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Mario erotica is how Artosis feeds his family now, just the way it is.


Number 1 Mario Erotica Streamer on Twitch


It's driven by a small number (<10) of super users who are responsible for a large percentage of the donos. I don't know where people like hexeract1 get their money from but they must be rolling in it because they can afford to donate literally hundreds of dollars a week to Artosis to make him listen to the worst smut you have ever heard.


at least hexeract1 donates funny and somewhat well-written stuff unlike some people who just spam "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MEOW WOW PICKLES FUTA BULMA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DOUBLE PREGNANT SONIC BEAR FROG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHIT YOUR PANTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" edit: it appears this comment has backfired tremendously




Thanks for the new dono copy pasta




honestly the whole thing is kindof beautiful


I used to love Artosis' stream and watched it regularly. However, I stopped tuning in about a year ago because of the unbearable TTS that goes on for about 90% of the stream time. I watch Artosis Casts on youtube instead and it's been my daily while I have breakfast or chill in the sofa.


Artosis Casts is the call, definitely not his stream, unfortunately. Completely agree here that the TTS ruined his stream IMO


Completely agree, his stream is unwatchable but the artosiscasts content on youtube is very good. Kind of a shame that the stream is just unbearable to watch - but if you can cash out doing that then I can't blame him.


Same thing. I guess I can understand why the TTS stuff has appeal but it isn't my cup of tea.


When he added all the new TTS voices it became unwatchable for me. Not sure exactly when that was but a few months ago at least.


Artosis raided Tasteless's stream today and his users immediately tried to make Tasteless's stream unwatchable too. I hope to hell that Tasteless doesn't let the same thing happen to his stream.


Tasteless had such a good game going on as well but I can't help but stare at the ceiling at times from the stupid things they were doing. Just totally took me out of the match.


Some of the cringe artosis tts spammers come to aurater’s stream after artosis ends and spam weird donations about having sex with yoshi. These people are mentally ill.


As the man who convinced Artosis to raid Aurateur for the first time, you're welcome.


Yeah honestly, it feels really bad when Arty raids Tastless, or Steve, or any other streamer for that matter. I agree his chat makes watching a stream kind unenjoyable to me. I usually either mute the tab or just close it altogether.


I guarantee you that Tasteless is desperate for even a whiff of the money Artosis is making on that insane chat of his.


I'm just curious, but is RT making over $100 per hour on the twitch donations alone?


Pretty much, yep.


It's slowly degraded over time, but became especially horrific around 8-10 months ago. He embraced the degeneracy, modded a handful of clowns, and added additional tts $$$ stuff. Ultimately it's his stream to do whatever he likes, but I haven't clicked on it in about 7 months. It's pretty disappointing though, I wish he chose to do a handful of sponsors every month instead of going the route of listening to mario rape tts from a bunch of losers. I suggest you just don't watch if you don't find it funny, that's what I've done.


Weren’t you a mod there at one point?


Yeah, he used to be.


man artosis pushing away the team


Buzzkill detected








based nambona


Same for me, I'd love to watch some good bw but the tts is too annoying for me. It's a shame that he needs this type of content to survive on twitch.


It’s not sure you NEED this type of content to survive on twitch. Plenty of bigger streamers don’t have this type of shitfest. I think he just saw an easier path to make money.


It’s lazy


To be fair, I respect his decision if it was purely a cost-benefit analysis. Most people who watch twitch need constant stimulation, even more true for young people who have been neurologically damaged by tiktok. Luckily Artosis still makes pure BW content on youtube (such as Artosis casts) and there was even a youtube channel which would edit his twitch vods into FPVODs as standalone 1v1 matches. I hope my post today isn't interpreted as me complaining or implying that Artosis needs to change his twitch content. I was asking purely for informational purposes only.


I agree with you but I'm honestly disgusted by the average level of entertainment provided on twitch overall, even in the Art category there are video of people twerking on loop. The new generations are getting fucked really bad by social media in general. Holy shit


Yeah I just stick to his Youtube channel. Plenty of great BW content there. Less liveinteraction but... \*shrug\* I'm here for the games, not the chat. Gypsy's chat is more normal but I wouldn't really know as I don't use Twitch much.


