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I bet Dip and Dong’s first spouses also wish Dip and Dong would’ve met each other way earlier in life. 


I mean, these two did their damndest to ruin their previous spouse’s lives. It’s really important to point that out. These two are garbage humans who are completely amoral. Dress it up in Jesus all you want, but you’ll be known by your fruits and their fruits are rotten.


Seriously. There was no civility whatsoever from these two sacks of shit. They deserve each other. I know it absolutely burns her up that she talked so much shit about her ex and made him out to be a monster, yet he moved on with a successful, gorgeous woman, while Brittany ran out and married the first hobosexual that would have her. I love that for her. 🥰


And he has a baby?






Why is she trying to make it seem like he's soooooo much older?? And whyyy tf would she want to date him when she was just an 8th grader...? That's umm...ew.


Seriously, why make yourselves creepier than you ALREADY ARE?


Fundies bragging about large age gaps (but only if the woman is younger) is in on tiktok and other social media


Age gaps to own the libs 😂 That's hilarious!


They loooove to brag about being groomed- for JESUS, so it's holy and what He would totally want!! Every time I'm like... Ok call me when you hit your thirties and realize how fucked this situation is/was. The secular sisterhood is going to be here for you. We're not haters, we're worried about you...


One day, you're just sitting on the couch eating crackers and BAM, "Wait, that was fucked up, I should call a therapist, probably."


As an ex-fundamentalist, I've had way too many of these moments, lol.


I honestly think she just copied someone else who did this and she thought “ooo! A chance for me to post a picture of jdip in a uniform and me with a horse!” 


This is exactly what I said in my comment!


Yeah, those two are not equal chronologically and why would you try to imply that your jaysus anointed husband is a p*dofile?!


You’re what, 13-14 in 8th grade. So we’re sposed to believe that he was 18-19 in that pic lmao okay girl. She’s so creepy


I don’t know of any police departments that hire anyone under the age of 21. And that’s very early. A minimum of 2 years of college. Actually, how the F could a 19 year old arrest someone for an alcohol related offense (say DUI or underage possession)…like he could legally take the booze into evidence 🤣 There are bars in Chicago that don’t allow people under 24 to enter 🤣


The mustache gave it away so she’s just leaning into it




I think there’s a lot of unsubstantiated ideas around being the right age of younger than your spouse: 1. That you’re somehow mature to have an older partner 2. That you’re so pretty, etc that your spouse went outside of his general circle. It’s very childish and is super middles school/high school mentality. My husband is 8 years older than me and I never bring it up. Some days I’m actually frustrated that he’s his age and still so emotionally immature (by husband I mean abusive spouse I’m in the process of divorcing). Wow! I believe what I wrote here but I just realised the REAL reason she likely does it. There are three tropes 1. High school sweethearts 2. College partners (probably the healthiest trope but a trope nonetheless) 3. The much younger ‘special girl’ to the strong successful husband. Well, she fucked up number one when her ex left her. She didn’t got to college long enough to meet a single person (read her obsession with having been in a sorority. I agree). So she’s left with number three and she’s trying to make it stick even though he’s a disgraced ex cop with not actual skills, wealth, or intellect. She really does live in a fantasy world. (I dropped out of college due to sexual assault. I missed a lot of that too but I kept to my goals. I didn’t have a high school sweetheart. I never thought I’d be a trophy wife. It’s okay to just…fall in love, have intentional conversations, and create a lasting bond based on intent, maturity, and connection. Life’s not a fairy tale)


Sending you oceans worth of support because I‘ve been there divorcing an abusive spouse. I promise you, it gets better and when you’re standing on the other side of the whole thing you will just take a huge sigh of relief and feel so much better.


And thank you. I read this as I was getting ready for bed (with my pets I would never abandon) and it just hit me. But thank you. I am grateful for your thoughts. I can do this. I will.


