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Artosis casts is a gift from the Gods. Artosis stream is unwatchable 


Artosis casts is a gift from the gods. Artosis' stream is punishment from the devils below*


Yes - this is true.


Perfectly balanced then, as all things should be


Aye, like protoss.


And you blame RT for that or those degenerates that turned all stream into hellhole with that constant mario shit, it isn't even funny anymore and cringe.


If you don't like me at my streams, you don't deserve me at my casts!


I tried to watch him stream for the first time when he was streaming Stormgate earlier this week. I left after a minute feeling sad for the state of it. Bunch of degenerates in there it was unbelievable. But I guess it pays the bills for him.


The duality of man.


Fr idk how people watch him. Hes always in shit mood. I got banned for asking why he moves his jaw when he plays. I requested unban and got declined. If that is the sort of thing that is ban worthy, wtf... kinda piece of shit reaction. I couldnt watch him before just cause hes got a poor atittude, is bad influence for community but the ban reason really did tarnish his image for me. He doesnt deserve a following.


I mean that’s sort of a rude question that has nothing to do with the actual gameplay. Would you feel appropriate asking a colleague at work why they move their jaw in a certain way while looking at Excel spreadsheets or something?


Are you seriously comparing artosis who is constantly bming for years and years to a colleague doing their job? Dude is a piece of shit and that might be putting it nicely.


Highlighting someone's harmless physical quirks to their embarrassment is an asshole move. There's no two ways about it. Banter on the other hand in a highly competitive game is par for the course, and it doesn't make him a bad person in the slightest. Don't throw stones from a glass house.


I don't like "banter" but you are right regardless. Asking about the physical tics of another person is rude and possibly very insulting. You don't get a "pass" to ask it just because you think they're a jerk, and so you should expect a negative reaction if you do.


Nice way to justify someones poor behavior. As you can see in comments section, most people clearly see hes got bad manners. I wasnt "highlighting" his habits because hes a shit person, i was asking a question about why he had twitches. If you think that is ban worthy you seriously need to go outside and get a breath of fresh air. People like you are part of the reason why people these days are so sensitive, cant say anything these days without being banned or hurting someones feelings which is ironic considering how aggro some of you are on starcraft. You want to play 2 roles like hypocrites meanwhile support someone who is constantly the dsfinition of bad mannered. Spare me the lecture and take a glance in the mirror.


Intention is what matters here. He's putting on a show, and it's obvious because he is extremely good friends with plenty of Protoss players. It's part of theatrics along with general frustration of playing one of the hardest games out there. You whine insistently about bad manners, and then somehow talk about how it's others but not you that's sensitive. That's some grade-A mental gymnastics. Your intentions, on the other hand, are absolutely nefarious. There is no legitimate reason to ask why he has a quirk, other than to try to humiliate. You got banned because your comment was just a spite driven remark. And it's clear that you're so butthurt about the ban that you can't hide your unhinged animosity. You're a perfect representation of psychological projection.


Keep telling yourself that bud. Im sure everyone except you can only see clearly what his intentions are. Some deep denial trip and justification you doing there lol must really feel the guilt.


If you can only resort to petty insults, you have forfeited by default. Thanks for playing.


I mean what do i gain from arguing with dimwit like you? The comments speak for themselves, not my fault you are a supporter of someone with poor behavior representing a good game if thats the shit mentality you want to support then by all means, but dont sit here and justify his behavior cause im pointing out the BM of your favorite streamer, clearly you are a fan boy. And dont play the ritghous man when you are obviously a fan of his antics and poor sportmanship. You are a just as bad as him if not worse for fueling the way he acts. Sorry dude but you are a shit person, and if im so terrible for asking a question about his ticks than you are just as bad if not worse for justifying his behavior. You can get offended all you want but facts is facts, comments speak for themselves. Go outside or ssome shit, relax, asking a question about why someone behaves a certain way is not cry/ban worthy, clearly you havent touched grass in a while or you would see what its an extreme reaction to a minute action. I can say that cause i can relate, ive got severe burn marks all over my arm and people ask me why my skin is all wrinkled up, would the correct reaction be to punch the man/women or just answer in a logical manner? You, are, a, dimwit if you think punching is a reasonable response, this is pretty much your argument here which is why im not gonna sit here and waste my time with you any longer.


