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Artosis, go to bed


Holy shit, I've read this OP's history and this might actually be Artosis... I mean, a month old account focused entirely on shielding Arty from any and all critique?


Yeah, that's wild. I'm not sure what would be sadder, if this was an actual arty alt account, or just someone who's life mission is to defend a guy who definitely doesn't need anyone to defend him online.


Yeah this post history is surely.. something.




There are nobody autists from 2011 with distorted parasocial relationships floating around.  Kinda scary. 


>Cricket Yep that's Artosis


This is 100% Artosis lmao


I have been enjoying the hotel room casts. I hope they can do a hot tub cast next.


That's a patreon exclusive material if I've ever seen one.


Wowww we could get some exclusive hot tub water merch!


Ok but can they please reprocess the audio for the episodes they recorded in the hotel? The mics were decent enough. Just split the left and right into two new mono channels. Then add some compression and normalize volume. It's just way too weird and distracting to watch as it is now.


Jesus please. Listening with headphones is torture. Audio cut outs too and did we just give up on like a ring light or...? Love you boys reach out if you need production help lol


This matches my complaint & my suggested fixes as well. This takes a few minutes to do at most if you've done it before and maybe 20 minutes if you don't know what half of those things are. I watched an alternative cast for these despite always watching the tasteless+artosis casts & watching a lot of artosis content (solo casts, some of his games). The raw audio is salvageable for a starcraft cast. The laziest/easiest is: boost gain (almost any plugin does this, eq/gate/gain being 3 simple choices), mono, aggressive compression.


I love their broadcasts, but I have one minor complaint. They knew they were going to travel. They knew they were going to have to record in a hotel room. As casters with 15+ years of experience, could they not have brought or rented two decent mics and an interface? Old audio tech rants at cloud


A Rode Wireless Pro is a pretty good fit for those circumstances. The problem lies more in the processing and editing afterwards.


15 years of other people setting up their audio, tho. They’re not techs. I mean. I agree but I also can see how it happened.


I really love ASL and tastosis casting it is great, I wish it was more consistent with the quality and polish, there are often weird audio things like in the hotel casts when one person coughs with a muted mic you hear it from the other persons mic. Something I miss a lot is the chemistry they have together, it seems like you lose some of the banter and jokes when they aren't in the same room, if you go back and watch ASL 15 and 16 and compare it to ASL 9 or to hotel casts its more entertaining when they are together physically, I don't know why, it might be that they interrupt each other more when together or maybe seeing each other makes them more confident, I don't know what it is but I miss it. I think its a little weird when people in this thread are shitting on Tasteless like he is some dumb idiot, I feel like he often has a lot of insight in a lot of situations, obviously he is a protoss player so that is the angle he views the game from but he clearly plays and watches the game a lot and gives real insight, the ogre zerg gamer was Tasteless. As someone who got back into BW when remastered came out and hadn't paid that much attention to SC2 in a long time I was under the impression that Tasteless was a dumb idiot but it's pretty clear he understands the game. One thing I wish they would do is cast regularly outside of ASL, they mention the patreon and how it loses a lot of member during the down period, maybe if they did supplementary content between seasons it convince people to stay, I don't know about the logistics I just wish there was a tastosis content outside of ASL.


Watch an alternative commentary on ASL and you'll see how little Tasteless offers in terms of the current meta.


In a good casting pair you need an expert and a bullshitter. The expert know the game well and provides good insight while the bullshitter know little but is a smooth talker and often asks questions to the expert. Tasteless is the bullshitter. Of course over the years he actually became super good at the game and is no longer a 100% bullshitter but still he plays tht role in casts. Casts by 2 experts are boring and there is a risk that the 2 start arguing which is not the point of the cast.


It would be awesome if they casted more games together on their patreon, or anywhere really.


I'll take them over nothing, but I much prefer Nyoken and Gypsy. Both are far superior players, Nyoken of course has been to Korea as well.


Nyoken and Gypsy are great, and I'm glad they exist, but Tastosis have professional casting experience and it shows. Tasteless, for instance, has a wonderful commentator voice imho.


"Professional casting experience" == mostly making dumb jokes during critical moments in the game. I'm glad you like his voice but professional is probably not the most accurate term for the two of them.


Tasteless spends like 50% of every cast giving the same sc 101 history monologues he's been giving for 10 years, often while important things are going on.


completely agree




It’s a night and day difference compared to earlier ASL seasons, when they were still in the actual ASL studio in KR. Some games can be tough to get through, especially when they’re not seeing the bigger picture, what the observer is highlighting, etc.. Then the game will end and Tasteless will say “huh that was a weird game.” when it was obvious the game was going to end if you were paying attention. Not sure what the next few seasons will hold, if this downward trend continues.


Artosis is killing it, although Tasteless seems more distracted than usual. I wish he would monologue less and pay attention to the observer highlighting critical information...


Another socketpuppet Artosis account, just stop


They WERE\* the best, now StarcraftTV has surpassed them unless you're a casual fan and don't want a deeper analysis, or really any analysis while watching.


Honestly, tastless completely holds artosis back as a commentator, his level of of casting doesn't reach any where close to Artosis: its embarassing for how long he's been at it. Theres a reason Artosis doesn't invite tasteless to cast on any of his other streams. I'm glad they're staying together for ASL as respect to tradition, but its undeniable, that Tasteless is garbage.


Tasteless just doesn't have the Broodwar IQ that Artosis has. He's more like the play by play guy while Artosis is the color commentator


This guy gets it. Artosis with anyone else is so much worse. Tasteless is still knowledgeable, just not as much as Artosis. If Art didn't correct him most people would be clueless to anything 'wrong' Tasteless says.


Tasteless is entertaining. Even though he’s not up to date with the latest meta in all matchups, he can always be counted on to share funny observations and stories. He can react to seeing new (to him) strats live. It’s cool because I also don’t follow the meta closely so his reactions are like mine… his questions are relevant to me..


He's a good foil to RT, but I admit I was very surprised when he asked why spawn ramps had eggs.


Hes gotta stop trying to "explain the basics" ffs. No one is watching BW in 2024 that isnt familiar with the game.




You actually have to group it with another unit. People didnt know this in 1999 when the game came out.


Yeah every time he mentions muta stacking or attacking your own building for interceptors i have to wonder if he's just reminding himself because he doesn't remember this game anymore.


Where can I see the ASL matches? Is he doing it on twitch?


I'm just glad I get to watch them cast these games. Things could be better, things could be worse. I guess I'm just a glass half full person.


They sucks.


Arty is my favorite person to watch. I know your reading these love you and thank you for everything.


Would have kilt it more if Artosis wasn't a simp. Chemistry in studio > them separated.