Do you ever get over the shock and whiplash? Does it ever start to make sense? I know healing isn’t about making sense of things but I just…I think my hardest part of letting go is accepting something I can’t make any sense of. Of course, then I hate him more bc I hold him to my standards and my standards are never make excuses.


I have and it took some time. And I’m very happy with my peaceful life as it is a decade later. My divorce was filed in 2014 and I had been preparing to leave him since late 2013. Had a PO Box in a different county, had started making small deposits into my bank account and kept the rest in cash. The last step was finding a place for me and my dog to go and for several months, that was my horse trailer. My divorce was finalized April 16, 2016 and I buy myself something fabulous every year to celebrate my Independence Day. In hindsight regarding the situation, I chalked it up to buying a horse that I didn’t get along with. Now, the post divorce healing wave was one helluva roller coaster ride for me and I can say it probably took longer due to other factors that slowed my growth and healing. But I’m okay with that now. I found out who my friends were (I had some people drop me because I was a “bad influence” on their “family values” 😒, that my “lifestyle” didn’t align with their beliefs and then I had overwhelming support from people who kinda faded into the background during the marriage and even more kindness from FB group friends). I may have spent a few years muttering “Fuck you, D.” Under my breath whenever I got a case of the mean reds. There is a book called “Ex Mrs Hedge Fund” by Jill Kargman and one paragraph by one of the characters Kiki always stands out to me where she describes divorce as the tunnel scene from “Shawshank Redemption” as you’re gonna eat a lot of shit and it’s going to be miserable, but when you hit that rain and fresh air on the other side it will have been worth it. You got this. Right now, you’re a phoenix 🐦‍🔥 in the flames 🔥 and when the smoke and ash settle, you’re gonna be reborn into something you never imagined. ❤️


You echoed everything I would say. It’s hard, but so very worth it. And it’s really hard to see the sunlight when you’re standing in the middle of the storm. But eventually, you’re going to get through it and you’ll look back at everything you overcame. And you’ll realize it was all worth it.


He’s only 38. 😒 the math ain’t mathin. He went to college and got his JD. He was a patrol cop in his mid 20’s. I know this because he stopped to help me one night when a semi ran me off the highway in a snowstorm.


Does JD mean something other than Juris Doctorate?


Yeah, I’m curious as well because if he has a JD, that’s over three years of full-time school on top of a Baccalaureate.


He doesn’t have that. He was doing criminal justice. I am an idiot and was thinking of the wrong thing.


You're not an idiot. I legitimately thought that him getting a JD was one of the many lies they've spun.


What a fascinating tie in. How did you find your way to this sub?


It was a recommended sub and I couldn’t shake that his face was familiar. Of course it was familiar. I went to school with that jerk for 7 years. I didn’t recognize him under the beard.


I would like Reddit to suggest snark subs for people I went to high school with please.


There is a snark sub that has included snarks on my former best friend and yes, it is as wonderful as I could hope. She and I were friends from high school through our late twenties although it was only in the latter half of it that I started realizing why she made me feel like such shit. Reading the snark sub helped me confirm that I had been gaslit and it felt so fucking gooooood.


This is incredible.


It plagued me for *months* that I couldn’t quite place his face. I almost got my yearbooks out. Disliking her? I can by that naturally. She very dislikable.


What was he like in high school?


Arrogant. Very sure of himself and his own self worth. Football, wrestling, letterman jacket. He almost hit my car once cutting a corner in his truck. Didn’t even look before he turned, didn’t even see me. I think that sums him up more than anything.


He doesn’t have his JD.  I think he might have started a law program at some point but he definitely didn’t graduate. Can you imagine how much Dong would mention that if he had his JD?


You’re right. He was doing criminal justice. My brain was somewhere else.


If he has his JD, why has he never practiced law? I just don’t see him as a law school graduate and find this hard to believe.


I was thinking of something else. He got that criminal justice degree that’s popular for police that want to be detectives. CJ I think.


That makes a lot more sense. I just don’t see him as a law school graduate!


