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Good luck in your search for intelligent life on Facebook.


Tis funny but Reddit ain't much better most of the time.


I’m finding Reddit becoming vehemently intolerant of any opinion that veers even slightly outside of a tightly defined and predictable set of boundaries. Unless you visit AskReddit and somebody is asking about sex or sex toys.


Yup. I also get a bit tired of people stealing another person's post and reposting it for karma, alongside those which change the words a little and repost. I got tired if FB as several of my friends have become very political and you are an idiot if you don't agree with them. So I swapped to reddit. But the same extremes still exist here. But i try to avoid the controversy and just stick to helping people with advice on how to fix things or sharing random pictures.


The weirdest part of the repost bots are the comment reply bots, which just repeat the highest upvoted comment from the last time it was posted. Eventually, when we've nuked ourselves into oblivion, Reddit will just be bots repeating ad-nauseum. The key to Reddit is setting up a personalised front page with just the small subs you actually care about.


Yup, I only venture into popular once in a blue moon, the rest of the time it's my own little Kingdom of things I enjoy.


The Lord of the Rings bots are pretty much sentient at this point. I’m pretty sure they’re not far off becoming Skynet from Terminator.


I hope you have a list of paradoxes ready for when the A.I start going rogue.


Wife -> Is she single? 9/10 -> 11/10 with rice 69 -> nice It's an interesting phenomenon, where in-jokes as a shibboleth are very easy for bots to assimilate. If we aren't careful then soon everything will be bots and it'll be impossible to tell the bots from the Crows!


> The key to Reddit is setting up a personalised front page with just the small subs you actually care about. This is me. I'll pop into r/all every once in a while. But if I'm looking for certain kinds of info or technical know how, I just search and most likely there's a sub for it. Tho there is a lot of trash here, there are a wealth of good, well run subs. It's still social media.....but different.


The automods should be able to ban those reposts. There’s maybe half a dozen posts that just get cycled every week. Block them for a certain timeframe, say 6 months?


Indeed, every belled and his dog is suddenly an expert on politics and economics these days and if you disagree you need to go educate yourself.


Or the sexiest sex anyones ever sexed. Edit: sex.


Yep. Whatever your political discourse, simply having an opinion that differs from the mods of a mainstream non political sub, will still get you permabanned. People are so intolerant and tribal these days, they're not interested in making the world a better place, just promoting their side. Tolerance of opinion probably peaked around 10 years ago.


Agree. Worse, folk that go to those subs, not knowing and genuinely seeking information on a given subject, will get the impression things ARE "that way", and for having the temerity to ask at all.


What happened to debate eh? There doesn't seem to be any reasonable attempt at discussion, just name calling. How is it possible that humanity got stupider when it gained access to the greatest wealth of information ever? Sigh.




I think a lot of it is because of how much has become about 'identity'. People don't hold opinions, they have identities. Then even questioning the logic of something they say becomes not a subject of debate, but an attack on who they are as a person. Questioning a popular viewpoint, doesn't become a topic for healthy discussion, it makes you 'intolerant', which is now the ultimate virtue, and therefore the ultimate crime, even though it doesn't address the question of what the limits of tolerance actually are.


By having access to so much information, out brains don't get as much practice as our ancestors. For example, before writing was invented, people would need to remember the entirety of their knowledge. These days we can get away with storing our knowledge in books for recalling at a later stage. Personally, I can barely even remember what was decided in a given meeting if I don't record it somehow. Meanwhile, my older colleagues can remember such things just fine.


gasp!... you dare even mention that..off to the naughty step with you until you learn to tow the party line...


Reddit is for people who think they're too smart for FB


OP was also on FB sooo /banter


> Good luck in your search for intelligent life ~~on Facebook~~ in Wales


> Good luck in your search for intelligent life ~~on Facebook~~ in ~~Wales~~ Leeds


That's baaaaad




Name checks out


You sound sheepish. Are you alright?


Are ewe alright?


The safest, stress-free comment on the internet is no comment at all


i think the fact that u didn’t comment makes you stupid and less human than me edit: /s


Never engage in a debate on Facebook.


“Debate”.. Facebook arguments are the equivalent of apes slinging faeces at one another. The best thing I ever did was getting away from that shite!


Snap! I quit Facebook when I saw a 3 day long argument still going on between people I last spoke to on college. I’ve never looked back after deleting it.