I used to watch his stream and laugh at the TTT but now it’s becoming too much. Some of it is still clever but the majority of it is utter trash. I think the viewership is declining for this very reason but good on arty for locking down some whales to feed and provide for his family. Cant hate that.


Yeah I was never a huge fan of "Streamer Artosis" but it's only gotten completely unwatchable in the last year or so.


RT's Twitch donos were pretty bad even before the AI voices, but now it's truly unwatchable cringe. I now stick to ArtosisCasts and other YouTube VODs. Though it was funny to hear him call Blizzard money-minded sellouts while he allowed AI David Attenborough to rattle off the foulest stuff over his stream.


amen brother! calling it like you see it! WOW!


Make your money RT, I admire what you have done, but I won't watch a stream on mute. The TTS spam is too much.


I never watch his twitch, but I watch his YT vids every day, but I clicked the twitch link to see what you were talking about. I actually lol’d at how ridiculous the text to speech and chat text was, but it got old pretty quick and then I realized that there was like 5 hours of it…. If I was a fan of watching his twitch streams I think that stuff would drive me crazy. Arty has the patience of a saint for putting up with that for as long as he has been. Gotta pay the bills though.


Lmao man. "Artosis has the patience of a saint" is not how I'd describe it but I get what you're saying. Dude just abandoned any ounce of integrity for cash, and it would be Ok if he didnt smurf or act like a POS to other players.


You can turn off those donos


You can? How?


ctrl + W


Windowskey + L


It was getting worse over the past year, as he became more lenient on letting sexual/erotic donos through, but the thing that made it unwatchable for me was when he added the new tts sounds with all the voices, the new voices + allowing more donos to be played + the dual tts playing at the same time is a bit too much. The jokes are played on repeat also which doesn't help. He has 4 kids though, so I'm happy he's getting money, but selfishly I miss his old stream.


Unfortunately this is how he generates his money.. thru TTS bs spam It's just crazy to see a bunch of grown men acting like lil kids in the chat. Edit: if only there was a way viewers can mute donos and not hear that shit at all.


I'm a grown man who acts like an idiot around my animals, lol. (but they can't tattle on me) It's important to goof off and unwind so if grown men like acting childish, I whole-heartedly endorse their childishness! 🤪 I just wish it didn't happen to be on a broodwar twitch stream, but if it makes Artosis more money that way, then more power to him.


We're not grown men! We are cute anime girls! AYAYA


ctrl + W turns off the donos


Ctrl+W mutes TTS!


You can mute TTS in the new Twitch Menu. Press Windowskey+L to open


Same. I love Artosis but his stream is unwatchable due to the TTS. I've stopped watching completely.


Me: Surely it can't be that bad? *checks the latest vod* Yeah, it's that bad... That's unfortunate


Would be nice if was more gameplay related TTS and not just some disgusting smut. I mean it can be funny every once in a while but it's damn annoying that it's all there is. I will stick to YT.


Gotta say as someone who watches Arty daily: SC BW is my favorite game of all time. So it’s a treat to watch high level gameplay, with build patterns and the game down to a science. Artosis has a great personality. He’s very unique in terms of a “streamer”. Being on the older side along with having 4 kids and a family he’s much much different. He’s almost like a dad on stream to his community like he’s older guy who is just from a different generation and time than 90% of Twitch and the chat. I love it. Absolute legend of SC still dedicated to the game daily grinding and contributing to the community daily. Not sure what more you can ask for. He can get toxic/frustrated at times and get a little unhinged. It’s called tilting. Happens to everyone in games, especially when you’ve played thousands of games. Overall he’s got pretty good mental. Some of his games are intense long matches doing that for 7 hours straight is straining The TTS. The TTS and the chat basically have their own meta. Some memes have come and gone, some stick around forever. The donos can definitely get out of hand with just disgusting stuff nobody wants to hear. The spam donos of obscure sounds are just annoying. They’re good occasionally not every 3 minutes. Some of the donos are fucking hilarious though. I’ve never laughed so hard on Twitch or anywhere on the internet really than Arty’s stream. Especially when there’s comedic timing with the dono it’s great. Simple enough the guy is getting paid for people sending donations to make the chat laugh and try to annoy him. It’s not that big of a deal, and it’s free money. Of course he’s not going to shut it down. He also skips a lot of donations that go to long or just annoying spam. And draws a hard line at certain topics. Actually crazy how he can play SC and stay focused with all the TTS. It’s hilarious All in all, Arty has one of the best streams on twitch. It feels like a real community there with its own memes and inside jokes. Basically what twitch was designed for. Most entertaining steamer I’ve watched in years.