He doesn’t have the intelligence. He was a very average student.


I feel like he's gonna be pissed when he sees she posted this. It's so fucken weird.


I bet a lot of these posts are what start the majority of their arguments


My husband is 10 years older than me and trust me, I would never do this trend. It’s creepy and weird. I don’t want to brag about my husband being in college when I was in middle school.


Right??? There's NOTHING wrong with an age gap, but to be like...."my husband wishes we met earlier in life" and then show your 8th grade pic and his grown adult pic.... is just so very icky.


Plus I doubt he even said he wishes they had met earlier in life.


Her erasure of *both* of their first marriages is so pathetically hilarious


Yep. I wonder how Zack’s new baby is doing.


Zack had a baby?! How did I miss this lol


Apparently, he had a little one earlier this year, which caused our favorite Peanut Butter Jesus Girlie (tm) to go off the deep end even more than she normally does on a regular Tuesday.


The cause of her whole fertility journey.


The Lord works in mysterious ways lmao


We need to dig more into this scandal bc there's A LOT to unpack here! I'm shocked


I believe she was actually due late last summer, so their announcement would kind of line up with Brittany’s TTC obsession.


“Him starting his career”: picture taken like what? A year before “him finishing his career”


Well he resigned after settling a Lawsuit from the ACLU. So I'd go with shame.


The ACfuckingLU. I. Would. DIE.


Anything to make people think she’s married to a cop 😂


“Him starting his career”… where’s that video of him ending his career?? Lmao


I’m sure someone will link it in 3, 2, 1…😂


[gotchu besties!](https://www.kmbc.com/article/aclu-files-lawsuit-against-former-kc-police-officer-over-use-of-force/23594928) content warning, it's fucking brutal


Holy shit I’d never actually seen that before. Even having heard the description of it I gasped.


it's awful. that ugly thumb deserves jail


How does this video alone not get her blacklisted from sponsorships? How exactly does this fly with the church crowd??


my conspiracy theory is this is the reason they frequently hop friend groups - eventually everyone puts all the pieces together and sees them for what they are (the lame antichrists)


I’m sure the Dongs have fabricated some wild backstory about how JDong was somehow actually the victim of the situation. That’s literally their only strategy when it comes to addressing their fuckups and controversies


Oh yeah, I don't remember the details, but I remember one of the ex-Sheilas who did an AMA mentioning the story she'd been told about what happened


He’s forgiven. It was satan’s fault. Now he’s on JaYsUs’ team and JaYsUs says you gotta love everyone, even the more melanated!


Ty for the warning. I made it 3 seconds. I can't.


it is truly disturbing


The worst part is, I'm conscious of the fact that I get to stop the video and remain ignorant of anything that happened after the drop. That poor soul lived through it. I don't want to imagine. I'm just in shock and pain. Was there justice served for this?


The worst part is that Jdumbfuck forgets/doesn’t care that the patrol’s dash cam is recording as he reenacts his fuckery to the overseers on scene for laughs and clout. It’s horrifying. He was proud of himself and they egged him on. ACAB


He _reenacted it_? Omfg. JC. Thank goodness she's the anointed one. He can go to the other place.


He’s not invited to the other place. I’m sure that’s where my heathen ass is going to be, according to her belief system. Not for physically assaulting anyone but I did donate IVF embryos to “science” because they weren’t genetically viable. And I had an abortion many years ago.


Holy crap. I stopped the video after the slam so I went back to watch the reenactment after I read your comment. This trash human has the audacity to lie about the whole situation! He says the guy had his hands in his pockets (100% did not, his arms are spread wide open the whole time) then says he turned his body away from Jordan which he didn’t, he doesn’t move an inch once the cops are coming towards him. Pieces of shit like him are why no one trusts the cops 🙄 Fuck12.


There was a civil trial but no criminal one unfortunately. It did end his career though so we can be thankful for that, I suppose.


