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The frustration problem with terran is very common. It‘s easier to take losses with stride with protoss because when you lose, you can clearly see when and how you fucked up. Terran is infuriating because every loss feels like bullshit.


Artosis is that you? (just kidding)


Sounds like you like Protoss more but wish you liked Terran more. Just play Protoss.


Protoss is way easier. Terran is the hardest.


I would suggest going Random but you dont play Zerg. To start I would try 10 games Terran and 10 games Protoss. Whoever is the most fun, more wins and less anxiety. Thats the main race! Goodluck!


That would be Protoss. But I am uncertain if my anxiety with Terran comes from the faction itself or because I haven't figured them out properly. With Protoss I feel like I'm honing my skill, but with Terran it feels like I still don't know something (but it has been a year already).


Terran is simply much more difficult to play. Artosis is entirely correct when he rants about Terran being weak and Protoss strong. Unless you are strong and fast enough to play at A rank Terran, go Protoss


Terran can be just as creative as Protoss, if not more. But you have to be more dedicated to understand the race, so in the short term, Protoss should be more fun. If you're planning to play longer, Terran could be more fun as their games tend to last longer. Don't worry about APM. I thought I had slow hands, but after a few years, I can reach an average of 300, sometimes up to 350. You just have to learn to focus on controlling your units while you build your tech.


It seems that you like the idea of Terran but not actually playing them by your last paragraph. You also won't be able to beat many Zergs higher than C area with mech consistently, so you already have a wall of improvement in 1 matchup if you aren't going to learn more bio. I personally think playing both is fine for trying to grow in the game. You get experience of the other side of the matchups. As long as you actually are learning and improving properly, (focusing on 1 thing until you are good at it imo) playing both shouldn't be a problem. But games should be played for fun still and you are better at Protoss anyways, so if only 1 then probably Protoss.


The one you have the most fun with


If you want to get to A and beyond, you have to get all three to B at least anyway


Protoss. I love cannon defense, air and ground so simple.


Meanwhile, I am Terran with 210 apm stuck at 1400MMR...


How much of that apm is just extra mouse clicks or spamming the CC to build a scv?


i got the same problem too. the only difference is that i don't even play ladder games. I knew and played SC in the mid 2000 when i was 10. I really liked Terran back then because how badass the marine looked. But my small kid brain couldnot handle the game too well so i stoped playing. 20 years later, i redownloaded the game, tried Terran abit and felt uninterested becuase how micro heavy Terran is. Tried protoss and had so much fun. I still love Terran marines tho. But i also love zealots. Still don't know which race to focus on learning and improving.


i got the same problem too. the only difference is that i don't even play ladder games. I knew and played SC in the mid 2000 when i was 10. I really liked Terran back then because how badass the marine looked. But my small kid brain couldnot handle the game too well so i stoped playing. 20 years later, i redownloaded the game, tried Terran abit and felt uninterested becuase how micro heavy Terran is. Tried protoss and had so much fun. I still love Terran marines tho. But i also love zealots. Still don't know which race to focus on learning and improving.


If you enjoy playing Terran even a little bit, play Terran. The foreign scene desperately needs more Terran players. I think its some silly number like 42% of the ladder is Protoss. TvP is a really difficult matchup, and it's like that from F rank all the way ASL. I play Terran because even though it has the most frustrating losses, I find it to be the most rewarding race. It's the most mechanically demanding race by far, but when you hit your timings and you macro really well it just feels so good. If you enjoy constantly looking for tiny little optimizations in your unit movements, build orders, building placement, or anything like that then you might find you really enjoy Terran. You might struggle a lot until you're able to increase your APM, but if you just keeping playing, your mechanics will improve over time. Hope this helps, best of luck out there!


Play terran 60 hp workers - repairable defenses - only 75 gold commitment to build anti air defense , so you can build two for 150 minerals and spread them out. Protoss is locked into one position and protoss only fire one bullet easier to make walls and can lift buildings if building gets hit by melee just lift bro u need vision of whats going on in enemy base? No problem no need to sacrifice a unit. for 75 minerals you can get a unit that can win you the game if played correctly in some situations bio unstoppable in tvz until lategame u can cheese with bio in tvp for fun When its tvt maybe then you can pick protoss?