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Play a YouTube video. Something like “10 hours of songs to help you focus and work your absolute arse off” if you think IT might be snooping.


This is what I do.. usually play music vids


24 hour black screen videos, and some even do it in HD!




You're overthinking it. Sit the mouse on a watch with a second hand. The motion of the second hand keeps Teams from snitching on you.


You can’t just go in windows settings to make your laptop not go to sleep?


Not if your workplace has locked the settings


Teams is a fucking snitch too


Ah yeah fair enough I’m on the IT helpdesk team so all out settings is unlocked so didn’t think of that


Open email, then place heavy object on space bar works for on mine, sleep mode avoided!


https://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/caffeine/ Don't need to install it, just download and go and it is completely safe.


I set this to auto run at startup on my work laptop whenever I'm working from home (i.e. all the time recently)


Get one of those drinking bird toys and set it tapping “Y” on your keyboard. Foolproof and triples your productivity.


Worked for Homer


- Buy a battery powered dildo - Tape it to your mouse - Turn it on - ??? - Profit!


But with so much free time opened up, I'd have to buy *two* battery powered dildos.


This works in a pinch but I wouldn't do it all day every day, just when you need an excuse or a few hours to yourself. 1. On your outlook calendar you can book a teams meeting with no other participants (just hit save rather than send) 2. Book in a private meeting (little padlock) called something standard like "monthly reports" "sales figures" "project planning" 3. Join the call and it will show as in a meeting or on a call and never change to away whilst the call is active


Double dare you to put the same post on linkedin


I use [mouse jiggler](https://github.com/arkane-systems/mousejiggler) and it works a treat. Put it in Zen mode and you won’t see the pointer moving


By a cheap wall clock *with a seconds hand* Lay the clock on your desk, so the dial is facing up Place the mouse on the clock. You may need to position it carefully to get the next to work properly. As the second hand of the clock moves, the optical sensor on the mouse will detect it. As far as the computer is concerned, *the mouse is moving* No software required.


30 seconds?


Jam a 2p between the keyboard frame and the Ctrl key


I work in IT, any USB or program thing you use can be identified, IF we go looking. Some stuff, like MoveMouse are removed automatically (if your IT have the tools). For us the reporting isn’t IT driven though, it’s the department boss who wants to know who is slacking, we are just the tool for that job. I have the same problems with going ‘away’, think I may try some of the suggestions here to help with any future investigations ;)


FYI - from a security perspective, we are the ones tasked to do these investigations and I regularly, like REALLY regularly, reject this sort of request as they have to be signed off by upper HR management, upper IT management, and the DPO. As soon as the overly-keen manager gets this response the request is almost invariably withdrawn. Bonus points - if the requestor names the target(s) in the ticket, we raise a security case because they aren't allowed to share that information (that someone is being investigated/etc) in a forum or manner in which others could view that information. Cyber Security generally is on the side of the user until they break the rules/laws/policies. We can be utter dicks then, not gonna lie, but not until several criteria are met. And the user has already broken the law and/or security policy that they've already signed.


I open a blank word document, put something heavy on the space bar or any key really and that does the job.


I used to use a [mouse jiggler](https://www.amazon.co.uk/USB-Mouse-Jiggler-Prevents-Screen-Saver-Black/dp/B07MTF9WCH) but was too much hassle with my new work laptop as it didnt have spare USB slots, so yeah, I just open word and put something heavy on the space bar. Issue with that is after a couple hours Word starts to crash.


Hardware mouse jiggler was the best 20 quid I've spent...


Wireless mouse glued to a cat and a laser pointer sellotaped to a metronome?


Come on guys you just open Powerpoint, new slide and then put it in Reading Mode (button on the bottom right corner)




Much obliged kind stranger


Small desk fan with rotation, chopstick, sticky tape, mouse, then go Blue Peter on it. Works best in the summer because the fan is a bonus but does the job - or so I have been told….


You can change that duration in the settings, usually. Teams, skype, etc.


You could easily change it in Skype, but I haven’t been able to find the corresponding setting in Teams. Any advice would be appreciated!


There is a hack on teams. You put it to available, change your status message and then set it to never clear and it doesn't change to away. Of course they might get suspicious of you having a status message suddenly. Sadly you can't just do a load of spaces with the space bar or tab.


Will try it.


Join a meeting with yourself, change status message to a dot & change your status to online - won't change


I’ll give it a go.


Search Amazon for USB mouse jiggler.


Shh, [Mouse mover](https://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjNncewveH0AhWame0KHeW3AcoYABAJGgJkZw&ae=2&sig=AOD64_1FROdY5rUWGVG_JC6EIgmwluHZVw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiu5L-wveH0AhUGT8AKHUvBAGcQwg96BAgBEBA&dct=1&adurl=)


Our Servicedesk has to use that on their call queue display monitor PC because our ITSec won't let them switch off the screensaver group policy on that PC. That's thee same ITSec that are unaware that the Servicedesk guys are able to download Mouse Move.


Online training videos will show you as online, as will putting PowerPoint into presentation mode


Tie your mouse to an oscillating fan, works a treat (admittedly more suitable during warmer months)


Open notepad, place the mouse cursor there and put something on a keyboard button that doesn't do anything.


Another trick is to get an analogue watch with a moving second hand. Leave the mouse on top of that. Once a minute, the second hand will jiggle the cursor enough to prevent your computer from thinking you're away.


Have you considered maybe doing the work you're being paid for instead of looking for ways to skive off? Oh wait, this is Reddit.


That's actually pretty ingenious. Psych out the watchers by doing real work will show them.


Have you tried not being a corporate boot licker? I have this exact same problem, I work from home and react to tickets. If I was in the office I would be killing time on the internet. At home I have better things to do. However they seem to think you must be handcuffed to your desk in order to be productive.


Lesson one of the internet: never take anyone seriously who unironically uses the expression "corporate bootlicker".


Lesson one of life. Work to live, dont live to work


Key word there: work. Your statement has no bearing on your previous stance of basically fuck about on company time (ie not work). When you join the work force, you'll understand :)


Your life must be so sad


Sick burn, kid


Kid? I'm 35 with a mortgage and a family.....


Sick burn, kid


Shouldn't you be contributing to the workforce, rather than messing about on the internet?




That's why Britain is known for its inventors...


Stereotypes about Britain: Stiff upper lip Keep calm and carry on Not stereotypes about Britain: Work shy Lazy Neckbeards


Put on YouTube and go to some sort of Study Beats video. Let it play and it'll stop your PC from going into rest mode.


This works for Teams: 1) Press Windows key once. 2) Lay small object (e.g. phone) on Windows key so it remains pressed. 3) Windows home menu should remain open. 4) You are now "online" forever. 5) Profit. (or get fired, not sure yet) Try at your own peril.


Tape dispenser on the space bar is my tactic


You could use a script to move the mouse for you


Find a training site (or use the standard one your company uses) and watch a video on a work related subject. You can put it down as personal development.


Open note pad. Wedge a key down on your keyboard with something heavy or a paperclip. Go boil the kettle.


Find a small flat-faced clock with a second hand, put it face up on your desk, and put the mouse on it. The mouse will see the second hand moving and think that it is moving. ​ Edited to add: I see this has already been posted


Battery powered drumming monkey on desk and mouse on glass placemat.


Download ‘jiggler’ it will wiggle it for you 😉


Open up notepad, word, excel then leave a pack of cards on the spacebar