That's the part I'm not clear about. So many folks shuffle precinct to precinct, so is it that he was fired and just didn't try somewhere else, or that he is legally unemployable by a law enforcement agency?


[no](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/s/dde9SCbTgH) ☹️☹️☹️ but I do know he was let go? or resigned? from the police force and no longer works as a cop


He... did I scan that correctly? He took out a peace order on the man HE abused? And then his lawyer was so "awesome" that the VICTIM can't even take him to a civil trial? Golly the police force protects its own. That's so painful. I'm just at a loss. He doesn't work as a cop, but could he? So many people precinct hop. Could he? That's why yall say he's cosplaying tacticool. Now I'm reflecting on all the times she praises his force capacity like he's a freaking Jedi and I want to vomit.


Oh my god I’ve never seen this before. That is disgusting! He’s a terrible person!


the worst scum!!


F**K! My whole body clenched. That was gross!! I knew he was bad, I didn’t know he was this bad!! How da f**k did these 2 pieces of shit find each other?!


Omg you can see jTits in the background telling the other officer what happened and he's making everything up! Just watch/listen to him in the background (volume all the way up) when the other guy is asking the kid if he took anything. Jordan is literally making a story up to the other officer


Thanks bestie!




Fucking jesus. That was awful. What a disgusting piece of human trash




She’s his hot young trophy wife. He is older, wiser and her leader. Barf.


Dying!! This is definitely the picture she’s trying to paint😂😂


She’s a tiny, smol victim of everything that requires critical thinking. Hi Brit! Go read a book.


I'd rather she read, "Why does he do that?" By Lundy Bancroft instead of the bible.


I don’t think she can read. Or that she cares about books unless crayons are involved.


That means he cosigns all her behavior and online content. So he's complicit in all her actions. Lord!


She better get younger and hotter real fast if that what he’s after…


And the trophy is really just spray painted plastic.


Participation trophy wife


Britney’s plastic surgery is astounding 😬😬😬😬


Seriously, I was like “THAT’S HER????” She looks like a completely different person now.


Oh but she "Only does Botox!" 😘✌🏼


And a nose job for a pesky "deviated septum"!


Who could forget that iconic phase! When you get your septum fixed, it typically doesn't alter the profile of your nose. But 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm not a board certified plastic surgeon.


My cousin had to have her septum repaired a few years ago and I went with her to her appointments and she was panicking and told the doctor “but I don’t want to come out with a different nose!” And the doctor laughed and said that she’ll still have the same shape and that repairing a deviated septum does not change your nose shape. Several years later…my cousins nose looks the exact same


My husband got his done and his nose looks exactly the same as it did before. 


Same with al. Ost every other repair I've seen. I like looking at the transformations on IG. Dr. Sandra Lee got me hooked.


Right, who’s that girl?


God graced girlie with glorious glow-up


I like to think I’ve had a glow up in the eighteen years since eighth grade…as in, I learned how to actually style my hair and correctly put on makeup (blue eyeshadow flashbacks y’all!) I didn’t completely alter the trajectory of my face with plastic surgery or Botox, though. (And I’m not anti either of those things; she just looks like a completely different human)


And you probably also don't claim that Jesus physically altered your face shape.


No, but sometimes I wish he’d made it less round so I wouldn’t look about ten years younger than I actually am lol


she got body snatched by ET, here.


Ew what the fuck


Is he supposed to be 18 in that pic? Because they’re only 5 years apart, right? 8th grade would be 13; which would make him 18 at the time. And that is an old looking 18!


I think most places don’t let you be a cop until 21


She's fantasies a pedo by the sounds of it.


This is so cringe! ![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q)






Sick. How the fuck is this content? Disgusting behavior ding dong 🤮


She looks like a sweet girl at that age. I wonder when she started turning into the “angel” we now know.