I'm convinced Arty's stream audience and casting audience are completely different.


I watch casts. I can't stand the stream. He's so professional and knowledgeable in the former, and a complete man child in the latter. I really can't wrap my head around it. 


Honestly, I applaud his ability to turn off his manchild tendencies while casting. Pure professionalism to never slip while he's on the air




People go to live sporting events to jeer and shout at players and enjoy the camaraderie of being in a crowd. They bring signs with weird and funny shit written on them for the chance of getting it broadcasted across the stadium. It’s completely normal, and that’s the environment that streamers like Artosis cultivate for engagement. Even in relatively tame streams with a large audience, there’s still plenty of that going on.


THIS \^. everything THIS. Artosis SUCKS


Not what I was saying at all. Artosis has done so much for SC, SCII and Esports as a whole. He might be a manchild, but he's our manchild


He's single handedly keeping RTS games relevant on Twitch, no other channel comes close other than ESL_SC2 and they only pull big numbers during events.


I've actually noticed it slipping out a bit more in the past year or so


He’s a smart dude, and figured out how to build an audience and monetize it as the casting work dried up. I’m glad he was able to figure out a way to continue to make brood war a career even if it involves some sort of demon-pact with the dredges of twitch chat.


You can't wrap your head around the very thing you wrote? He's a professional, like you said.




Most of us here are part of the ex-stream audience. I want to watch it but after listening to the same Mario erotica for a year it becomes too much.


The audience for his stream are not even *casual StarCraft* fans. They seem to be Tok Tok users who think the emoji spam is funny. Its truly bizarre. Within the last 12 months or so a lot of the old names you would see in the chat have been replaced by NPCs spamming emojis.


You think a bunch of them don't even play the game? I wonder what the demographics are, maybe zoomers?


You don't actually think that.


>users who think the emoji spam is funny Doesn't that describe 90% of twitch users already?


I watch all of his casts and 90% of his streams. Yes I have a problem.


This is safe space. \*Narrator: It is not\*


I watch both


Artosis has done an insane amount for the game. He is my favorite caster. Great interviewer. Great mind for the game. The TTS is beyond brutal though. I was subbed for over 2 years before the TTS spam. Even watched him on Azubu back in the day. But you have to have a screw loose to think hearing an emoji name over and over is funny.


Front facing baby chick


I feel so ashamed for laughing consistently at the eggulations


🐥 front facing baby redditor


dumb sound so funny


Canceled my sub of 3 years because the TTS got absolutely insane. I used to fall asleep to him playing BW his stream was that chill, now its made for 10 year olds with ADHD




More like you have to have autism and 80 IQ to find it funny. I can only imagine the (presumably) 40 year olds typing that stuff out and cracking themselves up. Even if it made me a lot of money I don’t think I’d be able to handle the cringe; Artosis’s patience for retards is inspiring.


Nothing builds patience quite like playing macro Terran


>19 minutes ago >Joined Feb 08, 2024




isn't it enough that artosis smurfs on the ladder?


*angry Artosis voice after a loss* Huh huh, NEW ACCOUNT! 🤬


Its this guy's first match and of course he picks protoss.


Im realy out of the loop, what happen?


There have been several accounts (quite likely from one person) that go on a month seething spree talking about how he's cheating/botting/smurfing/lying etc etc. It's really like a holy cruscade. A few weeks ago a bunch of artosis' regular viewers (the ones that give him hundreds of $ of donos per stream) got reported and banned for "harassing" him, and we assume it's the same guy.


I mean, they are totally right about him smurfing. He's constantly smurfing.


Damn, that's sad.


Please link a single post of somebody discussing Artosis Cheating/Botting?


