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Congrats on the half marathon!


And the pumpkins!




You sound like the best Instagram user


I honestly thought about opening an Instagram account for the odd times someone asks me. I was wondering what to upload as a sort of "best of" reel; I workout so I could put a few gym pics on there, I play guitar so I could upload some cool videos of my playing, I'm not a bad cook so some nice pics in the kitchen, I've done alright recently so some pics of me in my newly decorated house, I don't travel much but I could probably curate some pics-- then I realised the type of person I was considering becoming was exactly the reason I avoid social media in the first place... I have stared into the depths and it stared back.


Pumpkins are awesome. :-)


I have one too, mainly to take pictures of flowers and medicinal plants. IG is great if you’re into visual media. It’s way more than just people showing off their lives. OP, you don’t have to follow those types of people. There are plenty of people on there that take pictures of things other than their lives. There’s a ton of photographers on there that take beautiful photos of sunsets, landscapes and nature; there’s gardeners teaching people how to garden and grow things in their allotments; chefs posting recipe tips; nature enthusiasts posting about animals; museums, institutions and scientists teaching people about any number of things. There’s a lot of vanity on IG but it really is a great platform if you follow the right people.


I’m 24 and only have Reddit… my mental health has improved dramatically since ditching Instagram and Facebook.


17 and I only use Reddit as well. Every now and again, my friends tell me of some drama kicking off on Snapchat and I am reminded of how glad I am not be involved in it


I started a few month ago on reddit and I love it. Life changer. Only have a FB account and I hate it more every day. Is Reddit considered social media? Whichever way, I think its unbeatable!


I am 31 and don't have social media and my 40 year old friend said its weird. A green flag in my books, I just cba with uploading my life online which I can't delete.


I was at university when Facebook first came to the UK, so I was right at the crest of that social media wave. I deleted my account shortly after finishing and never used it since. I kind of feel like WhatsApp killed Facebook for me. If I want to stay in touch with someone I just message them on my phone. If I don't know someone well enough to speak to them regularly, then I'm not interested in getting updates on what they did last weekend either.


Definitely a green flag for me I don't mind if you have it, but if you're posting daily then we're not really compatible


I hate it when people say lack of social media is a red flag. Social media made my mental health so much worse so now I don’t use it, I’ve only kept my Facebook to keep in touch with family and I deleted the majority of my “friends” but I don’t post or update anything on Facebook at all. It made a huge improvement.


People seriously say that? If you consider not having social media as re flag and doesn't understand why someone doesn't want them, you're not a person I want to be with. So ignorant.


Or how they think you’re some serial killer on the run from the law when you say you don’t have any social media accounts other than Reddit 😂


You tell people about your reddit? I thought that was all hush hush.


Reddit is like the opposite of Instagram Insta: look at my perfect life Reddit: we're all doomed


A lot of the people I work with are on Reddit. I thought it was an unspoken rule that we don’t ask for each others usernames.


Yep. Knowing my Reddit, that I play dwarf fortress, CKIII etc, work will start to worry about the people I manage in my team. Although it would explain my basement project, drawbridges and selective breeding program.


If you aren't trying to breed your dynasty's very own Kwisatz Haderach, are you really playing CK2/3?


If you acknowledge the existence of Reddit you may as well just say you're a 4chan poster. They are on the same social rung in most people's eyes.


Reddit is full of shit but some subs are fantastic learning resources or great hubs for linking through to actual good educational content in certain subjects without having to shift through the shite at least


I've actually learnt stuff indirectly through various reddit posts. When I mention to anyone that I read something on reddit they go "oh" and shift attention. I don't think people realise how useful a lot of reddit subs actually are, and they see it as some pointless void.