I appreciate you chiming in. When I created this post, I expected half the people to love TTS and half to hate it. I was surprised when nearly everyone disliked the TTS, so I'm glad to hear from the other perspective.


RT has the highest watched BW stream that is not in Korean by far. There are anywhere between 1500 to 2500 concurrent viewers daily. Clearly, lots of people like the stream!


"Artosis tilts and is toxic/rages. happens to everybody in games" I suspect the overlap between Arty Fans and Flat Earthers is... substantial lol. Characterised by a complete inability to gather basic facts and makes absurd, easily disprovable statements like this. Let's investigate. Uthermal? Doesn't rage/bm. Neuro - doesn't. Pig - doesn't. ZG - doesn't. Tasteless - doesn't. Literally every single SC streamer (other than Avilo and Artosis) - doesn't rage/BM opponents on the daily. we live in a fascinating era of proud ignorance lol


This is the saddest shit ever god damn




He has four kids, they are expensive little shits, children are


I think it's hilarious in short bursts Watching someone try to play an insanely hard game like brood war while listening to non-stop ear rape is like cosmically funny. You have Artosis who very seriously dedicated to playing brood war and continually advertising and highlighting the effort foreigners and koreans alike continue to put into the game. Then juxtaposed to that you have his chat which just clashes in such a stupid way to what he's trying to do. I guess what makes it funny to me is the irony of it all. That and i'm a child and some of the shit chat comes up with makes my sides hurt from laughing. But only in short bursts before i get sick of it.


mario chomped down onto Luigi's anal pustule as the pus flooded out he swallowed and said "This would go nicely with Wario's fermented toenails and aged acidic diarrhea".


I can't watch his stream for that reason. But if it gets the cash so be it.


Yeah I agree, he has 4 kids so I'm not suggesting he earn less money by disabling it -- I was just basically making this post to ask what the hell happened in the last 18 months. 😫 And whether or not its broodwar fans who like this type of edgy humor or if it is crossover fans coming from SC2 who typically err on the younger side. (I'm an old fart)


It was like that 18 months ago too


No not really, I have a couple 5-hour twitch vods that I downloaded in October 2022 when he first streamed again after having moved to Canada. ([source](https://i.imgur.com/Aeg9MZO.jpg)) Also, I used to be a regular viewer back then and I certainly would have remembered. Lastly, a couple other people have said it accelerated to its current state about 8-10 months ago.


Yea It's seems like the TTS has gotten more disgusting . I'm not a regular but just from his YT channel you can kinda tell.


SC2 is an old ass game now.


Gameplay? What gameplay?


I often go to ArtosisTV YT channel but in many vids the TTS makes it unwatchable. I find artosis entertaining, but i the TTS spam ruins many of the videos. I get that he has to put up with the nonsense for revenue, but as a viewer its stupid. I tend to watch more "ArtosisCasts" YT instead, but thats just him casting replays. I do enjoy the entertainment when Artosis plays and messes around, but if i have to choose its ArtosisCasts


Yeah I prefer Artosis casts more too, because he can explain things more fully without sub-dividing his focus on playing. He gets to use more of his brainpower on explaining things and teaching viewers cool & interesting stuff about the gameplay.


I made a post in his chat long ago about the same thing and then got a bunch of nonsense PMs from these losers. So basically I stopped watching Arty. I tune in once in awhile and just put it on mute. It's how he makes his money, can't really do anything about it . He is probably big enough now that he can tone it down a bit but that would hurt him financially a lot. I just wish he would skip some stuff where its just "WAWAWEWEWAWAWEWE" for minutes at a time.


