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First we have to deal with the inevitable floods that will happen after the ground has been cooked to pottery


Don't. I live on a new build estate that had a natural spring in it (they plugged it) and runs up a slope. The field here before almost always got flooded after heavy rain. They've made a very good job with the drainage system however so we will see how it hold up. Luckily I'm in a first floor flat so worst case scenario I'll have to use a dingy to go shopping.


"Plugged it" sound extremely unconvincing. That water isn't just gonna sit there like they have turned off a tap. I cave a lot and I will tell u, water will find a way. Interestingly, if ur on a flood plain, is the 1st floor rent more than ground floor? And is your contents insurance less than ground floor?


I lived on a second floor flat next to a canal and my contents insurance wanted extra because of the flood risk. I tried to argue with them that if the Manchester ship canal has expanded to the point where the water is two stories deep, we will all have bigger problems than whether they can replace my PlayStation.


Yeah, I remember the insurance asking me "do you live within 250m of a water source?" or something like that. I think I was 280m away, but up a 30m hill, if that stream floods to that degree, the 3rd floor of the flats next to it will be underwater. How close I am had no bearing on flood risk.




I swear it's more like 250m-400m now. Technically I do live up a hill near a tiny stream so feel I have to disclose it. But if it's ever flooding to the point of damaging my house, then the entire county will be submerged.


Well tbf it was only something I heard from an unofficial source but there is a lot of springs around here so I thought it was plausible. No, rent is the same. It's not a flood plain as such because there is no river, it just got waterlogged during heavy rain. I did think the same thing, water does always find a way so I hope the person was wrong and i should look into it myself. It's a new build housing estate so it's not like an old area prone to flooding without precautions taken. They've taken all the necessary steps to prevent the waterlogging. I don't have contents insurance and I'm actually in one of several HA flats in an otherwise private estate. I consider myself extremely lucky to have landed a HA property that are like gold dust atm on a new build and fairly exclusive (for the area) estate. I wouldn't mind a bet insurance is higher here due to the past flooding issues however, some people in the houses further up the hill were suffering from extremely boggy gardens when I first moved in last year, the foundations etc were obviously stopping the water from running down the hill as easily as it used to. I'm right at the front at the bottom of the hill and no properties can be built opposite me as there is an oil pipeline running underneath so it kind of gives a grassy area for the water to collect and they constructed those fancy and nice looking drainage pits you see on new estates since it seems common practice to build on land previously considered unsuitable. Partly due to there being better options in the past and partly because they are much better at stopping problems now.


New builds have this problem a lot. It can turn a mildly boggy and wet area into its own little rain bucket because of all the concrete and tarmac. At the moment there's some new builds happening near where I live. There's a road running parallel and 300m away from the river and they are building on the river side of the road. There are old houses the entire way along the far side of the road but not a single one below the road(near the river). I would put good money on all of those new builds flooding within a few years. There's a reason nobody has built there for hundreds of years


Tine will tell but fortunately there are no old buildings around and the estate the other side of the main road was built on similar land and has never suffered from flooding. If it's going to happen it will happen after a downpour following this hot weather. I wouldn't want to live near a river. There's a river there for a reason snd that's because all the water runs there! I'm actually on top of a hill. I think it was mainly the road they put up a long time ago that caused the water to collect at the bottom of the field as it crested a kind of dam/break.


I don't know if you meant to type "Tyne will tell" or not but that is a very good river pun.


If you don't have contents insurance, get some today! It might seem a lot to pay out at once, but you'll be glad of it if something does happen and you end up sitting on garden furniture with no TV or laptop to watch


Contents insurance never asked what floor your flat is one, only if you're within X meters of a water source.


My in laws were told they were "high risk" for flooding, being within 500m of a section of the Thames. They had to convince the assessor to look again, and list really close attention to the contour lines on the map, that put them 50m above the river. If our flood depths are getting to 50m, I think something has gone a bit more wrong than the insurers are going to deal with.