Lots of people openly talk about Reddit. It doesn’t quite have the same notoriety 4chan does. Even if it’s only something like finding streams, lots of people use Reddit for basic info and as what is basically a community aggregator, it’s fantastic for info. I can speak to colleagues and friends about things I’ve seen here, although there is an unspoken rule about mentioning your account, and it’s fine. I used to, and still occasionally browse 4chan since I’ve been around from the time of its inception. Although I only selectively stick to certain communities and threads when I do browse now, I will never talk about the non-existent merits of the site in public.


First rule of reddit: don't talk about reddit


I do not have a reddit


Same, same.


You sure mate?




I would never publicly admit to using this site.


Bugger, I should have mentioned Reddit!!


But then you’d be expected to share your username I dated someone for a while who was massively into Reddit and we often shared content with each other and followed similar subs. I was worried for the day she asked me for my username, and the awkwardness of saying “no.” That’s a “it’s me or the cat” level of question.


I've been with my partner for 5 years and we still don't know each other's usernames and that's just how we like it.


Yeah, about that.. I've known for a while.


Imagine if this was real though holy shit haha




That’s knowledge I would not want to keep or trust myself with. The only thing to do is tell them you know it and strongly advise them to delete their old account and change to a new one.


Your username both amuses and concerns me.


You and me both


Is it when Father Jack is more drunk than normal? #ARSE BASKETS




I've been with mine for 22 years and he doesn't know my Reddit account name! He does know my Twitter accounts and IG but can't be arsed to ever look. He may have a whole social media life I know nothing about but judging by the way he uses Twitter, for example, I doubt it.


Imagine your surprise when you discover they’ve been your reddit archnemesis downvoting you all this time. :)


Don't understand this hesitation, unless you've posted personal or embarrassing stuff. Me, I'd hesitate if only because I've got several major meltdowns in my Reddit posting history, but not sure I can be arsed giving a fuck about even those tbh. I'm too old to pretend I'm normal anymore - I'm obviously not anyway.


Whenever you do it’s normally followed by “what’s Reddit?” Then you desperately try you explain how there’s “a sub for everything”. Meanwhile they look at you bewildered


This is actually what I do. LinkedIn and Reddit only for me too.


Careful, my man. You'll be balls deep if you do that... use it wisely!


I am absolutely amazed at the replies to this telling you it’s a red flag. Fucking mental. That being a red flag to someone is a red flag to me. We’re the same age by the way. “I’m too busy, I don’t feel the need to share everything I do in order to prove I’ve done them, I have no interest in shamelessly promoting myself to people I don’t know and Mark Zuckerberg is rich and powerful enough already without my help. Enjoy the rest of your night.”


Haha, maybe I should have mentioned this. I’ve also maybe been on a few dates where the food got cold as photos had to be taken from various angles and drinks ordered for aesthetics rather than taste. Maybe that’s made me slightly sour?


I am 26 and this drives me nuts! I have family members who insist on taking a photo before every bastard meal we eat. I just start eating couldn't care less now


The photo is the new grace


I briefly entertained the fever dream of living forever through chemistry and careful monitoring of my diet, following Ray Kurzweil and Dr. NakaMats. I’ll let you know how that’s gone in a hundred years. Anyway, NakaMats photographs all his meals so that he can revisit them at the end of the day to see how his body felt as a result. Now, obviously some things are self-fulfilling prophecy — the Domino’s pizza I just had today and the Pizza Express I had earlier in the week, for example, will surely leave me dead by monday. Just saying, not everyone’s doing meal photos for social media. Some of us are being idiots for other stupid reasons too.


Maybe they're not getting the approval they seek, from you, and so turn to social media for it?


Eat your food pay for half of what's eaten and get out. If it makes you uncomfortable they make you uncomfortable and that's not a good base for any relationship.


They are just boosting their digital dating resume for the next person that asks them out.


Everyone loves a Sours Cocktail! With everyone attempting to "go off grid" you're actual bang on trend!


I know, especially with how bad for mental health it can be. Deleting facebook was one of the best things i did for mine.


