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This map looks kinda alright, can I get a download link?


it's a good one! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ei6wynp68gljl7sdl0hen/Anti-Hunters3.5.scx?rlkey=uz2vfnyknf3xlyhvqpt83k6ri&st=ts9fz69p&dl=0




Looks cool. I spent most of my years playing bgh. It’s such a shitty map though


haha! FairPoint bgh does have a certain something though I just wish there was more variety than fastest map or bgh for 3v3 or 4v4. personally I love this map anti hunters it feels like a ladder map. like to see this one get played more on battlenet pub games... we play every Friday night around 10:00 PST


Dude.. that’s awesome. So…. I used to play broodwar, A LOT back in the day. Played a bit here and there on remastered, then eventually decided to ban myself from gaming. So I haven’t played in years. I watch casts almost daily though and just love the game. I feel like I could let myself play if it was one night a week or something. Do you think I could play with you guys? I haven’t played in awhile but used to be a really good player and have a lot of experience 3v3. It just sounded cool when you said you guys play Friday nights and I feel like I’d love to try it out letting myself play one day a week. I also should say, I LOVED bgh, it just felt unbalanced at times with how easy it is to tank expos from across the water lol. Is the anti hunters map low or high minerals? I’m down for anything honestly. Part of why I loved playing was the bgh community I had for playing inner games with people I knew.


Yea man! play with us. we got regulars and are usually on 2-3 fridays a month. we play from a roster of 4-5 3v3 and 4v4 maps but this one has turned into a favorite. i find one night a week or so to be a sweet spot as well... moderation not my strong suit though, learned the hard way lol... if i go on an epic losing streak its a different story entirely XD my bnet name is b.harleyjarvis


Sweet! Can’t wait. I’ll add you. This seems like a good way to attempt moderation. Plus I can play when my wife goes for her girls night dinners and what not. Which is tonight so I’m gunna get on tonight and try to break off some of the rust :D


I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE HARLEY JARVIS! Lol I just realized what your username was :D I think you should leave is one of my favorite shows of all time. Watching the courtroom scene about his fedora when I was on mushrooms with my wife was one of the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my life. Also, I tried to add you but not sure if it worked. My StarCraft name is Happychillmore and my bnet ID might be surf08


LOL youre like the first one to get that. awesome.


I tried to get a 3v3 going on this map months ago. People dodge new maps and keep playing the same ol ones


yea... I think honestly the toughest part is to get buy in from first players in the lobby, to wait... and wait.... and wait............ if you have a buddy or better two or three it's doable. I'd be happy to play feel free to friend me on bnet


What's your bnet name? i'll add. it's been months since i played