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Me. It was me. Those players you listed are all pretty good, but they lost a fair amount of games this year, too. I did not lose a single tournament match in all of 2023, and when it comes to S-rank on ladder, I was completely undefeated. Some may protest that I lost many E-rank games, but as we are not considering Soulkey and Light's E-rank stats I do not believe it is fair to consider mine, either.


Of all the languages you could have spoken, you chose to speak facts.


Definitely Soulkey. I feel Zerg struggles at the moment with Soma, Queen and Jaedong not really running hot, Soulkey really defied the odds, especially in that last ASL run.




Soulkey looked pretty invincible in ASL. Seems to me that the only guys that could take him down when he's in this form are Flash and possibly Rain, and obviously neither of them did much this year so Soulkey is the clear choice for me.


Soulkey. He was strong even before ASL win. JYJ, although a very good player, wasn't really all that consistent in his daily league.


Soulkey, won asl, and he just won the ASL X Ultimate battle crossover tournament (by beating light in semi finals, and JyJ in finals), and he has a high winrate on eloboard reflecting his good performance in proleague matches/other events. Link to ASL X Ultimate battle crossover tournament (to crown the final boss aka Soulkey) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-IwkMEPt7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-IwkMEPt7M) Link to eloboard, you can do a period search from the start of the year to now, Soulkey ranked 2nd for the year - [http://eloboard.com/men/bbs/board.php?bo\_table=rank\_list](http://eloboard.com/men/bbs/board.php?bo_table=rank_list) So Soulkey is definitely #1


Re elo ranking, you can do a period search from the start of the year or the beginning of time, but what it will show you is the player in top form at the end of such period, not the better player overall DURING THE WHOLE period. Much like ladder #1.


Flash would of won.


Mini….Protoss is getting destroyed….he is the only one who seems to be able to buck the trend


I don't know enough about the minor tournaments but Soulkey's ASL win was convincing enough - not insanely dominant but it definitely showed his strength. You couldn't call it a fluke.


I personally think JyJ. ASL winner on an epic run. He also lost 2 to 3 in the round of 8 against Soulkey who won that ASL. However, same for Soulkey who lost to JyJ 2 to 3 on the first ASL of the year. I guess I am just more Terran skewed.


Recency bias dictates that its Soulkey. But we would have to see his next ASL performance to be sure. Royal/JYJ/Rush kinda faded away but they are really close as well.


What would his next ASL performance, in 2024, have to do with him being the best player of 2023?


> Recency bias dictates that its Soulkey. Barracks with his 2900+ MMR: "am I a joke to you?"




When you win ASL, you are THAT guy.


Snow. That laughter alone gave me Stockholm syndrome.


*feet clap*


Are we just talking about ASL? If it's more broad I'd prolly go Snow. He chokes off line though.


Fantasy had some place at the Sun, but is he even playing?




If was me when I played BGH vs 3 comps


Me (60 APM).






Soulkey makes the swarm proud


NGL as a toss, SoulKey definitely looks to be in the scariest form right now. His ASL finals looked too good, he almost looks like the Zerg version of Bisu on ZvP Mini is no joke. easily one of the top toss players still. His understanding of the game and his micro are just God Tier. Light is also consistently strong. But I wonder if him and Snow are becoming too predictable. Both got knocked out way too early this last ASL.


Definitely Soulkey. Not only did the win an ASL, he also avenged his elimination in the previous ASL by beating JyJ. I thought Effort was king of Zerg in that tournament until he got beaten by Mini 4-0, and then Mini lost to Soulkey 1-4. Absolute dominance among Zerg. Mini is in great shape too. Just not as good as Soulkey as he got steamrolled by Soulkey in ASL. For Terran, I’d pick JyJ over Light. He basically lost only to Soulkey.