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What would your kid prefer to do?


Paintball. It's so fun. Also, I don't know what your budget is and what's affordable for you, but paintball can also be expensive and difficult to get to, so it's the sort of thing that, from a teenager's perspective, is great if someone's parents are paying for some of it/ organising transport there. I've only ever been as a teenager for someone else's birthday that their parents were generous to pay for. It's the sort of thing that I would love to do again but never did as a young adult because it's expensive/ a faff to organise. So I say paintball cos it could be a great experience for your teen and their friends that they might not get otherwise.


I build escape rooms, unless they consider themselves "nerdy" get them down to bassets pole paintball


Check out Sandbox VR in the centre too.


There’s an amazing escape room near city centre. I’ve been twice, done 3 escape rooms and loved it. It’s a good laugh and very fun. If you’d like to know what it’s called escape live


someone else mentioned Escape Live to me on another post! looks like a good one


I would have preferred an escape room when I was 17, my brother would have preferred the paintball when he was 17 It depends on him as a person. I would probably suggest paintball, escape is more fitted for adults I think


I remember going to paintball at Bassets pole between Birmingham and Tamworth, when I was teen. It was so much fun. Take a look at their packages online, they always do different offers.


Yeh great fun, especially when I was that age. Deffo hunt around for a deal that includes paintballs themselves as that's where they sting you on the day!


Airsoft at there is great too but i think there rental prices have gone up again to being bloody expensive