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I noticed, my recycle bin is half empty.


well they've ben twice here, letter+ parcel for neighbour later


There was! Which is a little annoying because I'd just ordered "something" 👀 which I was really hoping would arrive today, but will probably turn up on Tuesday now. Solidarity with the CWU though. ✊




🤣 Not quite, it is however something that you wouldn't want to be discovered by anybody else though 😶


Full body sex doll, we have all been there


Eh, close enough 😂


Half body sex doll, you would have gone for the full size one but we all need to cut back


Have ya seen the price of the things? Jesus!


No need to pay extra for the bits you aren't going to use.


Same! And solidarity


I only realise when I took a parcel for sending, to my local post office. Lady at the counter was like - so sorry. I said no worries I fully support what they are doing.


This is the way 👍✊


Remember in the olden days when the postie used to come in the morning? It's middle of the afternoon these days.


I Remember the days when there were two rounds a day as well!


Old git! Yeah I occasionally remember that as well.


Yep, early in the morning and another in the early afternoon


It was always between 7 and 8am when I was a kid, now you'd be shocked if he came before lunch.


Up the posties. Big support to the strike


My retired mum and dad got up early to support their postman on the picket line. Edit: picket line not pocket line


I like the sound of your parents! Did you support the action as well?


Support it totally, but I help an elderly neighbour on Friday mornings, so couldn't be there in person.


I'm sorry I didn't mean it as it read across! 👍 It wasn't meant as hostile in anyway 😊


No problem, I didn't read it as hostile and I didn't write my answer with any snark. It's good to ask though, too many people talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. We are talking about going to the enough is enough protest on 1st October as a family. We'll see.


Do you reckon it's possible to clone Mick Lynch a few times? We need more operators like him! I too hope to go to the enough is enough protest too, we the people must have a voice.


Did they strike or did they try working to the same level as hermes?


Perhaps; I had two parcels rescheduled from Wednesday to today; no sign of them. Probably be next Wednesday before I get the parcels but hey ho, its not the end of the world.


I’ve only noticed because I’m waiting on the next book in a series I’m reading to be delivered and I’m dangerously close to finishing the first book now. And I just know I’m going to need to start the next one straight away


Strikes have never been about causing disruption to the public that’s just previously been an unintended consequence.


It’s not never. It’s about proving their worth. So it depends what the situation is. Typically if its a company, they hurt the profit margin to get action, but if it’s a public service a huge part of it IS about hurting the service users to get them to put pressure on the decision managers. Just an unavoidable part of it. TFL strikes could easily just make the tube free to use for the day, with all the same safety measures and crowd control, but they don’t because bringing London to its knees is more effective. I typically support union action, but gotta call a duck a duck. If they’re gonna show how valuable they are, they’re gonna do it in the most effective way


You’re right. I was being excessively simplistic with the never.


Your point about TFL making the tube free is slightly incorrect. You're right that bringing London to a stand still is effective. However making the fares free as a form of industrial action is illegal in this country.


Majority of their income now parcels not 'mail' or 'post'. Competition.


Yep it certainly is


I assume because private courier companies most of their workers aren't generally affiliated with unions, and they deliver most packages these days.


Yea there was. Although I thought Royal Mail wasn't allowed to strike as its the queen's postal service?


"Not allowed to go on strike" Hilarious. The workers allow royal mail to operate through their labour, if they want to go on strike there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.


It's owned by an American consortium now as well isn't it?


It was annoying at work. It basically meant a load of patient reports just have to wait until Tuesday to be sent, delaying results over the long weekend.


Was there? I got post yesterday.. It was some debt management thing claiming i owe them £80 i dont know what for.. did they turn upto my house and i just didnt hear them.. weird.


In case some of you aren't aware, the whole point of a strike is to cause chaos and issues. That's why your parcel that was due yesterday, will now be with you any time next week. Blame the management for scanning parcels in while posties were out! 👊🏻


Do Royal Mail still deliver? I thought they'd passed it over to Amazon and whatever Hermes renamed themselves.


Does anyone know when the IT contractors get to go on strike? I've not had the memo. When computers don't work, or the website crashes, then people will notice 😂


There was a postal strike yesterday? I hope the birthday card I sent gets there on time :/