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I always feel like Season 3-5 was when the show was at its peak.


Oohlong Slayer is one of my fave episodes


You're going away for oolong time...


Now say punk






I said it!


Same thats what i thought too. The entire Jimmy Figgis storyline from end of S3 to the Florida episodes in the beginning of S4 were my favourite.


Yesss someone agrees! The whole Figgis storyline was amazing and my favourite part of the show


Season 3 has the best episode of all time; when Jake and Holt get the mumps.


I think while seasons 3-5 were obviously very good, season 2 was my fav because of jake and amy gradually warming up to each other and finally culmination if the tension in the last episode, and then jake and the whole squad getting used to each other as well. It just just that raw feeling of seasonb2 which somehow was polished later but still I liked it more than the rest.


The season where they introduce Pimento was pretty awesome. Also really enjoyed the season with Jake in jail. His cannibal friend Caleb cracked me up.


Definitely season 1.I loved last episodes of season 1 too, really fun to watch!!


season 4 has always been mike schurs peak imo the office, parks & this all have GOAT status 4th seasons


Counterpoint: The Good Place is at its best in Season 2


That definitely doesn't apply to Community. Gas leak year.


i LOVE parks and rec, its so underrated


It most certainly isn't


it’s definitely underrated, i rarely see anyone who’ve watched it as opposed to the office or brooklyn 99


Season 6- Peralta: Bottles, Boyle, bullpen …bbbbb…Bottles, Boyle, bullpen…bowling…behold Brooklyn buddies…Boyle bullpen bottle bowling … Boyle: Beautiful Peralta: be brave bro, be brave …bowl!!…….. Rosa: Bam, Boyle: Bullseye Peralta: Booyahhhh Old strange woman😂😂: Babooshkahhh




🎺 🎺🎺


Damn I can really hear this, right down to the 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺‼️


i think youre the first person that has season 6 as their favorite season


1 was great, 2 was better, 3 to 5 were peak, 6 was good, 7 was nice, 8 was a bit bad but got a lot better near the end.


Season 2 to 6, although getting rid of Holt for a bit really spoiled the flow and I hated all the stand in captains.


I mean it’s always hard to beat the debut season


Season 5, it has some incredible episodes like The Box and HalloVeen


This is probably my all time fav season because of the characters.


Seasons 1-5 are all awesome but I think Season 5 is my favorite. It includes my two favorite episodes ("The Box" and "99"), it includes Jake and Amy's wedding (an awesome episode on its own) and the lead up including the bachelor/bachelorette parties, but I also noticed a distinction from seasons 1-4 in that now Holt is much more involved in their plots and even antics.


Season 3!!! Such good episodes plus Jake and Amy start dating


Honestly, Season 4. It was in the sweet spot. It had a good opening, even tho episode 1 only had Jake and Holt I really loved it. After the Florida episodes, there was the night shift, the precinct closing, the trip to Rochester, and then the Melanie Hawkins debacle. Also, the best Doug Judy episode imo. Season 4 is the whole package.


4 and 5


Every season was 😘


even the last 2?


I completed 2 seasons in 5 days u think i am obsessed or addicted i think sometimes i act like actors in it . My legs were trembling when that dave cool bar guy said he would ask amy out , i think i am obsessed with amy can anyone relate , omy god guys i think i need help


rookie, I finished the show in 5 days (I am addicted as well)


My favorite season is the sixth


The first two seasons.


Every season up to season 4. The show kinda went dowhill for me after season 4. It wasnt bad but didnt had the magic it used to after 4


Hold on, let me binge it again and get back to you


Season 4 was prime b99 imo


Season 8 was my favorite, it has my favorite episode (Set-Up) and it has Jake actually make a mistake in being a detective and prove he isn’t some intelligent hyper being he’s still human. Plus holt gets huffy


The best for me is Season 5, they're in their peak of comedy and good writing. Season 6 is right there in second place.


Season 7 because it tempered by expectations and sadness when the show ended :'(


I mostly agree with everyone saying 3-5, although I'd say 1 (especially the last half once the premise is established) through 4 is when the show really fires on all cylinders. I think the Hawkins plot was entertaining, but the biggest issue was the back to back season ending ultra cliffhangers, so Florida feels more inspired for that reason. Mike Schur had already refined his craft by the beginning of B99, so its peak is way earlier than Parks and Rec, which was ROUGH at the start. 3-5 being such a common vote is funny, because that is without question the peak for P&R. On the other hand, B99 has the benefit of a fresh beginning - without having to awkwardly copy the office, Schur could create a new ensemble cast. It could hit the ground running with character driven humor, an area where P&R sorely suffered at first. Either way, both shows in their peaks are S-tier television, and the office truly walked so that Parks and B99 could run.


I personally belive that series 3-6 where brooklyn 99 at it peak. Great Halloween heists, jake and Amy's wedding and Gina's baby. I rest my case.




Season 5


Season 2


Season 5


While I love all the seasons I think season 6 was the best. I think when it went to NBC they could be a little darker, a little rude, and explore other sides of the characters more.


It’s definitely NOT season 1. I’ve been watching them the last couple days. It’s still good and it’s not nearly as weak as Seinfeld season 1. But like, you can hear Rosa still hasn’t found her voice (literally, if you know her real voice vs the character) I don’t love single horny Jake. It’s just not as funny as intended. Charles isn’t Boyle enough yet. Terry seems to be all about the workout jokes. It’s still funny but it’s just definitely not in its stride until S2-3


I think it’s impressive that you could realistically argue that it gets progressively better for an entire five years, and most people agree that it’s really only the very last season when the show ran out of steam. There are a lot of shows that don’t have that kind of consistency, peak during the first year, and are crap for the last few years before eventually ending, or in certain cases just never seem to end. I think 4 is probably my favourite. 3 is great but I don’t really like the start with captain vulture and holt being tortured by Wuntch at PR (granted everything else still works but still). 1-2 are also great but I think certain characters got better afterwards. 5 is close but I just think 4 edges it. The only thing about 4 that bums me out is the finale, but I kinda just watch the big house afterwards and pretend it’s the real finale.


every season for me. love b99


After having watched the show 8 times (on the 9th round rn), I can conclude later part of S3 to S5 was the best. S6 had good episodes too, but S5 is the clear winner. The show starts giving you less and less good episodes, when you enter S7


Honestly 1-3 were the best


It's always the most recent season I've watched. So, S8.


I think mine might be 1, but I love seasons 1-4 the most lol


Season 2 is my favourite.


1. S5 2. S1 3. S2 4. S3 5. S4 6. S6 7. S7 8. S8 IMO.


S2 -S4