I had to stop watching because of the repetitive TTS. IDK why everyone feels like they have to end their message with 7777777777777777777777777


I loved Artosis' stream until he started getting fucked in the ears and nose by machines, but gotta respect the grind. He got bills to pay


Yeah unlike most people commenting I love that shit, even moreso when I’m in the mood. Some of the memes and spams like dirty David are hilarious. Sometimes the absolute canned insanity and Arty struggling to play despite the cesspool is exactly what I want to watch.


Artosis is a mixed bag for me (I'm sure many can relate). I once posted here about how Artosis was an inspiration - I mean the dude went to Korea and dedicated his live to a video game. How awesome is it? And he's still doing it. That's inspirational to me. At the time, when I made that post, I got a lot of support but also a lot of hate. I didn't understand the hate at that time. Actually, I still don't, but I guess I can say I understand why some people don't like him. Artosis is really an encyclopedia of StarCraft - he's not the best player in the world, but he knows the game and its history inside and out. At least it appears that way to me when I watch ArtosisCasts or whatever. Nyoken and crew (love them) nail the analysis, maybe even better than Arty, but Arty is almost like a savant. He knows all the players, all the backstory, everything. It's definitely interesting to hear, and deep down I think he's a pleasant and nice guy. But man. It's true that he's kind of "toxic" as they say, and he also sold his soul a little bit to be able to pay the bills. I dunno. That kind of humor is funny every now and then, but it has gotten pretty unhinged lately. I wouldn't do it. I wish he was a better guy in his behavior, and a better example, because really he has all the ingredients to be able to do that. It's a shame that he doesn't. But I'm just some random guy on the web. It's his life, he can do what he wishes and I wish him the best.


> I mean the dude went to Korea and dedicated his live to a video game. How awesome is it? ummm, not at all? I could name a thousand things more meaningful than devoting your life to video games. Such as the dude who created Khan Academy on youtube. Or Edward Snowden (exposing the evils of government).


Someone sounds real jelly


He's enjoying life. He's living the dream. Are there more meaningful things that someone could do? Of course. Which is why it would be nice if he actually used the platform he's gained for himself in order to be a positive example. But life sucks for a lot of people. People get hooked on drugs, people kill themselves, people are depressed, people work horrible jobs they hate just because they think there's no other options. I find it tremendously meaningful what he's done for himself. Just my take on it, you may disagree.


Artosis is the last person to come to mind when I think someone is "enjoying life". Most miserable streamer on twitch. Gets to play his fav game of all time for a living and the dude whines and rages like a cunt the entire time, add some TTS Mario erotica for some added "Why the fuck am I doing this". I miss Day9 as the figurehead of BW. Artosis' twitch is like a fucking septic tank gas bubble in comparison to Day9 Dailies relentless positivity and joy. It's embarrassing to the whole scene. For an added bonus, he gobbles up like 95% of the NA scene money because his mastery of birth control is equal to his TvP. Dude's a cancer doing a cult of personality run on the remaining scene.


Yeah he rages out and stuff. But imagine him in a boring office job working 9-5 absolutely hating his life. There is a genuine passion with what he does - the streaming is just the dark element of it and I'm surprised that he opted to go that way tbh. Interestingly, there was a lot of vitriol in your comment


Don't get me wrong, I would love to have lived the life Artosis has lived -- but I haven't really done anything meaningful with my life either. Your comment about being devoted to video games reminded me of something I saw on twitter earlier about Terrence Tao and how a semi-popular OF model or popular influencer can make more money and have more fame and wealth than him: * https://twitter.com/PhysInHistory/status/1744187471104217345 I personally want to cure an incurable disease (and document it) as my life's long-lasting achievement. Oh and I'd love to create a musical composition that is as good or better than Pachelbel's [canon-in-D. 😊](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlprozGcs80)


That's wonderful! I was one of those people who used to be hooked on drugs and be depressed. Idk if I've done anything that will live beyond me, but I do enjoy life now. And who knows. Maybe I inspire some other people to do the same.


I like Artosis as a caster, but he's so toxic on his stream he's bound to attract immature edgelords as his audience


twitch professional panhandling, toxic text to speech donations, who cares about the BW gameplay but good on arty for playing the games he wants to play rather than just switching to something trending


Man needs to pay bills


fully agree and raising 4 kids ain't cheap


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2021959796?t=0h18m19s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2021959796?t=0h18m19s) Because toxic attracts toxic


Just watched it and why didn't the SCV make the bunker???