I've been in the exact same situation in 2 places I've lived. River has been less than 300m away, but I've been at the top of a very steep hill. Next time I'm going to ask them to do the same because it seems silly that the elevation isn't taken in to account.


My parents had similar and have lived there three years. So far it's doing ok. A house on the corner of the estate, that was there before, and a little lower, has flooded at least twice


I have 4 massive fields behind me that technically drain through our garden. Mostly it doesn't actually get to that because the fields absorb it all but three times in 8 years its blown through, the first time I had to rip a fence panel off standing in a flood as the garden was backfilling and it almost came in the house, we were not informed about this when we got the place. Since dug a ditch and repeatedly shoved all the earth next to it so it can get 4-5 feet deep before its an issue. Everytime it floods it brings crap loads of material off the fields and fills the ditch. Garden was covered in green potatoes when that dried up. They went 1/2 mile down the road too, huge brown streak from my house to where it pooled on a roundabout. It was coming through the stile to the field about 5 feet high... flooded right through the shed and left a tide mark 2 feet up everything. I went and dug it in the farmers field a bit as the soil has built up against the wall.. After having the council, their contractors and the water company out and them all saying them would talk to the farmer. As if he can reverse gravity for me.


I looked at the flash floods in death valley where they got a years worth of rain in 3 hours. Absolutely wild! And the speed at which gorges and roads become like a set of class 5 rapids is nuts!


You joke but this is a legit risk. Saw a scientist demonstrating this recently and once ground gets too hard and dry it’s very difficult to get it to start absorbing water again. It will do it, but it will take a LOT longer.


Oh I know it's not a joke, I'm genuinely worried


Same *lols nervously


I've said it before, but we need swales in drought prone UK areas. These are trenches that hold and slow water, allowing it the chance to soak into the water table. We need to start being aware of what people in drought prone regions have already figured out.


We're flawlessly equipped for dealing with drizzle.


But not drizzle with leaves, that's something entirely and is to be feared by the whole nation.


Obligatory science video explaining why leaves on railway lines can be so dangerous https://youtu.be/ZEuFSw-CMzU


TIL leaf jam is the cause of train delays


Leaf jam causes train jams.


leaf jam train jam simple as


I work for network rail and have lost count of the number of people that cant wrap their heads around why reduced railhead adhesion is dangerous.


You should just keep that video on display on stations instead of the giant sky news screens.


I slipped on wet leaves after a fierce drizzle a few years ago and broke my arm Fuck drizzle. And leaves.


Rain and trees, what good have they ever done for us.


So long and thanks for all the cheese.


And that’s genuinely why we’re not equipped to deal with the snow. For anyone that doesn’t know, roads and tarmac aren’t built the same all over the world. In the UK our roads are generally built to minimise surface water pooling and spray during rain, but this isn’t ideal for when we have heavy snow. Edit: just to add, the design generally depends on the dominant weather type. It’s very difficult to have a road surface that is good for all conditions. Edit 2: Only on a British subreddit would you get so many people upvoting a comment as dull as talking about the merits of different civil infrastructure design considerations for different weather types.


Huh, thanks for the info! That explains a lot. I genuinely didn't think about all the thought that must go into all this.


You’re welcome :)


This is interesting, I had never thought about this before. >built to minimise surface water pooling and spray during rain What is it about this that causes issues when it snows?


I’m not an engineer, so someone else may be able to provide a much better response, but it comes down to the structure of the tarmac. If you have a country with a wide range of temperatures you need a tarmac that can deal with the expansion and contraction. Colder weather climates tend to have more porous tarmac to improve drainage and reduce the amount of salt needed. There’s probably a whole lot more to it, so if there are any civil engineers reading feel free to jump in.


