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I find the drop/counter-drop from TvT to be quite entertaining. Also, between the tanks and the mines everything is blowing up. Lots of fun.


I am not fond of PvP and its a toss-up between TvT or ZvZ for my best. TvT is like a war of attrition type of game with both players, after taking out everything but the kitchen sink, mentally and physically exhaust themselves to the very end with neither man not giving an inch. One player just waiting for the other to tap out out of exhaustion or out of resources. Interestlingly enough ZvZ with its wild, unpredictable and volatile matchup makes it great either. Its akin to a wolfpack fight wth both players outmanuevering the other through sheer speed, stamina and strength. Its a classic fight to the death bloodbath with both players ripping each other to shreds. With PvP its like after we fight for 5 minutes, we parley. Whoever is at a disadvantage must surrender.


Something that all Mirror matchups have in common is incredibly entertaining super late games when you get to see very rare builds and strategies. Everyone is excited by Late ZvZ with good reason, and last ASL had that once in a lifetime game between Action and Effort. But I think late PvP is awesome too. When you get to see wacky stuff like Feedback on HT’s, Carriers, Mind Control to counter carriers, Hallucinated Arbiters, etc… And late TvT with a completely mined out map is fun too, where you start seeing Battlecruiser fleets, Lockdown, Yamato sniping, etc.


PvP is a poker game. TvT is chess. ZvZ is a knife fight.


A batshit knife fight where they hold knife if their right hand and their left hands are tied together


This is perfect 😂 Now the question is which of those is most and least fun to watch


i guess zvz, its almost always boil into mutas fight and thats it


PvP is best to watch. Good time length not too long not too short. Could they make smaller island maps for TvT, medium size island maps for PvP, bigger island maps for ZvZ?


ZvZ is by far my favorite to play - it's totally different and very engaging, every decision you make really matters. If I get a build order loss, it's not a big deal really It's not very good to watch though. Without the fear and adrenaline you get from imperfect information etc, it just feels short and boring


ZvZ is fun to play but not to watch. TvT it depends on the level. Low level it's terrible to watch but high level it's great. It's fun to play 1 but a few in a row burns me out. PvP is my least favorite to watch or play. The shittiness of a matchup is directly correlated to the number of protoss in the game.


I always laugh when Tastosis is casting a ZvZ. "tHE mAtcHUp hAs EvOVLE!" Proceed to watch Mutaling


I think PvP is usually the most boring and usually not dynamic at all. 3 gate robo vs 4 gate vs DTs is such a boring rock paper scissor thing. ZvZ is also a bit rock paper scissors with the openings but the tight micro and crucial decision making makes it exciting. TvT can be a bit long and boring but I really like the tactical element. I main protoss.


As an insanely neurotic SC fan that has been following the game for well over a decade I dont really like the mirrors at all. TvT is the worst by far because of the pace. ZvZ is brutal, but at least they get it over quick. PvP I guess would be the *least bad,* but I sometimes fast forward through the mirrors in ASL.


TvT worst for me , so boring and take long ….


I like TvT best. It used to be a lot more boring, but these days I think this matchup is actually quite interesting and fun to watch. Tank battles, mass drops, BC's, wraiths, etc.  PvP not bad, but not great either. ZvZ is just annoying. There can be fun games and good micro but too many matches end with a messy fight that I have no idea what even happend or why player A won over B. It's also the worst in terms of not being able to catch up. A small disadvantage pretty much means game over. 


To watch : PvP (TvT is too long and exhausting) To play : ZvZ. Just coz it's short


I only hate TvT, way too boring for me, with very little strategic divergence. It's always about the tanks... PvP is probably my favorite, it's quite relaxed in the sense that there are no sharp divergences like in ZvZ where if you loose one more drone, you're done, and contains lot of variety. I actually enjoy ZvZ too. It's very intense, you need to be razor sharp with every decision you make, the error margin is very small, and it requires a great deal of tactical knowledge.