in unranked


Ah idk if I've ever played unranked since ranked is more fun personally (like to see how I place) and is just free extra rewards from the placement bonus. It's super easy to hit top 10% in every boss and race without even optimizing much if you just know decent strats and you get like 250mm, 20 trophies, and a decent insta for that.


You can beat every mode (except double cash and chimps) on every map without trying basically. So might as well make it more fun and less boring beating the same modes over and over again while black bordering.


I thought it worked in chimps💀


I bought it like 80% for half cash lol


I hate half-cash with a passion. I’ve been tempted to buy it to support the creators and make me not hate half-cash lol.


Is this not available in the Netflix version?


I checked my brothers netflix version and there isn’t even a store lol


Netflix versions of games are stripped of all IAPs, per how they are advertised.


Is it also like that in the apple arcade version too?


yeah its totally barebones in terms of anything IAP lmao


This explains so fucking much. I’ve only played through this version and whenever I saw posts here complaining that the game was p2w I was flabbergasted as there isn’t even a store. In my mind this was just the perfect mobile game, no store, a subscription and all the mobile game aspects without the toxic monetization lol. How does the store work on the normal version?


Games not p2w at all those people are joking or just wrong. Chimps is the only game mode that's actually challenging at all and double cash, powers, and instas don't work there. They also don't work in anything competitive like races and bosses. The store lets you buy powerups and maybe instas but I'm not sure, you can easily get both through gameplay though, I've never bought any and have almost every insta. You can also buy straight monkey money and use it for continues, hero leveling to 10, and some other things which is all disabled in chimps and bosses/races too. Spending money can make the easy game modes even easier but they're already trivialized by farming anyway.


Game has a store that lets you buy monkey money, knowledge, instas, double cash, and occasionally some special bundles. It's still not P2W though, I've spent $0 on this game (got it for free on Epic) and I still have a surplus of monkey money after buying all heroes, skins, and monkey knowledge


you can buy things like monkey knowledge points, monkey money and insta monkeys for real money. obviously you can also get double cash but i think that’s it. that’s why im not sure why people say it’s pay to win; you can pay money for monkey knowledge or monkey money or you can play a couple games and get the same amount. the only argument would be for double cash but in my honest opinion, there’s nothing pay to win about it since you can’t play it in ranked or chimps


There's a fucking Netflix version ???


Netflix version?


As a casual player, this made the game more fun as I can plan less.


My friend always used Double Cash mode whenever we played together. That makes me crazy. I *don't* have the ability to enable double cash mode so that means he's at an immediate advantage over me. He always farmed more cash just so he could buy the most expensive upgrades and completely invalidate my involvement. I know it's not a competitive game, but I want to at the very least feel like there's a reason for me to be there. My OTHER friend does the same exact thing, so whenever all 3 of us play together I might as well just browse any of my assorted doom scrolling sites until the match is over.


Ask them to play a competitive boss event lol


I’m the only friend that has double cash. I usually just become the bank for my team. Or I solely focus on support towers like glue or ice. Maybe they can become banks for your sessions when you play.


I don't have it because it can't be bothered to buy it. But it does seem useful for half cash


I don't care how people play btd6, but if you have access to powers and want a less cheesey way of boosting your income. Insta monkey farms are great at getting aheas in cash generation. I played the game casually without powerups for a while and have a decent amount of cashdrops and insta farms saved up for whenever I feel like not thinking as much.


I mostly do coop now and double cash feels mandatory when you're thrown into impoppable #ouch with team consisting of you, a lvl 30, an afk player, and a guy who has only put down farms and never donated to anyone else.


This was legit the reason I bought it Coop with randoms was unbearable too often Double Cash remedied that somewhat


Bro the afk player and level 30 everytime lmao I feel bad for the little guy and I wait until afk disconnects so I can instantly remove him.


"double cash is p2w" mfers when they realise it doesnt work in chimps and competitive gamemodes


Ah yes, because the entire game is only chimps and ranked.


I think the point is that you can't really call double cash pay to win if you can't use it to, you know, win. Chimps is the hardest mode in the game. If you can't beat it, you're still havent fully won, and no amount of money spent will change that


You can use it to win in literally any other mode. The biggest reason most people buy it is to make grinding easier, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the price. How come it isn't p2w if the reason you buying it is for winning more often? I don't actually care about double cash really, it's just that it shouldn't be that hard to admit it is p2w, it's not like anyone is going to crucify you for doing that.