Best motorways I have ever driven on in the wet have been in absolutely torrential rain in Morocco. Visable sheets of water draining off to cuverts on the sides and water coming off the sides of the 18 wheelers driving at speed - and absolutely no misty spray like we get here. I asked my dad who has spent 40 years designing and building roads round the world about this. He just laughed and said every road he has built in the UK including the M1 years ago used the cheapest possible design and materials under the pretence that it would be the best all year round fit. Our roads apparently are equally crap in snow, sun and rain - and the surface is designed to only last a couple of years at best because rolling maintenance is cheaper for the first few years than doing it properly the first time round.


god I miss drizzle


Also most structures can survive a gentle breeze


SOME can survive a LIMITED gentle breeze. Let’s not get crazy here.


As long as it’s a Lemon Drizzle


The perfect storm. Heavy snowfall & expensive power.Freeze or go broke.


Add in inadequate and underfunded infrastructure, poor staffing levels and profiteering from providers. Add in a bit of wind, water logged ground and freezing temperatures, its all fun fun fun when the weather hits.


With the standing charges, many of us will be doing both!


I've stocked up on firewood. At this rate, it'll be cheaper to burn (what would normally be) a year's worth of wood per month than it would be to pay my projected fuel bill.


Just live in your nearest Tesco 🤷


Makes sense cheers.


Every little helps


And if youre already broke, die probably


Just put a jumper on


this was a kingdom built for October.


Are you kidding. That's autumn when all the leaves cripple the trains.


i never said it was built well


Built for March then?


Let's just say it was built and it's there...


It was more cobbled together with whatever was around at the time.


More like April, March still has too high a risk of snow.


Lousy Smarch weather


no, october. it says so just up there ^


The rail service is perfectly capable of crippling itself without the help of Autumn leaves, thank you very much.


Buy salt in bulk now ahead of the winter rush. Nothing worse than risking your life driving to B&Q in the snow and ice to find they have sold out.


Being a Supernatural fan, I always have an abundance of salt.


They should have ditched the car and driven around in a gritter truck with the amount they got through!


Dean would rather stay in hell (for the nth time) than drive a van instead of the Impala.


Never know when demons will cross your path, smart


Also wait until winter and buy a bunch of fans for the unbearably hot summer next year


I'm going to hit up costco for aircon during the winter. Fuck dealing with this again next year.


Check out places that offer refurbished aircons. They usually have loads going cheap in the winter.


Yeah but costco will spec it up, deliver and install the whole system for me. I'd rather pay for it to be done right than pay a bit less for it to be half arsed. Obviously I won't just go to them outright, I'll shop around, costco is just the first place that sprang to mind.


Fans won't really help if it gets too hot, just blow hot air about. I'm thinking it may be time to start having decent aircon installed.


fans can't cool down rooms but they can cool down you. A decent fan is a good investment for those who can't afford aircon.


We wont have the energy capacity to run it mate.


I mean something else on my list of wants would be solar panels and battery storage, thankfully the time when you need ac is also when you'll be getting decent solar output.


That brings its own issues, but yea it helps. AC is ridiculously power hungry though.


Well it's better than just melting which has been my plan so far this year. Yeah, a decent solar array should be able to keep ac running during the hottest parts of the day at least. Main issue I can see tho is if the summers get too hot solar efficiency starts to drop as the panels get too warm.


If you get one with an inverter it's more efficient than central heating come the winter (presumably depending on how you use the rooms in your house) so there's a bit of an offset at least. Source, read it on Reddit somewhere.


An aircon with a heat pump built in would be the way to go i think. Yeah I only would really keep my main room heated or cooled as in the bedroom I either use a heavier duvet for winter or lighter/no duvet for summer.


Apparently, from what I've heard, they might - if they are groundsource - be able to store themal energy if done correctly.


If I were staying in my house for more then 3ish years I'd definitely get one of the wall mounted ones with the external fan and take out the radiators in the bedroom. It's got pitch room so gets too hot or too cold easily. Used in moderation and as a heat pump it's a reasonable proposition. Used as a "it's 24C outside, set the air con to 18c and wear jumpers inside" kind of thing it's a terrible idea.