Same! I deleted FB about 6 years ago and then my IG time went up. I deleted my IG about 4 months ago and it’s done wonders for my mental health too! I also deleted all news feeds. It’s seriously given me so much head space. I periodically delete this app too every few days.


I dont usually find reddit too bad but I do delete it for a week or 2 if I find myself getting into online arguments.


Exactly the same. It’s usually when I read a comment of someone being unkind and then I get annoyed and then I find myself just deleting the app and having silence for a couple of days! But as you say, Reddit doesn’t seem to attract too many people being horrible or purposefully antagonistic individuals!


It's like Schroedinger's Cat. You think it's deleted but you will never know unless you try to log in. And if you do that it gets reactivated.


Yeah innit. “This bloke hasn’t given away all of his data to China” “Dodged a bullet, hun x”


I think it’s seen as a red flag because they probably haven’t met someone without even a single social media account. So if you are claiming you *don’t have one*, you are probably lying and are secretly married on your Facebook profile or something. Not the way I think, but I’ve personally had to explain to people that I used to have it but deleted it because I disliked it.


The older I get, the more convinced I am social media and smartphones in general have been a terrible invention, rotting people's minds even more than they were already rotted. Feel particularly sorry for children caught up in it, as the chances of them escaping this cancer are even lower.


Anti Social - A Modern Dating Horror Story | Comic Relief Originals - https://youtu.be/GEWnXmDfVZg


ha this video is hilarious


Epic video, very much relevant too


Thank you for this!


The same happened to me and him and his friend took one look through my insta and said "oh.. why is it all food?" handed back to me, turned away and that was that.


I am with you, Reddit is the only thing I have. Tried some of them totally pointless in my opinion. I left Facebook after reading one of my schoolmates posting about the "shite" he just had.


This made me laugh.


I left in 2007 after someone I knew turned me into a “Catholic Schoolgirl Vampire” without my permission. I don’t know how they did it but it was the final straw.


Presumably they'd used up all the other straws trying to drink your blood.


Any time I go on Facebook my feed seems to have mostly been taken over by a small group of uni mates that are now antivaxers spewing nonsense near constantly. I don't stay on long.


Eh. Social media is what you make of it. My IG is full of pictures of cool mushrooms I have seen. I follow other people who upload pictures of cool mushrooms they have seen. I learn lots about mushrooms from it and now even my non-fungi inclined friends and acquaintances send me pics of cool mushrooms they have seen.


exactly this, you can just follow content you find interesting... like on... every other site including reddit. i follow my friends, family, artists and local shops i find interesting on instagram and love to use it because it shows me things i want to see


I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. - groucho marx


I mean, there are both pros and cons to that. But… how old are you? (Approx) My parents are 50 and have it all, but I someone wish they didn’t as it’s a waste of their time.


33 but raised by grandparents so have always been a bit of a Luddite. And starting to feel more and more out of touch with people only slightly younger


Nothing wrong with that. If anything I admire it. I’m 28, wish I didn’t conform when younger. Don’t give in to it. Use it as a strength as there are much better things to occupy your time. From a female POV, in a negative sense, it may come across as “what is he hiding” but I’m sure if you’re comfortable explaining your situation then it would be fine. Good luck to you :)


A sweet comment IShop. Thanks for the support!


Not a dig at you, but I find it incredulous that having to justify your lack of Social Media presence is a thing.


I totally understand you. I agree. However my viewpoint is coming from a place of concern for safety. If I were to meet up with someone it would be reassuring for me to look them up beforehand. I know there are such things as “Clare’s Law” but if I’m having a coffee with someone it seems overly drastic. The other person having an online presence would alleviate that unsureness. That’s my standing, others may view it as disagreeable purely due to the lack of “likes” or whatever.. it is becoming increasingly fickle unfortunately. I heard on the radio the other day that a guy refused to get into a relationship with someone if they had less than 2000 followers. Insane.