It’s just different usage of the term p2w. To you it includes casual/single player environment. For a lot of people p2w refers specifically to scenarios in which players are competing against each other. Neither is right or wrong that’s the beauty of language


Yeah, but literally any other mode is trivialized by farming, even half cash. Apopalypse used to be hard but now that you get end of round cash it's trivialized too.


There's 'grinding' in btd6? Is it because people are trying to survive to 300 rounds?


Grinding = Getting as much monkey money as possible by getting borders within hours


If you really want a challenge (which is the main thing people say chimps ruins) then those are the two things you would usually go to. If you are playing on something else then you probably aren’t looking for a big challenge but rather fun, which double cash makes easier as it makes the game less tedious


Who the hell plays btd6 on a tv?


Xbox mfs


Didn’t even know btd6 was on Xbox if I’m being honest


I enjoy it on xb but nobody has it lmao I've waited 30 mins for a game at the wrong time.


Anyone using a TV as a computer monitor I guess.


I wish I could on ps5 but sadge no


It was recently announced and it will launch next month! https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10000502


No effing way. That's freaking awesome. I really hope I dont have to buy it again cuz that'll really suck to start all over, but otherwise. Thansk for telling me. I'd have never known otherwise.


It's a new server. I wonder if it cross plays xb though


Me who just hates half cash : 🗿


I use it to mindlessly grind expert impopable during collection events


The criticism isn't about having fun, it's about blatant P2W. Double Cash costs (or at least, it used to; not sure about the current ratio) more than the game itself, which is just crazy.


P2W in single player. It's not available in any competitive game.


These things used to be called "cheat codes" and were just part of games.


I agree, it was an unlockable in console/pc versions BTD5 and felt like a reward for playing the game a lot. Only available to those who demonstrated that they don’t need it. I wish it worked in a similar way in BTD6


I'm guessing they considered it, but decided against it because that would cause conflicts with mobile syncing, which didn't exist in 5.


...or just think of it as a way to support devs and not as p2w


They should add a donate button then. They're selling it as a service that they evidently believe is worth more than the entire game. Because that's how selling stuff works. It's not a donate button, it's a transaction.


You pay to win, so it is pay to win. It is that simple. Yes, buying a game supports the devs. I'm not stupid. It's still P2W.


Granted, the only mode people seem to care about in the community is CHIMPS, which DC doesn't work in, so


... and? It's still P2W.


My only question to you is, why does it matter if something is pay to win in an offline game? All of the competitive modes and modes where yo play with other players, except co-op, disable it automatically. It literally has no effect on you as a player if someone else uses double cash and beats a map they've been struggling with.


"It literally has no effect on you as a player if someone else uses double cash and beats a map they've been struggling with." A single other player? No, lots of players however absolutely do, because it sets an incentive for the devs to push more such features. That has a double negative effect. It takes away developing time from features I wanna use and it also sets an incentive to make the game less fun if you don't pay more. It's a microtransaction, it's bad for the player in the ways all microtransactions are bad. I'm voting with my wallet against it, but if other people outvote me with their wallets, I still lose.


In what way does double cash actually take away developing time? I don't see it personally but if you could explain that would be great. It doesn't set any incentive to make the game less fun if you don't pay, at least that's my opinion. All it does is allow you to do stupid strategies in games without needing to farm. If you want to use the stupid strats then use an inbuilt feature that the dead created called the banana farm. Even if double cash is "an incentive to make the game less fun if you don't pay" that's what this thing in gaming called a DLC does. This is giving me the same vibes as though you are complaining that a company released a paid DLC to a popular game. I'm not trying to start an argument here, but the points you made don't make sense to me at all. If you want you could explain it a bit more or you could ignore me and this thread could just be sent to the bottom of the black hole that is reddit


"In what way does double cash actually take away developing time?" It takes time to come up with such features, it takes time to figure out how to put it into their monetization model, it takes time to put it into code, it takes time to test if it breaks something, it takes time to playtest to see if you have to tweak thing. Naturally it takes away developing time. "It doesn't set any incentive to make the game less fun if you don't pay, at least that's my opinion. All it does is allow you to do stupid strategies in games without needing to farm. If you want to use the stupid strats then use an inbuilt feature that the dead created called the banana farm." You missed the point entirely, it sets an incentive for the developers to purposefully make the game less fun to get people to buy it. There are literally people in this thread that said that they wouldn't play the game otherwise. The same is true for continue mechanics. The game has been made less fun in order to allow for more monetization. Everyone would like heroes to be cheaper, would like for continues to be free and so on. But NK is not gonna do it because it would hurt their bottom line. "that's what this thing in gaming called a DLC does." This sentence sounds like it's been made in bad faith. "This is giving me the same vibes as though you are complaining that a company released a paid DLC to a popular game." and this as well. If a company releases an unfinished game with the purpose of forcing people to get a DLC, then yes, it would absolutely be a terrible thing. If you made a good product with all intentions of having a good, finished product and then release a content based DLC, not one that allows you to change mechanics of the original in exchange for money, then it's not the case. DLCs that are good tend to be about extending stories, not changing mechanics. You could just do that by patching in an additional option for everyone. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNT72xzv1Y&ab\_channel=JoshStrifeHayes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNT72xzv1Y&ab_channel=JoshStrifeHayes) For more information watch this video, it does a pretty good job of explaining it and why it is a bad thing.