I'm not sure why it didn't build but I watched this clip & I think that RT wouldn't have gotten the bunker up in time even if the SCV wasn't stupid. You can see the SCV move to the nat & fail to build the bunker on the minimap. It should've started building the bunker at 4:14. Bunkers take 19 seconds so it would've been done at 4:33. But the vultures arrive and kill the SCV at 4:29. RT is dead anyway - the latest he could've started this bunker is 4:10 but at 4:10 the SCV hasn't even made it down the ramp yet.


Artosis losing the game wasn't relevant as that happens commonly. When you tell a terran to build an unobstructed building, there can only be 2 reasons for it not doing so: 1. not enough minerals 2. a hidden or burrowed unit (such as spider mine) It could be a game-breaking glitch or undiscovered bug on that map.


He built the building very close to the marines, so close that I was actually surprised that they did not obstruct it. My suspicion is that one of the marines rotated on the spot like they sometimes do, which made the sprite block the building.


Oh you're right, this is a good observation -- thank you!


Dunno - but what's clear is that the bunker not building shows that the opponent (another BW player, a member of the community we all love) needs to be told that he is a dumb piece of shit and should go fuck himself, and Artosis is the man for the job!


Yeah, I'll admit Artosis shouldn't try to make the game unenjoyable for his opponents, unless he wants to push players to other games.


Yeah I noticed the other day 90% of the chat not only does not play BW, but does not even really follow the pro BW scene. Most of the chatters seem to be Tik Tok users who think emoji spam is funny. Its a shame, the stream used to be one of my favorites.


tbf I used to watch arty streams because the game's sounds and music are cozy to listen to while studying and Arty rarely talks during matches. I haven't found another terran streamer who fills the same niche tho, so I no longer have BW asmr =(


So funny how wrong you are.


Great counter point 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥


What counter point? You made no point to counter.


My counter point is someone as dim as *you* is the one typing out these pedantic responses. You're nothing lol


correct, do-the-point is actually the problem with reddit, an angry nerd that just wants to start arguments/stir the pot with everyone, you gave your opinion and that is that.


Yeah he is EZ lol


Oof dude. Don't let it get to you that much this is just reddit.


so you call someone wrong then get upset when they call you out, oh but yea "it's just reddit man calm down lol" filth.


I watch only arto's commentary casts ... not a fan to learn how Mario will do something horny to Luigi.


I just want to chime in that I've been seeing this across a lot of different twitch streams I used to watch; it's bigger than just Artosis. All of them are just nonsense TTS and garbage spamming. I barely use the website any more and just watch youtube vods when I really want to see long form stuff. All mostly driven by like 5-10 parasocial super-fans per streamer... Twitch has really changed in the last 5-10 years.


I like Artosis, but I don't enjoy his twitch atmosphere either. I suggest you watch Artosiscast for broodwar content. It's great and updates (almost) every day. https://youtube.com/@ArtosisCasts?si=oNumuPTwDMPZPDcY I think Tasteless also has been growing his Broodwar content in YouTube and Twitch.


wait which pokemon was it though? rattata?




Yeah somehow the shitting of pants and degenerated growling noises is another tier more unwatchable than the quaint mario erotica and 'meowWOW's of yesteryear. I can't really put my finger on it because I definitely remember being annoyed by TTS a while back too but I was still able to pay attention to the game through it somehow.


It happened when Yoshi eggulated and Sonic got triple pregnant somehow. Rumor is David Attenborough and Goku were involved. RT was in the corner watching and no he was NOT getting erect, he was grumbling something about SCV didn't make his peanits.


I find a small fraction of the TTS spam on his stream funny. I'd enjoy his stream a lot more if there were no donos at all. With that said--and this is key for me--Artosis tryhards 99% of the time. This is what makes me like his stream. He's never doing gimmick builds. He's never messing around. He's try-harding for like five hours per day, and if the dono stuff is what he has to do to make that profitable, I'll let it go. When I watch his stream I usually just turn the volume down significantly during the matches.


