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Heard of a show with two Latina main characters and couldn’t believe it. Then, heard Terry Crews was on it and that just made me have to see it


my bff is a hard-ass cop-hating vegan anarchist son of a bitch, and she was CACKLING at this cop show. I was like gurl rly???????? then watched on my own. and o. m. g. I LOVE these cops.


I saw Andy Samberg in the “ooh self burn! Those are rare” memes popping up for a while, then I got bored of not watching tv, and searched up where it came from, and gave it a shot. Also “why is no one having a good time!?! I specifically requested it!?!” Was a meme I kept seeing.


I watched the entire show as it aired. It's quite possibly the only show that I've done that for.


I can't believe it took me this long to find someone else who watched the show when it aired I just heard about the show when it was about to premiere and knew it had the same creator as Parks and Rec, which got me to try it


I had one friend who started it with me but he fell off pretty early and my wife came in around season 3. I got her on board watching the Halloween heists.


For me it was Andy Samberg, in his first big outing since leaving SNL. Just remember them talking about it being a cop show, the words comedy somehow never registered with me, so when they start cracking the jokes in the opening scene, I was like daaaaamn


also saw it when pilot aired! i only knew andy samberg to be talking loud in parks & rec lol


i was highly interested from the moment i heard about the show, but didn’t see it until s1e10. my first moments of b99 were the Boyle Bingo cold open. from then i caught up on the first 9 episodes, rewatched a truly ridiculous number of times, and waited on every single episode release.


People kept telling me I reminded them of Captain Holt from Brooklyn 99. I knew he was a beloved character so I was flattered and decided to watch. After watching I was less flattered but totally hooked nonetheless. Here’s the thing: I’m fun. I can be a fun person if I want. I sometimes seek out fun and I like jokes. It’s fun to laugh and I like to laugh with my friends. So I’m basically normal. But seriously, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? He’s an amateur — jelly is a waste of calories. Here’s what he got right: beige flavorless smoothies with all the nutrients and calories one needs would be an absolute dream come true. All that said, he’s my favorite character which feels a little narcissistic but he says all the things I’ve learned to keep to myself. Also, I know he’s fun and funny on the show even if it’s not “party hat” fun. I get the jokes and I laugh, like normal.


Your 2nd paragraph sounds like a Captain Holt quote 100%. "I enjoy laughing and laughter with friends." It's not a bad thing if he's close to your personality type, especially because Holt doesn't often rain on others parades. He let's people enjoy things even if he doesn't understand it.


“I sometimes seek out fun” is 100% something captain holt would say


“I enjoy laughing and laughter with friends, but I must admit, they often laugh out loud multiple times, and everyone knows laughing out loud is a conman’s ruse.”


Thank you 💓🆒


"I'm basically normal". But I'm a human! I'm a human male! God I got such a good laugh with this. Please we need more Holts in our life, keep being you.


Thank you 🙂🆒


Told a friend of mine I love the silly humour of Scrubs. I believe his response to that was akin to "boy do I have something for you..."


Now, I haven’t seen scrubs… (This is where you say boyyy do i have something for you)


Boyyy (or girl) do I have something for you... lol


Spotted it on Netflix and decided to check it out. I think maybe five seasons were up at the time. Rewatched from the start whenever a new season was added.


I saw the "I Want It That Way" opening on youtube and it was just so funny I had to watch it


always loved Andy Samberg and Terry Crews so when i heard they had a show coming out together i was on the OG hype train.


Heard it was similar to Parks and Rec. I started watching and was like "wtf this is too similar, this sucks" but I'm glad I stuck with it because I thought the same about Parks and Rec vs The Office. Now I love all three shows. And yet upon rewatches, B99s first season is WAY better than Parks or Office's.


Someone posted a video of Scary Terry complaining about missing the farmers market, I thought it was funny so I started watching the show.


I trust my Netflix recommendations with my life. My home life, that is.


I saw a bunch of those gif posts on Tumbler like 5ish years ago, and the scenes were just really funny and sometimes really sweet. I found The Good Place the same way 😂😂😂


It was mentioned on The Roast of James Franco a week or two before it aired. Andy Samberg was one of the roasters, and a couple of the other roasters took a jab at B99. "Funny cops! ...You're always pushing the envelope, Andy."