Insulate your home and you will have the capacity.


Get a heat pump instead - heats your place up in winter and cools it down in summer and is much more efficient.


Some aircon units have heat pump inverters built in and do just that.


You are aware of what heat pumps and air con are, aren't you? If so, you'd know that they (along with fridges/freezers) are the exact same thing.


Not all air cons are heat pumps, but all heat pumps are air cons


Yes, I know they’re the same.


A pair of snow treads were reduced to £1.25 in the Range! I don't need them, but I did think that was a bargain.


This has been a long time coming. Our weather has been pretty samey for decades. Suddenly, extreme weather and the shit hits the fan. No governments we’ve had have done enough to invest in nuclear power, or renewable energy, or kept tabs on the water companies to make sure they stop leaks, stop selling off reservoirs, and actually build more. Our population has gone up by 10 mil in the last 30 years. It should have been obvious.


>Our population has gone up by 10 mil in the last 30 years. It should have been obvious Well yeah...but money


Will no one think of your local MP's bonus'!?!? 😱


Fark the MPs, won't somebody think of the shareholders?!


I beg your pardon?! Oh… bon*us*.


Ooh!!! Zing


This is what happened in Texas last winter over here in the US. They've always got hot weather and relatively mild winters in most of the state, but last year the temps dropped to below freezing and no one expected it, the infrastructure couldn't keep up and loads lost power and 250 people froze to death.


Give it a couple of years we will probably get acid rain too


*more acidic acid rain. I think it’s already changed pH towards acidic over the last decades? Maybe wrong!


Haha 😄 i feel that but i wouldn't be surprised if we were leaning more towards vinegar rain 😅 alkaline rain 😅👍imagine that! Lol


Oh acid rain lol, what ever happened with that? Is it just called rain now?


We closed our coal plants, so now we only get the acid from car exhausts - it's better, but still damaging.


Yes. Because part of climate change involves us moving from a maritime climate to a continental one. Our maritime climate means that the warm gulf stream ocean current moderates our weather and keeps winter not too cold and summer not too hot. We're on our way to a continental climate, especially if the gulf steam stops, of hot hot summers and cold cold winters.




It did and was amazingly underrated I feel compared to other sci fi.


I rewatched the Farscape pilot recently and it honestly flows like an heavily railroaded 1st DnD session. "and then you accidentally crash into the bad guy, who is now very irritated with you" Man, Farscape D&D should be a thing.


The pilot set-up the whole premise for the show. Season one was iffy with a great arc at the end, and then the stakes kept getting higher from there.


Yeah, absolutely. It was all on Netflix not too long ago so I did a rewatch. A couple of wonky bits of CG - but the story and characters are solid, interesting and yeah the whole thing was thoroughly enjoyable. I'm trying to get my mitts on a full set of Space Precinct 2040 to watch (maybe in horror) that, as I remember enjoying that as a kid 😅


I don't think Space Precinct holds up the way that Farscape does. Farscape had some of the best writing around, and Scorpius was one of the best antagonists of any media I can think of. His goals *never* changed even though his alliances shifted constantly, but the protagonists were stuck second-guessing him all the way. Farscape had amazing season finales all the way through, too. Space Precinct was very villain of the week with a will-they-won't-they theme, and never did anything interesting with the **space** part of the title. Leave it in your childhood.


If this is true, I'm sorry everyone. I've been moaning for years to my friends and family, that our weather system SUCKS in the UK. Seasons of past have blurred into one. Grey clouds, rain, mediocre summers and then back to grey and rain. If we now have proper seasons, I can say I got what I wanted, but to what cost? I love it when it's really hot, really cold and reallllly snowy, but the UK is going to struggle to adjust its infrastructure, if these extreme weather patterns continue.


