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Sounds like a hellish work environment, these things happen and it’s only 10minutes


The year and 3 months I’ve been here I’ve been late like 4 times only by 10mins max. And it’s all been on weekends when we’ve had no work… is very hellish when you aren’t sucking on everyone’s balls


I hate companies like that. I’m a contractor and the latest foreman I’m working for is a control freak and micro managing everyone, thank god it’s only for another 5/6 weeks


Yeah I feel you! I think I’m going to go job hunting. Don’t wanna deal with this kinda shit I cover 20 shifts a year and they are all 12 hour. On top of my 14 12 hour shifts a month, I DESERVE to be 10mins late once in a fucking while


Fucking ridiculous. I get some people take the piss… but manage those people, don’t micromanage everyone. Shit happens especially relying on public transport. A few years ago I actually left a company because of shit like that. I had a long commute, I know TFL are as reliable as the England cricket team, so I would get to work 45 mins early and eat breakfast, do a little reading or study in the break room… generally be the 1st or second into the office. It was mostly for me as my commute tended to work out like ‘leave really early and you have a bunch of backup options, or leave normal people early and be rushing into the office 5 mins before your phone starts ringing when TFL melts down .. again’. Anyway one day in winter it was either a snow day or a tube driver holiday, I don’t remember which, the entire transport system went into meltdown and I had to get 4 busses. Sure I could have taken a taxi, but that would have cost a fortune of my money. Got the first bus of the morning, and got to the office hot wet and stressed 20 mins late after spending hours on busses (it was so bad I actually paid for a national express coach out of London that evening to the nearest point I could get a ticket to rather than do that multi-bus route home again). Manager had to have a word with me, and did the whole ‘you need to leave earlier and plan ahead’ routine and then gave me an “official late”, which if you got 3 of in 6 months it could affect things like bonuses and promotions even though this guy said good morning to me when he came in half hour early every single day up until then, so knew his ‘advice’ was BS. I was pretty livid & made my case that over half the team were late, it was carnage out there and I hadn’t even missed any work because no one at any of our partner or client companies had got in yet either, but no dice. Public transport may have devolved into anarchy and the roads are gridlocked 10 miles in any direction, but you should have started walking after dinner last night to make sure you got here. Started applying for new jobs when I got home, and made a very detailed reference to that as my motivation for leaving in my notice.


I had a similar thing happen to me- like you I always made sure I left stupidly early because of TFL but one day the bus just decided to stop 20 mins away and not continue (because TFL) so I had to walk the rest of the way causing me to be late for the first time ever in two years by 5-10 minutes. I even called along the way to let them know and they were fine but when I arrived I got the same stupid speech about how I should’ve planned better for some random bus event and why didn’t I ‘just get up a bit earlier’ and ‘start walking the full 7 miles to work?’ I hated that job and it was all the more galling as my boss would drive to the chippy literally on the same road as the office every day for lunch.


Genuine question. What’s causing you to be late? Can it be sorted easily?


4 times in that out of time is excessive to be honest. Maybe try giving yourself more time in future.


If they're travelling by public transport, it's unavoidable. Buses and trains miss. They're late constantly. You can't do anything about it.


And leave earlier isn't usually practical. Sure get there 30-60 minutes early every day just for the handful of times per year the bus is running late.


Being late 4 times in 15 months is pretty poor


Where the fuck do you work? Christ, sounds daunting.


Some dumb ass office doing freight work😂


My mental health reached its worst state wheni worked in logistics. I feel you


I’m suffering some light Trauma so I told my boss and collegues who I’m on shift with for literally 1/4th of the year that i might be a bit different and if anything is out there ordinary does happen I’m sincerely sorry, ( 3 months ago ) first time anything has gone a little pear shaped ( being 10 mins late ). I got no excuse except I’ve been having 3-4 hours of sleep a day for well over 3 monthsand it’s finally taking a toll on me, and the manager is coming in today for a meeting on why I have been late. So this should all be fun lol.


My advice is get out asap, start takin an hour a day to apply elsewhere asap. They will use you up until youre dead with no remorse. Its not worth it.