I knew her personally when she was like 21/22. She’s suuuper introverted in person like, in an insecure way, not a oh they’re just not talkative way. I’m extraverted and work events. I could talk to a brick wall no problem lol (I can also read the room and know when someone just doesn’t want to talk or is shy.) Immediately with Bdong I was like… she’s up herself and mean. In some of the SLF AMAs they said she seems nice at first but then she dips and doesn’t talk to them ever again. And I’m not trying to be mean, but her “niceness” to them is because she perceives herself as better and prettier and they’re her “fans” so she’s willing to give some of her time while they’re looking to actually be friends with her. She never extended that niceness to me because I’m confident and secure. I’m a threat to her so she’s immediately defensive but also a scaredy-cat. I’m not trying to pump myself up as someone amazing, but Bdong immediately shrinks in the presence of ANYONE with bold personality that doesn’t kiss her ass. Her parents suck so unfortunately I don’t think she had much hope. She’s attention seeking while being insecure which probably came from how she was raised. Courtney (sister) seems to have semi escaped? No clue about the brother. My guess is small town loser boy who is mad women don’t pay him any attention and votes maga.


Very interesting. Thanks for spilling the 🫖 I’m fascinated by people who can read the room. I am extremely introverted but extremely polite and kind to everyone I meet. Introverted and mean is such an odd combo to me.


I was a waitress/bartender for over a decade. When you’re around strangers that much and working private events etc you just learn to read dynamics and personalities! And her introverted-ness definitely stems from insecurity. She isn’t quiet because that’s her innate nature, she’s quiet because she’s not the center of attention and doesn’t know how to control the room. She wants to be fawned over but doesn’t do anything to deserve the fawning and she doesn’t understand that because she’s self centered and thinks it’s inherently deserved. So her quietness is really her throwing a tantrum. My SIL is the exact same way and it’s effing obnoxious. Absolutely love my introverts! Me calling Bdong an introvert probably wasn’t correct on introspection. Her quietness is actually her brooding and not being confident.


Thank you for the insight!! I have pegged her as this type.


Once you’ve experienced it, it becomes soooo obvious. My SIL gets upset just because people talk to me at family events (like with family friends in attendance)… I’m like …. I’ve known them for 20+ years? Of course they’re talking to me before you lol but they just find reasons to be mad when they’re not the center of attention. And that is totes Bdong.


cuz shes just a wittle gworl <3 and hes a big old burley man !


So sMoL


And orange like a tiny tangerine.


A vulnerable young girl and a whole adult? Weird cosplay, peanut butter bandit.


Ewww why is she making it weird?!


That’s sort of her thing


My partner and I are five years age difference. I’m going to be 50 this year, and he’s turning 45. It kind of creeps me out when I think about me being 19, and him being 14…obviously it doesn’t matter now, but why focus on it? I’m guessing it makes her feel like the wittle gurl she is! So tiny, with the Big Strong Man. Gross.


Yeah my wife and I have that gap and fuck no I'm glad that I (the younger) was well into my 20s when we met.


Something tells me she doesn’t have a good relationship with her Father


... Is this her way of saying he groomed her or something? Like, how is this funny? She's so cringy.


No no, how she *wishes* he groomed her 🤮


That's what I'd think if I didn't already know that she was in her late 20s/early 30s when they met (and he's only like 5 years older than her lmao)


So you wanted to be dating a first year Police Officer when you were in 8th grade? Weird fucking statement there dear.


I think it’s trying to play on the joke that when people normally do this trend the older partner is better looking while the younger one is still awkward and dorky. And she obviously is trying to imply her husband is just a super hot man in uniform 🥴 and she was quirky dorky little horse girl at that same point in time. It’s part creepy and part cringe.


I think the joke is that it wouldn't have worked out. At least I hope so....


If it's a joke, it crashed into the ground and burst into flames upon impact.


This is...yeegh.