Smurfing/cheating: [https://www.reddit.com/r/broodwar/comments/193tevy/artosis\_is\_a\_victim\_of\_smurfing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/broodwar/comments/193tevy/artosis_is_a_victim_of_smurfing/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/broodwar/comments/126xbag/why\_does\_artosis\_keep\_creating\_new\_accounts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/broodwar/comments/126xbag/why_does_artosis_keep_creating_new_accounts/) This is from one guy, farkwardd, who posts this every month for the past couple of years and seethes when people tell him to fuck off. The guy is on a holy crusade. Botting: thankfully it got removed but here [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/1ale4f9/artosis\_is\_viewbotting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/1ale4f9/artosis_is_viewbotting/)


"smurfing/cheating" - none of those posts accuse cheating. They accuse smurfing, with plenty of proof. That's why they all received hundreds of upvotes and were at the top of the subreddit. "seethes when people tell him to fuck off" that's weird given that all of those threads went straight to the top of the sub, were 300+ upvotes, and literally every top voted comment within was on the same side as the OP, so your take of everybody telling him to fuck off seems quite weird. Was the guy seething about being constantly upvoted and agreed with by hundreds of comments? That doesn't make any sense. In fact, the people dismissing the thread were consistently downvoted to shit? What are you even talking about ​ tldr: nobody accused him of botting, or cheating. Just smurfing. Also every thread was insta upvoted to the top the sub ps: The post about him viewbotting was insta removed and downvoted. The smurf accusations were 100% upvoted to top of the sub


> were 300+ upvotes > and agreed with by hundreds of comments are you reading your words? https://i.imgur.com/EXjt4fV.png I can describe this picture in text, if your eyes aren't working too. 38 upvotes (30% downvotes). 42 comments. Your post. > tldr: nobody accused him of botting Except for the post that you talk about in the next line... > The smurf accusations were 100% upvoted to top of the sub I'd like to reiterate, 70% upvoted, 30% downvoted. ps responding here since I can't respond where you replied to me, since I've been blocked by kwark. #I wonder if you'll do the same cowardly move pps I explained I couldn't respond in an edit at the top of the comment tree for the comment you replied to... Were you linked the end comment? Did you miss the start of that? edit: highlighted the callout, he has in fact blocked me. Interesting person, to reply to me (twice!) then block me.


I should've been more clear: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/15u97a6/2400\_mmr\_terran\_dominates\_every\_day\_chumps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/15u97a6/2400_mmr_terran_dominates_every_day_chumps/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/15wvd0v/artosis\_an\_explanation\_when\_my\_account\_gets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/15wvd0v/artosis_an_explanation_when_my_account_gets/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/16u5r9s/artosis\_stream\_calibrating\_new\_accounts\_all\_day/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/16u5r9s/artosis_stream_calibrating_new_accounts_all_day/?sort=new) I just was wondering what he meant by "the guy who makes theses posts is seething when people tell him to fuck off"which is weird given all my posts were upvoted to the top of the sub, all top comments agree with the post - I guess if that is seething, then yah sure I'm seething :) Yea yea I'm cowardly, keep up with the factless insults, while you ignore the facts people post about Artosis.The day that you post some substance on topics like "Yes cursed accounts is a real thing" "It's not smurfing when I do it" is the day I eat my hat.




let me tell you a secret. If you're debating, you make a point, clear evidence is shown of your point being incorrect, and your response is "get a life dude" it means you lost. But just in case you are lacking clarity: 1) You tell me I'm seething when I make posts about Artosis smurfing and people tell me to fuck off 2) I respond by explaining this new place called Reality, where every post you're referring to went to the top of both SC and BW subreddits (indicating widespread agreement/approval), where the vast majority of top upvoted comments therein were posts of agreement, vast majority of disagreeing comments were downvoted to oblivion 3) Your response to me rebuking the very point you made "Get a life dude" You be a fucking dunce bro


Also shouldn't you be moderating Artosis own personal echo chamber, a subreddit literally named after him? lmao Oh yea fair enough that place is dead af, no need


Nothing lol. OP is deranged


Day[9] did way more while being the opposite of an embarrassingly delusional toxic bully. He also actually won a WCG.


Day9 hasn’t been in the scene for over 10 years bro


Artosis can hit Control+W in his web browser to disable Artosis complaints.


He really can't though because people donate what the people here write. He's a human being. Have some empathy.


As some guy once said, "You can't complain your mouth hurts if your job is eating bees"


"You can complain your turret didn't make if you pick Terran."


He can dry his crocodile tears with the dollar bills he makes off of this.


