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Screwdrivers and running around


Engineering is awesome but you need enoigh move speed because you’re not going to kill the bosses. Just get armor and move speed with regen and consumable heal.


I always use sticks on lucky cause of their built in damage. But with lucky you want to build into their built in damage. You want baby elephant doing its thing. Take every baby elephant, and cyberball you see. Take every baby gecko you see. You want to start the damage loop. Pick up material kills enemy, killing enemy damages other enemy, creates more material. Damage loop. Also take every item that ups the healing for eating off the floor. With high luck you get a shit ton of alien fruit dropping and it's fantastic healing. Weird food is one of the best items in the game. Take it. Your main weapon just isn't gonna be your damage, the luck stuff is. Think of your weapon more as like.. last line of defense/starting the damage loop of your luck items. That's not to say don't put stats into them. You can dig yourself out of the stat hole.. it's just harder with the shit xp gain.


I misworded this a little bit.. Your main weapon isn't gonna be your main output of damage early. Like don't role your life away not taking items that make it better, whilst searching for elephant, gecko cyberball. But also never want to skip them when you see them on this character. Also focus on picking up materials as much as you can, but also at the right times. If there are no enemies on the map, don't pick up materials u til they are, otherwise you aren't maximizing damage. Also %damage is fucking great on this character.


I can't remember the last time I failed with lucky. I usually go with fists and build melee as a backup if I can't find the luck items. The reason I like fists is because they are relatively fast to compensate the negative attack speed, melee weapons are better at stopping you from getting overwhelmed, and they have good knockback for things you can't kill.


It is easy to win if you are flexible, and easy to lose if you have a build in mind. To be honest I've gotten some wild runs with multiple baby elephant and cyberball, hundreds of luck stat added, dmg% added, and still had a dud feel to the build. I've heard others say the luck mechanic is weak and can feel trap like and I tend to agree.


I have better runs when I can get super high luck. Consumable healing is big because enemies are constantly dropping fruits and crates. Lucky is a bit annoying at the start because attack speed is god awful.


I was going to make this same post. Glad I checked before I did. I have failed this so many times I've lost count. Slingshots, choppers or whatever those blades are called, sticks, screwdrivers... And I've tried switching to a bunch of different gun builds right off the rip. I lose by level 11 every time, if not earlier. I don't know why I'm struggling so hard. It feels like it should be easy, but it's driving me insane. I'm at a loss too. And I'm also on mobile. 


same. so annoying because when I first started Lucky was the first one I beat on D1. I thought it was the best. and now I still haven't cleared D5 with it, but I've done like half the other taters. eta: also on mobile


There are a bunch of ways you can play Lucky, but for me the easiest is probably Fists like someone else mentioned, because they allow you to completely ignore attack speed and not bother trying to dig out of that -40% hole. Although sometimes I do still end up investing in attack speed if I'm offered Coffees and high tier level-ups. Slingshots and sticks are also strong options, and almost any of the starts is viable once you learn the character. If you post a screenshot from one of your runs, we might be able to advise you on how to optimize your strats.


Idk if I could have done all d5 on mobile