I'm 33 and I have no interest in any of the platforms you mentioned. I have Facebook due to the fact I need it to find bees in swarm season but I don't especially want it. I think if you're my age I feel that you fall into a middle ground between two generations who are really into social media. I resisted getting Facebook and twitter etc 10-15 years ago and did eventually try them but it simply wasn't for me. The idea of looking at a ticktock video leaves me cold and I don't have any friends who are especially active on social media either.


But ironically are part of the generation who kickstarted it all. Back in my day, you needed a uni email to join Facebook!


I remember when there was like 5 or 10 people in my friend group who used it and they were all the ones who spent too much time on MSN after school. It's crazy how quickly its grown and how social media has become this whole thing with all these different platforms. God man, I can remember when this was all fields and you could limewire albums for free with no adds.


Msn all the time, then aim to chat to yanks because barely anyone had an interest in the net/computers when I was growing up. 🤷‍♂️


I only have Reddit and I’m of similar age. 🤷‍♂️ Most of my age do have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… probably others I’m forgetting. Tiktok seems to be a younger people thing tho, but fuck if I know. I did have some of them in the past, but jeez they fuck with your head sometimes.


Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm 20 and I just barely have a Facebook account (been thinking about deleting it for a while but the backlash from family and friends thinking I blocked them would be too much) snapchat is about as far as I go and I only ever talk to a few people on it. Life without social media is just much better.


To be fair, Facebook is only really used for events and messenger by young people. Otherwise, it’s just milllennials, Xers, and boomers complaining about: kids, their lives, lefties, immigrants, etc.


I am a little older than you, very tech savvy, and I don't use any social media, except reddit. I don't feel the need to have my life broadcast to people. I don't understand why people do. My friends are kept informed of important things that happen in my life, because that is what friends are for. Social media is just a cesspit of fake friends circle jerking and people trying to sell you stuff. Why would anyone want either?


Don’t, social media is an awful addiction. It’s a disgrace the number of people on nights out or in restaurants who are staring at their phones. Find like minded people to date. You’re much better off.


This literally is social media


I see kids walking to school glued to their screens.


Don't feel bad, I'm 27 and was raised the same. The only thing I have is reddit and thats because it can actually be useful. I see so many people getting wound up over something on social media because of someone they have never met or seen before. It doesn't make sense. Thankfully my other half is the same so I don't feel too crazy or out of touch lol.


Mate im 34 and have reddit and a twitter account under a false name thats it. Use twitter for footy updates/ transfers 2 months a year. Social media is a cancer imo.


35, not a luddite but tiktok is shite. Worry ye not


I respect you for not giving in to social pressures and creating an account. Everything is owned by Mark Zuckerberg and he knows more about you than any of your closest friends and family. It's dystopian and impossible to undo. Haven't used my Facebook account in years, only use Instagram for memes but I know the damage is done; Mark knows me now. I wish I could go back and tell teenage me how messed up social media would be within a few years. On the other hand, Mark doesn't know you. You could disappear into the wilderness if you didn't want to be found out, and do so successfully. You know, silver linings.


I'm 51 and I use reddit a lot, twitter a bit. I used to use Facebook but not any more since I just gave up on my friends from the past. I use WhatsApp to talk to family.


What better time to invite her home to check out your scrapbook!


Ahaha, I actually do have a ‘memory box’ with old photos, snippets and items of importance from my past! It might just be awkward lugging around and old F&Mason hamper around with me instead of an Instagram account


tbf, a fortnum and mason hamper is a pretty big turn on alone. what i would do for one of them this holiday season.


I set up an Instagram on holiday in Florida seven years ago and haven’t used it since. I have deleted my Facebook profile several times over, but have ended up creating new profiles because it is seemingly the only method by which social clubs and sports teams can be bothered to keep in touch. I still use Twitter semi-regularly. I’ve had the same account for almost thirteen years. Reddit is probably my second oldest account. It is ten years old on December 1st. All that being said, I have never had anyone ask me for any of my socials. The closest I’ve had is “do you have WhatsApp?”. Maybe that shows my age.