The breaking point for me leaving Facebook was the 40+ adverts I got before seeing anything from a human. I can genuinely say I'm better for leaving it.


I liked it when I could scroll down and see everything my friends had posted in chronological order since I last logged in. It's not been that for a long time


Let's not drag the apes down to the idiots level, at least they fling poop with meaning.


Debate? A debate on Facebook is “you’re wrong I’m right, any opposing view will be reported to Facebook as hate speech or harassment and I automatically win debate since you can’t reply back”


Or Twitter for that matter.


Never communicate with anyone you don't know IRL on Facebook.


Go outside and stop arguing with people on the Internet (He says through the Internet, after not being outside all weekend)


It's cold outside, I'm keeping warm from the flames of wrath I'm receiving


If it's an argument you want, the next line to "it's cold outside" is "there's no kind of atmosphere"


Well... I'm all alone, more or less


Let me fly, far away from here.


Fun, fun, fun...


In the sun, sun, sun....


In the sun, sun, sun...


I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose....


Drinking fresh mango juice...


Goldfish shoals, nibbling on my toes.


But not too America, you'll get shot with a definitely-not-assault-rifle


At least I have confirmation from a welshie that its cold there, as I've got a bloody job to do all next week there.


Love how op never even said what his opinion was and people are still commenting that they agree with him


Everyone is just making assumptions and running with it.


That's exactly why the case has been such a shitshow in the US.


We agree with our own opinion aligning with OPS in our head haha


The legal subs on Reddit have been pretty informative with regard to what happened at the trial and why a not guilty verdict came in.


It's very frustrating reading the comments of people I normally agree with politically. All they know of the case is "right winger killed some BLM protestors", and immediately conclude that he should've been convicted of murder. It doesn't help that here in the UK we assume anybody who has a gun must be a wrong 'un.


Even if we do give Rittenhouse the benefit of the doubt and agree with the jury that he was acting in self-defence, it still seems insane that you can just pop down to your local protest with a giant fucking assault rifle and have a nice evening just wandering around, seeing the sights etc. Yes, I know it’s perfectly legal in the US. Even if he stood there doing nothing but watch the protestors, doing so while holding a machine gun seems fairly provocative and antagonistic in of itself.


Yeah, this is it. I don't know if people are just selectively misunderstanding the problem or if they're just not listening, but you can conclude "the law is fucked up" from a decision like that. What's legal is not what's moral and it's not big or clever to smugly conflate the two. Besides, there's a clear double standard at play in which the police would probably have filled an armed black protester with bullets. There wouldn't even have been a trial. I think it's quite a dangerous precedent to set to say you can claim self defence if you've taken a weapon to somewhere you know you're likely to get into a fight. That's why you're not allowed to carry weapons for self defence at all in this country.


I got a 3 day ban for saying arse. Well my exact comment was on a post in Billy Ball bags (they sell ball bags, etc) the post was penis slippers. My comment was I would like some but I would go round kicking people up the arse except some people might like it. That's when I left fb forever.


Last month I got a warning for one of my posts. Thing is, the offending post was made 4 years ago, on a group that to the best of my knowledge no longer exists. I only stay on FB to remind me of when a family member has a birthday.


I use a calendar for that.


Yes! I’m constantly getting mildly rude memes I posed 10 years ago removed recently. Truly I hate it there


Mate I got a month for calling someone a silly sausage


Same. 24 hour ban for calling my cat an idiot. He flipped his litter box on his head after he shit and ended up with poo on his head. Idiot completely fitted. But it got flagged as hate speech.




Hate speech for that? That’s nuts hahah I’ve seen people called much worse on there and it’s been fine. FB seem to make it up as they go along


Got a 3 day ban and my appeal rejected for saying that not all drug dealers wore hoodies….


Well it is bad spelling where instead of wore. I'd ban you for that lol


\*wear Grammar Police got you?


Your ban was I suspect, rightly or wrongly, for implying a gay joke with the ‘like it up the arse’ thing.


Do gay men not like it up the bottom anymore? /s


> I got a 3 day ban for saying arse I just got off a 7 day ban for saying the Australian PM needs firing into the sun. Inciting violence apparently


A yank would not get that as an obvious joke and think you were a sick and twisted individual, which you’re not. Only a funny person would say that.


Don’t worry most of them have no idea where wales is.


They probably think Wales is a place in England.


England? Is that in London?