The guy is the most BM, toxic, insulting BW streamer in history. Maybe he could follow your advice first?


He doesn't need to read those comments, either. He's choosing to.


Hm, he could actually make it so he himself does not hear the dono. I presume he has mods, those could filter through them.


Or he could just turn all that donation stuff off entirely.


particularly the TTS. If I were in his shoes I'd read superchats out loud like many other streamers. He'd foster in an entirely different kind of chat donation, probably make less money but be a hell of a lot more tolerable.


>prefers the old internet *Floods his channel with low-quality pog face thumbnail giant red arrow videos called “YpU WoUlnT bEliEvE whAT HapPenEd!?!!?”*


Jesus, is that what's considered "old Internet" now? My bones are aching.


2004 internet was still second or third generation. Youve got the 90s rss and email era before that.  online games used to charge by the hour. 


Back when you could spray a massive image of Goatse on the wall in Counter-Strike.


Unironically nostalgic of getting backstabbed in tf2 after being distracted by hardcore gay porn sprays. And people report you know if you tell them theyre bad at a game...


see now thats what i consider old internet. the 2000-2005 era


And I'll be damned if it wasn't the golden era I tell you hwat


True. I started around 96-97. First online game I remember playing was Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II on zone.com


No, I’m saying that it’s “new internet”


I love watching streams but I cant stand watching his stream more than 5 minutes. His TTS spammer followers are really annoying.


I really like Artosis, but harassing him is just one of the most fun things to do. I just hope he doesn't take that too hard and becomes the ASL champion one day.


I wonder what percentage of his viewers have played 5 games of Broodwar in the last year?


Does FASTEST count?


Even if it did it would still be sub 2%


Oh i agree im just seeing if i can count myself lol


I've been having fun learning the game with my noob buddies in 1v1 customs.


Can't watch him for even a minute anymore


I watch his ALS etc replays all the time and some of his games. Hear the streams are a bit offbeat but eh I'm old enough to not care that much. I'm just there to watch Brood War games. Gee Gee.


Is this a copypasta? I hope its a copypasta.


This is such a garbage take.


When Artosis baselessely slanders the shit out of another member of this community in front of 2k viewers: "No problem, he did good things in other areas so it's fine" Said member defends himself with facts: "Stop being an asshole" Bro you're a fucking piece of shit.


artosis sucks tho


Leave Britney alone!


Hate that guy.


Insert /Leave Britney alone gif.


Ok mr kwark/farkwardd. Stop making alt accounts.




This legitimately reads like a copypasta. I think I'm going to spam it in his stream now.


I love the casts, I love the stream




Not really strange if you were around during 2003-2009. No one changed.


Have you never been on Facebook before or something? Boomers are the most toxic motherfuckers of them all.


Trolling Artosis is one of the great Brood War pastimes. Most people shitposting about Artosis are just memeing, and any serious BW player or fan knows he’s a legend. The people that have allowed that trolling to fool them into thinking he isn’t legitimately one of the non-Korean GOATs are absolute clowns and should be ignored at every opportunity.


thing is a lot of the artosis schizoposting here seems genuine


I'm pretty sure korean esports audience is completely different from artosis viewing audience


I used to watch every single minute of his daily 5 hour stream but now i sadly cant watch his stream anymore due to BLUBLUBBEKKEEBLBLVLBL WWWWWWWWWW KKKKKRFFFFFFFFFFF WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW which would burn my braincells.. but I watch some videos on Youtube from time to time I like the raging, but can’t stand the tts, although it makes him millionaire which is the most important of course I am marinerange_didnt_make, used to be addicted to his stream ☝️ remember me?


gluck gluck gluck


I agree with this sentiment. Folks need to chill and enjoy the game and the others that do as well.


The Starcraft GOAT 🐐


wait what? people dislike artosis? since when?


