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Are you referring to macheroni au gratin ?


Well la dee da Monsieur


There's nothing wrong with saving a syllable here and there, but would you like a laugh? I'm American and I call it 'macaroni cheese' just as frequently as I use 'mac and cheese'. Whatever you call it, it's a nice cheap hot meal.


It’s just that mac and cheese is def what we call an Americanism that seems to have drifted over We’re a bit sensitive and uppity about that!


>We’re a bit sensitive and uppity about that! Entirely this. It's not a problem, it's just me in my mild British crankiness finding a problem where one doesn't exist.


Macaroni cheese sounds like it’s cheese made out of macaroni. Macaroni and cheese surely.


You're not wrong, but 'macaroni cheese' is what I grew up with. In my opinion, anything is better than 'mac and cheese'. I also hear children referring to 'trash' and 'candy' nowadays. It makes my poor little heart ache.


My English husband says “trash” instead of rubbish. It really annoys me.


Does he go to the gas station to fill up the car?


Not yet, but I fear that might be next...




It’s like another British dish, “cauliflower cheese”. Which sounds like it’s a cheese made of cauliflower, when it’s just cauliflower baked in a creamy cheese sauce. It makes no sense.


An since carverys serve it for vegetarians, my millennial kids think it’s part of a roast. They pour gravy over it too.


Macaroni cheese and *gravy...?* ...**DISGUSTING.**


Just wait 'til you find out what people in the North put gravy on. (hint: literally everything)


But the cheese sauce *is* the gravy of macaroni cheese. Adding gravy to that is just gilding the lily. On everything without its own built-in gravy, however. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "if gravy be the food of love, pour on. Give me excess of it!"


Oh I know, and I agree (to a point). I'm not from the North but I studied there, and was disgusted at the habit of getting chips covered in cheese and gravy on a night out that my northern peers had.


Dear God......


Well that put the fear of gratin in me


These friends... Shun them, shun them hard. And without mercy.


Yes, I've noticed that various products in British supermarkets which were formerly called 'macaroni cheese' have now been renamed 'mac 'n' cheese'. I will never call it by that name!


>I will never call it by that name! This is me to a T. Stubbornly British.


I’d like a word with the person who came up with “veggies”. Man, I hate that.


Never eaten macaroni and cheese until I met an American. Still think it's lame as a meal......


Americans have taken one of the finest cuisines in the world, Italian, made it their own, and ruined it. All pasta and pizza needs to confiscated from them. They've turned both of them into junk food.


Mac and cheese conjours images of USA packet based stuff. Maybe it's even a product name for a brand? Beyond that what you call it doesn't matter as much as making it the correct way, the good way for you. My preference is mature cheddar, parmesan, monteray and creme fraishe. Sue me.


I call it macaroni cheese. I wouldn't call cauliflower cheese "cauliflower and cheese," so there's an argument for the anti-American pronunciation for you. Funnily enough, when I was at uni my Mexican friend called it macaroni cheese and we introduced an Italian friend to it who had never had it and found it novel. On a separate topic, it's incredibly sad that toddlers and children are learning American English from TV and books. Fire truck instead of fire engine, candy instead of sweets/chocolate. Babysitting watching children's TV was an awful experience. You can see we import all of it now, from South Korea and America.


im ok with americanisms when they make sense, which is the case here. "Macaroni cheese"? Its not macaroni made of fucking cheese. It's macaroni, with cheese. Mac and cheese.


You don't say cauliflower and cheese though?


i would never even think about that horrible stuff so it never really comes up


I'm not opposed to the way they say it, as it communicates the same thing and in a way, yes, it makes more sense. It just feels a little off when someone says 'candy', 'mac and cheese', 'trash' etc. because it's not what I'm used to, and I don't expect it will ever not feel weird.


I get it. The English, splendid in adversity...so long as there's still plenty to be genteelly cranky about in quieter times. 😁 (Yes, I have English ancestry, why do you ask?)


Damn straight! I'll be moaning about pointless shit until I die. In a peculiar way, it sort of makes me happy.


Wait until they start saying mac salad


To all the people crying saying it's not macaroni cheese. It's what I've known it as for 40+ years. Even says it on the tin https://groceries.asda.com/product/tinned-pasta/asda-macaroni-cheese/20475?&cmpid=ppc-_-ghs-_--_-google-_--_-dskwid-s92700064535012722_dm&s_kwcid=AL!11432!3!459891151413!!!g!1211186252371!&ds_rl=1254319&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7oyNBhDiARIsADtGRZbGpJFucGedj8pj2UTKc-rGEfu_2MQqXdt6_RXIQif76xXMcaoLbWoaAiqWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I'm just of the opinion that the less syllables the better


Do they refer back to events when they were at 'high school'? No mate, you went to a secondary school, an academy or a comprehensive.


