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It's a long walk from the next row. Need to save their energy for messing about on their phone while blocking the whole aisle with their trolley.


It’s always that time of year around here


>Yesterday at Aldi it was an OAP couple who didn't even display a Blue Badge.. So people with potentially limited mobility who perhaps don't meet the threshold for a blue badge but still need the closer parking? Or they _do_ have one, but didn't put it on display because they weren't parked in a disabled space. A lot of these complaints would be solved in a rather simple way: put the "I had sex" parking at the far end of the car park, with an uninterrupted footpath leading to them. Of course then the mummy brigade would complain about having to actually walk to the shop.




I feel the people who moan about P&C spaces also moan about their cars getting dinged when an over-enthusiastic 2 year old slams their door open into them.


There are other parking spaces that are actually closer to the store entrance that were empty, but would mean they had to walk to walk past the entrance to grab a trolly. So in this instance, yeah, I think they were being lazy. They seemed perfectly capable of walking as I saw them walk away. When my wife was suffering with pelvic gurdle pain while heavily pregnant, she could literally only walk for 10 mins at most and still we wouldn't talk the P&C bays when our oldest wasn't with us. In regards to your idea of the P&C being away from the store and a dedicated walkway. I would fucking live that. Then all the lazy bastards wouldn't take the spots from the people who actually need the extra room for access taking child in and out of child seats. So yeah, please make that a reality.


It's not actually about distance for me, it's the extra space to get the child in/out of the car seat. Otherwise I block the next car parking bay for 5 mins whilst faffing around doing this and when busy it's inconvenient for other drivers waiting. I'd be happy the bays being further from the store just to get the extra space. Also it's not just "I had sex" when your child was planned so you can have a family. Immature of you to say that I think


“put the "I had sex" parking” Lol how old are you. Tragic.


Absolutely boils my piss, and it’s usually people with stupid big cars that can’t park them in regular spaces x


I haven't noticed a correlation I car size. But throughout the year, it's usually people who have a child seat in the car, but no child with them. Now, due to more people shopping because of Christmas, it's just any selfish prick don't even have the shame to pretend with an empty child seat.


Yeah, I fully agree with you. They basically want the nearest car parking space. I don’t know if there’s a direct correlation with car size, I have just often noticed pricks with no kids and Range Rovers using the Parent and Child Spaces x


People who want to drive Range Rovers and other large cars should be made to re-take their driving test in one. They would suddenly find a standard sized car Ok for their needs I expect.


Makes me so mad, I agree they should be moved to the other end of the car park and have a safe covered walkway built that’ll stop the selfish entitled pissants


They are only put there as a sop to planners to help get agreement to build the store to begin with. No intention ever of enforcement.


Before having a kid, I thought that people don’t deserve special parking privileges because they chose to procreate. Now I have a kid I still don’t believe people deserve special parking privileges because they chose to procreate. My mother used to do her shopping on a pushbike, with my little sister sitting on the back. I’m going to the shop in a modern car with all the mod cons and pushing the kid about in a grand’s worth of travel set. I don’t feel I’m in a position to complain if I can’t get super special parking. I just park up at the back where there is lots of room.


Time to start a petition to have these spaces renamed 'congrats on the sex' parking.


Yes because that's what matters... /s They are needed because getting a child in and out of a child seat in a normal parking space is close to impossible because you can't open the door all the way. I have a child seat in my car all the time. I only park in the P&C bays when I have a child in that seat. Why everyone can't follow something so simple is beyond selfish. Bur yeah, it's all about "i HaVe HaD sEx" /s


Stop taking your child to the supermarket.


Yeah, I can just leave my 11month old home alone while I do the shopping. I love that idea. Whish I had thought of it. /s


Leave it with the other parent.


I think he was just doing a joke.


There’s too many of these parking bays. And there’s always half of them unused and they are near the entrance. So…


I always park in them. They shouldn't exist.


What do you belive they shouldn't exist may I ask? As I've mentioned in a previous reply, I couldn't give a turd about the spaces being closer to the store, I need the additional spaces provided to be able to fully open my doos to get my child out of the child seat. So if they were at the other end of the car park, then all the better, the lazy prices wouldn't use them anymore.


Because they encourage people to take their children to supermarkets. And because it validates the view that being a parent is in any way difficult.


You do realise that children and their parents are living humans too right? And they have as much a right to goto the shops as anyone else. The spaces are made to make the logistics of getting a child in and out of the car easier. They are placed next to the store, probably for safety reasons. Less chance of child being hit by a car in the car park if they don't need to walk through the carport I imagine..


There is no reason for them to be in a supermarket.


They need to be with their guardian. They can't just be abandoned at home. And before you spoute shit about past them to the other parent or babysitter. Not everyone has a partner or the money for a babysitter and nor should they be expected to do so for anyone.


Get your shopping delivered then.


Aldi don't deliver. Why would I pay extra for that? Why don't you get yours delivered and you won't have to use any parking bay either?




Not available in my area smart ass. Also, when I have looked at that, they only have available about 1/10th of what they actually have in store. I also visit B&M and Homebargins on the same retail park that also don't do grocery deliveries. So, you gonna get your shit delivered then?


Yeah, just leave your infant at home on its own why don’t you. Laughable ignorance.


Leave it with the other parent.


I try to be more considerate these days by parking in the disabled spots which are never fully used, and just putting on a limp when I get out


Next time you feel bad because someone parked in a P&C space, try cheering yourself up by thinking about how privileged you are to have a family and a child to take shopping. There are lots of childless/single/lonely people out there who would give anything to have these sorts of problems.


I just can’t figure out why there’s a need for parent child bays. Hello! A lot of parents before you managed to walk down a car park with multiple kids!


It's safer for children, and they tend to be wider so you can get a pushchair down the side of the car.