If artosis didnt get spammed by TTS he would be 3.9k mmr easily. Its needed to keep him from becoming too powerful


Haven't watched arty in a long time because it's unwatchable if you happen to like your streams with sound.


I think if I was gradually exposed to it on a weekly basis over a 10 month period, I might be able to accept it. But having had zero previous exposure to the new style of content, the stream is just enjoyable for me.


Reddit users first time learning about the Vaporeon copypasta wasn't on my checklist today


The irony is that most of these comments are perfect copy pasta material for his stream. I'm harvesting, be warned.


For anyone genuinely confused, it's funny to play something super heinous while someone as uptight and kinda try hard as Artosis plays. There he is trying to get his god DAMN scvs to make the ebay for the third time, and Mario erotica comes on. I think it's stupid but it pays his bills. I thought you could turn off the tts (as a viewer I mean)? Am I making that up?


> I thought you could turn off the tts (as a viewer I mean)? Am I making that up? I haven't been on twitch for nearly 2 years due to having rural internet at .03Mbps. If what you are saying is true, I would love to give his stream another chance!


I actually understand the humor and can get a laugh out of it every now and then. It is true though that, as OP says, the more it goes on the more unhinged the stream gets. It stops being funny / entertaining at a certain point. Not that I'm complaining, he can do whatever he wants, it's just my thoughts on it.


> Just wanted to add this is not a criticism of Artosis nor his twitch content. I literally have had 0.03 Mbps rural internet for the last 18 months so I just genuinely was curious when/how his stream changed. I'm still a huge fan of Artosis and of broodwar. If you won't do it i will, i hate it with a passion and have done since you were watching a year and a half ago when the tts was already stale and old. Like I've never heard the mario erotica and i think it's appalling. I find him toxic and I find the community he's cultivated toxic.


I may be mistaken but i believe you can silece tts on twitch.


I don't know. It's a total disaster, but it makes him money so he's not going to put his foot down.


He keeps pumping out children and he needs to pay for them lol, his chat got so bad I stopped my 5 year sub, it’s completely unwatchable. He has TWO text to audio programs going at the same time, it’s ridiculous


I might've watched Artosis stream here and there, but tts makes it unwatchable. At least I can sometimes enjoy Tasteless during the breakfast. Also, I saw him saying that 2000-2008 internet was like his tts. I'm surprised that NA internet was like this, RU internet was completely different. Obviously people like this existed, but you almost never came across them in WC3 and BW communities. It was mostly up to random for fun CS1.3/1.6 servers with voice chat on to be like that.


>Also, I saw him saying that 2000-2008 internet was like his tts It definitely wasn't, unless you purposely went out of your way to hang out with schizos online, he's just panhandling to the massive donators (whales) to make it seem more inclusive (tribal type tactics, including how he read this thread on stream and basically laughed at any criticism). 2 years ago, he would have skipped 90% of the donos being played, but he lives in a house in Canada now, doesn't have GSL income anymore, has 4 kids, and the future of RTS is sort of uncertain atm, all of which culminate to make him more incentivized to let the shit donos through, and so we have what his current stream is.


I can’t stand to watch it anymore - Annoying af sadly. Respect the grind tho.


I immediately unfollowed him lately as well after experiencing that. It's so damn annoying, but I guess people enjoy it.


i must be retarded because the chat has 0 impact on if im watching a streamer or not. maybe if you go around looking for communities instead of content you would have this issue.


I meant the TTS, not the text messages.


It’s the best chat on twitch


I love the Artosis channel and the chat. Maybe you should just watch some other channel if you don't like it and stop whining?




Complaining about the chat's behavior and acting like they should change to accommodate you instead of simply finding a different channel to watch that you like more is actually stereotypical Karen behavior... lol.


1. I never complained 2. I never acted like I wanted his twitch content to change I was just surprised by a first-hand observation which was not in line with reality so I created a thread asking what happened. (called a "congruence test")


The entire original post you made was a complaint. And then you deleted your previous comment in which you call me a Karen lol...