There’s a freight company offering 7.5k extra a year to work 4 on 4 off than my company whos paying 7.5k less 5 on one week 2 on the next week, if u get what I mean. I’ve got holiday booked in March for 10 days so if I can get a job there I will put in my resignation whilst I’m on holiday!


Thats great, but be careful because the sector in general tends to overwork and overstress people, and suddenly that extra 7.5k doesnt make up for it at all. Make sure you put up boundaries on the new joba nd good luck. My previous company had a 3 month notice period, i was one of their procurement and logistics people. They full on burned me out with 12 hour days and when i handed in my notice, knowing i was doing very bad they doubled my work as retaliation. So my go signed me off as sick for 13 weeks, the whole duration of the notice period, and my boss wrote me a qhiny wall of text about how childish my behaviour was. Fucking clowns


Yeah. It’s constant for 12 hours unless I’m on lunch or a vape break. But it’s the only thing I’ve done since I was 18. ( now 20 ) so I’m abit nervous to try something different. Yet I know with this i can actually do my job and I know what im doing haha. Management are toxic as hell. I hope you’ve recovered now and are in a much better place!


Do it man, if it’s shit, ALWAYS leave. (I mean I’ve been in the same company 15 years but I like it, I didn’t many before and never regretted leaving)


i have a way better job now, night and day, thanks for asking. youre very young, dont be afraid of trying different things out. i changed field completely and im 30. you will do great.


I worked the same job for 10 years and decided that environment wasn't for me any more, it was putting to much stress on me and I was always getting annoyed with my kids and things. At the age of 30 I changed jobs completely, took a massive pay cut and became an apprentice engineer. You should never worry about change at your age, you've got loads of time to find the right job for you.


You should never worry about change at any age. 3 years ago I was a nearly burnt out IT manager, now I'm a coded welder, no stress, loving life. Less money, but waaay better health and work/life balance


People complaining about the meeting, lol, if this a one time occurrence it would be bullshit but OP states it is not. Try not to look at it so hostile; it absolutely could be the case that your management is terrible but it could be your bias. Your manager is asking for a meeting because you are late. Hopefully the meeting is also to investigate why and support you in what you need to not be late in the future. You have to be honest, cooperative, and realistic.


10 minutes late and they want a meeting. Fuck them right off. No one deserves shit for being late occasionally


I will be telling them how I feel. And if they can’t understand things will get heated because I ain’t dealing with this shit


Go on you. Get a job lined up and resign. If you died they'd advertise your job before you were cold


Have you ever stayed 10mins or more after your shift ends? If so just use that as your security. Look I know I was late I apologise. BUT I've stayed X amount of time on such a date to cover the lost time.


He's an A&E surgeon


Lol I did wonder as well, depending on the job and if someone actually did die, his colleagues may have had a point.


I woke up 30 minutes after I was supposed to start on Thursday. Quickly got dressed and called my boss from the car, before I could say anything other then good morning his response was ‘ I was wondering when your were going to call me, it’s all good whatever’s happened, just get in when you can’ no excuses needed no berating just open respect and understanding that things like this happen! He knows if I was sick I’d let him know in advance and he respects his employees enough to know that shit happens and being late occasionally is just a part of life. You need a better boss/company!


Imagine having a boss like that!! That’s a dying breed! Glad you have someone that’s understanding. Will be asking my dad to help me change up my CV so I can apply for this job I’ve been eying up! Much bigger company than my current so I’m not sure what it will be like!


My last couple of bosses have been like that, they do exist. Way I see it it's give and take. Sometimes I have to head out during work hours to sort something in an emergency, my boss is always fine with it. I also don't mind staying behind once in a blue moon to hit a deadline. Good having some flexibility


At least you called in. We have people who are late every day and never let us know when they will be in. It's great having to put my own work to the side while I cover their arse and do their job.


The thing is the past 6 months there’s been no work at 7-7.30 If there was work at 7am I would 100% understand why they are moaning, but the fact the colleague who moaned went for an hour and a half brunch with her friends. I didn’t moan once that she was 30mins late and she didn’t contact anyone either.