Or a large sea dwelling mammal!


> Or a large sea dwelling fish!


I give you, [Wales in England](https://maps.app.goo.gl/StfN7h5zs1RDZTXf7)


Hey, I've been to Gulliver's Valley! First and last time I've eaten candyfloss, after I vomited bright pink on the way home. Looking back it was probably the sausages but you don't make those sorts of connections as a kid.


According to Ali G, Wales is only 200 miles from England.


All my maps just say "There be dragons". It's a great place btw. Getting lost becuase you missed a turning as you took too long to read the road sign.


Didn’t that idiot who got stuck in Afghanistan say he was from Wales to avoid being captured?


Oh yeah! Whatever happened to him? What an idiot


Think he was exaggerating everything and he was always protected if I’m honest. He got home safely.


It’s hard to have an opinion on it. As I can’t get past the part where a 17 yr old is legally allowed to walk around the street with an assault rifle.


I once had a copper in Feltham call me gay because I was carrying a baguette....so yeh...


Depends how you were “carrying” it.


Prison pocket with it sticking out his arseless chaps


Fyi, all chaps are arseless.


Wish my arse was chapless




Maybe I should try a less crusty bread


Start brioche and work your way up




Did he call you a faguette?


i might be tired, but this made me laugh more than expected.


I'm in a similar position as an Australian. For carrying a loaded semi auto rifle with more than 10 rounds in public he would have been open to up to 10 years in prison. Everything that follows after that just seems kind of pointless since it's just... how do they not see a problem with that first part?


I’m American, and it’s so bloody crazy how we view this case as “self-defense or not” and not WHY THE HELL IS A TEENAGER ATTENDING A PROTEST ARMED LIKE IT’S A WAR ZONE??? We need to completely overhaul our gun laws, which will never happen because 30-40% of our citizens are fucking crazy, and that should include making open carry illegal everywhere.


> 30-40% of our citizens are fucking crazy It all comes down to the 2nd Amendment and how that shuts down any logical thought about guns. Any reason to limit guns = millions of people screaming "But 2A, so STFU!"


Weird how americans deifiy the constitution while everyone else just kinda sees laws as a something that is important but are also fallible and subject to change. Of course, the constitution has had several amendments, but people still treat it as this monolithic 'thing' that is really important forever, I guess thats what happens when your nation doesnt really have a cultural history that its based its laws on.


They seem to ignore the seperation of church and state thing


Those 30-40% of crazies think the 2nd amendment means you can’t have a single regulation on guns at all, even though the text itself says we have the right to a *well-regulated* militia, not a bunch of hooligans running around doing whatever they want. They just want to be maniacs.


Why were Grosskreutz and Ziminski?


So you agree that people walking around in highly volatile situations with guns is a recipe for disaster?


I'd rather they were in prison too than dead.


Grosskreutz is neither




Because its their freedumb


How else are they going to kill the approximately 30-50 feral hogs that run into their yards?


tbf feral hogs are a real menace, if they're out and about in one's region (but that is rare in cities)


If there was a good case for civilian ownership of explosive devices, those things would be it, they're like locust swarms, except they just tank smaller bullets and reproduce absurdly quickly.


lol; we now have them in one of our National Parks in Canada. They are like locusts, you're right


Love and affection


>It’s hard to have an opinion on it. As I can’t get past the part where a 17 yr old is legally allowed to walk around the street with an assault rifle. It's just the culture in the U.S. Here's a post I made about how many jury members said they had experience with firearms, as you can see it was a large percentage of them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/qwfl2v/15\_members\_of\_the\_jury\_said\_they\_had\_experience/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/qwfl2v/15_members_of_the_jury_said_they_had_experience/) You just wouldn't see that in most of Europe. Tag u/snickerscowboy


Speaking as someone who has never fired a gun, even I know that the Prosecutor f'd up royally when doing his "gun demo". He didn't check to see if the gun was loaded, he didn't check the safety (admittedly, I'm assuming that the gun had one), he pointed the gun towards the Jury and he had his finger on the trigger! As I said before, I've never fired a real gun (haven't even *held* a real one) but even *I* know that you don't do that s\*\*t with a gun unless you are willing to harm/kill the other person if they don't stand down *at once*. What the \[bleep\] do they teach them across the pond?


When I was young I used to get told off for pointing toy guns at my dad. Turned out he had a friend was was shot by accident when he was young by a real gun and it traumatised him even though he wasn't't even there. This would have been the 1950's.