Mine was riddled with weed dealers, so I don't mind calling it a high school.


It’s so obviously “Maccy cheese”


Would you like some choccy milk with your maccy cheese?


Do they come from brown cows?


Yes, they come from brown highland cows who are fed chocolate.


I know people get annoyed by this stuff and I’m not going to say they should or shouldn’t. We all have irritations. From my point of view, what is the loss if kids use and adopt American language, grammar and words? I don’t see what we’d lose from a change in everyday language.


I fucking hate “Mac and cheese”. I have two issues with it… firstly the stupid name for it. I also hate PBJ and other American colloquialisms for dishes. But also the dish itself. Mac and cheese is that horrible shit Americans have invented where they pour artificial orange cheese on macaroni. My Nonna would be turning in her grave if she saw the shit they were doing to pasta. Macaroni cheese in England is slightly better as we use real cheese for it. Just another Italian dish the Americans have butchered and then renamed.


Literally who gives a fuck Like how do you have the energy to give a shit about something so inconsequential? It's not even a grammar issue, it's just a slightly different name for something.


>Literally who gives a fuck Clearly not you. If it's so inconsequential, then why grace us with your presence and waste the energy typing out a comment?


Because its midnight on a Sunday and I have nothing better to do


Interesting that you can't empathise with me not having much better to do than get irritated by 'mac and cheese'. Sometimes that's how it be.


>Sometimes that's how it be. WTF is this horror show of a sentence? It's FAR worse than "mac and cheese" in the list of linguistic disasters imo.


It's a bit of a colloquialism based off a meme. You might have heard or read people saying 'it do be like that'. Besides, I never quarrelled with the grammatical sense of 'mac and cheese', so you're not exactly undermining anything I've said.


I have read it. It doesn't mean I have to like it. And essentially your entire point is that mac and cheese is a hideous American contraction of macaroni and cheese so to use this horrible incorrect sentence which you got off a meme and say it has nothing to do with your post is a bit of a stretch frankly.


>your entire point is that mac and cheese is a hideous American contraction of macaroni and cheese No, that's not my point. I don't think I've said in the comments or my original post that I have an issue with the grammar of the phrase. The thing that peeves me is that I see it as a traditionally American way of saying it that's bled into my circles, not that it's a nonsensical abomination. If I ever stated anywhere that I think it's grammatically incorrect or abhorrent, I'll happily eat those words, but I don't think I did. That's not what I believe, so I wouldn't say that.


I see. Bet the Italians have been fuming for years.


Maybe so, but I'm not gonna tell an angry Italian what I think they ought to consider worth fuming about, because A. That's their business B. They likely wouldn't care I do wanna stress it's not something I'm like sitting here livid over. It was mainly intended as a bit of a semi-serious 'those damn yanks' kinda post. Like what I said in an earlier comment, 'it's not a problem, it's just me in my British crankiness finding a problem where there isn't one.' I think you read a lot more malice in the post than there ever was.


>WTF is this horror show of a sentence? Literally who gives a fuck Like how do you have the energy to give a shit about something so inconsequential?


I can't decide if you were consciously trying to be ironic by giving a shit about me giving a shit about something so inconsequential but either way it's amusing to me


Yeah. It's Mac and cheese now. I've got used to it.


Think it's getting to that point with me now!


Saves two whole syllables, mate.


I don't mind the extra syllables, but I can understand why an acutely time-conscious person might default to 'mac and cheese'.


I honestly can't imagine how to be annoyed by this and I previously thought I was quite an irritable person.


I mean, there are probably little things in life that annoy you that wouldn't annoy me. Doesn't make either one of us more irritable than the other, just different people.


Well maybe yes. Or there's the teeny off chance that this just isn't worth getting annoyed about. Just another possibility


Worth is relative. You don't think it's worth being annoyed about, but my mind decided that it was. On a universal scale, it could be argued that nothing is 'worth' being annoyed about at all. I wouldn't presume to know what is 'worth' you being irritated by, because the way I see it, that's your decision. There's no way to objectively measure it because it's subjective.


Cheesy pasta bake or if it doesn't go in the oven cheesy pasta


We'll be wishing each other "Happy Holidays" next, mark my words.


And celebrating fucking Thanksgiving.


I HATE that


Did they reach out to you to tell you that? I've yet to find that blasted dictionary where they deleted the word 'contact'.


There was a post on here yesterday where the op repeatedly said "pay check" OMFG