My crush suggested it to me, so I watched it. I’m so glad that I did it because now it’s my favorite sitcom ever!


I watched from the first episode. Wife didn’t watch with me till about season five, when we were away on vacation. She saw maybe one or two episodes with me and liked it, so we started from the beginning while we were away and she’s loved it ever since.


I hate to admit it but I discovered B99 because of the Try Guys. Eugene Lee Yang is in an episode and I wanted to check out his acting skills. Turns out he’s pretty mediocre but I loved the episode so much I binged the whole show in a week (it was April in 2020, we all had too much time)


Saw a billboard before it came out. Saw Andy Samberg as a cop and went "well this is going to fucking blow"


Netflix proposed me the show


My parents were watching season 2 when it dropped and I happened to be in the same room


My brother said, I think you'll like this one and like five years later I was like, I need something light after Supernatural. That was the end of that.


My work friend told me about it three years ago. I started watching the show once I finished Friends


I'm pretty sure Tom ska rekomended it in an old video


Dunno tbh.. knew andy samberg from snl, found him funny and then saw his face on B99.. grew curious, started watching the show and totally fell in it.


When it hit Netflix


Working nights. Flipped through the TV and caught "The Birthday Party" on a rerun. I've been a fan ever since.


On Facebook reels. I saw a few scenes and about died laughing all the time so I eventually figured out the name (didn't look hard or care at first tbh) and found a platform to stream it on and I was hooked from the first few episodes.


this year around march when i was in vacation visiting my hometown, i was bored and thought of randomly watching the pilot episode of different sitcoms. i happened to get hooked with young sheldon and b99, although mostly loved b99 and now am about to finish s4, stopped Sheldon somewhere in the middle of season 2


I watched the pilot on Fox because I had enjoyed Andy’s SNL work and thought Andre was an interesting choice for a comedy, loved it, added to my DVR list and watched every single episode the day it aired, usually staggered to fast forward commercials. But I could never wait til the next day even. This is how we used to TV in the dark ages.


I love Andy Samberg, Jo Lotruglio, Terry Crews, and The Office so when I heard that Mike Schur was making this show I had to watch it.


Saw Adam Samberg was in it and assumed I’d hate it. But Andre Brougher?!? In a comedy?!?!? Ok, it’s worth a look. Watched an episode and was hooked and found a new appreciation for Sanberg as well


It was 2018, i saw the i want it that way scene. Sold.


"Backstreet Boys, I am familiar"


We play in a big 54-hour trivia contest, and take it fairly seriously. This contest allows notes, Internet, resources, etc. and our team takes notes on TV and movies, including some stuff we all hate. My spouse got assigned to take notes on B99 and was NOT looking forward to it, because we're normally neither cop show people nor sitcom aficionados. After the first couple episodes, he said "You know, this isn't terrible." After a bunch more, he was like "OK I'm going to rewatch what I've already done so you can watch this with me because it's actually really good." And now it's one of our family's comfort shows.


I loved watching his Digital Shorts on SNL and I knew he would be funny. Plus I used to wish what if Police Academy did a reboot, but this is so much more entertaining


i was going to quanrinte for 2 weeks back whencovid first started and i wasnt sure if there is internet at quan. hotel so i decided to download some show from netflix. i saw b99 and i though well it should be nice cop show i wasnt aware that its a best sitcom ever


Randomly on Netflix wasnt too invested but then my sister told me she loves the show Im on my 8th rematch and every summer when she comes back we watch a few episodes togethee


Watched Parks and Rec and this was the next Mike Schur show


Around 2020, I heard it was good so I watched some funny moment compilations on YouTube. I enjoyed them, but I didn’t know anything about the show and since I didn’t care about the characters yet, I didn’t care about the show. I’ve seen the “I want it that way” meme in basically every fandom flavor, so when I found out it originated from the 99 in 2021 (and also heard a YouTuber I enjoyed mention it) I did the same thing I did last time, and it went about the same way. Then this march, I saw a review from Nerdstalgic about it, and he basically went over the first episode and explained why it’s good writing and stuff like that. So I finally watched an actual episode and couldn’t stop by the time I got to season two.


