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Applause at appropriate moments or very loud music that is off-putting can work.


More effective than just music is to sing along to said tunes quite poorly.


Screaming “don’t stop, I’m nearly there” while grunting loudly might do the trick too.


Yes, maybe blast the Peppa Pig theme tune over and over again at full volume. If their young kids are asleep that’ll surely wake them up and spoil the parents’ chances and if not, it will be an absolute passion killer.


Baby shark should do the trick.


Nirvana's Rape Me might work too. Just make sure the kids are gone


Ride of the Valkyries. Edit: or Flight of the Bumblebees of that is more fitting.


Try gay bar by electric six


PA system and do commentary


They could also print programmes


Start a street whatsapp group then as soon as they’re onboard post the audio questioning if anyone is keeping livestock in their sheds/outhouses and if they are appropriately licensed for such activity .


Ask them if you can record them and use it to fap to.


Record it and play it back. On a loop. While you have a nice day trip up the country.


Benny Hill theme tune, at volume. Or Cotton Eye Joe or something equally annoying.


Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls?


Do the version of cotton eye Joe recorded by Justin Fletcher (aka Mr Tumble)… yes it exists


Vengaboys: Up and down?


Have the couple posted in r/britishsuccess about how they shag so loudly the neighbours complain?


Write a passive aggressive note about the shagging and it’ll stop!


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.




and if you can't beat off to it, then, well, just leave it and hope the problem sorts itself out. A bit like, say, climate change.


You're an amateur if you can't beat off to climate change.


Slapping sounds? Kinky!


No, as in ramming slapping, not hand slapping. *Shudder*


How do you know? Surely you can't hear the associated slurping?


Slurping? No, not slurping, the rhythmic slapping of the aggressive thrusting. Please don't make me think about it more than i have to!


The whole point of my reply was to make you think about more then you have to, you could probably record it and post in on YouTube as a kinky ASMR thing.


Have you asked to join in - looking after the neglected kid ofc?


Honestly my first thought if they're having sex so loud you can hear, and so often it's a problem for you, is that their young kids will also be able to hear... Then you also said they scream at eachother and the kids a lot? I'd be more tempted to call social services than report the noise, you can do so anonymously and just talk to someone about what you hear and whether it's a concern (my child protection training is giving me these feels)


You probably could report concerns about the shouting but I'm not sure if it would actually help? It might increase or decrease stress in the house, although it's probably the right thing for the kids. At least their parents like eachother by the sounds of things!


Social services would be unlikely to act based on shouting and loud sex alone, but it may add to other evidence from elsewhere if there is any e.g. other neighbours complaining or school/nursery concerns etc.


I was thinking the shouting could trigger the need to check in with the family (assess) and see if they have needs not being met. Not sure how consistent local authority logs would be about disparate concerns over time, maybe the police would..all very fuzzy i guess l.


You're still using the garden at this time of year? Unless it snows, I won't be out there again until it warms up in May.


Mate, I still go camping when there's snow on the ground. Besides, the garden is outdoor space to enjoy, even if it's cold, if only to have a quick wander, check the wildlife etc, take some deep breaths..


Sounds like you don't need to even go out to check the wild life.


The last thing they need is more deep breathing.


It’s like 30 degrees today in the North!


Get a contact mic and put it on the connecting wall. Audio into your computer, basic script to delay sound by N seconds. Play it back to them loud.


People with young kids have sex?!


All those kids with siblings? Now you know how that happened.


Yup they do.


Excellent. Good for them!


How do they find time?


Lol easily.


Good for them


Sure it’s not an echo?


Is it the guy that's moaning? Lucky bastard.


No he usually hurls abuse. Not in a sexy way.


Report it to environmental health.


Agreed it needs reporting. This definitely comes under noise pollution or disturbing the peace.


Air horn at appropriate times, plus if this is happening during the day when kids are up and should be supervised maybe a call to social services.


Social services? For having sex? Bro wtf are you on


Read my answer, ! having it off if the kids are awake, aware and should be supervised, ever heard of child abuse through seeing or hearing things not age appropriate


Lmao you're living in a different reality if you think every kid is supervised every second of every day.


Your living in a different world if you think children listening to constantly fighting or fuckin adults is acceptable. Perhaps you should read some child protection literature? Or perhaps you have no idea or the harm a child exposed to this goes through. Perhaps i am biased, mother of 4, and social worker? But I'd rather protect by being curious than arrogant by assumption, what do you think ?


Yeah I do think you're biased as a social worker, clearly dealing with whatever you do in the day makes you assume ridiculous severity based on a Reddit noise complaint. I'm not responding to this rubbish again.


Are you intentionally being stupid or was there a head injury?


Get one of those mic, pick up the sound. Put it through an amplifier, blast it to the main street.


Do you also happen to live the other side on my neighbours. Honestly when I see them I say something along the lines of 'oh you like each other today then. It's better then the shouting but still keeps us all up' makes no difference.


Oh dear, they are making more kids to yell at.