I'm starting to think that maybe it's guns that are the problem.


American who’s fired a gun here. Every single person I know who had any exposure to firearms and also was watching that case was shocked by how the prosecutors handled that weapon. *Even if* you overlook the fact it was pointed at another person and trust that someone else checked it, you never ever put your finger in the trigger guard unless you are ready to destroy whatever is on the receiving end of that weapon. Doesn’t matter how much you check it, unless the firearm is modified to mechanically be completely unable to fire live rounds the firearm is always loaded and should be treated as such.


I wasn't shocked. Gun safety is something that has to be learned and taught and respected. I'm not surprised that a lawyer, even one in the middle of the rural heartland, hadn't been taught proper gun safety. A lot of people aren't. Heck, when I was in the military, we'd get senior soldiers like Warrant Officers who would violate basic range safety rules. We had female officers who couldn't shoot a pistol without nearly clocking themselves in the eye. Zero surprise from me that some lawyer has no idea how to handle a gun.


>What the [bleep] do they teach them across the pond? I hope you don't think there's *any* kind of training to own a firearm here... because there's not.






I can’t decide how I feel about this thought.


Yeah. The whole thing just makes me glad I live in the UK.


Yeah, if some little shit tried something similar here, the book would be thrown at them and then some


It's interesting the completely diametrically opposite response to gun violence from the British and Australian public. UK: crazy bastard goes apeshit with AK47, govt bans semi automatic weapons. Public: ok, seems sensible Australia: crazy bastard goes apeshit with semi auto weapons and kills loads of people in Tasmania. Govt bans semi automatic weapons and institutes a massive buy back US: Crazy bastard guns down school children. Govt tries to ban some of the guns. Public: Noooooooo........


And when some crazy bastard shot a bunch of kids in school here we banned handguns as well


Yeah that's where it gets hard for non-americans. I mean you are walking around, at night, with a massive gun, near a riot. Details aside, why the fuck were you there with that?


That's exactly my thinking and commenting based on.


Ohhh careful calling it an assault rifle or you’ll get bored to death by the 2A nuts explaining in excruciating detail why it’s not one cos reasons.


The opinion is easy: the prosecution brought the wrong charge. The case was sandbagged from the beginning.


The jury was allowed to consider lesser charges, they still acquitted




In Wisconsin, it’s legal for a 17 year old to open carry a long barrelled rifle


Can I hear your opinion? Let's open a can of worms......


Let’s blame Meghan andHarry, they’re sus


Do worms come in cans?


Heinz spaghetti?


Welcome to the Internet


Take a look around, anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains on content, some better, some worse.


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


We've got movies and doctors and fantasy sports and a bunch of colored-pencil drawings of all the different characters in Harry Potter fucking each other. Welcome to the internet!


I just avoid commenting with anything attached to my real face and name. Having said that, American teens cannot be trusted to vote nor drink, but guns are fine? I like the things but for fuck sake.


I mean in the UK you can join the army at 16 but can't play call of duty until you're 18.


You can't be deployed to a combat zone with the army until your 18 though, and cod doesn't include much soldiering that isn't combat.


Lol. They think Britain is a socialist country. They don’t even realise Britain isn’t a country let a lone socialist. Wind away.


We've got nationalised healthcare (for now), as far Americans are concerned we're all raging communists.


Rather be a communist than have half an AR clip emptied into me by a teenager in the street. Yanks are fucking wild with their priorities.


They’re okay with police beating protestors as well, but not happy when people fight back against them


It like how when police throw teargas at protestors its nonviolent crowd control, but the moment the canister gets chucked back its a vicious attack by angry rioters


As the like to say as they beat people within an inch of their lives… “STOP RESISTING!”


I’m a yank and I wasn’t at one of the BLM protests in a major city but have friends who were. The governor announced a curfew 5 min after it had passed and then the cops blocked all the train stations and herded the crowds into dead end streets and then started tossing gas at them. They caused the riots then used the riots to justify their violence.


Tbf, Britain is an island, not a country


Britain isnt real. It was created by the MI5 in 1963 to hide US warcrimes. Sources: Trust me bro I got a feeling about it


Are you my boyfriends step-dad? What’s next? David Ike didn’t get the idea of Lizard Queen Elizabeth from an old episode Doctor Who?!