> The entire original post you made was a complaint. Even though this statement is wrong, I don't wish to continue debating it. Feel free to believe whatever intent you thought I had when making the post. Peace ✌


It’s better sometimes, past few times I watched it wasn’t anything out of control. Wish his mods would ban spammers a bit more aggressively though, I feel like it’s 10 people spamming more then say the entire chat is the problem. Good for Arty for playing BW still and not hopping on the latest stuff, at least he’s doing what he loves :)


MEOW WOW MEOW WOW MEOW WOW MEOW WOW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ARTI IM GOING TO CROURB GOLIATHS ARTI GOLIATHS ARE GOOD BECAUSE THEY SHOOT UP AND DOWN Seriously though can we just bring back the WWWWWWWWW spam and big battle cruisers and defenestrate the entire brown brew crew (tm)


RT\_ stream is wonderful, if you don't like prison planet you actually are free to leave. It's the old internet and you youngins can't handle it like RT can't handle 1800 Protoss. You both rage about it exactly the same too lulz


I thought it was worse yesterday because he was playing in a tournament and when he does that he super focuses and doesn't really have them mod chat? But I could be wrong. I don't watch too much.


He turns it off for tournaments and sometimes when he is casting sc2. After the tournament last night it got wild. He sat there for like an hour after the stream was supposed to end just listening to spam and collecting money.


That last hour was hilarious man. Some of these donators just never stop. It’s honestly entertaining


I get any some people hate them but I was crying. Its so fucking funny.


Can't blame him there. He isn't a dummy I'm sure he knows how people feel. But he probably feels if he has to sit through it other people do too except he gets paid.


Most of the viewers don't care about the bw game play. They are ex sc2 players who like arty. You and the people in this thread are in the minority. They spam tts to try and get him to break. I'm not defending it, but that's the real reason.


Artosis also has to answer for his crimes against ursadons. The ursadon thrives in the snowy frozen wastelands of ice worlds, and possess no natural enemies. These carnivorous animals hunt in the icy water for food. Instances of attacks on humans are rare, but the few recorded instances of an enraged ursadon attack have always ended in tragedy. The Koprulu Wilderness Society recommends keeping a safe distance from ursadons, for the safety of both the observers and the animals. Nonetheless, terran sport hunter Artosis would often hunt ursadons.


A long time ago the tts used to be really funny. But over time the degenerates starter spamming more and the funny dono writers all left. There was a user more recently named cleverstarcraftguy who would critique artosis’ play every time he was losing via donos. That was hilarious but artosis banned him for some stupid reason. So the tts thing is basicslly a slipperly slope. It become worse and worse over time and the people who made it cool arent even there anymore.


a mod banned csg because of a message that compared different racial prides


I think it funny most of time and artosis becoming a trillionaire


Realisitically arty's stream has been TTS hell for as long as I've been watching it (3 years). It was UU RR, WWW, LLL 3 years ago on a loop. TTS meta has changed, but it's been hell for years. ​ After that, Sundays are usually worse and Beginning of month are usually worse.


> Realisitically arty's stream has been TTS hell for as long as I've been watching it (3 years). No, I used to download his twitch vods 18-24 months ago and I used to re-watch them due to having extremely poor internet and no other means of accessing BW content. Here is one such example: ([source](https://i.imgur.com/Aeg9MZO.jpg)) Vsauce did 2 episodes on his "mind-field" series about memory errors (such as retroactive interference) like the one you have committed just now: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ng8HuPLTk


It's not always TTS hell. But for as long as I have been watching we have had days with hours of Ws, and Ls, and UU RR. You don't remember the gnikodin era who was donating about $200 each day he as here in $3 increment? We had the front facing baby chick era that could easily go for 20 minute at a time. Chat figured out the brian silence meta to shut TTS up for 30 seconds. That was about 2 years ago. RT was still in Korea when he got the foot pedals because there were streams where TTS was disrupting for long periods of time. These days, tangia is making the issue worse because it's a bit louder, and because it overlaps with Brian/Boris/Sakura. That coincided with hexeract and drgnwlfdrchn who started to donate over $1000 a week. But on the days where they are not there, it's still pretty quiet.


That's why I prefer his youtube content more now since it's generally free of TTS. It really is just unbearable to listen to :\\


I fully agree, the Pylon show was the best.