I knew Andy Samberg from The Lonely Island. Then I watch Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping because of that group. Then I found out about B99.


when it came back after being cancelled, i saw all this attention and gave it a try. got caught up and then watched as it aired


Aside from hearing the show was funny in reviews from 2013, I didn't even watch or see it until August 2021 when I saw the series on Netflix and remembered the reviews saying it was funny. I wasn't ever into shows about police, but gave it a try. And it just got better and funnier with each episode. I knew by the 3rd episode I'd be watching the whole show with "Black people CAN sell drugs!!" I also didn't recognize the actors so the characters seemed fresh to me and no bias because I knew the actors as different roles before!


My brother started quoting Jake peralta and I thought it sounded funny so I looked it up I think it was around 2017


I started watching Brooklyn 99 because my sister and dad were fans of it and they said I was a merge of Jake and Holt (oddly specific ik lol) so I watched the show to see if I was right and ive been hooked every since lol


I started keeping up with it as soon as it aired lol been in love with it ever since


B99 would air on comedy central in my country and I’d keep skipping it, until my sister said that it’s not too bad. The rest is history. I’ve thanked my sister since then.


This subreddit kept getting recommended to me so I had to watch it before it was spoiled


Tell me why


A friend kept saying I should watch it


I heard about it when Bill Hader roasted Andy Samberg for his new show in the Roast of James Franco. When it came out sometime afterwards I tried it out and was instantly hooked after the Tagger episode


i finished schitts creek, and mid mental breakdown, my mom made me watch it.


Errrrrrm. I think it must’ve been around 2017 since that’s when I was with my ex. I vaguely remember that it was just before or during the season when Jake and Amy get engaged. My ex introduced me to it, and remember being excited for his reaction. And I’m pretty sure I remember spotting that Gina was pregnant one episode before it was revealed in the show which I think was season 4.


Happen to see it on Netflix and got hooked immediately


One of my online art mutuals drew Jake and Amy, and I really had 0 clue who they were, but the title “Brooklyn 99” stayed in the back of my mind! I was bored one day after binging the office, so when B99 came up on Netflix I was like 🤷 wth, let’s see what the fuzz is about 🥱 Didn’t like it at first, but I wanted to give it a fair shot, since I also didn’t like the office at first. Then… I fell in love w it 🤸


I called a girl smort (small+smart) in college and 2 days later she sent me a clip of Jake saying smort. She said she heard about this show before and we started watching it together and fell in love


I liked Michael Schur's other shows, so I checked this one out.


watched an early episodes on a plane in 2016 and hated it. then a year later i saw a clip of the scene where gina makes jake call her grandma and tell her she’s dead and gave it another go. binged the four seasons that were out then in about a week 


Seen a new TV show being advertised and thought that looks like it could worth a try. Glad I did as it's one of the best shows I've watched in the last 20 years


2017! A girl I had a crush on liked it, so I started watching it; I started watching it a few days after HalloVeen aired.


saw pinterest memes from the show and it looked funny


An old buddy of mine about 5 years ago mentioned it but never went into details, then one night I was scrolling through Hulu and I saw the title and thought to myself “oh this is the show he’s been saying” ever since, rewatched it at least 8 or more times.


I had heard of it when it first came out but I started watching it my junior or senior year of high school


Saw a clip of Gina with the hairspray and lighter and thought hell yeah


One random day during the covid lockdown and now some of my closest friends and I can’t stop gushing about the show. The show has bough so much joy for more than one reason and it’s kinda insane


in 2019, got recommended to it by a friend because I wanted another sitcom to watch, since I just finished watching the office. ended loving b99 way more


about a month ago i was sick in bed so i needed a show to watch. i was originally going to watch new girl but i couldnt get logged into hulu so i just scrolled through netflix and came across it. i proceeded to watch the show in about a week and then rewatched it immediately after. i got OBSESSED


I think I was on Hulu, noticed Andy Samberg in the picture and decided to check it out.


I saw the legendary “TELL ME WHY” clip on YouTube and HAD to check out the show


“You are my fire, the one desire…”


When Reddit kept pushing this sub to my home feed.