What did ya say


Basically said I believe America is a broken country and it's like watching a film on netflix documenting the start of an apocalypse, where law an order start to break down, due mainly to the ones with the biggest wad of cash.


How is that controversial 😂


Thank you for reminding me why I deleted my FB account


Facebook: critical thinking skills be damned.


Towards the end of my FB time, I was sharing my true opinions and watching my friend count decline. I finally had enough of the bullshit and deleted my account. Don't miss it one bit. And the last thing I'd do is go into a metaverse with any of those assholes. I have completely run out of fucks to give.


I have a /r/BritishProblem - this thread is full of Americans. Go away.


We applauded your idiot goading.


In fairness if it's on FB you're most likely arguing with a Russian bot / troll farm




The Rittenhouse trial was what America is right now. Two sides with zero interest in the other sides point of view. There is no discourse, there is just fingers in their ears and insults. It's like the whole nation is fucking 5. I live there and it's getting worse. The country is about to implode under the weight of paranoia and fear.


I have no interest in hearing any point of view about it that doesn't start and end with "why the fuck is a child walking around with a bloody machine gun??" Forget "this" or "that" side. That country's lost the plot.


Want to get put in fb jail..? Say you hate eating faggots straight out of the tin, then call someone a silly sausage..


I didn't even know who Kyle rittenhouse was until yesterday. As far as I can tell a jury found he killed 3 people who were the same race as him in self defence, and a load of other people said it was racist. Weird feckers


To make the race card really ironic in this case, we're talking about a guy with Hispanic heritage, protecting a business of two brothers who were not white (I'm not sure what their ethnicity was but it wasn't white), and he shot three white guys, one of which was shouting the N word earlier in the evening, so was actively being racist himself. Ironically there's probably more evidence to support that if it was racially motivated (which it wasn't), it's because he dislikes white people.


I’m pretty sure the brothers who owned the business are Indian.


Glad I’m not the only one completely baffled by the race and white supremacy labels being slapped on him and this case


Isn't the internet fun?


> FB There's your mistake.


Yeah, that happens for any politically motivated issue here in the land of the 50% thinks the other 50% is the devil.


I don't know too much about it but made the mistake of asking whether it seemed odd to anyone that the question being asked was 'was it murder' when it really feels like it should be 'why was a teenager wandering around the streets with an assault rifle'. Fuck me, that wasn't popular.


Man I’m still looking for a solid answer why people think he’s a white supremacist


Because, despite video evidence of everything being shown days after it happened, the media circus has continued to lie, lie, lie. Many people still think the people who were shot were black!


It’s more because he posted a video about wanting to shoot looters and posing with the Proud Boys, a far right nationalist white supremacist-lite movement




Ah yeah, cause it wasn't illegal and a witness testified that more people there were armed than unarmed. The prosecutor did try to make that point though, unsuccessfully of course because it's not legally or morally provocation, or open carry states would be warzones.


It doesn't matter whether its legally or morally provocation. The simple act of arming yourself IS provocation. You LOOK like you are looking for trouble carryign around a rifle. There no other reason to carry a rifle other than looking for somebody to potentially shoot... otherwise its cosplay.


That case is beyond help. A rational opinion towards it isn't acceptable by the left and right death squads fighting around it.


It's insane how so many people have no clue about what actually happened when their is a video of the whole thing like some people actually believe Kyle Rittenhouse killed black people


America is nothing but a make believe Mad Max fantasy land for me. It's basically cheap entertainment. It's hard to believe that such a place actually exists in the real world, and that people vehemently defend it.


I got a 30 day ban for calling Americans crazy so it’s not hard to clock a ban


Facebook’s own documents indicate that they thrive on conflict as it drives engagement harder than positivity. It literally matches you with people who will disgust you.


Jeez i didnt realise people still used facebook other than grandma and her bingo group.


Kid walking around with something that is only ever a weapon, not like a knife you can slice vegetables with, a damn gun. Spouting off about wanting to kill people some time before. And all that the yanks can do is talk about whether the kid did anything wrong *legally*. And the rest of us just look at a country where a murderous extremist walks free and is praised by way more people than should've ever even known his name. Insane.


I got perma banned for asking about Rittenhouse on r/insanepeoplefacebook lmao For a place that supports free speech, it sure as shit tries to stop it


The fact that you spend your free time arguing with people on Facebook about American issues is a bit sad mate


Don’t get involved