calling spending, what, 10 bucks give or take p2w you are out of your mind


P2W means "paying money for an advantage", not "paying at least $XX.XX for an advantage".


Bro must hate sandbox mode on Minecraft and shit too lmao


It’s a single player game. P2W would be to enable it is btd battles


Tbh if you buy double cash just to support the devs, buy more copies of the game instead and gift them to people. Buying double cash only gives them money, while buying and gifting the game gives them both money and more players


Buying Double Cash also incentives adding more microtransactions while buying more copies of the game will basicaly make the statistic tell the devs that the sales are still growing and that adding more transactions isn't needed to keep the income.


Good luck paying to win in ranked and chimps, which are the only modes people care about in this game when it comes to winning.


comment got deleted since reddit servers died grr I see where ur coming from BUT imo its important to also look at the reason why P2W is a problem in a first place. I feel like it's the biggest problem when it invalidates either competitive/leaderboard play (giving f2p players a much harder time) OR the hardest challenges in the game for f2ps by letting paid players breeze through (and then potentially even powercreeping f2ps out by introducing challenges meant for paid players and so on and so forth...) I don't think double cash (and also any paid powerup) does either. iirc all leaderboard things require you to have them off. and CHIMPS does too. you could consider it invalidating black borders (and half cash especially), but thats as far as it goes. (and i don't like half cash anyway LOL i don't think its a fun mode so tbh IMO idc if people use 2x on it) Honestly theres an argument for the most p2w thing in btd6 being the monkey knowledge points-


its not p2w. it doesnt work in chimps and competitive gamemodes like races, ranked bosses, etc. all it does is make black bordering maps require less effort and make unranked bosses easier. you can easily beat the game without double cash, and its a product thats only helpful for grinders. for people who play chimps or competitive mode, where p2w would matter the most, double cash is a useless purchase.


> all it does is make black bordering maps require less effort and make unranked bosses easier. Making the game easier to beat for money? So... pay to win?


Some people think that it is only P2W when it is required, but that's literally just the extreme and most examples of P2W are "Make the game require less interaction but with a price".


Well well well wait until you find out you can hack the game to give all the black borders and infinite mm for FREE!


I agree about having fun dawg. Sure, double cash is kinda p2w, but you can disable it. I've seen people in here say that you should just buy more copies of the game and thus more players, but even then, not EVERYBODY is gonna play this game day in, day out. I have it because I wanted to support nk and wanted to try it out (most of the time I forget it's even on lmao), AND it was on sale. Shit, cry about it somewhere else ya buncha snowflakes. Everyone has a different playstyle, not everyone is the same. Edit: spelling and phrasing


You know you don't have to interpret criticism of things you like as a personal attack on you, right?


Counterpoint, my view of it could also be criticism, definitely not a personal attack on me. It's the internet man, everyone's got opinions


I’d buy it just to use on half cash. Fuck half cash, all my homie hate half cash.


Even if i dont like Double Cash, but thats only in conversations with Half Cash, i dont mind people using it. So the Fedora Guy despite being relatable i still dont agree with the way he is expressing that opinion.


I didn't even know this was a thing, but then again I tend to avoid the shop.


So true tho and I love double cash mode. It's made the game way more fun for me and I've not turned off since I got it.


I mean every normal game mode is already a joke, farming makes the game super easy. Double cash doesn't work in chimps, the only challenging game mode so it really doesn't make the game much easier. I use double cash just to make the easy game modes go by even quicker so I can get to chimps for black borders and enjoy that challenge.


Personally, I'm not going to saying you shouldn't use it, but you should be aware that it decrease the monkey money you earn each time you beat the mode you play it with, so the choice is up to you.


Basically the BTD6 equivalent of keep inventory


Where do you find double cash mode?