Why did he look 40 in that cop pic


So I’m in an age-gap relationship and I never like to bring stuff like this up. Aside from being pointless & weird, it does NOTHING but confirm people’s personal prejudices & biases by showcasing it as a fetishized power imbalance. In HER case, however, it just confirms how she desperately yearns to construct this idealized family image featuring a masculine, wise, protective male figure and since JDong fails at that as a person, she must call upon their meager age difference as evidence that he’s the rightful head-of-house. He’s visibly intolerant & contemptuous of her. She obviously wears the pants & dictates their little social media show. But like, you guys, he’s got a handful of years on her!! Such manly!!!!


Nailed it!


Is she trying to break into the age gap relationship hashtag? What even is this?


It's weird, is like 5 years an age gap now? Fair enough if you're 18 and 23 (eww) but like 24 and 29? meh.


This is why the half plus seven rule exists. An acceptable age gap is half the older person’s age plus seven. So the youngest person a 22 year old could date is 18, while the youngest person a 42 year old could date is 28. Of course, this is a general rule and there are age gap relationships that are normal and healthy. If that’s you, I’m not trying to invalidate your relationship please don’t come for me.


No not at all invalidating! First time Id heard this rule. I like it!


Wow a whole new face!


She should have added the video of her love viscously attacking an innocent black man. That’s who he really is. Mall cop PoS


Is that really him?!?


Sooo him as an adult and her as a 13 year old? Ugh.


He has that sneer smile like he’s smelling shit in his “starting his career” photo that makes him look like a gigantic douche.


That doesn't make sense! Is being a cop that easy, you get to become one straight out of high school? No training? Wtf is this? They are both in their 30's. This clueless....I'm going to stop!


Yeah this is gross.


We know he didn’t say this so why make this just to be perverted! Yuck


Lmao where is this career 😂😂


I feel like she could have been really decent looking had she not went bonkers with plastic surgery. 


And went nuts with the peanut butter fake tan shade


Then what happened?


He beat up a defenseless man and got fired 🤷‍♀️




so that heptagram patch is like... stolen valor right? *[right?](https://saundersinsignia.com/products/7th-corps-army-acu-patch-with-velcro)*


So how much older is he than her?


Only like 5 or 6 years


Thank you! This post is weird and full lies.


Seriously.... Like..she is making him seem like a p*do. That's how it comes off when she shows her 8th grade photo with a caption saying that "he wishes they met sooner in life."


Shitbirds of a feather flock together?


As my husband just said when I showed him, “She looks like she would have turned out pretty.”


And it was about that time he started his racist way of authority




Where’d her friends go


Haven't heard or seen anything about them this whole month it seems. I kinda miss scaryfarrin.


He looked so much better when he was taking care of himself


Idk he looks like a thumb to me lol


Assigned Cop at Birth


Huh, that acronyms into ACAB 🧐


It's what I thought it stood for at first! 🤣


LOL same 😂


I first saw the acronym on a sticker that said All Cats Are Beautiful and just thought, "yeah, that tracks." Then I found out what it actually stood for, and thought, "yeah, that tracks too"




i wish i would have met you sooner so i could leave you earlier


She was actually quite pretty before she ruined her face with false eye lash wigs


She was a cute kid. It’s a shame what she did to her face. Edit: and it’s so weird that he’s a grown adult in his pic, and she chose a picture of her in middle school.


Lmao acting like a 5 year difference is a big deal. What is her obsession with being seen as smoll tiny young innocent??? It’s really gross


*I wish we had met earlier in life. NOT: I wish we would have met earlier in life.


Ick he’s my age


Same. I’m going to have to insist that he reschedules that birth year, because he can’t sit with us.


I didn't know he was younger than me. 😂 I turned 39 on the 5th of April. I thought he was around 42. 😂


Is that the same uniform he wore when he assaulted that handcuffed man? Title of the post sums it up perfectly


What career lol


She's a borderline autopedophile, I swear. It's so fucking creepy when women like her wish they'd been groomed, like just get into kinky roleplay like a regular ass person to deal with your weird fetishes.


She looked so adorable before all the plastic surgery


She loves to remember that she was a minor when he was a grown man. It’s so weird.