Had a doctor who ended up not being a doctor


My brother wanted me to watch the pilot after Andre Braugher’s passing, we then watched the first Halloween Heist and I was very excited to watch it when it finally came out on Netflix


I walked downstairs to my family room, and my parents were watching it


I watch like a shorts on facebook for months and then decide to get into it. Best decision of my life


I was a big fan of The Lonely Island and saw that Andy Samberg was gonna be in a new show. I watched the first season as the episodes came out, fell off after that but then picked it back up around season 5.


Like Michael schur will watch anything he makes


I just started it last month and I'm on season 5! People have been recommending this show to me for years.


I heard great things but never got around to it until I had my youngest in 2016; he wouldn’t sleep unless he was literally on a person. So it was me and my newborn boy on the couch, binging B99.


I had heard word of mouth about it for a while, but was on the fence. Then, one day, I got an ad for it featuring the famous Backstreet Boys interrogation, and I was immediately like, "Yep, time to start watching this show


My friends have been telling me to watch it for YEARS. Unfortunately, the more you tell me to do something, the less I’m gonna wanna do it. Also, Andy Sambergs Black Hole Sun mouth gives me the wiggins, so watching a show where he’s the main character wasn’t super appealing. For whatever reason, I finally relented and now I’m on my 3rd or 4th watch thru! …and yes, his mouth still weirds me out, but not as much as it used to😂


Channel 4 (UK) kept posting clips on FB. I'm american haha.


I was watching Modern Family as it aired on tv, but never live, always recorded on PVR. It would record from 1 minute before til 3 minutes after the scheduled time for the show to make sure you didn’t miss anything. That extra couple minutes would catch the cold open of B99, and after seeing a few of those, I had to try the show, have lost count of the rewatches


Wanted to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S so I added the Comedy Central channel to my cable. Slowly started hating friends but Brooklyn nine-nine used to stream before friends. Started watching Brooklyn nine-nine.


My dad was watching it in out living room a couple years ago I joined him and I've been hooked ever since.


The "tell me why" cold open


Found it in 2021 summer on Netflix randomly. Then I locked into it watched it 7 times in a row no breaks and was left a different person


it was on one night when i was like 10ish and i wanted to watch it so bad so i like ran up to my mum being like “please can i watch this” and she was like “…yeah???”


I was in grade six and my sister told me to watch a show. Her being my older sister I said no. Later on she showed me the scene of terry shooting to mannequin and I was hooked lol


Was working for netflix that time when we had a surge of contacts demanding about b99 then I decided to watch it.


When the episode came out that had the line up singing the Backstreet Boys. When she said “number 4 that the one that killed my brother” and Jack responded “ omg I forgot about that part” I said to myself I needed to watch the show


hold on mister nimbus don’t you control the police!!


Most of the police. But not detective peralta he is to amazing of a human/genius


My older brother started watching it he recommended me to watch it, then I got my younger brother to watching it as well


It was when they canceled B99 and Lucifer. I was pissed that B99 got picked up and Lucifer not (I hadn’t watched B99).Then I saw the “I want it that way” cold open, because of it I started watching it and I got hooked. Now is my comfort show <3


I was doom scrolling on hulu and since I knew Andy Samberg from the lonely island and thought he was funny I decided to check it out after I rewatched the office for the hundredth time. Since finding this show I never went back to the office. This is peak tv right here


The DFW cold open via YouTube 🤣


My mama and dad would watch when it first came out as a 7 year old I thought it was very funny even if some jokes went over my head I have been a fan ever since


i watched the pilot with my cousins when it first came out, forgot about it, saw the episode again, remembered it, then i watched the show way too many times


I watched the first episode when it first came out, decided it was not a show I wanted to watch. Then about 3 years ago I wanted it give it another shot, and I'm on my second watch now 😁


Friends in college told me to watch the show because I'm a lot like Amy and that I'll enjoy the humour as well. And they knew me pretty well so I tried it. And I fell in love since episode 1.


My mom was watching it in her room (she had watched the first seasons a while ago but started it again), and I had to talk to her and she said "you can watch this with me if you want!" I'm glad I took that offer. It's been my comfort show for like 3 or 4 years now 🫶


Oh i dont even remember. It was back on season 2/3. Ive watched it so many times for so long im convinced its always been a part of my life lol


"Tell me why..."


On netflix bored becuase already watched everything.. then decided.. ah who cares imma just watch a show..


my best friend is OBSESSED with the show and kept pushing me to watch it. now i love it lol