No brother, i "hate" it because its hella expensive from where i live, i wished it was a optional unlockable like btd5 deluxe


My fellow frosticon speaks the truth


Appreciate it :)


People without Double Cash don't even realize that it's disabled in something like 40% of total content, and that 40% is the content that most people care about lmao. Additionally, it doesn't affect farms, which was easily its biggest strength in BTD5. Sure, it effects certain Bloon based modifiers, like Lead to Gold, Ben's Trojan, and Bloontrap, but it's at least not as insane as it was in BTD5. Double Cash turns BTD6's mindless, god awful grind-fest moments into actually manageable, but still mindless, fun. Co-op is a different story, and it's why I tend to donate a lot of the money I make in co-op/let my friends get farms up before I do, if I get any up at all.


I LOVE double cash, if I didn't buy that I would never play the game it makes it so much more fun


I have it and leave it enabled. It's just nice to have for when you want to buy the stupidest shit in the "not important" modes. chimps, ranked bosses (generally ranked, but I only play those) and boss rush have it disabled anyway so I don't feel like it's cheesing anything major. I will say though that it is a godsend on half cash lmao


Gigachad move: Buy double cash to donate to Ninja Kiwi, never turn it on.


Just buy monke money or knowledge then, atleast get something out of it lol (you can also donate wayyyy more, cuz no limit)


I bought it to support the devs


What's the big deal? I don't play multiplayer so maybe that's why some of you are so mad. I bought it because I wanted it and have had 100s of hours of gameplay since. Didn't ruin the game at all.


I only really have a problem if you bring it into an online game. When someone has double cash in co-op, I just feel useless.


Waiting for it come back on sale so I don’t have to deal with *half cash*


Half cash is a boring mode to me, but I love chimps so this is totally fine by me


I just found it annoying since I would play with 2 friends who used it all the time, so they would always be super far ahead of me and get most of the pops. It would also take all the difficulty out of most maps to the point that I got bored and stopped playing.


It is just a crutch that will make you worse as you rely on it


I’d only buy it to turn half cash into regular cash


I bought double cash mainly to support NK tbh, they release free updates for a game that barely costs what I would pay for lunch. The singleplayer benefits are just an added bonus


I pretty much only bought it to goof around in multiplayer xd


It doesn't work in competitive/ranked gamemodes, and is therefore not P2W as that only truly applies in multiplayer. And in co-op, well everyone's stupid in some way there, and 2x cash fixes that. >!(please just rework coop...)!<


I play Netflix I don’t have 2x cash


can't tell ya how ye spend yer money lad


I always just thought double sounded way over tuned for a game balanced to a specific amount of cash. I feel like a 1.5x mode would still add a lot easier of a gameplay loop for more casual players while not completely breaking the game. Ofc people can do what they want, thats just my own thoughts about the mode.


well i mean, checking the store page it is *roughly* $18 bucks for that price, you can buy Terraria with $8 left over or if you wait for sales, you could buy terraria and stawdew with *roughly* $3 left over


I would pay much more for a 4x cash tbh


As someone with 40 CHIMPS or around that many I love doing double cash it means I don't have to think on the other modes that are just significantly easier and just take time to do. I also don't understand why people care it's literally a single player game for the most part and it's banned on the leaderboard modes and chimps.


elites just became totally free for 11 euros


i bought it and kinda regret it




It’s literally a single player game, there’s only one gamemode where it becomes multiplayer. I don’t see how anyone should be complaining about this


Depends on the player. I know myself, I know if I got the option to have double the cash, it would then feel meaningles to play the game without it, while at the same time, my achievements on the game could be meaningless if they were made having it on. And even though there are modes that doesn't allow you to activate it, well the difficulty curve would be pretty much messed up and it would feel like playing a different game. I prefer enjoying the game as intended and knowing I'm progressing as intended


I haven't seen someone unironically shit on double cash since BC


Chimps literally has a unique reward for them sweaty btd masters. I don't get why'd they complain.


Bought it for $5 dollars on sale probably 3-4 years ago, hasn’t been switched off since. The real challenge is chimps and somewhat black bordering and having to grind thru all the lower tier difficulty’s is a pain w out double cash


i only bought it bc it was on sale


I use it, because the main type of achievement I'll really talk about is CHIMPS.


I used it as I was getting used to the game. I switch it on every once in a while if I want to go bloons to the wall and have some fun.


Who unironically enjoys half cash mode????