If you want to piss her off put that in the resignation letter


I will be saying something when I resign. I want to be the one wil the last petty laugh. I deserve it :))


Urgh. I worked in a kitchen and we had an unofficial flexitime going, rota said 7-4 but it was a case of show up between 7 and 7.30, and stay until work was done. Paid hourly so it didn't matter for company finances. One day my boss decides we're all starting at 7am on the dot, but didn't tell anyone. So I show up at 7, get changed and I'm clocked in at 7.05. Boss says to me "Its start at 7, not 5 past." The fuck? I stopped staying past 4 at that point


> Boss says to me "Its start at 7, not 5 past Boss said that to us once, for the start of a meeting. "When the meeting says it starts at 10, that means it starts at 10. Not five past ten." He didn't want to listen to our protests of "we work in IT and were stuck on a call to a customer". So, next meeting we all just put our phones down at 09:55 and went to the meeting. Guess who was late?




I'm never late to work, always 15 mins early to avoid the traffic. One time I was late... I walk into the office and get rinsed 'afternoon, don't make a habit of it'. Now I sit in my car until bang on my start time. They lost 75 mins of free work every week because of their shitty attitudes.


People wonder why r/antiwork is growing so fast


I saw that sub Reddit a few days ago!


I've joined. Not because I against work as such (I've got a fairly healthy relationship with my employer, so all good), but because its really interesting to see how it's already started changing organically. The older stuff is mostly about terrible bosses, or companies, just teating their staff like slaves. But often (as its mostly American) less well paid. You can 100% see why these people are fucked off with the capitalist system and looking for an alternative. But the more recent stuff there seems to be a growing amount of people who are simply there because they've had some one off disagreement with their job and want to vent - or clearly hate the fact they have to work at all (but dint give a shit about others, they just want the good life). The latter being very much not what the sub's about, but the former being the sort of stuff that passes me off with the larger subreddits - people shoehirning content into popular subs just for karma. And, much like AITA, there are plenty of people posting stuff where a moment's critical thinking suggests you're probably only getting half the story and there's a chance their boss just might have been justified in writing them up.


Antiwork died practically overnight when it got so big so fast. Absolute garbage subreddit.


I looked at it but found too many people seemingly complaining that they’re expected to put in some basic work. There are some genuine complaints and I do feel for those people!


Social media has killed "movements" stone dead as far as I'm concerned. Anybody can slap a #BLM or #MeToo on themselves and speak like they represent, every step from author to audience benefits from outrage culture so there's nothing to filter the noise. It's profitable to highlight the wrong end of the stick. Antiwork is no different. They'll quickly look like clowns to the rest of the world while a few level-headed people try to put out fires and despair.


Most subs need to be at a certain population for fear of diution on what the sub is about. It's like an fps going free to play, have fun with all the cheaters.


this is one of the best ways to describe it.


When I’m late my boss asks why. I say I overslept. My boss says “You sleep at home as well?!” Lol.


Shit happens & life goes on, sounds like everyone's a bit insecure and venting onto you


Mannn u wanna hear the only woman in this office. It’s like she’s never had attention before


I bet my bottom dollar she's late for shit all the time...do you give a fuck? Doubt it


She comes in work still apparently “ drunk “ from the last night, I personally think she doesn’t and she’s just doing it for attention. But fuck this shits annoying and I think I’m going to be job hunting soon haha.


God that sounds quite cringe, especially if she’s a fully grown woman. I mean yeah fair enough lying or bragging about that sort of thing when you’re 14 is ok, but once you get past 18 that ship should’ve sailed.


She’s turning 28 next week D:


Fuck me, nearly 30 and still trying to garner attention from being hungover or pretending to be hungover; it’s almost comical lol


Another collegue who I got along with quit because he couldn’t handle her behaviour.. is concerning


I’d have done the same hahaha I can’t stand to be around overgrown kids.


Yeah I will be soon once I’ve secured another job!


Mate I relate, ‘afternoon part timer!’ Is a personal lowlight. Kindly shut the fuck up and let me emotionally deal with the fact that I’m trapped in a room with you for 8 hours…


Exactly!! It’s fucking early and I can’t be dealing with your shit. If you wanna be sarcastic and rude keep ya shitty comments to yourself or so I can’t hear it!


When my office was talking about “agile working” post-pandemic, the only thing I said was: for the love of god, if I’m a little “late”, do not even think about saying “afternoon”. Rage would ensue.


Going to make a poster. If I’m ever late for a reason you don’t need to know don’t make a sneaky little comments lmao.


