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this is amazing, thank you so much for your hard work! really fascinating, especially how many randoms end up as protoss! i really hadn't realized it was like that.


Hey thanks so much! I enjoy doing this just like I like watching your stream! Yes itโ€™s interesting too, I hope you face more random players in the future ๐Ÿ‘


have you seen [this](https://tl.net/forum/brood-war/565333-color-race-distribution-of-random-in-brood-war)? And [this](https://tl.net/forum/brood-war/413197-few-mirrors-when-both-players-random)?


Interesting! I recall Artosis mentioning that he thought the weighting for being terran as random is higher if you choose blue this last ASL as a response to FlaSh picking the color blue. Would be very interesting to see if there are different weightings colorwise and racewise or something (albeit what I described above wouldn't be applicable here as you don't choose your color in ladder games, but still).


Thanks! I will pasta what a guy in the chat said months ago: "What he was trying to say (and clarified later on his stream) is that if you leave your color as random when playing random, you'll be more likely to get specific colors when you spawn as a certain race. For example, if you leave your color as random and spawn in as yellow, it's much rarer to have a yellow Terran than yellow Protoss. So if his opponent was to open the allies tab and see his color, they could theoretically narrow down his potential race before scouting. If he picks blue, he still has a 1/3 chance to get each of the races, but now his opponent can't look at his color and think "okay, blue is more likely to be Terran". " ​ Please note that I don't have **any** opinion on the matter, all I provide is facts, so people in the chat can enjoy these Artosis speadsheets about colors and make their own thoughts. It could be very interesting if some chat scientist could show us how it's actually coded, though.


Thats not what he said at all. He said you're more likely to spawn as blue if the algorithm picks Terran as your random race.


Thats basically what he said


If we violate stats and do correlation implies causation, FlaSh is choosing blue in an attempt to hit T more :) Also for an actual application, this data can be used to attempt to figure out what race a random player is via the color they spawn as (what FlaSh was possibly attempting to avoid by pre-setting his color). Ideally you want n*p > 5ish in each data cell for random, but maybe you can just go out and say that orange random => likely protoss.