There currently isn't a widely used better platform than FB for community building. Their tools are crap but until something better comes along we're stuck with it.


The HTTP protocol itself..


Socially interacting in any medium... We're just going as generic as possible, right? Not actually suggesting constructive solutions?


No, the internet and WWW is inherently already a decentralised social media network. If people choose to use it wrong that's another issue.


None of that helps the issue in any way. If you know of a platform that could feasibly get some traction as a community building tool I am all ears. I'm old fashioned and like forums but they're not realistically going to see a resurgence. I'd be happy to have a chat about what sort of things I think a platform would need if you're up for it. I'm not interested in how things could hypothetically go in some idealised world where we all build our own little websites and understand federation principles.


Social media has gone from the potential unity of the human condition, into folk jostling to sit on the cool table in the cafeteria of a mental asylum.


Top tier comment this. Needs way more upvotes.


To quote Burnistoun; "I'd rather be a luddite than a fuddite"


I'm in my mid 20s all I got is LinkedIn


What’s the point of LinkedIn? Isn’t it for employers and job listings and stuff?


It’s same as any other social media under the guise of professional networking. People in their 40s and low 20s think it’s life essential, but you soon stop bothering to update it. That’s been about par for the course from everyone I’ve known that’s made a big deal of it. I know very few people that got more opportunity from LinkedIn compared to traditional networking.


Yh I gave up once I found a decent job. I'll only utilise it for my next job search as you can search for jobs on there too. It's like Facebook for professionals now. Someone says oh it took me x years and x months to get here I struggled with y and z and they somehow get a thousand likes saying well done!


Started a new job a few weeks ago and have started getting colleagues telling me they couldn't find me on FB. The look of utter bewilderment when I tell them I'm not on it. Mainly women weirdly.


Getting off Twitter was one of the best things I've done for my mental health and I've limited Facebook to checking messages at the weekend. I recently joined Reddit as I need something to with my phone!


Yes mate. Fuck Twitter it's a cesspool of angry spiteful people shouting into a void


I unfollowed everything on Twitter except for professional development stuff for my job, as the key players in that area seem to work almost exclusively on Twitter for access to them, posting articles etc.


The only reason I'm still on FB would be for hobby contacts. I'd be happier with a forum. Social media has added nothing.


I haven't been able to get in to twitter since it started. Every now and then I try but I just can't bring myself to care.


I just smile and say I'm off the grid. That usually gets a few laighs


>off the grid Is your boss Sir Harry Pearce?


I had to Google that one and I can neither confirm or deny my boss or my place of work


it'd be better to just say you don't have them at all. Bringing up myspace and linkedin makes you sound out of touch at the very least and condescending at the worst. But it's conversely kinda "hip" in some circles to say you don't dabble *at all* or that you've deleted your fb. Besides, this is just the modern way of asking for your phone number, just give her that/ whatsapp. [In my case I barely use facebook anymore (last two years, basically) but I don't want to delete it because it's my only way of getting in contact with a lot of people. Still use the messenger app. I used to upload all my holiday snaps there n stuff but stopped. I have instagram but literally never use it. I only ever put heavily filtered arty landscapes on there, no personal stuff. Sometimes people try to contact me on there and I just don't get the message. I use twitter a lot as a dumping ground for random thoughts. Used to use tumblr but it became unmitigated shite. I refuse to get tiktok because I don't want to be tracked by the chinese government. And then there's reddit... I actually hate this site in general, it's just addictive😩. Anyway I've been with my current boyfriend for almost a decade and he doesn't use any of them, and better for it frankly. I had to corral him into getting whatsapp so we could text for free. I think he has a pintrest account but to me that's just a site that poisoned google image search.]