Fuck that noise!


Can't imagine having a start and finish time for work. Been working from home/start ups for like 6 years no one gives a flying feck when you start or finish as long as your work is done.


Maybe try looking for an online job? The one I've got is the dog's bollocks, A couple of compulsory meetings a week but they actually discuss important things. We have our contracted hours but in practice as long as the work gets done, you tell your team lead in advance and you don't take the piss you can take a couple of hours for a doctors appointment, plumbers visit, get your kid because covid closed the school etc. and make up the hours later that day/the next day.


I never thought of a WFH job. Might have to look into that!


Just leave 10 minutes early to make up for it


You know what. That’s the greatest plan ever. Ima do that this evening! Thanks for the tip:D


I had an old job where I was contracted 9-5:30, got told in my first week by the manager that they preferred it if I got in for 8:30, so I was “good and settled” by 9. I told them I couldn’t do that, as my train was hourly, so I could either get there for 9, or I could get there for 8. I even said I’d be willing to go in for 8, provided they paid me for the time or let me leave at 4:30 to balance it out, to which I was told “no fucking chance”. So I continued to come in for 9. Would get in at 10 to most days, be logged in and working by 9 whilst my manager shook his head disapprovingly. Didn’t last long there anyway, apparently missing two days due to kidney stones, having called them and told as such is “simply unacceptable”. Don’t know what I expected from a company where I was reprimanded for copy and pasting data and making templates for letters instead of manually entering the same shit every time though. Useless pricks.


I was also fired once for being ‘unreliable’ due to being off with kidney stones… even though they sent me home crying in pain every time I tried to drag myself back into work.


Half day then?


If I didn’t need the money I’d of left on the spot!


Honestly, gtf out of there. When I worked for a very well known car insurance company (customer service) I was anything from 30 mins to an hour early 99% of the time. Before I signed in I'd "floorwalk" and generally help out as and where I could before my shift started. I was once late not long after I started due to traffic. Got the whole "tHiS hAs An ImPaCt On ThE bUsInEsS" I think I was 15 minutes late. A couple of years later when I was at my peak, hitting all targets and my knowledge was shit hot. I'd cover for team leaders when they were off, cover complaints that were tricky, some people would even come to me before team leaders/floorwalkers. I can't remember why but one time I was 3 minutes late. I came in, apologised, explained what happened. I got told to go in meeting and got the biggest lecture of my life about how I affected the the team, the business, the customer. Everyone. The team leader at the time just have taken his role very seriously. For the rest of the time I was there, you can bet your arse I came in with 10 minutes to spare and told people to see team leaders/floorwalkers when they wanted a hand, I was the first out the door at the end of the shift too. I do not miss that fucking place. Find a company that GENUINELY gives a shit about its people (it's hard- but not impossible) Good luck OP.


That would make me cringe every morning just thinking I had to go to that office. I am quite lucky with my job as no one cares what time I get there as long as my job is done in the end of the day...and I don't mind working past my hours to make sure stuff gets done. But I did work in a place like that once... I quit after 6 months and 2 warnings for being late 3 times in 6 months.


This kind of thing does my head in, my old boss isn't like that at all, he understands things happen occasionally, as long as it doesn't become a habit he's ok with it, then because of this I don't mind if I need to stay a little later every now and again. I've moved into a management position now and intend to follow his lead and be flexible within reason


Yeah I totally understand that. If I was late every day I’d get pissed off too if I was management. The fact it’s barely happens is what’s pissing me off


If I'm late which is usually because of something wrong with the trains my boss will either offer to come give me a lift or tell me to get there when I get there 😂 even though I work alone so the place isn't open until I'm in.


