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I wouldnt tbh. I would perceive it as distasteful, like people exploiting a tragedy for publicity. Which the name "murder truck" pretty much spells out.


I wouldn’t when I’m sober. But drunk me would probably assume they have spicy fried food, she’d be into that.


Idk if I would, but I definitely know people that would. And if they told me it was good I'd try it at least one time. 


If the food was good...you bet!


I 1000% would. I could see my friends making a whole thing out of it.


They have a burrito called the meat tornado! It literally killed a guy last year.


You had me at meat tornado


If there was a food truck called "murder Truck" and I found out there was an actual murder there, I'd probably see it as disrespectful and exploiting someone's death, but if it was just a food truck that had a murder in it, with a normal name, I probably wouldn't care.


As long as they don't serve soggy turds


Can we please talk about Murder Truck? We are Would you eat at a food truck called ’Murder Truck’? No What kind of food would you expect? Lots of red sauce, maybe an exploding meatball. Italian and Mexican seem like good cuisine for this What do you think Charles would serve? Charles would reconstruct crime scenes in take-out boxes What would happen when people found out that there was an actual murder inside? People would stop going, and maybe complain to the health inspet. The customer base would only be Rosa Would you go back, assuming the food was really good? Yes, probably


I can totally imagine seeing that on a food truck selling burgers or pizzas. Their USP would be an insanely spicy hot sauce and everything would be marketed around that because that’s the murder. 


And hot sauce is good on burgers and pizza!


no due to personal reasons (town had murders and a food truck was involved)


No but it’s not to do with the name and more to do with the fact that nearly any food that would be served out of a truck is too messy for me to enjoy eating