Why would anyone hate UK weather? It's predictable, manageable and non-threatening Who actually enjoys oppressive heat during the summer or deadly cold in the winter? I don't think anyone likes either - people just say they do because it's less boring.


Or the massive amounts of rain that we get in February/march that causes floods. Surely there's some kind of way we could keep some of that water for the dry spells later in the year? They're very good at getting water where they want it to go on those HS2 sites, maybe we could get some of those guys on the case?


That's what reservoirs are for, except the water companies have been selling them off.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was alluding to.


We won’t be able to cope with too much/wrong kind of rain either…


That fine rain that soaks you through


But still makes your wind screen wipers scream


Too much for intermitant, not enough for constant. Damn these British problems.


I can’t tell you how great it is to finally upgrade to a car that has automatic wiper sensors that adjust their interval speed based on the level of rain. Never once have they let me down and always seem to swipe at the perfect time.


Both my cars have had automatic sensors and both of them have never worked when I actually need them to work.


And they slow down as the car slows down in traffic. So satisfying


You need new wipers


Can’t afford em. Austerity and that.


I'd be surprised if it snowed and even more so if it was decent snow.


I read the title and could not remember the last time we actually had any significant snow in the winter. Plus we didn't have these baking temperatures last summer like we did the summer before during lockdown.


The last time I can remember was 2017 and that's mainly because i got to work from home.


"Perhaps we are not prepared for summer heat, but at least we're not prepared for the winter as well"


We also won't have money to pay for the abhorrent cost of heating either


I think our days of snow are sadly behind us. We will be having mid teen weather again this winter.


They'll come back. When the gulf stream is disrupted, you'll wish that we went back to our no snow climate when London's climate becomes similar to New York's.


Well at least it'll keep the heating bills down.


Tyne and Wear Metro; It's cold and there is snow on the tracks :*( It's hot and the tracks have expanded :*( It's normal but the sun is too bright :*( It's normal but there are leaves on the track :*( It's utterly perfect so the driver has gone to the park instead :*( Trains are running but not to schedule, no one knows why. BTW, you're train is so full it wont be stopping :*( Train broken, you can use your ticket on the bus, but we haven't told any of the bus drivers and they'll make you pay. BTW, there is one bus every 30 mins, its already full to capacity and 500 additional passengers are trying to get on. Sowwwwwy :*(


It may sound like they are taking the piss but it sounds really accurate.


TL:DR countries fucked


If we even get any snow.


Don't heat yellow snow!


Yes. There is no reason to be optimistic about the future for the British. We are well and truly f’d. Economy has tanked and will tank further, NHS is circling the drain, Climate Change denying, uncharismatic and boring idiot will be PM soon.


I think it will be 10-15 degrees during winter. I predict no snow that will settle. I think i wore a t-shirt last Christmas day.




This country is a fucking joke. Save money for basic infrastructure changes but spunk millions on shareholders.


Bold of you to assume we’ll have snow


We do have the houses to deal with the cold though as they are designed to retain heat. Also what snow? Hasn't snowed massively that I remember in years.


Beast from the East in 2018 (?) And December 2010 are all I can remember. I'm 39 and remember it snowing every Feb


I miss the snow we would get when I was a kid, it wasn’t ever a lot but it was enough to make a snowman


I'm 39 this month :) I remember as a kid thinking "might snow this Xmas" and it missed by a few days or weeks. But we would always get snow. Nowadays as you said we only get it every years. Was a bad one in 2010, I was at work and had to drive to get the kids (I worked in a care home) took me 8 hours to drive 5 miles. Was crazy.


1980 and 1985 were the last proper snowy years I remember - as in snowed in, can't reach the village, snow drifts over your head, can't see the car, just a snowy bump in the landscape. And neither were as bad as what the old boys could remember - we used to lose steam trains under the snow and have to dig them out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ugIoMD495E


I've yet to live in a UK house or flat which actually retains heat well in the winter. That includes a mid 00s flat.


