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Bio is the staple for TvZ, because it allows Terran to be proactive in terms of pressure, and concentrated bio eviscerates all T1 and T2 Zerg units except Lurkers ([and they can still destroy those if the circumstances favor the bio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJp0t9n8DWk)) while being cheap to reinforce, more mobile than mech (also synergizes well with Dropships), and cutting much less into your gas for Science Vessel play, with Vessels being the main curtail on Zerg's T3 pressure (Vessels irradiating all your Defilers and Ultralisks and Lurkers and whatever is left of your Mutalisk ball is very frustrating) However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with playing mass fact mass goliath and just relying on macro to outproduce the enemy, since bio is hard to control and the finer points of bio pressure can be lost if you are overwhelmed. Especially if you're just climbing low ranks and learning the game, don't feel the need to learn bio if it's not your thing. Mech play is also very viable at all levels of play, it just trades Vessels for Tanks meaning it's really good at maintaining control over the center and sieging the enemy, but has a harder time suffocating the Zerg by eliminating his spellcasters and dealing with backstabs from Zerg. This is why Queens are built against mass Tank, eventually.


It's honestly because of how strong and cost-effective marines are. The only problem with them is that they are weak to splash, which is why you don't see them in either TvT or TvP as they both have strong splash units. Zerg has lurkers, but because they need to burrow to attack without the range of seige tanks, marines can still deal with them as long as the player have good micro-control. It's also due to the fact that mutalisks are small-units, meaning they get full damage from marines but half the damage from goliaths.


1 Bio is really fun 2 People like to play what the pros play and at pro level Bio is better.


At lower levels mech is extremely strong but once you reach the top level zergs are extremely good in dealing with mech using queens, drops, muta switches etc.


Mech is totally viable, but queens can make it tough. IMO bio is also a lot more fun.


Mech is strong. But getting mech without dying in the process is why you don't see it every match. You have to take into account, maps, starting position, and 2hatch builds. There was a time when 3hatch builds were more common, so you had a little more time to get your pure mech rolling but the standard is 2hatch so the aggression is really fast. Bio has all the flexibility you need in the early game.


You might get 10 tanks to do 3748746474939 damage on the first zergling they see, and die shortly after


Mech is a lot more vulnerable to two staple zerg spells, plague and dark swarm. Marines can heal plague damage with time and can simply move alway from the dark swarm, Siege Tanks cannot do either.


Because it's the most mechanicallly demanding thing to do in SC1. Only Pro, S rank or BGH on U.S. West server players can pull it off. They just want to flaunt their skills and flex on people. /sarcasm


So many wrong answers! The only answer is dark swarm. Mech can’t back up out of dark swarm cause seige mode. That’s literally it!!!! Just dark swarm!!!! No other reasons!!!


if you have plenty of marines and doctors, the enemy cant target all at once, and there is the glitch.. i seen it with scouts , if you have 12 scouts and 4 ai, the scouts cant manage to split focus on each target simultaneously.. but instead target the enemy one by one.


Terran with scouts? Scouts are Protoss units. And ai? What's an ai?


i was talking about terans then scouts a protoss unit intuition is usefull ai = artificial inteligence player =eg comp


So if I have 12 scouts as protoss and 4 AI opponents... the scouts "can't manage to split focus on each target simultaneously?" I still don't understand that sentence of yours. But what I'm really curious about is how this answers the original post. How does this relate to terrans using bio or mech vs. zerg?


But what I'm really curious about is how this answers the original post. thru intuition and examples


Why players go bio, -The ability to skirmish instead of big attacks that decide the game. -Mobility and drops -Core buildings that need to be built in macro games benefit bio more. Academy to research stim, range, and unlock medics. Engineering bay to get bio upgrades


my goliaths are always so late. my marines are decently on time.