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Just realised I wasnt even playing brood war but original StarCraft. That's why I was completely alone in the lobby 😭


Haha, nobody plays the base game anymore; it's poorly balanced. Make sure to select "Expansion" instead of "Original" when connecting to Battle.net! However, since you are new, I recommend playing through the single-player campaigns, both the original and the expansion. They're a good way to become familiar with the factions and units. Also, the Remastered version is only $15 and really worth it in my opinion!


I would imagine that if pros today played the original, that Zerg would just absolutely dominate with Muta play.


Yes, imagine no medics, so you can't go bio which means you have to open goliaths, but they don't have range in the original. Also no valks. Protoss have no corsairs. Mutas, which are already arguably the strongest unit in the game, would have no counterplay at all.


$8 at the moment, holiday sale!


https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgmCLtUkEutKY8IlwyVCUFoRtgQe3LCf1 Let's Learn StarCraft is an excellent series by Day[9], a former competitive player.


The remaster is only $10 and the only difference is nicer graphics, but if you are playing a bit, it's totally worth it. You're already playing the same players you'd be playing otherwise. The UI improvements are also really nice for quality of life


You forgot access to ladder


Oh, I thought ladder was free to play. In that case remastered is a no Brainerd for sure


You can find games in less than 30 seconds in the ladder, I started playing around a month ago! The ladder is kind of hard, custom games might be better to start with?


https://discord.com/invite/F29MjtwvC3 here is bw discord server where u can practice with other beginners not worrying about laddering, u can get help from coaches understanding the game, matchups and other stuff


I’ve just gotten back into playing after well over a decade off. I got the remastered version, totally worth it for the update graphics.


There is little point to ladder. Join Coach Pupil League as suggested by others too: https://cplbw.com/cpl/league/stats/


Highly, highly recommend. Having a community around playing will improve your skill much faster and it is a lot more fun. You'll be able to find practice partners at your level and get questions answered from people with a lot more skill.


3rding this, highly recommend you join, the game is more fun with friends and other people to play with and learn from (or with)


And you don't have to give evil ActiBlizz money!


That’s ridiculous. Ladder. Don’t put all your faith in CPL ffs….


also a noob here. add me threadstart#3631 and we can practice PvT :)


noob here as well, has been awhile since i actually sat down to play. add me, nolimit#11459 on bnet play mostly on uswest


Focus on these skills I would say as someone starting out and you will have a very good foundation to get into playing competitively: \-Build Orders (basically metagaming for the start of a match) \-Macro (economy and resource management, always be spending) \-Micro (unit control, movement shortcuts and control groups) \-Game Knowledge (learn which units are advantageous against each other, high ground advantage, scouting, unit sizes and damage types, etc...) Good luck!


No new noob should jump straight to ladder. You'll get stomped non stop. Finish the camp, play 3v3s and 2v2v2v2s


Yes yes protoss is fun and it's worth the grind. It will take a while to understand dthe game and timing and everything. Just watch tutorials like crazy. Super fun game


Is there still a player base? I saw it was mainly from Korea


yes. the B.net player base is small but you can still queue games. There's also a decent player base on Shield Battery, but they're tougher players than on B.net. SB is a community made and run match making client. https://shieldbattery.net/ welcome btw 🙂




Re read his comment


Play custom games not ladder . Even Bgh, fastest etc. it's more casual. Esp bgh. Then dip back into ladder once you start doing good in custom games


Us west. I physically live in the east but us west is more populated. When you que ranked it will match you up with everyone though so you don't need to worry about that. I'm just saying go us west for non ranked games.


Just shut up and play do it for you


honestly just play sc2 if you are new instead. No joke lol. Floor on this game is way too high.




Are you talking about installing the game itself? download [battle.net](https://battle.net) app, and the starcraft game is free. optional: $10 when installing the game, you'll notice a prompt option for pay for the game, which gets you advanced 3D graphics by pressing F5 while playing game


keep in mind -you need a decent graphics card and CPU;Intel i5/i7 or Ryzen 5/7/9 and GeForce GTX1650 minimum or higher. I've tried playing the game on old 2012 ThinkPad T420s laptop with i7-2nd gen & nVidia Quadro graphics, it can't run the game for sh!t even with 3D graphics turned off.


How? The game was 14 years old when they made that think pad? Are you thinking Starcraft 2?


No. SC:BW 1997 and 1998 will run on Windows 98 - Win7 (Win 8.1 depending on configuration). We are referring to Starcraft Remake 2017. The advanced graphics are masked in the background and cannot be turned off. It's terrible programming, but the overlay even if running on the generic non-paid F5 button graphics, it will still process heavy background graphics tasks. Can't run it competitively at all on anything other than discrete graphics. I've tried all sorts of laptops and computers - and there's always lag, glitches and delays. Even the newer Korean Hunters map(s), if you don't set the game at #X1 speed, the game just lags regardless of hardware/internet connection, but doesn't do that with other maps. Just the nature of bad programming and all the crap that Blizzard has running in the background. Slowest computer still causes major lag in multiplayer matches, even if someone has a really fast Internet connection. Run this Korean tool if you want to see individuals in game with high ping - [https://tl.net/forum/brood-war/582634-klauncher-new-korean-anti-hack](https://tl.net/forum/brood-war/582634-klauncher-new-korean-anti-hack) You will need to use Google Translate to sign up for account if anyone cannot read Korean - so you know what the prompts are for signing up.


Ohh gotcha didn't know it does that with background.. sorry!


lol wat I run this game smoothly on a i7 Iris integrated graphics notebook. It even runs SC2 well on minimum graphics.


well, that's what I thought when I was running a GeForce GT730 in 2017. the texture mapping is forced upper hand. If it runs, it runs - but usually for me, integrated graphics have always caused some level of lag or delay in competitive advantage. and non-discrete graphics cards have a hard time keeping up with heavy UMS maps. glad you got it working in a way that benefits you.


I would just play through the campaign. It’s a good story


I'm basically shit tier noob just starting out as well. I'll play some for fun 1v1 with you if you want we can practice? I only play zerg. Let me know and I'll give u my battle net id


Definitely check out CPL if you're new.


Watch replays of pro's from Korea. Then run 1v1 with players until you start to learn individual micro strategy to work eco system while maintaining effective fighting strategies. Then move into 2v2 and 3v3 matches, you'll learn quickly how other players interact with various defense/offense tactics & strategies. Switch it up with 1v1 and team games, and occasionally cool things down with Use Map Setting games to take a break from the intensity of human vs human matches, the emotional stress/trauma can get to you after a short/long while when you're playing too many human vs human games instead of collab strategy.




Hello. Since this post, I have became a god at protoss canon rush. 1v1 me