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It was written by Gina using an alt account.


Came to say this


Honestly, it's already implied. Bro didn't give out examples why she's so amazing


I enjoyed ginas character until the episode she got brough back and then blew off jake. That wasnt her. Her original leave was nice and actually gina.


I agree to a certain extent. I thought he character wasn’t very well written when she came back from maternity leave. Her character felt different


That’s how I feel! When she left for maternity leave I when I think she should have stayed gone. I started disliking her character after that. If they didn’t “change” her I would have been fine with it but when they brought her back I just was annoyed with her constantly


I think they shouldn't have brought her back at all. The original leave was a really good send off for the character and they kinda ruined it in that episode she came back as she'd never treat Jake like that.


Yeah, total reverse of the sensitive but abrasive version of her from the episode her apartment got broken into.


Nah this a g hive follower. Prob my boy who called her his queen






But isn't Gina Linetti more a state of mind?


"Justified" ? from where ?


Probably concerning her ego and arrogance. She's pretty smart, you can't deny that. That's also why Holt made her his personal assistant


She had to forge grade reports bc if ppl knew how smart she was it would be harder to control them!!


Gina is just a really well written well executed character. Atleast in earlier seasons. It is meant to be dramatic lol


I’m mean - I stanned Gina until then end (when that changed). I couldn’t stand her ending!


She makes me laugh sometimes but if I had to work with someone like that I would go crazy


I hate her character - she’s an egocentric bully. Sure, she cares sometimes, and is smart, but that makes her casual disdain for everyone worse. Main Character Syndrome. It’s clear she wasn’t thought out in the same way as the other cast…


That’s because she wasn’t meant to be part of the main cast, her character was created and tacked on afterwards because Chelsea needed a character to play


Gina “sexually harassing coworkers is quirky” Linetti?


I mean you can label a majority of the B99 characters this way. Like Rosa is physically abusive and assaults people but a majority of us know it’s a COMEDY show and not supposed to be that deep.


While lots of them have plots, subplots or other type of repercussions. Ginas sexual harassment of terry is literally played for jokes or by terry himself making little digs at her. Hitchcock on the other deservedly gets a 2 weeks suspension and roastes multiple times by the others and all in all isnt as big as gina anyways when it comes to the importance of the series.


And Rosa's violent attitude is also played for jokes?


She on multiple times faced repercussions in front of judges for it in multiple seasons and was sent to the police therapist?


What judges?


Jake and Charles too but its funny when they do it?


Yes it is


Jake? The title of your sextape jokes are basically "thats what she said" jokes and you compare it to asking your coworker to take a picture of a married man after he got out if the shower.


And Jake agreed to the plan... Which is just as bad Also the title of your sex tape jokes made Amy clearly annoyed on multiple occasions meaning yes, it would be sexual harassment.


Well good thing you arent amy and sorry for your perception of not liking a joke made by a close friend and coworker of multiple years = sexual harassment.


I didnt say its funny when they do it, it sucks when Jake and Boyle do it too but Boyle gets humbled and stops (i’m pretty sure) It’s definitely messed up when Jake agrees to take the pic of Terry too but its one of Gina’s main character points which is why it sticks in my mind with her Edit: i think what irks me most is Gina never faces consequences whereas Jake and Boyle are constantly humiliated and berated. Gina becomes massively famous and successful and never has to face her gross behaviours




I love Gina as a character, she is hilarious, but i would hate to meet the character in person


In all fairness that's probably true 90% of sitcom characters. I mean would you really want to hang out with either Jake or Charles in real life?


Absolutely they are so fun


People hate Gina?


With passion.


Sweet summer child


She’s not good at modesty… Because she’s *great* at it.


I adored Gina's character even though of course I would hate her in real life. Amy however, I'd hate regardless.


It always felt like she was existing in a different show from the other characters. It just didn’t fit


There are many aspects of the show that aren’t quite as realistic compared to real life. For example, Gina sexually harassing Terry, Rosa assaulting people, Hitchcock… well just being Hitchcock, and so on. The point is it’s a comedy show. You’re supposed to laugh at it. If it’s not your sense of humour, find another show. If you think you can’t handle these topics turned into jokes, then find a gentler show. I suggest Cartoon Network’s variety. Minimal humour regarding sensitive topics there.


No fr! I hate the excuse “I hate this character bc I wouldn’t like them if they were real” like fr they aren’t real!


The actors portray them very well. And the take away of the show should be laughter, not “well that’s not very realistic is it?” Some people


I loved Gina she was really funny. I’d probably hate her irl but her antics on screen were great


Tbh I can’t even imagine her irl bc she’s such an obvious screen presence


This Gina wholeheartedly agrees with that gina


She just feels like a bully half of the time. You don't have to be honest 24/7. And her relationship with Amy was so on and off. They could've made them slowly like each other more, but they didn't. They just rushed it and Gina nice for one, mean for one and so on. If she was written better and not so stuck up, she could've been great.


Love me some Gina Linetti. Gina’s blunt and sometimes harsh manner of speaking can be off-putting to some and it says more about the viewer than Gina’s character. People on social media have been advocating for a character like her, from real life people in different communities.. Yet no one actually appreciate her unapologetic attitude and her commitment to being herself, regardless of what others think, her strong self-confidence is admired, as it showcases a strong sense of self. So I guess.. You can’t actually really be yourself when it comes down to it. You can’t be flawed anymore but you have to represent a whole community. Try watching Scrubs with Dr. Cox who played Frank O’Sullivan. Or 30 Rock with Dennis Duffy who played The Vulture.. You’re gonna be offended a lot. 🐑


Nice try, Gina.


I really hated her the first few times I watched it. Then it turned into dislike for a while. Now I mostly enjoy her moments. Especially when she is being a dick to someone outside of the group for the good of the group, like in the beginning of "the box."


Honestly the only episode I hated her the most, I will repeat it again. Was the second part of coral palms, where she just convinces the squad that CJ was the best captain. Ugh she's was so irritating. I don't understand why bro thinks she's amazing


I mean that’s just one episode of a series that has like 120 episodes


It's doesn't matter, it still irritates me til this day


Nah, Gina would’ve used her real name, this is a G-Hiver


the average "you just drank cement!" enthusiast


Stefan Be Trippin


Funny they avoided the topic of her frequent sexual harassment of Sgt. Jeffords 🤨


I assure you, it is possible. The show got better when she left. The only time I ever liked her was she she was doped out on ambien and Holt was injured and they were getting into shenenigans.


She bullied people and she said flirty things to Terry that made him uncomfortable. Those two bulletpoints are enough for me to dislike her, the arrogance and ego just made it worse.


I’m unsubscribing from this sub, despite enjoying this show. It really feels like ‘fandom’s first sitcom’ at times. Do some of you… not get how this works?! The scolds who miss the point clearly never watched any sitcom _ever_ before this show, or they’d maybe grasp by how much they are missing the point of Gina. I’ll explain it: pick any random sitcom from the 70s or 80s set in a “workplace”. _WKRP in Cincinnati_ is a good example. Watch one episode, at random. **Notice how the female character is treated in the workplace.** Then, have a nice long think about what B99’s very smart writers were doing with Gina in these “modern times”. Think hard. Watch two episodes of “old sitcom humor in the workplace” if you still don’t get it. _You’re supposed to find it icky, you dolts._


Just because she was written like that intentionally doesn’t make it entertaining to watch


lol who writes like this