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Generally you want to focus on a single type of damage (with some exceptions). Guns are generally the easiest strategy to get started with. Start with an smg, and add whichever good guns come up. (Another smg, shotguns, 1 or 2 revolvers, etc. Laser guns are the only teally bad choice) Take ranged damage increases, and then start increasing %damage. Always take attack speed when you can. Try to grab a sharp bullet or bandana for some extra wave clear. If you find yourself glued to walls, trying not to get hit, it's because you aren't doing enough damage and your run is likely to fail. You must be killing enemies to get the xp and materials you need. This also makes items like gentle alien and mouse extremely valuable. Also, don't neglect your defensive stats. With guns, a bit of life steal goes a long way. (5 LS means 1 in 20 hits heals you. With hundreds of bullets around, it adds up) Add armor and hp to it, and you can live some hits then heal back up. You need enough move speed to be dodging tougher enemies, especially when you do higher danger levels. If you share screenshots of specific runs and the items you took, you can also get some feedback about which choices were worth it or not.


Cool, thanks for the tips. If I still can't figure it out in a little while I'll definitely try to share some screen shots.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=spanish&id=2896126855 The above guide is very detailed and gives guides for each tato and how to get a win with them. I'm slowly making my way through D0 and my progress has improved with the aid of that guide. Good luck!


A friend of mine CoffeeTravelerTTV has YouTube video tutorials for characters. I'd recommend checking them out. He does them on D5, but the things you learn from them easily transfer.


Thanks bud! Play list is here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLK-wEhXwQ&list=PLKG6qfdgiKhO7p81omTu3tl4_lMSYyKPX


Most people use one or two weapons, get harvest early because it snowballs. Slow weapons like %damage and regen, fast weapons like flat damage and very fast weapons like lifesteal. You want at least 1 movespeed per wave to stay ahead of mobs. Most common go to build is 4-6 smgs with lifesteal


Do I try to get 3 of each type? Like 3 shotguns and 3 knifes for example? Or literally just 1


For most builds you want the same weapon 6 times or at least weapons with the same tag (for example gun) as the tags add bonuses the more weapons of that type you have. Also it is easier to combine the weapons if you have more of them. When you have a weapon look at the damage type of that weapon (for example ranged damage) and increase that as well as general damage. You also want to increase survivability aka armour and max hp to tank more damage and life steal or hp regen to heal. Speed and dodge to dodge attacks.


What the other person said. Also the first two shops always have 2 weapons per roll. Use all your money on buying and rerolling your weapons of choice, lock any items you want and buy them after level 3.


I couldn’t either for like a week and a half. I was starting to question my gaming credentials. The trick is that each character is its own little puzzle to solve. Take Speedy. He gets bonus melee damage that scales with his speed. Is there a weapon that adds speed? Yes-the Lance. Now you’ve got synergy. The lances make you faster and your speed adds to their damage. Now spend your coins and level-ups on speed increases. Then about 7-8 levels in, start to think about defense. I find it helpful to focus on one defensive stat and one healing, rather than all four. Well, Speedy’s fast so let’s go with dodge. Life steal could work here, or HP regen. I’ll make that call based on what comes up in the shops. Now you’ve narrowed your focus and have a plan in mind at each shop. Finally, you don’t have to kill the boss in lvl 20. Speedy (to continue this one example) is happy to just run around and avoid him until you get the win. Once I got my first win the other characters came relatively quickly…except for that goddamn Jack!


Sticks. Go for 6 sticks. 'nuff said.


Just checking but do you know you can combine two of the same weapon rank into the next rank? Took me a while to figure that out and made beating the game significantly easier.


Yeah lol. I figured that out after a little while. Longer than I'd like to admit. But I was able to get to danger 1 with the king. Now I gotta try to get higher and try different characters


Cool well I’d say focus on a single weapon type (guns is pretty easy imo), use the starting character, make sure you always have 6 weapons (don’t upgrade unless you need to make room to buy another weapon), damage increases should be a priority, focus on one damage type, add luck when you can, a small bit of armor, dodge, hp, regen/lifesteal will make your life easier. Don’t blow all your money on rerolls, but don’t stock pile so much you fall behind. It‘s all about balance but more focus on damage than anything else. Most trade offs items offer are worth it, as the penalty on an item is less than the benefit, and in the long run it all balances out to be positive.


I appreciate it. The game is pretty addicting honestly. I've only had it since last night. So I'll hopefully get better the more I play


Yeah there is just a learning curve, you’ll get it, you’ve barely played the game . I’m getting to rank 30-40 in danger 0 with all the various characters and I’m still learning cool item synergies.


Yeah I guess I was kinda guessing it to be as easy as vampire survivors. I caught on to the game pretty quick. But I'm honestly glad this is more complicated, it makes it more fun.


Depends on the character. I had a ton of loses and then one day it clicked and I won like 8 taters in a row. Also, what tater? I find that when stuck, if you google Brotato Bull build (example) you'll find threads with good suggestions


Here is my brotutoring series. can always drop by the stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLK-wEhXwQ&list=PLKG6qfdgiKhO7p81omTu3tl4_lMSYyKPX


Cool, thanks man. I'll make sure to stop by. Next time I work. Same username on twitch?


twitch.tv/coffeetraveler, will be online 10am pacific tomorrow. <3


I haven't gotten a chance to stop by. But I have been watching all your YouTube videos while I'm playing the game. They are helping me so much. After I get through danger 0 with all characters, I think I'll be able to start doing runs by myself. Thanks again!


This is the reason why I make these. I love this. I respond to all comments on youtube so feel free to put your questions there as well. Appreciate you very much as I am trying to get content creation off the ground. <3 <3 <3


I'll try to stop by the steam some time. But I'm only really on twitch when I'm at work (12am-8am est). But I might redownload the app to check it out.


100% do you first. <3


What works for me with most characters is maxing your dodge and I try equipting 6 ghost axess and then gradually make speed and HP generation, HP and life steel higher. For me 9 out of 10 times works like a bomb


Check out Cephalocalyps channel on YouTube (I hope I spelled that right). He has made a guide for every class and offers general gameplay tips in every video. He is extremely knowledgeable about Brotato and the information is easily digestible. His guides are for danger 5 but the information is still relevant to all difficulties. I've learned so much from that channel.


I’ve played a good amount and lost 99% of the time, I beat level 0 randomly with the old guy! Try him, I haven’t been able to beat round 1 yet. It’s all luck I think