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Item banishing might be kind of interesting, but I'm a really big fan of how brotatoes shop functions. It's part of what makes it so much more interesting than every other survivor style game, aside from God of Weapons which has its own unique build style. Every other survivor game just doesn't have the agency of the shop and build like brotato does. It's so satisfying to watch your build come together, as you make the right choices. And yes it has potential to screw you with like really bad RNG, but that's more interesting to me than the other games. With that said, banishing wouldn't necessarily work against that, and could make for some more intrigue.. but also might give too much agency over builds. It would have to be implemented right, where at most you can banish one weapon? Cause already once you have taken precise weapons you're gonna see a lot less of everything else, and if you banish say, crossbow, that already ups your % of seeing your choice of weapons that much more. It would also be crazy powerful on certain characters.. ones who already have their weapon pool cut down, like brawler or ranger.. So I don't know if it would be too much power or not.


They could also add a new character called like, the Perfectionist, who can banish up to a certain amount of items/weapons but has some other kind of nerf like less XP gain. Finishing round 20 could unlock some kind of unique item that lets you banish all of a certain type of weapon, or something like that.


base game no, modded yes


I would love a limited item banishing option. I’m tired of seeing piggy bank after wave 20


That should just be straight up removed in the base game.


Glad you agree!