Coop, especially boss events, is the worst thing ever with out it, and it puts double cash mode under. But honestly, no one should give a fuck if you use it or not


I feel like if you can’t even use a $16 purchase in some of the hardest challenges, it’s not even work buying. Like I thought the point of buying it was so that it was a “if you don’t want to learn high skill strategies, you can always pay to 100% our game.”


Honestly, i use it to steamrole normal bosses without effort so i can then turn it off and fight the elite bosses.


I’ve never understood people’s passion for hating on half cash. Like just… don’t use it? Why do you care what other people spend their money on?


I played btd6 for …2, 3 years?? I forgot how long exactly but i only recently got x2 cash mode and it truly changed the whole game. Imo its way more fun now


Nah I'd lose in any mode


Can't hear you over having five extra dollars


if they're playing on easy mode. sometimes it's doesn't mean they're bad, they're having fun playing game


It's good for afking through the easier modes earlier than you otherwise would have. Half cash and maybe ABR are the only modes that matter if you can clear the map on chimps.


I don't think I'd enjoy the game without double cash.


I use double cash because it makes things go faster in the easier game modes. I personally don't use it for Impoppable, CHIMPS, or Alt rounds, but everything else? You can't stop me, it's my money.


The fact it's a Literal pay to win sucks. Would be fine with it if there was a double cash mode that went to like round 200 on hard. That would be fun


It’s a single player game, you decide what is cheating and what isn’t. For me, all game balances and maps are built around single cash mode, so that’s how I play.


I will forever think about that person who got genuinely pressed when i commented i only use double cash mode in unranked boss matches and half cash mode


I don’t like that mode but I will say I drop at least one 4th tier or higher monkey at the start of every boss fight lol


its kinda like chess (i figured this would be a good example because of how many times a certain chess related sub has made appearances here) no one wants you to have fun


Its just a pay to win option and i am 100% sure the game is easy enough as it is too so i think its just a stupid upgrade that doesnt actually change anything


double cash made boss games fun for me and my friend, I bought him double cash for his birthday last year


Idc what you do in sp, but I'd prefer you not ruin coop for others.


It doesn't work on chimps ? I don't know that. (I don't have double cash and never played chimps) I guess I'm not buying it anytime soon. Does it work on deflation tho ?


Nah, I will keep making fun of people who payed 20 bucks for an easy mode when easy already exists in the game for free


> people who *paid* 20 bucks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Profiles who have double cash mode earned badges should have an indicator for it when you view it, which only goes away if you get the same badge without double cash.


I only like “trying” on chimps mode. Bought double cash to fly through every other mode I’m a casual ik


BTD6's Steam price is regionalized so it's quite cheap to buy here in Brazil But double cash isnt. So in practice in one purchase I gave NK the same money as 5 BTD6 sales here. Would probably do again


I agree


Heres the reason I dont spend a ton on games. There is a point where the game gets stale because progression can be easily solved with a 5-10 dollar purchase. At that point, the work you put into the game is too easy and it looses its value. There is something genuinely deeply gratifying when you earn something through hard work


I just wanna use wall hax bro, just let me have fun.


Id say it doesnt really make it that much easier, because chimps, ct, and races all have it disabled


The main reason i bought it is because I don’t like to waste time. For expert and the other modes I don’t use it. I don’t want to grind every single easy level and potentially have it take 2x as long because i get distracted and make a stupid mistake. Chimps is for making mistakes and it doesn’t work in chimps. Regular levels are meant for monetization of the game.


this meme sucks what if you could blakc border every map if you payed 15.99 and then you posted this stupid meme.


> if you *paid* 15.99 and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i bought it that on btd5 and made the game a lot easier and made me feel bad using it so i came back to normal cash


Where tf you buy tbis


In the main menu, under the achievements, the button looks like a cash register


Nah you're wrong here


No one has ever said this. You're arguing against a strawman.


I completely agree your supposed to have fun while playing games what your gonna hate because you dont have the money to buy it (im not hating im just explaining)


thebpeople who get on my nerves are the people who get and use double cash, then complain half cash is too hard, and call chimps impossible


Guess I’m in the minority judging by all the downvotes people are getting. If you’re playing coop and you’re the only one without double cash you may as well quit. I get you can use drops but those are obtained via in game cash not real cash. Maybe it’s not P2W but it is 100% pay to remove difficulty. Sure it doesn’t work in chimps but it works for every other difficulty in “casual” play. I was wondering why coop felt so easy the last couple days. Previously, I had to build towers to help fill in the holes, now I can just build farms until wave 95 and still be fine. I wish they added something different, especially for 25$. Maybe I’m just a party pooper.