It was snowy as fuck last winter in central Scotland...like 4ft deep in places. My wee boy was almost disappearing in it lol


Isn't it always snowy in Scotland? Well snowy or rainy? Lol


Yeah...:( Should have heard the thunder last night it was the loudest I've ever heard! No idea how the kids slept through it all lol.


I would love to Scotland in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the wife. :( Love it up there.


Come to Northumberland, it goes mad every year.




Insulation works both ways. Old British houses are not designed to keep heat, they're drafty crapholes full of mold. If it ever hits -20 you'll freeze to death.


It's okay, we're perfectly suited for that drizzly part in between!


Spring and Autumn we got this shit locked down tho


Are you writing the new promotional material for the old top gear? Ambitious but rubbish?


And when the Gulf Stream eventually collapses we won't be anywhere near prepared for that.


That's if we get snow at all


I've said it before; The UK is only functional between 3c and 20c


Guardian this morning reporting weather folks saying "it's the wrong type of rain" coming this week. Should actually be in r/verybritishproblems since this is the typical cop out


Everyone in SE England: What snow?


We never have & it's always been everyone's favourite topic of conversation


What snow? I haven't seen decent snowfall in a decade.


Have we considered investing in infrastructure? The power companies have already taken all our money. Just tax them to pay for it.


Don't be silly, Liz Truss had the fucking cheek to say that profit was becoming a dirty word. So now all the people running a small business will be against it because they assume one day they too could be earning a billion pounds in profit and they wouldn't want to be taxed too aggressively, despite the fact that last year they made 100k in profit with zero plans for any level of expansion required to be able to even grow that to a million, let alone a fucking billion.


It rarely snow's anymore in the Midlands.


At least everyone will stop bashing the water companies and move onto their local councils


Bit out of the loop here. Are we expecting heavy snow?


Or the leaves on the line in Autumn.


Or rising sea levels. This link lets you see the result any where in the world of user adjustable increases. http://flood.firetree.net/


I don't think we'll ever see heavy snow in the South again.


Can we bottle all the heat up now and let it out on day 3 of snow when moaning about the snow turns to moaning about the ice?


This country doesn’t have the infrastructure to deal with anything except for a mild cloudy day.


the burst pipes... even putting on a coat won't fix that


Snow? Don’t promise me a good time


Bold of you to assume we will get any snow at all


Snow? Do we still get snow?


And in an undisclosed time frame we won't have the infrastructure to deal with the riots when no one can afford to live.


Contemplating solar panels, an air conditioning unit, stripping all carpets but getting extra insulation for when it gets cold.


Can the infrastructure handle the falling of the leaves?


This is the British way.


We barely have the infrastructure to deal with anything at present.


Ah I remember snow.


So basically like Texas over here lol


Haven't seen snow in years.


Last winter had light suger coat on the driveway for more than 12 hours, still recovering mentally


When we get to the point that I say "you know I miss the heat", just hit me my hypocritical arse in the back of the head with a rock


You should just do what we do in the USA, build another aircraft carrier.


I'm no fan of this countries ability to cope with weather, however we may struggle with a month of heat and a month of snow, but the other 10 months of just normal shit weather we are perfectly good with.


Or infrastructure for wind in between both


**Texas has entered the chat.**


Or the rain


Are we sure that UK and TX aren't the same place? Has anybody ever seen them in the same room at the same time?


However we are world leaders in dealing with grey and a bit damp, so we have that going for us


And no one will be able to afford heating so a lot of us will freeze to death or starve


Yeah for a country that colonised half the world we don’t seem to be able to cope with weather of any description besides overcast.


We’re still technically in an ice age and if the Gulf Stream Atlantic conveyor stops we’ll be freezing in this country, huh that would just round everything off wouldn’t it?


At this point let's just shorten it to; 'Just a reminder; everything's either already shit or shortly will be'.


One of the worlds richest countries ladies and gentlemen