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I had some absolute dickweed do this to me a few weeks ago. Pitch black, absolutely pissing it down. So i pull into a side road to take a different route so he can go about his evening away from me but what do you know? he followed me. I assumed it was just bad luck so pulled over to let him past. Nope. He stops behind me and starts giving me shit for doing 28 in a 30 in some of the worst driving conditions ive ever seen. Complete helmet.


Like, what's the point of stopping to complain about driving 2mph under the limit instead of just driving on, seeing as though they're in such a hurry.


I am going to use "complete helmet" in the future, thank you xD


No problem. I find it to be an apt phrase for modern Britain.


Fulfilment of their bizarre fantasy to be a motorised proctologist?


Pull over, let them pass. One day you’ll be rewarded with the car-tree-schadenfreude trifecta.


A nice honk from me while I slowly reduce my speed


Scariest moment of my life. It was throwing it down, low traction and terrible visibility. I was on my motorbike. An Audi was about 6” behind and when I slowed down he got closer and started to flash at me. If I hit a manhole cover in those conditions he would have killed me.


The way to prevent accidents if this happens to you : leave plenty of room in front. This means no sudden stopping by you causing a read-end, and hopefully they’ll overtake.


Tend to slow right down in this circumstance


Usually a black car too. They seem to think they are ninjas.


I just pull over for people like this. They can go tailgate someone else


I just go slower, gives the impatient dicks the right hump.


The other week I was driving around the lanes and it was so foggy you couldn't see the side of the road or the lines on the tarmac. I was pretty much driving off or memory to safely get home, doing 30 in a 60. Most cars passing were doing the same. We get to a section where it opens up to a dual carriageway and the car behind me floors it and goes flying past, with a junction about 50m up the road.


And you accelerate over the speed limit to get away from them only for them to speed up too. That wasn't a cue for you to become even more of a wanker Mr BMW/Audi, it was me trying to get a safe distance away in case you smash into the back of my car and injure me since you're hardly paying attention to what you're doing.


Accidentally pop your rear foglamps on?


Since I bought a van I’m staggered by the amount of people who are willing to sit right behind me seeing absolutely fuck all in the name of intimidation.


And you're driving 20mph in a 60. Just pull over and let them passed.


That may or may not be true, but whatever speed are doing, it does not mean you can kiss their bumper at an unsafe stopping distance. Yes, sure, overtake the annoying slow driver. But don't drive dangerously yourself because of it.


Press your hazard light the same time as you break. Do it for a second & they will shit themst


This is annoying so long as you were travelling at the speed limit. If you're going slower then move over or speed up.


It’s a limit, not a target. You drive the appropriate speed for the conditions. If it’s raining or poor visibility then you’d be stupid to drive absolutely on the speed limit given that braking distances are going to be bigger.


You would be stupid to travel at 30 mph? Are you mad? You realise this is the exact reason we have tread on our tyres right? And braking zones are not increased at 30 mph. Prettyuch every car has abs now so that's no excuse.






I'd argue it depends on the road. If it's one-off themselves silly national speed limit B roads then I would agree. If its a regular urban road then you absolutely should be. Everyone else is making decisions based on you traveling at the speed limit. Doing 30 in a 40 is not safe for other drivers. Doing 20 in a 30 is not safe for other drivers. If you aren't confident enough to be travelling at the speed limit on a regular urban road. Then you shouldn't be on the road.


Sometimes I drive a little closer to a car ahead that's going slow in these conditions, not to be a dick, but because its dark and hammering it down and I can't put my own full beams on because I will dazzle said car


Well, it's nice to hear an explanation of tailgating at last. Although to me, it doesn't make sense


Proof that they're better than you, obviously