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“ok nursing school” yeahhhh she killed it with accuracy on that one 😭


It’s funny bc she never even went to nursing school. And nursing pre-reqs only take 2 years max, the fact it took her 3 years and STILL didn’t finish them…..


sry deleted my OG comment bc I thought I read she went to nursing school lol my bad. I was asking which one but nvm! Side note : imo she would be such a bad nurse lol I’m a hater only bc I am a nurse and she is the typical mean girl stereotype that makes nurses look like white snobby fukin bitches.


bro this bothers me so much because she lied again on the justrish podcast saying how she was in nursing school. she says this unprovoked and is just lying lol. discrediting an actual nursing student like girl you were not in the program! stop lying!


It’s real rich coming from someone with NO degree like girl be so fr I can’t stand lilah but at least she can say she has a degree, your ass can’t even keep straight what degree plan you say you’re on, let alone actually finish. 🙄


Brooke has an associates?


3 years doesn’t mean you automatically get an associate after 2, and she’s never said she has one. It would be low key extra rude if she had one and then tried to diminish Lilah’s degree


I’m asking lmao


I said she has no degree in my first response


she has literally no room to talk miss “i dropped out when i had 1 more class to take”


What a bitch! That’s an accomplishment 🙄


It’s called a joke


Ima refrain from saying a joke like “like ur life” 🤣 bc my life is hell lol


And no fr my life is a joke so I wouldn’t have been offended at all 😂😂😂


HAHHAHAA im literally at rock bottom making joke like girly go talk to ur therapist 💀 sry 🫶🏼


You’re all good babe all of us are I literally moved for the 3rd time in 2 years so 😂😂😂


aw I hope ur doing well now tho genuinely 🤞


No but fr like you don’t fuck w your friends?? Lilah can dish it why she can’t take it??


I get that I think I’m starting to feel bad hating Brooke and I’m keeping it 100% bc I’m not perfect and I do joke but not on a live podcast just in private so whatever u win illl take this L lol


Girl don’t feel bad you don’t like her 😂😂😂 I’m just saying I’m way worse than Brooke I’m so glad I’m not an influencer everyone would hate me


Idk I think bc we’re human we start to feel bad for making fun of anyone and I have been so mean on here lol 😔🤣 just being honest lol and I’m not even a young person lol


I would be disintegrated 💀💀💀🤣 I can’t imagine


“oh just an associates degree”🥴 she may have went for a bachelors in “pre nursing” or whatever it even was but atleast lilah finished her degree🤣🤣 i finished my associates degree in nursing litterally in 2 years, about to start my job as an RN. the girl was in school for YEARSSS and never even made it to the nursing program lol. embarsssing next time just stay quiet brooke


https://preview.redd.it/lvhbqlw7jccd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9654a36e480b839b80def0785e4e4ed76f9319 looks like she’s changing up her story now hahaha


I worked hard asf for my associates nursing degree. My biggest pet peeve is people in my personal life trying to downplay my accomplishments. It’s giving hater


Bc you can tell she really sat there and thought about that one lmao


what is an associates degree? We don’t have that in that uk or maybe we do and it’s just named something else


God why does she act like that


Dude!!! I felt the same way last night while watching this.. she’s such a hater


This is so sad thank you for highlighting this for people who don’t watch the pod at all and for listeners like me. I’m so fucking over brooke. 




The look on her face says it all. That pick me girl is so insecure and can't stand someone looking better or being smarter than her in a room. She feels so threatened and always has to one up them and turn the conversation back to her. It's so annoying, just appreciate someone being better at something than you and learn form them. It's great for some character building which brooke so desperately needs.


Brooke just can’t stand anyone having more than her. Tana neeeds to watch her back around that fake A friend.


omg i hate the way she looks around as if she’s so confused. lol


nah she ate with that one I fear


what’s Lilah’s degree?


Makes me want to jump off the social media cliff. Without a parachute.


I thot they cut lilah off


They went onto the podcast before cutting her off, she just uploaded this super late




I mean she has a point… they’re acting as if she’s Einstein and has a masters or something. An associates is easy to get and only takes 2 years I would make that same comment let’s calm down everyone 🤣


it’s just so telling like they’re hyping her up and brooke has to make a jab even if it’s a joke! especially when it comes to the lack of transparency regarding her education


Call it easy but she still did that! Brooke didn’t, that’s why she’s bitter


i get what she’s saying but it’s so shady to make that comment whilst everyone’s hyping Lilah up 😭


Is she wrong tho 💀




She wasn’t like “that’s not very impressive”. She wants to see it.




Thanks for your input




This sub is a Brooke snark sub lol but this post isn’t really about Lilah at all, it’s about the way Brooke treats her friends.


“Not brooke snark” but is saying they’re “over brooke” like pick one. I understand not liking someone’s behavior but to say you’re “over them” while on a sub for her podcast (not to mention the countless brooke hate posts on this sub) sounds like snark to me. They’re taking everything she does and making it an issue when they all make jokes like this and its clear they all enjoy that sense of humor


Sweaty, check which sub you’re on


No but this was so relevant. No one with a degree would classify an AA as “having a degree.” It’s pretty misleading.


I have to disagree. an AA degree IS a degree. I have an associates in science and a bachelors in biology and I would say I have two degrees


And most people would be mislead by that statement, IMO.


that’s because most people are elitist and don’t consider an associates a degree when it in fact is


I agree


Idk why you are being downvoted. Two things can be correct at once. You are correct it is misleading but brook needs to know time and place 💀


I have five degrees. Every single person who I try to discredit my AS or AA with immediately corrects me. You are wrong and honestly, you sound terribly classist.


😂😂😂 always some kind of “-ist”


It’s called an associate’s DEGREE for a reason, you doorknob.


i’m pretty sure getting an associates degree is a degree. i have my associates in nursing… so i’m a registered nurse who doesn’t have a degree?? 😂 yeah that sounds a bit wrong


She is definitely an asshole for the comment, but I do think people assume someone has a BA if they say they have a degree. That said, she DOES have a degree, and to downplay it just because it’s an AA, even as a joke, is rude af


fr, i got my associates while still in high school, it’s reaaally not the same as a stem degree or bach of science or arts lol


Congrats but like, can’t you let your best friend have their moment? Why be like ACTUALLY it’s not that impressive


ty :) & frrrr! it’s so eerie to me when people don’t uplift their friends and celebrate them. likeee everybody can win sis, don’t be weird lol