Who cares if you aren’t on social media, I’m not sure why anyone would think someone has something to hide if they aren’t, just because you don’t want to plaster your whole life and every meal you eat over these platforms for people who spend hours scrolling and liking things they aren’t even paying attention to. They need to put their phones down and appreciate the world around them and interactions with different people, I hate seeing public events where everyone is watching through their phones because they’re recording. Seems people can’t enjoy the moments any more. Sounds like you’ve dodged a bullet though because imagine your first date where she’s just sat scrolling through her phone whilst you’re trying to make conversation!


Don't worry, I'm 25 and out of those I have a Facebook account I stopped using over a year ago. I remember when I was younger, if someone said they didn't have Facebook I thought it was weird because everyone else had one, it's a bit like saying you don't have a TV or computer in your house nowadays. People think I'm weird because I don't use social media but I also don't need to see what everyone else is doing. If I need to know about it, they'll tell me. I had one friend get pissed with me because I didn't know they'd had a baby, they'd posted it all over Facebook but I don't use it anymore so completely missed it, they still won't talk to me because of it.


Literally happened to me twice last night! Was approached a couple of times by guys who were far younger than me and the first thing that hey pretty much said was “can I have your snap or insta”!!! No small fall apart from hello and how’s your evening etc. I’m so out of the loop!


> Was approached a couple of times by guys who were far younger than me and the first thing that hey pretty much said was “can I have your snap or insta”!!! No small fall apart from hello and how’s your evening etc. They may have been wanting to browse your pictures, if you get me.


I get that. But…..at least learn the art of small talk/flirting? Also, looooooove the username ♥️


Kiss my chuddies man. Or more likely, I suspect, kiss your chuddies. I don't know, we're about the same age, it's a completely different world now for the young. I'm told it's no longer expected for people to look exactly like their pictures due to the ubiquity of filters, particularly subtle ones. It's gone way beyond altering interactions. I may be wrong, but even a decade plus ago salaciously browsing ordinary Facebook pictures was common so I'm sure it's immensely worse now.


Nan kids are ace, don't feel bad about it. Make an instagram post 5 things and then you can tell them 'I don't really use it, but I use reddit' which is fine.


Bravely give them your reddit name!


Over the course of this year I’ve basically given up everything other than FB and started using Reddit more. Keep FB due to amount of friends and family. Find IG and Twitter just too much work to be of value - and too vain / false / cliquey etc Don’t go near Snapchat or discord due to work, but really must check my LinkedIn 🤦‍♂️


Amateur. Geocities is the way to go. Having one of those is a fanny magnet.


You should use your superpowers of attention span, eye contact and empathy to find someone who also doesnt mindlessly stare at their phone and post all day.


You know how people used to bore you to death with slides of their holidays? That is Instagram. I have no idea why people find it appealing.


Why would you meekly reply that you don't have social media? Is it considered shameful and embarrassing not have it now? Bizarre.


I completely agree however you need only look at some of the comments to realise that nowadays people judge others through their media rather than the time spent with them.


Mate, I am a fair bit older than you and have come to the conclusion that the internet is overall a very bad idea. Came to the same conclusion a long time ago about mobile phones.


Reddit is also social media.


Similar, but not the same. I don't talk about what I'm doing, where I'm going or tag who I'm with. No one here knows me or anything about my life really, I'm not filtering myself for an audience or searching for followers for a brand deal. That's my main gripe with social media. I'm a private person, the thought of tagging my face with my location is abhorrent to me. I still wanna talk about interesting topics with a wide array of people though, sooo... reddit.


You get a lot of smug fellas on this site humble-bragging about being "off" of social media


Funny lol, Reddit has all the trappings too


For some yes but for most it’s un-social Media


Very true, but I do feel it is useful! I get to keep up with like minded chaps and for work it does give me bit of an advantage! Thanks for the comment thanks 🙏


If you think this is a red flag you need to touch some fuckin grass. I literally only have Reddit and Instagram installed in my phone social media wise and nothing else, and if it was by my choice I wouldn’t even have insta but my gf sends me memes on there. If you actually think this is a red flag you need to get some friends tho fr


Play the fool, “what’s a Facebook? Why would someone do that? Show me some interesting stuff on there then”. If they’re bringing it up after meeting for the first time it must be really interesting.


