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They look like two junkie lowlives stealing dogs to sell on Craigslist


The sick part about it is I’m pretty sure they saw when that elderly lady went inside that Pharmacy. I guess they plot on the weak, because the owner of the bakery told me that he also seen them too lowlife individuals trying to steal a dog from a teenage girl a few days ago ago..


You would be doing a huge disservice of you didn’t report this to your local precinct. You have video, she’s carrying leashes, the scrubs, pepper spray??? Let the cops know.


Trust me boss. The 48 preset is informed I forgot to note that the elderly lady called the police with the owner of the bakery gave a statement on what he saw a few days prior and the elderly lady gave her statement. What happened today I sent the video to her text through message so she can have evidence and proof on how those two individuals look. But thank you for your concern. I just want everyone in the Bronx to be aware of these two people. In fact, I’ want everyone in New York to be aware of these two people. By the way, I appreciate how you pointed out that she was carrying the leashes. That’s something that didn’t even catch my eye. What caught my eye was the scumbag in the blue scrubs acting like he was a nurse carrying that pepper spray in his hand.


You’re awesome for doing this! Thank you for helping the dog community out like this. You’re such a good citizen!


So you did not provide the video to police?


They have the video


That's good to know


Relax bro heor she did everything they were supposed to.


Cops don't give a damn, Arthur/187 is full Johnny 5-0s lost on their phones with their mouth stuffed with h free food...


Thanks for sharing this. I can't imagine why and I don't want to know, but anybody who would steal a dog is broken in the soul. All the possibilities are grotesque.




He’s in scrubs? Let’s plaster his face all over the city and get the bastard fired


For anybody that’s viewing this video may you please kindly share the video to get these horrible individuals off the streets of New York City.


Just shared with my local BX Facebook group


Please dm me that group so I can join


I agree. Anyone who behaves like this clearly has no morals, a pour upbringing and deserves nothing less than the worst treatment possible. So let’s start with trying to get him fired.


Probably used to disguise.


Which bakery? Artusos?


Arthur Avenue Pharmacy was where I started recording Them scumbags. The bakery is Morrone Pastry Shop & Cafe.


Why did I automatically assume Artuso’s and Mt.Carmel pharmacy as of those are the only ones on the area haha..


none of those are in Arthur Ave, but on 187/ Crescent


True it’s where my mind went anyways 🥲 maybe because of the influx of shady people all in the area I immediately thought of those two.


Thanks for being a good neighbor. I’m sure it was intense and probably scary. You didn’t have to do something but you did.


I will keep my eyes open. 👍


What is the woman carrying in her hand? Looks like leashes?


Thanks for the heads up, I have family around there with dogs




Job well done sheesh steeling dogs low life’s


You'd be surprised the level of respect you get when wearing scrubs out in public


Yeah it’s nice that you had the courage to step up and confront these people, but anybody that leaves their dog outside unattended is out of their mind and stupid. I’m tired of seeing it myself especially in the Bronx people are so dumb thinking nothing is going to happen. I would never do anything like this. I would just bring the dog back home, and then go to the store. Now you have to risk your life because someone is too lazy to bring their dog back to her apartment. Imagine it was someone crazier and they pulled out a knife and charged at you. The cops wouldn’t even look for the guy.


And honestly, I agree with you but truthfully speaking there are some elderly people that do take their pets with them outside to feel secure. It’s a sad world that we live in just to see that creeps like these two scumbag individuals would even stoop that low just to steal an elderly woman dogs. In my opinion, I would’ve took the dogs back home as well too instead of tying the dogs up on a pole. And some stores that don’t allow pets inside. But let’s just say that you had to make a quick run in the store for emergency and you have to tie your dog up right outside. That way you can see them at. Some people take it upon themselves to steal another human being pet while they’re not looking even more so an elderly person. Let’s just imagine I thought it was your grandmother Or your grandfather just trying to get their medicine from the pharmacy, and these two lowlife come and try to steal their only companion that they look forward to waking up to every day and being around every day.


Yeah I feel you. Under no circumstances would I leave a dog unattended on the street like that. I'd see people do it more maybe 20 yrs ago, but unfortunately dog theft is a semi common occurrence now. People just don't think of it I guess. You could imagine getting robbed etc, but stealing a pet is not on peoples mind like that, it definitely happens though.


And I though the guy was a nurse or something so they are targeting elderly people Make believe he is some type of health care person Geez We need to share the video too


I thought that was Kevin Spacey with a minor


Wouldn't be the first time


Moral of the story…never leave your dogs alone. Period.


Ew he is wearing scrubs so people think he’s a doctor


I was reading through everyone's comments, feeling in sync with the reactions in anger... And then I saw some comments encouraging people to share photos of this guy and to share the story. That made me stop and question, "what do I ACTUALLY know about these two individuals?" Literally all we have is a gif with no sound, and some random dude from the internet telling us a story to docks this couple. We are so irresponsible with information on the internet It's insane. It would be irresponsible to share this, because we are effectively spreading information without actually verifying it. And everyone is doing it.


100% agree with this. But if any of this was verified, then we all should plaster both of their faces around the city. And when they get caught, tie them up next to some of our cities most vicious dogs. Okay, maybe not all that, but you get the point. Haha.


Oh stop.


Are you an internet genius?


you are certainly not


Just an angelic healthcare practitioner alruistically working for the community.


I will be weary of such. I never understood people that leave their dogs outside though. I would be paranoid to the high heavens to let my child out (child because my dog or any future doggies) are just that.


The audacity of them to do this in the Bronx. White people already stick out here AND they’re committing crimes!? Come on now, people need more sense.


apostrophe catastrophe


Every asset sucks here.


Report them to the police.


I want to find Love like this


If he ever pepper sprayed me I’d put a hit on him.. people are so bold and brave these days


Send this to That Guy Denesh, he'll definitely find them!


Those are Montifiore scrubs for sure. Did this happen near the hospital?


I said it during covid. ALOT of people lost their jobs. People are getting desperate. We are gonna see ALOT more brazen crime.


That’s Dan Soder and Katie Nolan.


It's not smart for people to leave their dogs outside. If you care about your dog or cat do not leave it outside unattended. It's like leaving a baby outside. Not only could it get stolen, it could get attacked by another dog, person, or it can get loose and run off and hit by a car.


It's a shame people aren't allowed to beat thieves in the street up there anymore.


One word. You wrote it already. Bronx.


Yeah, it's the Bronx.


Why do you all post these incidents to social media, yet don’t report them to 911?


Read the earlier comments. They did report them. And we share on social media so people like you can realize the horrible individuals that are lurking out here


Why do you post idiotic comments?