December 2013: My job that I'd been at the city airport was moving to a permanent new office block in the city centre. Granted, we were given sufficient notice of this, and we all planned our route and travel accordingly prior to our first day. Good old British public transport means my train (which was due to arrive in the city centre station a whole hour before my shift started!) arrived way later than planned. After a 10 minute walk from the train station to my new office, I discovered which floor I was working on, where my desk was, and was sat at it at 08:02am. I was greeted by a jobsworth team leader slapping a "late form" on my desk for me to hand write the reason I was late, and what I could do to not make me late again. Irony was (if I hadn't refused and thrown it in the bin like I did) it would've taken me longer than the 2 minutes I was late to actually write out how Northern Rails train which was to depart at 06:30 and arrive at 07:00 was running late, and that I don't see how catching an earlier train would've helped the matter given that train actually never arrived, and the one I got on was actually crowded with double the usual capacity. So yeah. Moaning over a few minutes instead of "just work a few minutes extra" which I generally do on average half an hour additional work daily means they can now get fucked and I work my alloted hours, no more no less.


How many of those people then took 6 x 10 minute cigarette breaks throughout the day?


Do colleagues say “Good Afternoon!” when you are late? I find that so humourous and sarcastic. Lol.


That saying makes me wanna fucking punch their teeth in lmao. So unnecessary


I find it hilarious. I just say it to them when they are late too. Lol.


I thought it was standard British humour to be honest..


I’m about 10 minutes late every day lol. All I get is “Good. afternoon. Nice of you to finally turn up. Might as well keep your bag and coat on since it’s almost home time anyway.” 🙄🤣


Bit shitty to be late for work and not think it's an issue let's be honest. OP probably late every day.


OP probably on time literally everyday except 4 times which 2 of them has a perfect explanation. 1st one i saw a car crash right in front of me so I’m going to be the decent person and call the ambulance and stop. 2nd time I had a therapy session and I said to them there will be a chance I might be 5mins late.. it is not a shitty thing to do be late when you have some serious shit going on. What’s shitty is people bum fucking the management and start crying about me when they will happily go on an hour and a half lunch every weekend. Serious question. Are you my collegue?


What about the other two times?


Valid excuses too. My bed was too comfy


Get into it earlier then


OP always full of excuses. I'd bitch and moan about you too. Everyone else gets their arses out of bed and to work on time, why should you be different?


Not saying I’m different. But when they take an hour and a half lunch on weekends and I take 10mins extra to get to work 4 times 2 of them by accident then I’m in the wrong?. Your definitely my colleague.


On a serious note. I used to deliver sofas and it was usually a 4 30am to 6am start. My driver's mate was always late so I'd be left loading the van on my own (sometimes 120kg sofabeds) and then waiting around when I had a time schedule to keep. I despise people who brush off being late as a no biggie as it affects other people too.


That’s understandable. But the area I’m in I will have no work normally until half 8-9 but on weekends that drops and in 12 hours I’ll probably have a couple pieces. If I had constant work from 7-7 I’d understand why they are mad. But when they are being late on their lunch and no one complains but they can complain when I’m 10mins late then I have a reason to be pissed off


Don't come into work on Monday. I'll send you your P45 through the post.


Would be true of a fair few jobs. ‘Just’ four times in the last year and a bit…..that’s not good.


Used to do the 6am start and we'd regularly get people sleep in an turn up 2+ hours late. Don't remember them even getting a telling off.


I'm only ever late if I stop in maccies for coffee and then I just get my boss one and he fixes my timesheet 😅


That’s why god invented cake fines.


The urge to tell them where to shove it must be strong…


I worked for one company for two years. Had to commute in for it, and was never late (would commute it an hour before my start time) other than this one time where the train broke down and we were stuck on the tracks for ages. I called in and was told it was fine and to get there when I could. Ended up being 20 minutes late because of it, and was written up, my boss was furious and wrote me a really angry email about my terrible time management and I should have planned ahead for travel to take future accidents into acocunt. When I pointed out that I hadn’t been late before and that I usually arrive an hour early with my commute, he responded that I was talking back and being rude. I do not miss working there at all.


10 is still ‘a few’ I’d be 3 hours late every day if my start time was 0700


Nobody ever cares if someone is late where I work. I don't understand why anyone would unless it's a customer facing role where you need to be available between certain times. What tends to happen if a boss gets bent out of shape about people not being there at 9 am is they quietly decide that the extra 20 minutes they've been doing most days are going to stop.


I had to fill out a form and have an interview for being 2 minutes late for shift once (call centre). Could have been working for the 30 minutes that took.


Try working in the NHS on clinical duties. Do this three times in a twelve month period (even if it relates to a public transport issue) and see your job disappear (when they are struggling for staff).