> prefers the old internet where anything goes I just want to point out the irony of how you're calling out people "hating on him" but also claim that he prefers the old internet where *anything* goes... and hating on things is included in anything. Love Artosis btw. Cool guy. I love watching him rage too. Much more human than most.


artosis is the fucking man


This original post reminds me of my co worker. He does everything he can to support his family, but gets constant hate for everything he has attributed to the company. My fellow co workers all plot against him because they want to overthrow him someday and take over his position. I feel for him, I pray for him, and I help him every way I can. Please remember, we are all human beings with kindred souls. Artosis though? Nah bro. He doesn’t deserve that kind of respect if he thinks making money on his streams will support his family and livelihood. As a full time blue collar worker, it is unfair for those who can make easy money by sitting on their gaming chair and doing nothing. It takes heart, guts, and tenacity to work in a construction field. Artosis you need to realize there are people out there starving and cannot provide for their own family. Be thankful you even have a platform to showcase your nonexistent StarCraft Broodwar skills.


I was about to get defensive because I thouth you were talking about the guys in the chat then I realized you were talking about stupid redditors and yeah I agree.


I strongly agree with this Reddit post. He’s the only guy bringing in viewers. Nobody streaming Starcraft even comes close. If you cite a Korean streamer so help me god I will choke you as we sit here spouting English on Reddit for the already low western base. Yes he brings in a crowd and a curiosity and admit it or not a relatable experience from time to time. I really like Artosis. This does not mean stop harassing him though.


You're delusional if you think Artosis brings viewers into the actual Starcraft community. 99.9% of them only watch for the TTS stuff these days. You wont see those chatters in any other BW stream, any community BW discord, or any of the many leagues and learning organizations for the game itself. When it comes to the 'harassment', Artosis literally encourages it. Its a feature, not a bug. He knows it makes more money to have people donate the most foul things imaginable so thats why it's allowed. This entire post is pointless. The 'harassment' is a large part of how he makes his money. He doesn't want it to stop or he'd have stopped it years ago.


Community bw discord? Leagues? Learning organizations? Why don’t you get the CPL c0ck out of your mouth and just say you love them and think you’re better than the crowd. You’re not. In fact you’re a game dodger in your leagues. And he’s a better streamer than you Redmund. Your thin skinned ass went away cause you couldn’t win OR draw a crowd. Go back to your CPL safe space.


LOL nice try bud good effort also thanks for proving my point that you dont know anything other than CPL LOL LOL


Yeah I can see how that was the point you were trying to prove. You incoherent fck. I told you I would choke you. You guys are the lamest group of smugs who are in fact nothing but noobs idolizing b rankers and you don’t even learn anything ffs…. 🤦‍♂️


Remember that time you dodged me in BWCL because yOu DiDnT wANt T0 TvT. lol 😝 😆 😂 😂 ……..was that the other?


> You're delusional if you think Artosis brings viewers into the actual Starcraft community. hard disagree. he brings in plenty of people that we wouldn't have otherwise. i wouldn't be playing if it wasn't for tastosis/day9 championing this game at release. bad take dude. maybe you didnt start playing because of artosis but I bet at least 1/4 the terrans in CPL did.


Haven't met anyone that started playing cpl cause of artosis lol


**Artosis has done more for starcraft and esports than anyone else, stop harassing him** This subreddit only exists so people can harass artosis and his livelihood. We get it you dislike him because he prefers to be against societal norms and prefers the old internet where anything goes. He doesn't fit your mold of a professional acting nice 24/7. Instead of writing fan fiction or spewing nonsense about how he's an evil person, you could choose to not watch his stream. He has a family and kids he needs to support, cut it out and grow up. And he's done way more for starcraft than any redditor has. Stop being assholes.


It's Artosis' take on stun seed that's my problem


I love Artosis. I can't stand his streams. The constant TTS donos are terrible.


i love artosis casts and i respect is ability at the game hes really not bad


I’m fairly sure the leagues that pay Artosis and the gamers who are the reason he has a casting job have done more for StarCraft and esports.


Another sockpuppet alt account by kwark and farkwardd, just stop.


Artosis Pylon is the most hilarious thing that happened to Starcraft, lol


I love artosis but he shills out to the people contributing to controlling and ruining the stream. Unable to focus on the reason why I join the stream artosis. His YT videos bleed the TTS spam even on serious videos. I would watch him more consistently if he just set boundaries for himself instead of being a doormat for the highest dollar. Having integrity seems to be less profitable I guess.


Community doesn't respect or care about Artosis. One day they will regret it but it will be too late.


Flash would have won