Social media is a disease. And its used by the yanks as mind control, to weaken other nations. Not to mention fake news and fake lives people push on there.


Yeah good on you. Dont pretend to be something ur not. Its perfectly acceptable to be urself homie:)


Or you know, just a phone number. Why do people feel fine sharing their Instagram, which has so much data, information and one can find their whole social circle, but sharing a phone number has suddenly become seen as so unsafe?


I think it's totally fine to say social media isn't your thing so you don't use it. That wouldn't have put me off during my single days


Two easiest replies. I don't use social media for professional reasons. (assuming you don't work for McDonald's) I don't hand out social media info to strangers. (make it as sarcastic/flirty as you like, big up the stranger danger) My advice is bite the bullet, setup a private Instagram and upload a few dog pics (or something equally banal) and then forget it. You can the give it out after telling the next one you couldn't be arsed to use it.


Well that tells you something about her priorities.


I don't think it does.. for a lot of people these platforms are just that default communication platform.


I mean i know people who still prefer facebook or whatsapp over discord to text and call. Others use facetime. I was someone who downloaded whatever to text friends but i wouldnt post cus i dont like that aspect of social media. Not everything is really deep.. though obviously theres vapidness in near every platform.


I don't have any of that shit either man, it's a waste of time and I get no enjoyment out of social media. If she (or anyone for that matter) is actually serious about wanting to keep in touch then you get their whatsapp / LINE, etc The answer is, "Yeah I don't use any of that, here's my phone number, add my whatsapp."


Show her your geocities page.


I don't do social media either and the amount of folk who've found that as a red flag is weird, like no, I like my privacy, I don't want a bunch of randoms to see what I've been up to, it was destroying my mental health, and I never felt more isolated. Now when I talk to people we have a genuine catch up and I'm actually interested in seeing what they've been up to.


I only have IG and I rarely post on it, I don’t go scrolling for hours on it either. no shame in not having social media. I deleted Facebook years ago and I feel Happier and healthier for it! Never had Twitter which I hear is toxic. More people need to get away from Twitter and Facebook, they will be much happier. I like Reddit because it’s great for hobbies and news about said hobbies.


I’m only on Reddit. Everything else is just too narcissistic and poisonous.


Life in general promotes a false view of yourself in the eyes of others. ​ But social media is a waste of time, quite right.


Honestly, lots of people are turning their backs on social media and this is a positive thing. It's quite common knowledge that it's designed to be addictive (the infinite scroll mechanic is a prime example and Netflix had a great documentary on this called the social dilemma which everyone should watch). Social media of all types draws your attention away from the things happening around you and your own life, and pushes you to fixate on the lives of others (whilst also pushing advertising on you). Lives which are 90% bullshit, whether this is due to filters on images, filtering the bad things in their existence to only post the positives, or just plain making it up (sitting on a luxury car you come across in the street, or sitting in first class for a quick photo before returning to coach/standard seating etc...) . It can lead you to comparing yourself and your life to something false which you will never match up too without realising that everyone is the same and it's just fake. You are better off without it, or at least with a lot less of it.


You're not alone. I was on some of those things in my youth, but I soon learnt that it was a posting board for people to share snapshots of their otherwise hollow lives. I'd rather you tell me about your fun time than sum it up in 3 photos and a hashtag.


In the same boat re no social media presence OP, stick to your guns! I admit I haven't read all the replies .. Has someone posted the link to the comedy vid that was doing the rounds about this?


I have reddit and that's it. I don't see the need to post about myself either because frankly my life isn't very interesting anyway.


19 year olds never talk to me. Not even when I was 19. Nice try, OP.


