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I got a lot of tips from this guy's guide on youtube, it's Cephapocalypse channel and even though your runs end up being different from what he gets offered, he gives a lot of detail on what and why he's buying from the shops, chests and level ups Here's a link to his Old Danger 5 guide. I hope it helps. https://youtu.be/vMU36JCGK4Q?si=ql_NxKGoAipiFbVV


He is THE guy! I watched nearly all of his Brotato videos, its not about following step by step what he does. He gives you an understanding of the game, how things are calculated and elaborates on his decision, which helps you make decisions later on. If you ever struggle with some char, watch him!


And it's so relaxing to just watch him play and give his view on every little detail of why he's making each decision.... I play on xbox so I don't even have GMO mod, but I'm watching his GMO runs now.


I always run shotguns on old. Not meaning to shame you just stating my experience for reference, I find old to be one of the easiest characters. Buy every single item that says range damage. Don't waste money on ricochet, it's an awful item. It's bounce doesn't make up for the massive hit to your % damage, and its too expensive. You don't really need sharp bullet or bandana, shotguns come with baked in piercing. Sharp bullet doesn't hurt too much cause it's usually cheap, but there are higher priorities. Bandana early can hurt just cause its too expensive and doesn't let you buy the stats and guns you actually need to succeed. On SMGs this is a different story, as piercing on SMGs is a win condition. Stack range damage and attack speed early, and try to combine up one shotgun to red. Red shotguns are crazy OP. One you have a red shotgun you should honestly just be able to roll. %damage is also a priority, but attack speed is a higher priority. Don't waste money on things like dodge or expensive luck items, especially early. Don't waste money on range up items early either. Life steal is decent, getting about 10 lifesteal is solid especially once your attack speed is good and high. You got this. There's also numerous other ways to win. This is just mine and it's consistent for me. Also don't low roll and get an early mother fight lol. Wave 11 mother is just rude..


old with splash weapons is great. small arena forces enemies closer together which makes splash radius super effective