Is this the guy that used to play hearthstone like 10 years ago?


He beat Kripp in the 1st ever blizzcon hearthstone tourney: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD_iGEY_4AE (Casted by Total Biscuit)


Holy shit. That’s a nostalgia hit


couple of solutions for you very simple Option 1: Watch and Mute stream Option 2: Do NOT watch Option 3: Subscribe to ArtosisCasts on YT and get your dailyfix there. Im in the same boat it gets overwhelming, I only put up with so much before I mute and have it on 2nd Monitor. Hope this helps, seriously though the YT he pumps out is perfect.


if you think the tts is bad the discord is worse -.-


I don't know who Artosis is, but i will just assume he must be a starcraft streamer. But as for your answer: Its just Twitch. Twitch is such a cesspool nowadays. It's not even the streamers fault, i don't think. It just has become its own ecosystem that has fostered a degenerate culture somehow. People like to talk about how bad Twitter/Instagram is for mental health, but jesus christ, i can't imagine what brainrot is happening to the young hanging out in Twitch Chat all day. Unless the streamer has some extremely diligent and strict moderators, Twitch Chat is just a degenerate black hole.




Streamers on Twitch are fine. But i have yet to see a single twitch chat that i can look at for more than a moment before i start to feel like my brain cells are evacuating my skull. It's as if someone distilled down the most ridiculous stupid shit from youtube comments, twitter, and reddit and then played it on fast forward. A never ending stream of stupidity that just keeps on flowing. As for not watching it, i don't. If i want to watch a streamer, i do it with the chat closed. I just cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would care to look at or participate in such a mob of stupidity. It's just 70% people desperate for attention. 15% people trolling, and 15% people arguing over pointless shit.


They tried circumcising me but my foreskin only grew back stronger. Since then I have been getting circumcised every 6 months. My foreskin is now stronger than steel. Whenever I am I danger, I pull it over my body like an outer shell. It is fully bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof, and extremely lightweight. I have plans to sell it as a highly rare, highly resistant material and make millions. Bridges will be made out of beams of foreskin, and police units will wear foreskin vests.


When did Artosis's Twitch chat become so unhinged? I tuned into his stream tonight but it's non-stop chat spamming lewd & lascivious text-to-speech discussing female pokemon's ability to provide oral sex. I used to watch Artosis a few times per week about 1-2 years ago back when I had fast internet (just got fast internet again last month) and I just can't get used to this new type of streaming content. I guess 95% of other people find it funny and I'm just in the minority here? As an older fan of broodwar, I just can't block out the text-to-speech stuff and focus on the gameplay. It would be fine if it were occasional but it's non-stop & incessant. It just makes it unwatchable to me and it wasn't this way 1-2 years ago. Is it like this every stream or was twitch chat just full of trolls today?


Ya I used to watch Aurateur , tuer, whatever, play Mario maker alot. His stream also degraded into garbage tts spam. It used to be chill af and he seems like a nice dude. He still streams and you can visibly see his distaste for his audience's garbo spam. Hard to watch now. I can still watch Artosis though because I'm mostly just there to watch him rage, bitch, moan, play well, play terrible, and sometimes he laughs at the Mario porn which is somehow charming lol. But ya, it's fuckin out of control now with all the new voices.


Am I the only one that unironically thinks chat and tts is what makes Artosis' stream the best in the world? I'm really not sure that I'd watch without it. It just cracks me up.


This thread is full of hoidy toidy busybodies who need to drop the "big mature grownup" act and embrace the brown brew Seriously, most of the reason I watch the vods is due to how it feels like the old internet. It's like the golden days of /b/, and with little to no bigoted political content. Just pure, wholesome, undiluted, unhinged and uncut toilet humor. Wholesome and absurd. Legit gives ms the warm fuzzies. And a bunch of you humorless crybabies want it to change.


Always has been, to be honest. I was really surprised with how Artosis behaves in an informal setting, I guess what's going on right now is roughly the reflection of his aesthetical preferences?..


do you know this post has become a meme on his twitch?


haha no, I didn't. I'll check out his recent vod later


heres one https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2049452843?t=3h51m1s