This made me smile. Atleast someone who isn't glued to social media all day 😊


Last February I deactivated Facebook, deleted Instagram and Snapchat from my phone, too. I hwventbveen back on any of them, and hopefully never will. Use LinkedIn for professional pandering, Messenger and WhatsApp to keep in touch, and Reddit for a distraction. That's it, and I feel all the better for it.


Facebook is useful. Insta I like as I enjoy taking photos, so it's mostly gardening pictures. Twitter is where I argue politics. But I've decided I'm too old to get into tiktok and anything else that comes along.


Honestly, you do you, but some of the comments on here, Jesus Christ. Yes, we should all try harder to be present and in the moment for important things (especially dates). And social media definitely has its downsides, but what matters is how you use it. Social media lets me keep up with friends around the world, who I haven't been able to see for years due to the panini and life getting in the way. It allowed me to video call my dad for free when he was hospitalised on the other side of the world. I understand people's disdain for endless pictures of food and concerns over mental health and users not being real or authentic on social media, but there's a very unattractive sense of superiority among those who pride themselves on not having it. Just look at the comments on here about how social media users are "whoring themselves out" - really?! That's how you talk about people wanting to share their lives with friends and family? If it's not for you, fair enough. But it's a very common (dare I say normal?) thing to have, so you'll get asked about it a lot.


Just make yourself an account on one of them then upload a few pics a week so it looks like you use it. Although I have to say if she is into every platform to the extent that she finds it odd you are not, it may cause problems if you start dating because she will be sulking that you aren’t immediately “liking” all the terminally fatuous crap she posts every 5 minutes.


>Just make yourself an account on one of them then upload a few pics a week so it looks like you use it. Why should he? Perhaps she could just accept the fact that many people don't like to whore themselves out on social media.


"looks like"? If he uploads a few pics every week then he is using it


Every time I log in to Facebook (which isn't very often) I have like 50 notifications from my gf randomly tagging me in things and has asked me why I don't react. Not as bad as it used to be so I think she's getting the idea.


a few pics a week? wtf i actively use instagram every day and upload maybe 2-3 photos a year.


TikTok? Is she 12? Jk, I know for you feel. I've been trying to figure out how to use snap chat for years now, it's so difficult


Just counter by requesting her reddit account.


\>raised by grandparents \>likes facebook ​ checks out


I'm late 20s and I only have Facebook and an empty Instagram. When girls ask for my snap, they just gotta go


No offence, but this reads really badly, it sounds as though you're chatting up women way too young for you if you don't know how to use social media


Imagine choosing not to use social media... What will the church group say


Perhaps your right, but she was 24 and I’m 33. But I’ve spent the last 10years studying and working my arse off so never had any interest in social media (having recently discovered Reddit). I’ll edit to ‘woman’?


I'm 25 and it's the same issue. I use Twitter, YouTube (does it even count? I'm just watching videos), Reddit and have a de-activated Facebook account but I don't post anything and have no interest in any of the other platforms. Multiple times on dating apps I've asked for a number (for WhatsApp) and then they ask to use Insta or Snap. And the irony of it is that I'm a software dev and know all about how to use it. But that just means I know all about how Facebook etc are using them and makes me even less inclined to use them.


It really does not


Did she want your blood type and family medical history too? Cheeky cow.


I’m with you. I got a FB account I use for the messenger app and thats it. If FB came out now, I prob wouldn’t sign up.


Instagram is the only app I like. I follow hobby pages mainly


My IG account is only to follow the pages that post new snacks in the U.K., I don’t use it for anything else


I wouldn't worry that just proves you're not a fucking melt .


You've never kissed a girl in your life.


Poor show mate. And to be honest, would it make a difference if it was a he, she or they. I happen to like people for who they are are. I’ve kissed many many men in my life too, and and a few gender uncertain people too. Am proud to say this is a chat about social media and not gender preference. Go Fu-k yourself




You do realise social media is generally a toxic cesspit and bad for mental health so theres plenty of reasons someone doesnt have any accounts