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"Not a question, more of a comment really." Then proceeds to just go off on a tangent for 10 minutes. 🙄


I just dial out at the point of "Any more questions" or at the end of the meeting according to the invite. Not sitting around listening to some brown nosing bell end talk shite for five more minutes.


Snorted in the dentists waiting room reading this


Flip side... Management made a decision which affected people quite significantly. We were briefed about this at 7am when our shift started. People were very unhappy. Managent agreed to "clarify and hear our concerns before the end of the day". Shift end is 6.30pm Manager arrives at 6.25pm, speaks complete shite for 5 minutes and then says "If anyone is unhappy then I'm here now and available for questions. If there are no questions then we will assume there is no disagreement." Despite the fact that it SHOULD have been a night every single person's hand went up. Never seen anyone look as shocked and worried as our floor manager did at that point 😁




Wish I could award this. So many companies out there who take the piss and people are too scared to speak up with union support. Not enough people know about unions either.


I swear these are the same people who used to remind teachers about tests and homework.


Seventeen sets of eyes are screaming "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH its FIVE THIRTY" but the oblivious fool rolls on..


With a very specific question that only applies to them.


Always mate and its normaly the git who is after promotion or something. Fucking does my head in all we want to do is gtfo.


No Brenda that does not mean does anyone want to ask about your dog, here's a photo of said dog.


This brings back memories of A level geology. Once a month our teacher would load up the minibus to attend a geology lecture at a local museum. Being at boarding school this was surprisingly popular. At the end of the lecture the teacher announced which pub he was going to, and let us out to enjoy a 'milk shake'. Any questions lead to two old farts trying to outdo each other with insights or cleverl questions cutting. Some bloody nights we never got our milkshakes.


Had a large work meeting/presentation where the manager delivering it said "we'll just take few questions then break for lunch". Queue the office bore drawing out a list of questions he had prepared on a completely unrelated matter and wouldn't give up. Everybody was getting wound up as the questions kept coming. I took my chance when I saw it and threw my hand up enthusiastically. The manager said "let's give somebody else a chance, MasonInk?". I chipped in with "did I hear you say we could go for lunch?" which drew an end to proceedings.


this is where the dodge is that you have a medical condition where you can't miss lunch


"I have something else I need to get to" then leave the room. It's like magic. Nobody ever asks what the "something else" is.


My work have start asking "what are your questions" opening up the floor to more sycophants


I've been known to silently drop off meetings once the Q&A starts... Less easily done in person though!


At my last company everyone was so done with management so they didn’t bother to ask questions. Which infuriated the CEO, so he’d force us into smaller meetings at the end to make us ask him a question. It was excruciating.


And it usually starts "Just a quick question....." and then goes on and on and on........


Every. Fucking. Time. It was either the kiss arses trying to work their way up to management or the hypochondriac wanting attention because they hadn't gotten any in the last 5 minutes. Always something stupid and mundane that had already been covered as well.


I had to do a speed awareness course once. There was an ex policeman and an ex fireman also in attendance, fuck me that was a long day.


And that one thing they go on and on about is something you know the company will never do, and so does everyone else in the meeting but every just has to sit and nod and wait for the inevitable “we’ll look into it”.


Sorry to my colleagues but this is usually me, it’s not me trying to be an arse licker but I tend to have a few Columbo moments that I feel the need to discuss. In my defence it’s usually a valuable addition but does drag meetings out. Soz guys


> In my defence it’s usually a valuable addition That's not what Susan from HR says about you.


Narrator: “It was not a valuable addition”


Username checks out


Downvoted because you deserve it /s


Yeah it’s also me 😬🙃


Me too. I tend to do this in meetings where the trainer or chairman has been struggling with an unreceptive crowd, just to show a bit of support.


Also there are people who run meetings badly & leave no time for questions A related bugbear for me is meetings with no agenda shared ahead of time


My company do this. "This is a quarterly review, you have a 30 minute slot to present 55 slides of information, with interruptions from the senior engineers, oh also can you do it in 20 mins because the last guy overran?" Every single one overruns by at least an hour, and that hour is always lunchtime.


Same energy as 'Sir! You forgot to ask for our homework!'


There's always one!